Editorial Work
Since 2019 I am co-editor of the Journal
Analysis Mathematica
Editor-in-Chief: Szilárd G. Révész,
ISSN: 0133-3852 (print version),
ISSN: 1588-273X (electronic version).
- B.H. Haak, M. Haase: Square function estimates and functional calculus, preprint, 102 pages.
Publications (published / accepted)
- B.H. Haak, M. Haase, Vector-valued holomorphic functions and abstract Fubini-type theorems, Archiv der Mathematik (2024) Online First. Here is a preprint that has not undergone post-submission improvements or corrections.
- B. H. Haak, D.-T. Hoang, E-M. Ouhabaz, Controllability and observability for non-autonomous evolution equations: the averaged Hautus test, Systems and Control Letters, Volume 133, November 2019 14 pages. Here is a preprint
- R.S. Anderssen, B. Haak and M. Hegland A functional strategy for nonlinear functionals Confernce notes, 6 pages
- B. H. Haak, D. Maity, T. Takahashi, M. Tucsnak "Mathematical Analysis of the Motion of a Rigid Body in a Compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier Fluid", (2017), 48 pages. Math. Nachrichten 2019, 1-46. Here is a Preprint
- B. H. Haak, D-T. Hoang: Exact observability of a 1D wave equation on a non-cylindrical domain. Preprint, 15 pages (2018). SIAM J. Control and Optimization Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 570--589 (2019)
- S.A. Abdlillah, J. Esterle, B.H. Haak : "Sur quelques extensions au cadre Banachique de la notion d'opérateur de Hilbert-Schmidt" Studia Math., vol. 227, no 3 (2015). 18 pages. Here is a preprint
- B.H. Haak, E-M. Ouhabaz: "Maximal regularity for non-autonomous evolution equations", Mathematische Annalen, Volume 363, Issue 3, pp 1117-1145 (2015). Here is a preprint
- J. Abreu, B.H. Haak, J. van Neerven: "The stochastic Weiss conjecture for bounded analytic semigroups", Journal of the London Mathematical Society Vol. 88, p. 181-201 (2013). Here is a preprint.
- B.H. Haak: "The Weiss conjecture and weak norms", Journal of Evolution Equations, Volume 12, Issue 4 (2012), Page 855-861. Here is a preprint.
- B.H. Haak, El-Maati Ouhabaz: "Exact observability, square functions and spectral theory", Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol. 262, No. 6 2012; p. 2903-2927. Here is a Preprint.
- B.H. Haak, J.M.A.M. van Neerven: "Uniformly gamma-radonifying families of operators and the stochastic Weiss conjecture", Operators and Matrices, Volume 6, Number 4 (2012), 767-792. Here is a Preprint.
- B. H. Haak, B. Jacob: "Observation of Volterra systems with scalar kernels", Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2011. Here is a preprint. We acknowledge the support of the Research in Pairs programme at MFO, Oberwolfach.
- B.H. Haak: "On the Carleson measure criterion in linear systems theory", Complex Analysis and Operator Theory Volume 4, Issue 2 (2010), Page 281. Here is a Preprint.
- B.H. Haak, B.Jacob, S. Pott, J. Partington: "Admissibility and Controllability of diagonal Volterra equations with scalar inputs", Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 246, Issue 11, 1 June 2009, Pages 4423-4440. Here is a Preprint.
- B.H. Haak, P.C. Kunstmann: "On Kato's method for Navier-Stokes equations", Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 11 (2009) 492-535. A preprint is available here.
- B.H. Haak, J.M.A.M. van Neerven, M.C. Veraar: "A Stochastic Datko-Pazy throrem", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 329, No. 2, 1230-1239 (2007). A preprint is available here.
- B.H. Haak, P.C. Kunstmann: "Weighted Admissibility and Wellposedness of linear systems in Banach spaces", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 45 No. 6, 2094-2118 (2007), and a preprint
- B.H. Haak, M. Haase und P.C. Kunstmann: "Perturbation, Interpolation, and Maximal Regularity", Advances in Differential Equations 11 no. 2, 201--240 (2006), OpenAccess: now available via ProjectEuclid preprint.
- B.H. Haak, P.C. Kunstmann: "Admissibility of unbounded operators and Wellposedness of linear systems in Banach spaces", Integral Equations and Operator Theory Vol. 55, No. 4, 497--533 (2006) and a preprint
- B.H. Haak, C. Le Merdy: "Admissibility of control and observation operators", Houston J. Math. , Vol. 31, No. 4, 2005 pp. 1153-1167 and a preprint
HDR et thèse
Thèse: Kontrolltheorie in Banachräumen und quadratische Abschätzungen, Dissertation, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe 2004. Mémoire d'HDR: Estimations quadratiques, calculs fonctionnels et applications et mon exposé de soutenance d'HDR. Links to my coa-uthors
- Jamil Abreu, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil
- Markus Haase, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
- Birgit Jacob, Universität Wuppertal.
- Peer Kunstmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technicology, Germany.
- Christian Le Merdy, Université Franche-Comté, Besancon, France.
- Debayan Maity,TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore, India
- Jan van Neerven, Delft University of Technicology, The Netherlands.
- El Maati Ouhabaz, Universé Bordeaux
- Jonathan R. Partington, University of Leeds, UK.
- Sandra Pott, University of Lund, Sweden.
- Takéo Takahashi, Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine.
- Marius Tucsnak, IMB Université de Bordeaux
- Mark Veraar, Delft University of Technicology, The Netherlands.