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Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres

On the square root of the inverse different

Werner Bley

Salle de Conférences

le 15 février 2019 à 14:00

Let L/KL/K be an odd degree Galois extension of number fields and set G:=Gal(L/K)G := \mathrm{Gal}(L/K). Let AL/KA_{L/K} denote the square root of the inverse different. By a result of Erez AL/KA_{L/K} is projective as a ZGZG-module if and only if L/KL/K is at most weakly ramified, i.e., for each ramified prime the second ramification subgroup (in lower numbering) is trivial. For such a weakly ramified odd degree Galois extension we define and study a canonical invariant in the relative algebraic KK-group K0(ZG,QG)K_0(ZG, QG) which projects to the class of AL/KA_{L/K} in K0(ZG)K_0(ZG). Our results shed new light on a conjecture of Vinatier which predicts that AL/KA_{L/K} is always a free ZGZG-module. This is joint work with David Burns and Carl Hahn.