González-Rodríguez B., Froger A., Jabali O., Naoum-Sawaya J. (2024). A Continuous Approximation Model for the Electric Vehicle Fleet Sizing Problem. Mathematical Programming. In press. DOI: 10.1007/s10107-024-02141-9 Download from HALDownload data
Froger A., Sadykov R. (2023). New exact and heuristic algorithms to solve the prize-collecting job sequencing problem with one common and multiple secondary resources. European Journal of Operational Research, 306(1):65-82. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2022.07.012 Download from HALDownload dataDownload results
Kullman N., Froger A., Goodson, J., and Mendoza J.E. (2021). frvcpy: An Open-Source Solver for the Fixed Route Vehicle Charging Problem. INFORMS Journal On Computing, 33(4):1277-1283. DOI: 10.1287/ijoc.2020.1035 Download from HALfrvcpy Python package
Froger A., Gendreau M., Mendoza J.E., Pinson E., and Rousseau L-M. (2018). Solving a wind turbine maintenance scheduling problem. Journal of Scheduling, 21(1):53-76. DOI: 10.1007/s10951-017-0513-5 Download from HALDownload data
Froger A., Gendreau M., Mendoza J.E., Pinson E., and Rousseau L-M. (2017). A branch-and-check approach to solve a wind turbine maintenance scheduling problem. Computers & Operations Research, 88:117-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2017.07.001 Download from HALDownload data
Froger A., Gendreau M., Mendoza J.E., Pinson E., and Rousseau L-M. (2016). Maintenance scheduling in the electricity industry: A literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(3):695-706. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.08.045 Download from HAL
Research reports
Blanchot X., Clautiaux F., Froger A., Ruiz M. (2023). Modeling and solving a stochastic generation and transmission expansion planning problem with a “Loss Of Load Expectation” reliability criterion. hal-03957750v2.
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Conferences and workshops (selection)
Blanchot X., Clautiaux F., Froger A., Ruiz M. (2022, June). A bilevel formulation for a reliable stochastic network expansion problem facing unavoidable unmet demands. International Network Optimization Conference, Aachen (Germany).
Blanchot X., Clautiaux F., Froger A., Ruiz M. (2022, February). Une formulation bi-niveaux pour un problème d'expansion de réseau stochastique avec contrainte de fiabilité. ROADEF - 21ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d’aide à la décision , Lyon (France).
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Blanchot X., Clautiaux F., Detienne B., Froger A., Ruiz M. (2020, February). An enhanced multicut stochastic Benders decomposition algorithm for network design problem. ROADEF - 20ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d’aide à la décision , Montpellier (France).
Echeverri, L. C., Froger A., Mendoza, J. E., and Neron, E. (2019, June). Multi-period routing and battery charge scheduling for electric vehicles. Annual Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization (VeRoLog) , Seville (Spain).
Froger A., Mendoza J.E., Jabali O., and Laporte G. (2018, June). Modeling and solving the electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear charging functions and capacitated charging stations. Seventh international workshop on freight transportation and logistics (Odysseus) , Cagliari (Italy).
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Froger A., Mendoza J.E., Jabali O., and Laporte G. (2017, July). The electric vehicle routing problem with partial charge, nonlinear charging function, and capacitated charging stations. Annual Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization (VeRoLog) , Amsterdam (Netherlands).
Froger A., Gendreau M., Mendoza J.E., Pinson E., and Rousseau L-M. (2016, May). A branch-and-check approach to solve a wind turbine maintenance scheduling problem. 4th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2016) , Vietri-Sul-Mare (Italy).
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Froger A., Guyon O., Pinson E. (2015, March). A set packing approach for scheduling passenger train drivers: the French experience. 6th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailTokyo2015), Tokyo (Japan).
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PhD dissertation
Maintenance scheduling in the electricity industry: a particular focus on a problem rising in the onshore wind industry.
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