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Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres

Height of toric varieties

Martin Sombra

Salle de Conférences

le 24 octobre 2008 à 14:00

A complete toric variety XX of dimension nn is determined by a lattice NN and a complete integral fan Σ\Sigma in NRN_R. This variety has a model over the integers and is equipped with the action of a torus TT. An equivariant ample line bundle LL on XX determines an integral polytope PP in the dual space NRN_R^\vee. Plenty of algebro-geometric properties of the pair (X,L)(X,L) can easily be read off from the polytope PP. The exponential map determines a parametrization of the open orbit X0X_0 by NCN_C. Assume that LL is equipped with a positive Hermitian metric that is equivariant under the action of the compact torus. Then, minus the logarithm of the norm of a section of LL, determines a strictly convex function ff on NRN_R. The stability set of this function turns out to be the polytope PP and the Legendre dual g=fg = f^\vee is a strictly convex function on PP. This function gg is the symplectic potential in the Guillemin-Abreu theory. We prove that the height of XX with respect to the metrized line bundle LL is given by (n+1)!(n + 1)! times the integral of ?g?g with respect to the normalized Haar measure of NRN_R^\vee. This is the arithmetic analogue of the expression of the degree of a toric variety as n!n! times the volume of the polytope. We expect that many other Arakelov geometric properties of XX can be read from the function g. This is a report on joint work with J.I. Burgos (Barcelone) and P. Philippon (Paris).