Webpage for incoming students coming to Bordeaux
This page is hopefully helping you to find some modules.
1. Nomenclature
French people like ACRONYMS. They are always written in capital letters. Usually they are
created to be pounouncable words, and often existing ones (but with a different meaning) ...
so, for example ACRONYM could be an acronym meaning something different (but it does not).
More importantly: once you learn them all, they will be changed right away, to keep you confused :)
Anyways, there are some useful words.
Steps to get your learning agreement
- Find out which module you would follow if you stayed in your home university
- Look in both module lists below (step 2a and step 2b) for similar modules.
- Check the module content in step 3 to be sure.
- If you don't speak French, send me a mail to see what is taught in English.
- Setup a proposition with your local coordinator, using steps 2 & 3, and have it validated by your local coordinator
1. Nomenclature
French people like ACRONYMS. They are always written in capital letters. Usually they are
created to be pounouncable words, and often existing ones (but with a different meaning) ...
so, for example ACRONYM could be an acronym meaning something different (but it does not).
More importantly: once you learn them all, they will be changed right away, to keep you confused :)
Anyways, there are some useful words.
- "CM" = "cours magistral", means main lecture in amphitheatre.
- "TD" = "travaux dirigés", means problem sessions in smaller groups (generally by a different teacher than CM)
- "CI" = "cours intégré", means lecture / problem sessions are done in smaller groups, all is done by the same teacher.
- "UE" = "module / lecture" There is a name and a code UE (see list below)
- "fiche UE" = "content of a lecture / module" (see point 3 below)
First year: is called Licence 1 Semesters 1, 2 Second year is called Licence 2 Semesters 3, 4 Third year is called Licence 3 Semesters 5, 6 Forth year is called Master 1 Semesters 7, 8 Fith year is called Master 2 Semesters 9, 10 - Please realise: semester 2N+1 means: WINTER TERM (September-January), while semester 2N means SPRING TERM (February-May).
2a. Module list
We have two types of modules. The first, main list below is
for regular math students. It is generated by PHP scripts out of the "apogee" teaching catalogue. I try to correct errors in my copy of this database, but I cannot guarantee correctness.
However, if a lecture is not in this list, then
- either it is not taught by a math colleague,
- or the lecture name changed. The correct one is then the one in my list.
- or the lecture is a "database zombie" and does not exist (any more).
However, I can try to find a contact for you.
Since the "module content" is on a university website that I cannot control / deeplink : once you know the lecture
title / code, please go down to step 3 and look it up "by hand".
Language info: if you need english taught lectures, please write an email to make me check once more.
Database ages: APOGEE database snampshot: Sept 12, 2023. Teacher database is extracted at Sept 8,2023. Language database: Sept, 2023. It is almost impossible to treat and cross inconsistend databases automatically: if you miss information or detect errors, please tell me!
Semester | Code UE | French name | Language | ECTS | Responsible/Teacher |
1 | 4TPU103U | General Mathematics | CI : | 6 | Fanelli An |
1 | 4TOP101U | Grands domaines de l'optimisation | 3 | Pesneau Pi | |
1 | 4TPU123U | Introduction aux Sciences de Gestion et Sciences Cognitives | 6 | ||
1 | 4TPU155U | Mathematical tools | CM : TD : & | 6 | |
1 | 4TPU124U | Mathématiques approfondies | 6 | Doct02 Do | |
1 | 4TPU102U | Mathématiques générales | 6 | Ater02 At | |
1 | 4TPU101U | Outils mathématiques | 6 | Ater01 At | |
1 | 4TPU125U | Probabilités et Statistiques | 6 | Fredes Lu (?) | |
2 | 4TPU221U | Algèbre | 6 | Legrand Pi | |
2 | 4TPU207U | Algèbre linéaire 1 | 6 | Doct11 Do | |
2 | 4TPU210U | Analyse | 6 | Arnaiz Solorzano Vi | |
2 | 4TPU219U | Analyse appliquée | 6 | Burie Je | |
2 | 4TPU211U | Analysis | CM : TD : & | 6 | Doct12 Do |
2 | 4TPU223U | Bases biologiques du comportement / Systèmes sensoriels | 6 | ||
2 | 4TPU276U | Histoire et Méthodes des Sciences Cognitives | 6 | Faita Ainseba Fr (?) | |
2 | 4TOP201U | Initiation à l'ingénierie de l'optimisation | 3 | ||
2 | 4TPU224U | Introduction aux Sciences Economiques | 6 | Nefti Mi | |
2 | 4TPU208U | Linear Algebra 1 | CM : TD : & | 6 | Ater04 At |
2 | 4TPU212U | Mathématiques approfondies S2 | 6 | Ricotta Gu | |
2 | 4TPU213U | Mathématiques discrètes | 6 | Ater02 At | |
2 | 4TPU222U | Microéco 1 / Gestion comptable et fiscale de l'entreprise | 6 | ||
2 | 4TPU275U | Programmation et Applications | 6 | ||
2 | 4TIT201U | Projet CMI ISI de Statistiques | 3 | Bigot J? | |
2 | 4TPU218U | Projet Professionnel de l'étudiant | 1 | Chavent Ma | |
2 | 4TPU227U | Remédiation personnalisée Semestre 2 | 3 | Ainseba Be | |
2 | 4TCM201U | Stage en entreprise CMI ISI | 3 | Bigot J? | |
3 | 4TMQ307U | Algèbre bilinéaire et géométrie Bis | 6 | ||
3 | 4TTI302U | Algèbre linéaire 2 | 9 | Bachoc Ch | |
3 | 4TTI303U | Analyse 2 pour Math-Info | 3 | Doct13 Do | |
3 | 4TMQ305U | Assistant d'Education 1 | 3 | ||
3 | 4TMH306U | Fonctions de plusieurs variables et optimisation | 6 | ||
3 | 4TMQ312U | Introduction to Numerical Analysis | CM : TD : & | 6 | |
3 | 4TMQ301U | Introduction à l'analyse numérique | 6 | Ater01 At | |
3 | 4TTI307U | Linear Algebra 2 | CM : TD : & | 9 | Fanelli An |
3 | 4TMH316U | Probabilités (A) et statistique inférentielle (B) | 6 | Chavent Ma | |
3 | 4TMQ309U | Sequences and series of functions and the improper integral | CM : TD : & | 9 | Ouhabaz El |
3 | 4TOP301U | Stage découverte CMI OPTIM | 3 | ||
3 | 4TMQ306U | Structures algébriques 1 Bis | 9 | Tossici Da | |
3 | 4TMH317U | Séries et intégrales multiples | 6 | ||
3 | 4TMH319U | Techniques Comptables | 6 | Nefti Mi | |
3 | 4TMH318U | Techniques d'enquêtes | 3 | Chavent Ma | |
4 | 4TMH417U | Algèbre 2 (A) et espaces euclidiens (B) | 6 | ||
4 | 4TMQ405U | Algèbre bilinéaire et géométrie | 6 | Furter Je | |
4 | 4TTI401U | Analyse 3 pour Math-Info | 3 | Arnaiz Solorzano Vi | |
4 | 4TMQ411U | Assistant d'Education 2 | 3 | ||
4 | 4TMH401U | Bases de données et Conception de sites web dynamiques | 6 | ||
4 | 4TMQ413U | Calculus in several variables | CM : TD : & | 6 | Strouse El |
4 | 4TMH413U | Engagement de l'étudiant | 3 | ||
4 | 4TMH409U | Entrepreneuriat | 3 | ||
4 | 4TMQ412U | Fonctions de plusieurs variables | 6 | Bruneau Vi | |
4 | 4TMQ404U | Géométrie affine | 3 | Ater04 At | |
4 | 4TMH421U | Initiation au droit de l'entreprise | 3 | ||
4 | 4TMH419U | Microéconomie et macroéconomie 1 | 6 | ||
4 | 4TMH406U | Mise à niveau L2 | 3 | ||
4 | 4TMQP01U | Optimisation | 6 | Froger Au | |
4 | 4TMH420U | Philosophie des sciences et épistémologie | 3 | ||
4 | 4TMQ407U | Programmation pour le calcul scientifique | 6 | Vac15 Va | |
4 | 4TCM403U | Projet de Programmation CMI ISI | 6 | Bercu Be (?) | |
4 | 4TMQ401U | Structures algébriques 1 | 9 | Benois De | |
4 | 4TTI405U | Structures algébriques 1 pour MathInfo | 9 | ||
4 | 4TMH418U | Tests d'hypothèse et régression | 6 | ||
5 | 4TTI501U | Algorithmique Mathématique 1 | 6 | Jouve Fl | |
5 | 4TTI502U | Algorithmique Mathématique 2 | 6 | Poyeton L? | |
5 | 4TMF506U | Assistant d'éducation 3 | 3 | ||
5 | 4TOP502U | Challenges algorithmiques (industriels) | 6 | Froger Au | |
5 | 4TMQ501U | Equations différentielles et calcul différentiel | 6 | Arnaiz Solorzano Vi | |
5 | 4TMH502U | Informatique théorique 2 et Programmation 2 | 6 | Blasi Ph | |
5 | 4TMQ504U | Intégration appliquée | 6 | Jouve Fl | |
5 | 4TMF508U | Mathématiques pour l'enseignement 1 | 6 | Chabanol Ma | |
5 | 4TSQ502U | Modèles et mesures des fonctions cognitives de haut niveau | 9 | ||
5 | 4TMH506U | Modélisation biomathématique | 3 | Burie Je | |
5 | 4TMH505U | Méthodes numériques linéaires et Modélisation statistique | 6 | ||
5 | 4TGM502U | Programmation avancée pour le calcul scientifique | 6 | Vac13 Va | |
5 | 4TMH503U | Préparation Stage | 1 | Ainseba Be | |
5 | 4TGM501U | Résolution de grands systèmes creux | 6 | Coudiere Yv | |
5 | 4TMF505U | Structures algébriques 2 | 6 | Fanelli An | |
5 | 4TMF507U | Théorie de l'intégration | 6 | ||
5 | 4TMH507U | Théorie de la mesure et Probabilités | 3 | Poix J? | |
5 | 4TMF504U | Topologie | 6 | Arnaudon Ma | |
6 | 4TGM601U | Analyse fonctionnelle | 6 | Provenzi Ed | |
6 | 4TSQ602U | Approches conceptuelles et méthodes d'étude du fonctionnemen | 9 | ||
6 | 4TTI603U | Arithmétique et cryptologie | 6 | Autissier Pa | |
6 | 4TTI601U | Codes correcteurs | 3 | Balandraud Er | |
6 | 4TMH607U | Engagement étudiant | 3 | ||
6 | 4TMF601U | Espaces de Hilbert - Analyse de Fourier | 6 | Bonnefont Mi | |
6 | 4TTV606U | Groupe de travail applicatif | 5 | Bercu Be | |
6 | 4TMF602U | Géométrie différentielle | 6 | Gourmelon Ni | |
6 | 4TMF603U | Géométrie et topologie | 6 | Nguyen Du | |
6 | 4TTI602U | Image | 3 | Aujol Je | |
6 | 4TMH605U | Imagerie numérique | 3 | Schlick Ch | |
6 | 4TMH602U | Intelligence artificielle | 3 | Corsini Ma | |
6 | 4TMF605U | Mathématiques pour l'enseignement 2 | 6 | Herr La | |
6 | 4TOP603U | Mobilité Internationale CMI OPTIM | 6 | ||
6 | 4TCM603U | Mobilité à l'international CMI ISI | 6 | ||
6 | 4TMH604U | Méthodes numériques non linéaires et Systèmes dynamiques | 6 | ||
6 | 4TGM603U | Méthodes numériques pour l'intégration et les équations diff | 6 | Thieullen Ph | |
6 | 4TOP601U | Participation à l'association CMI OPTIM | 3 | ||
6 | 4TMH608U | Portefeuille d'expériences et de compétences | 3 | Blasi Ph | |
6 | 4TMQ601U | Probabilités | 6 | Doct04 Do | |
6 | 4TIN608U | Projet tutoré | 2 | Bessieres La | |
6 | 4TIN609U | Stage | stage : & | 2 | Pesneau Pi (?) |
6 | 4TMH610U | TER et Anglais | 3 | ||
7 | 4TMA709U | Approximation des EDP 1 | 6 | Bouharguane Af | |
7 | 4TCY703U | Arithmétique | 6 | Thiery Al | |
7 | 4TSC707U | Bases Scientifiques | 6 | ||
7 | 4TMA701U | Calcul formel | 6 | Bachoc Ch | |
7 | 4TSC702U | Communication | 3 | ||
7 | 4TMA706U | Didactique | 6 | ||
7 | 4TMA708U | Equations aux Dérivées Partielles 1 | 6 | Jaming Ph | |
7 | 4TSC705U | Ergonomie | 6 | Chassaing Ka | |
7 | 4TSC704U | Fonctionnement de l'Entreprise | 3 | ||
7 | 4TSC706U | Fonctions Cognitives en situation et Handicap | 6 | Mazon Ce | |
7 | 4TOD706U | Graphes et algorithmes | 6 | Froger Au | |
7 | 4TMA710U | Géométrie différentielle 2 | 6 | Bessieres La (?) | |
7 | 4TOD707U | Introduction à la programmation en variables entières | 3 | Pesneau Pi | |
7 | 4TMS709U | Management et théorie des organisations | 3 | ||
7 | 4TMA702U | Modules et algèbre commutative | 6 | Tossici Da | |
7 | 4TMS718U | Modèles de régression | 6 | Barbieri An | |
7 | 4TMS716U | Modélisation pour le traitement d'images | 6 | Aujol Je | |
7 | 4TMS717U | Outils informatiques pour le traitement des données | 6 | Blasi Ph | |
7 | 4TSC701U | Physiologie du travail | 3 | Altena El | |
7 | 4TMS706U | Probabilités et Statistique | 6 | Fredes Lu | |
7 | 4TMS715U | Programmation Fortran pour le calcul scientifique | 3 | Coudiere Yv | |
7 | 4TST701U | Projet de visualisation analytique | 3 | ||
7 | 4TOD713U | Remédiation Algorithmes et programmation | 3 | Pesneau Pi | |
7 | 4TOD712U | Remédiation Graphes | 3 | Meurdesoif Ph | |
7 | 4TOD711U | Remédiation Optimisation continue | 3 | Detienne Bo | |
7 | 4TOD708U | Remédiation Programmation linéaire | 3 | Froger Au | |
7 | 4TMS710U | Représentation de données et statistique multidimensionnelle | 3 | Couallier Vi | |
7 | 4TOD710U | Statistiques inférentielles et R - Remédiation | 3 | ||
7 | 4TMS719U | Tests d'hypothèses et estimation non paramétrique | 3 | Feral De | |
7 | 4TMA703U | Théorie de Galois et représentations | 6 | Brinon Ol | |
7 | 4TCY702U | Théorie de l'information | 6 | Balandraud Er (?) | |
7 | 4TMA705U | Théorie des probabilités et statistiques | 6 | Chabanol Ma | |
8 | 4TOD814U | Algorithmes pour l'optimisation en nombres entiers | 3 | Pesneau Pi | |
8 | 4TMA806U | Analyse complexe | 6 | Jaming Ph | |
8 | 4TMS820U | Analyse de Fourier appliquée | 6 | Vac03 Va | |
8 | 4TSC806U | Analyse ergonomique du travail | 6 | Chassaing Ka | |
8 | 4TMA808U | Analyse fonctionnelle et spectrale | 6 | Bonnefont Mi | |
8 | 4TMS813U | Approximation of PDEs 2 | CM : TD : | 6 | Vac02 Va |
8 | 4TMS804U | Calcul Haute Performance / Ouverture professionnelle | 6 | ||
8 | 4TMA809U | Chaines de Markov et Martingales | 6 | ||
8 | 4TMS807U | Chaînes de Markov | 3 | Genadot Al | |
8 | 4TOD813U | Complexité des problèmes | 3 | Clautiaux Fr | |
8 | 4TCY802U | Cryptologie | 6 | Doct02 Do | |
8 | 4TMS814U | Equations aux Dérivées Partielles 2 | 6 | Koenig Ar | |
8 | 4TMS818U | Etude bibliographique et veille documentaire 1 | 9 | ||
8 | 4TOD811U | Etudes de cas industriels | 3 | ||
8 | 4TSC802U | Facteurs humains et interactions homme/machine | 3 | Altena El | |
8 | 4TMA805U | Formes quadratiques et groupes classiques | 6 | Mounoud Pi | |
8 | 4TOD808U | Gestion portefeuille 1 | 3 | ||
8 | 4TMF810U | Géométrie | 6 | Liu Qi | |
8 | 4TSC803U | Handicap et NTIC | 3 | ||
8 | 4TMA804U | Hilbert spaces methods | CM : TD : | 6 | |
8 | 4TSC807U | Informatique cognitive | 3 | ||
8 | 4TOA803U | Lecture d'article scientifique | 3 | Pesneau Pi (?) | |
8 | 4TMS810U | Martingales et algorithmes stochastiques | 6 | Bercu Be | |
8 | 4TSC805U | Modélisation des fonctions cognitives | 6 | ||
8 | 4TQM802U | Modélisation pour la physique et la biologie | 6 | ||
8 | 4TOD812U | Métaheuristiques | 3 | Corsini Ma | |
8 | 4TMS816U | Méthodes MCMC | 3 | Fredes Lu | |
8 | 4TOD810U | Optimisation continue sous contraintes | 3 | Detienne Bo (?) | |
8 | 4TMS805U | Optimisation convexe pour les problèmes inverses | 6 | Aujol Je | |
8 | 4TMF801U | Ouverture Professionnelle | 3 | ||
8 | 4TOD816U | Programmation objet et génie logiciel | 3 | Blasi Ph | |
8 | 4TMS808U | Projet d'expertise en Statistique et Probabilités | 6 | Bigot J? | |
8 | 4TOD815U | Projet d'optimisation | 3 | Clautiaux Fr | |
8 | 4TMS817U | Projet de statistique pour données environnementales | 3 | ||
8 | 4TMS819U | Projet en traitement d'images | 6 | Aujol Je | |
8 | 4TOA802U | Stage | 3 | Pesneau Pi | |
8 | 4TMS815U | Statistique computationnelle pour l'exploration de données | 3 | Chavent Ma | |
8 | 4TCY804U | TER | 3 | Mazon Ce (?) | |
8 | 4TCY806U | Théorie de l'information | 6 | Balandraud Er | |
8 | 4TMA807U | Théorie des nombres | 6 | Autissier Pa | |
8 | 4TSC801U | Traitement et analyse des données | 3 | N'kaoua Be | |
8 | 4TOD804U | Travaux d'etude et de recherche | 6 | Froger Au | |
9 | 4TMA901U | Algorithmique Arithmétique | CM : TD : | 6 | Couveignes Je |
9 | 4TRN907U | Algèbre et calcul formel 1 | 6 | Belabas Ka | |
9 | 4TMS924U | Analyse de survie et de fiabilité | 3 | Couallier Vi | |
9 | 4TAQ908U | Analysis tools for PDEs | CM : TD : | 6 | Dimassi Mo |
9 | 4TTN901U | Anglais Mathématiques et applications | 6 | ||
9 | 4TRG902U | Anglais professionnel | 3 | ||
9 | 4TOD904U | Approximation and Big Data | 3 | ||
9 | 4TDH902U | Calcul parallèle | 6 | ||
9 | 4TCY901U | Carte à puce | 6 | ||
9 | 4TMS921U | Classification supervisée / apprentissage automatique | 6 | Chavent Ma | |
9 | 4TMS923U | Climate Risks and Finance | CM : TD : | 3 | |
9 | 4TMA916U | Commutative Algebra | CM : TD : | 6 | |
9 | 4TAQ910U | Control of systems governed by partial differential equation | CM : TD : | 6 | |
9 | 4TMA902U | Courbes elliptiques | CM : TD : | 6 | Castagnos Gu |
9 | 4TCY902U | Cryptanalyse | 6 | Castagnos Gu | |
9 | 4TCY903U | Cryptologie avancée | 6 | Castagnos Gu | |
9 | 4TMS922U | Etude bibliographique et veille documentaire 2 | 3 | ||
9 | 4TOD907U | Files d'attente | 3 | ||
9 | 4TRG904U | Fonctionnement de l'homme individuel et collectif | 3 | ||
9 | 4TOD908U | Gestion de portefeuille 2 | 3 | ||
9 | 4TOD903U | Gestion des opérations et planification de la production | 6 | Froger Au | |
9 | 4TMA905U | Géométrie | CM : TD : | 9 | Mounoud Pi |
9 | 4TMA904U | Géométrie Algébrique | CM : TD : | 9 | Tossici Da |
9 | 4TOD902U | Integer Programming | CM : TD : | 6 | Detienne Bo |
9 | 4TRG905U | Intervention ergonomique | 9 | ||
9 | 4TMS919U | Intro à l'apprentissage profond et défi sciences des données | 3 | Bigot J? | |
9 | 4TMS926U | Macroeconomic Risks and forecasting | CM : TD : | 3 | |
9 | 4TMS903U | Management et éthique | 3 | Gagnou Em | |
9 | 4TMS925U | Modèles linéaires mixtes et applications en bio-statistique | 3 | Barbieri An | |
9 | 4TTH901U | Multiples formes du métier | 6 | Corsini Ma | |
9 | 4TMS907U | Méthodes numériques pour les écoulements compressibles | 6 | ||
9 | 4TTH903U | Méthodologie scientifique | 3 | Mazon Ce | |
9 | 4TTH904U | Neurosciences computationnelles applications à l'ingénierie | 6 | Bendahmane Mo | |
9 | 4TOD901U | Optimisation dans l'incertain | 6 | Detienne Bo | |
9 | 4TMS918U | Optimisation en grande dimension | 3 | Aujol Je | |
9 | 4TRN906U | Probabilités et statistiques 1 | 6 | Bonnefont Mi | |
9 | 4TDH906U | Problèmes inverses et méthodes adjointes | 6 | ||
9 | 4TRG903U | Professionnalisation | 6 | ||
9 | 4TMS927U | Programmation par contraintes | 3 | Clautiaux Fr | |
9 | 4TMA906U | Projet | 6 | Mounoud Pi (?) | |
9 | 4TDH907U | Projet de modélisation ou calcul scientifique | 6 | Iollo An | |
9 | 4TMS920U | Projet en apprentissage profond pour le traitement d'images | 6 | Aujol Je | |
9 | 4TRG901U | STE 205 Nuisances environnementales et professionnelles | 3 | ||
9 | 4TAQ911U | Scarling limits in probability theory | CI : | 6 | |
9 | 4TDH908U | Simulation numérique par éléments finis avancés | 6 | ||
9 | 4TRG907U | Stage 1 | 6 | Chassaing Ka | |
9 | 4TMS905U | Statistique et analyse de données en grande dimension | 6 | Bigot J? | |
9 | 4TDH904U | Techniques de maillages | 6 | ||
9 | 4TMA903U | Théorie des Nombres | CM : TD : | 9 | Autissier Pa |
9 | 4TDH909U | Traitement de données | 6 | ||
9 | 4TMS917U | Transport optimal computationnel pour la science des données | 3 | Bigot J? | |
10 | 4TRN010U | Algèbre et calcul formel 2 | 4 | Belabas Ka | |
10 | 4TRN007U | Algèbre et géométrie 2 | 4 | Brinon Ol | |
10 | 4TRN006U | Analyse et probabilités 2 | 4 | Bonnefont Mi | |
10 | 4TMA015U | Analytic theory of L-functions | CM : TD : | 6 | |
10 | 4TRG003U | Conception des situations de travail | 6 | ||
10 | 4TRG002U | Ergonomie et conduite de projets | 6 | ||
10 | 4TST002U | Lecture et synthèse d'articles de recherche | 3 | ||
10 | 4TMS008U | Lecture et synthèse d'articles de recherche | 3 | ||
4TTVN09U | NUMERICS I : Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences | CM : | 6 | ||
4TTVN10U | NUMERICS II : Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences | CM : | 6 | ||
10 | 4TTH002U | Ouverture scientifique et internationale | 6 | ||
10 | 4TRN009U | Probabilités et statistiques 2 | 4 | Bonnefont Mi | |
10 | 4TCY004U | Projet | 6 | Mounoud Pi (?) | |
10 | 4TMS007U | Projet Open Data et Science des données dans l’entreprise | 3 | Richou Ad | |
10 | 4TOD003U | Projet d'optimisation en entreprise | 6 | ||
10 | 4TOD001U | Projet d'optimisation pour insertion professionnelle | 6 | Clautiaux Fr | |
10 | 4TMS006U | Projet données massives | 3 | Bigot J? | |
10 | 4TMS005U | Projet en apprentissage profond (approfondissement) | 3 | Aujol Je | |
10 | 4TAQ002U | Reading seminar on functional inequalities for diffusion | CI : | 6 | |
10 | 4TMA013U | Théorie de Teichmüller et dynamique des surfaces plates | 6 |
2b. Module list 'minors' in the international track.
Minors are additional pluridisplinary lectures.
They are always taught in English. You cannot take minors of your main subject: as a math student you must not take
math lectures as minors, as a biology student you must not take biology, etc.
If you have some interdisciplinary/ cultural ECTS to chose, please consider "4TMQA01U Maths, Sciences et Société" first:
We have set it up to have foreign students work in projects with Bordeaux students who want to leave next year.
This helps you to get to know Bordeaux better and simultaneously prepares them for their own exchange programme !!
Finally, we have the
They are always taught in English. You cannot take minors of your main subject: as a math student you must not take
math lectures as minors, as a biology student you must not take biology, etc.
If you have some interdisciplinary/ cultural ECTS to chose, please consider "4TMQA01U Maths, Sciences et Société" first:
We have set it up to have foreign students work in projects with Bordeaux students who want to leave next year.
This helps you to get to know Bordeaux better and simultaneously prepares them for their own exchange programme !!
Semester | Code UE | Cleartext name | Language | ECTS | Subject | Contact |
1 | 4TPM115U | The cell, unity within diversity | 6 | Biology | Sophie Javersat | |
1 | 4TPM114U | Resource management and renewable resources | 6 | Biosourcing | Véronique Coma | |
1 | 4TPU138U | History of Science | 6 | Epistémology | Jérôme Pierrel | |
1 | 4TPM117U | Production System Management | 6 | Engineering | Bruno Vallespir | |
1 | 4TPM118U | Basic Algorithms & Programming | 6 | Computer Science | Marie Beurton | |
1 | 4TPM119U | Linear Algebra | 6 | Mathematics | Bernhard Haak | |
2 | 4TPM224U | The cell within the body | 6 | Biology | Sophie Javersat | |
2 | 4TPM220U | Introduction to biological systems | 6 | Biosourcing | Véronique Coma | |
2 | 4TPM221U | Science Communication 1 | 6 | Epistémology | Jérôme Pierrel | |
2 | 4TPM219U | Enterprise, Manufacturing and Service | 6 | Engineering | Bruno Vallespir | |
2 | 4TPM235U | Data managment & Web design | 6 | Computer Science | Marie Beurton | |
2 | 4TPM222U | Euclidian Spaces | 6 | Mathematics | Bernhard Haak | |
3 | 4TTV305U | Genetics of physiological and pathological processes | 6 | Biology | Sophie Javersat | |
3 | 4TTV319U | Methods for bio-syntheses | 6 | Biosourcing | Véronique Coma | |
3 | 4TTV306U | Philosophy of Science | 6 | Epistémology | Jérôme Pierrel | |
3 | 4TTV307U | Product Design and Innovation | 6 | Engineering | Bruno Vallespir | |
3 | 4TTV313U | Introduction to simulation of dynamic processes | 6 | Computer Science | Marie Beurton | |
3 | 4TTV310U | Probability Theory & Statistics | 6 | Mathematics | Bernhard Haak | |
4 | 4TTV408U | Biology and interdisciplinarity | 6 | Biology | Sophie Javersat | |
4 | 4TTC418U | Environmental impact | 6 | Biosourcing | Véronique Coma | |
4 | 4TTV407U | Science Communication 2 | 6 | Epistémology | Jérôme Pierrel | |
4 | 4TTV405U | Enterprise System Modelling | 6 | Engineering | Bruno Vallespir | |
4 | 4TTV414U | Introduction to image processing | 6 | Computer Science | Marie Beurton | |
4 | 4TTV410U | Integration & Differential Equations | 6 | Mathematics | Bernhard Haak | |
4 | 4TTV415U | The infinitely large and infinitely small | 3 | General Science | Jonathan Braine | |
4 | 4TTV417U | Artificial intelligence | 3 | Computer Science | Marie Beurton |
3. Module content.
Here is how to find lecture content:
Have a look here (complete course description Licence 1-3) of here for acomplete description of most master courses
You may also navigate trough the course catalogue.- Step one: find the webpage I do not give a direct link, they might change it. Instead:
- search "Bordeaux Math Licence" in a search engine if you look for the regular Licence,
- search "Bordeaux MIASHS Licence" for MIASHS or
- search "Bordeaux Math Master" for Master courses.
- Step 2 (that the hidden part) click on the word "organisation".
- Step 3:Select the " Licence " that you found above in the forth column.
- Step 4 Click on the lecture title to get its content.