Sakura Workshop: Torsion of Abelian Schemes and Rational Points on Moduli Spaces
January, 25th, 2010 - January, 29th, 2010
Salle de Conférences
I.M.B. - Université de Bordeaux 1
351, Cours de la Libération
The topic of the workshop is the arithmetic properties of curves and abelian varieties with a special emphasis on the variation of such properties in families. This workshop also aims at reinforcing collaborations between European and Japanese researchers in arithmetic geometry.
Anna Cadoret.
Akio Tamagawa.
New ! Schedule.
Morning Lectures
Yuri Bilu (Univ. Bordeaux 1) and Pierre Parent (Univ. Bordeaux 1) Title and abstract;
Anna Cadoret (Univ. Bordeaux 1) and Akio Tamagawa (R.I.M.S.) Title and abstract (Slides - 1, Slides - 2);
Marc Hindry (Univ. Paris 7) and Amilcar Pacheco (Univ. Fed. Rio do Janeiro) Title and abstract.
Afternoon research talks:
Keisuke Arai (Tokyo Univ.) Title and abstract;
Pierre Debes (Univ. Lille 1) Title and abstract;
Bas Edixhoven (Leiden Univ.) Title and abstract;
Michel Emsalem (Univ. Lille 1) Title and abstract;
Toshiro Hiranouchi (Hiroshima Univ.) Title and abstract (Slides);
Yuichiro Hoshi (R.I.M.S.) Title and abstract;
Isamu Iwanari (Kyoto Univ.) Title and abstract;
Minhyong Kim (U.C. London) Title and abstract (Slides);
Makoto Matsumoto (Hiroshima Univ.) Title and abstract (Slides);
Atsushi Moriwaki (Kyoto Univ.) Title and abstract;
Fabien Pazuki (Univ. Bordeaux 1) Title and abstract;
Richard Pink* (E.T.H. Zurich);
Matthieu Romagny (Univ. Paris 6) Title and abstract;
Andrei Yafaev (U.C. London) Title and abstract;
Kazuhiko Yamaki (Kyoto Univ.) Title and abstract;
*: to be confirmed.
Practical information:
- Direction ;
- The workshop party will be held on wednesday evening from 20:00 at Castelterrefort - building A13 on the campus map;
- Hotels;
- Restaurants:
-- Near the I.M.B.(Talence)
-- In downtown Bordeaux.
List of participants.
A few photos taken by Qing Liu.
This workshop is supported by:
- P.H.C. Sakura;
- J.S.P.S. Core-to-core program: "New Developments of Arithmetic Geometry, Motives, Galois Theory, and their Practical Applications";
- Kyoto University Mathematics global C.O.E. program: "Fostering top leaders in mathematics - broadening the core and exploring new grounds";
- Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows: 21•1443;
- Marie Curie Actions FP6 Research and training network: "Galois theory and explicit methods";
- Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux;
- B.Q.R. "Géométrie Tropicale";
- A2X;
- Groupement de Recherche Réseau de Théorie des Nombres;
- Université de Bordeaux 1.