(avec E. Maghras, E. Mandridrake & M. Najim)
Recovering a signal through its averages,
Progress in Wavelet analysis and Applications,
Proceedings of the International Conference Wavelets and Applications,
Toulouse, France, June 1992, Y. Meyer & S. Roques (ed.),
Editions Frontières, Gif sur Yvette, 1993.

( avec C.H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, Z. Peter)
Comparison of numerical methods for the computation of energy spectra in 2D turbulence. I. Direct methods.
Sampling Theory Signal Image Processing 4 (2005), no. 2, 169-192.

( avec C.H. Bruneau, P. Fischer, Z. Peter)
Comparison of numerical methods for the computation of energy spectra in 2D turbulence. II. Adaptative algorithms.
Sampling Theory Signal Image Processing 4 (2005), no. 3, 271-280.


Théorie et analyse du Signal
(Cours et initiation pratique via MATLAB et SCILAB)
Editions Ellipses, Paris (272 pages)
Collection Universités, Mathématiques appliquées.
Décembre 1999

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(5/12/2000)    version pdf

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