Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres
Couplages optimaux sur variétés abéliennes via les fonctions thêta..
Damien Robert
( INRIA Bordeaux )Salle de Conférences
le 30 septembre 2011 à 14:00
In english : The use of pairings in cryptology has allowed to implement powerful protocols like Identity Based Encryption in an efficient way. To date, the only cryptographically secure known pairings come from Abelian Varieties. Miller's algorithm allows to compute pairings efficiently on Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves. In a paper with David Lubicz, we described an algorithm using theta functions to compute the Weil and Tate pairing on any abelian variety.
Since theta coordinates are faster than Mumford coordinates for hyperelliptic of genus 2 curves, this algorithm is particularly interesting in this case. However for cryptographic applications of pairings, one can use faster pairings derived from the Tate pairing (optimal ate). In this talk, we will describe our pairing algorithm, and how we can adapt it to the case of the ate and optimal ate pairing.