le 13 septembre 2022 à 10:00
SIDH/SIKE was a post quantum key exchange mechanism based on isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves which was recently selected in July 5 2022 by NIST to advance to the fourth round of the PQC competition. It was soon after broken during the summer in a series of three papers by Castryck-Decru, Maino-Martindale and myself.
The attacks all use the extra information on the torsion points used for the key exchange. We first review Petit's dimension 1 torsion point attack from 2017 which could only apply to unbalanced parameters. Then we explain how the dimension 2 attacks of Maino-Martindale and especially Castryck-Decru could break in
heuristic (but in practice very effective) polynomial time
some parameters, including the NIST submission where the starting curve
has explicit endomorphism
Finally we explain how by going to dimension 8, we could break in
proven quasi-linear time
all parameters for SIKE.
We will explain how the SIDH protocol worked at the beginning of the talk. We will see that the attack ultimately relies on a very simple 2x2 matrix computation! There will also be (hopefully) fun memes during the talk!