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Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres

Intersecting a variety with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups

Philipp Habegger

( Bale )

Salle de Conférences

le 04 novembre 2005 à 14:30

Let X be a subvariety of the n-dimensional algebraic torus. We study the set of algebraic points of X which, in a certain sense, “lie close” to an algebraic subgroup of dimension m. If m dim X < n we show that the set of these points has bounded height after removing from X a purely geometrically defined Zariski closed subset. The boundedness of height extends a result of Bombieri, Masser, and Zannier in the case r=1 and of Zannier in the case r=n-1. We also discuss a finiteness result for the points described above which depends on a recent result of Amoroso and David on lower bounds of heights of subvarieties of the torus.