Guy Métivier, preprints
(61.pdf) ''
Remarks on Bronshtein's root theorem
(60.pdf) ''
Note on strongly hyperbolic systems with involutive characteristics (with T.Nishitani)
(59.pdf) ''
Counterexamples to the well posedness of the
Cauchy problem for hyperbolic systems (with F.Colomnini)
(58.pdf) ''
On the $L^2$ well posedness of Hyperbolic Initial Boundary Value Problems (rev. 2016)
(57.pdf) ''
The well-posedness issue in Sobolev spaces for
hyperbolic systems with Zygmund-type coefficients
(with F.Colombini, D.Del Santo and F.Fanelli) (2013)
(56.pdf) ''
$L^2$ well posed Cauchy Problems and Symmetrizability" (revised 2016)
(55.pdf) ''
A well-posedness result for hyperbolic operators with Zygmund coefficients''
(with F.Colombini, D.Del Santo and F.Fanelli) (2013)
(54.pdf) ''
Time-Dependent Loss of Derivatives for Hyperbolic Operators with Non Regular Coefficients''
(with F.Colombini, D.Del Santo and F.Fanelli) (2013)
(53.pdf) ''
Viscous boundary layers in hyperbolic-parabolic systems with Neumann boundary conditions''
(with O.Gues , M.Williams and K.Zumbrun) (2012)
(52.pdf) ''
Existence of quasilinear relaxation shock profiles in systems with characteristic velocities''
(with B.Teixier and K.Zumbrun) (2012)
(51.pdf) ''
Invariance and stability of the profile equations of geometric optics''
(with J.Rauch) (2011)
(50.pdf) ''
Anelastic Limits for Euler Type Systems''
(with D.Bresch) (april 2010)
(49.pdf) ''
On the Boyd-Kadomstev System for a three-wave coupling problem
and its asymptotic limit''
(with R.Sentis) (february 2009)
(48.pdf) ''
Dispersive Stabilization''
(with J.Rauch) (august 2009)
(47.pdf) ''
Existence and sharp localization in velocity of small-amplitude Boltzmann shocks''
(with K.Zumbrun) (april 2009)
(46.pdf) ''
Paralinearization of the Dirichlet to Neumann operator,
and regularity of three-dimensional water waves''
(with T.Alazard) (march 2009)
(45.pdf) ''
Existence of semilinear relaxation shocks''
(with K.Zumbrun) (december 2008)
(44.pdf) ''
Existence and stability of noncharacteristic boundary-layers
for the compressible Navier-Stokes and viscous MHD equations''
O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun) (june 2008)
(43.pdf) ''
Space Propagation of Instabilities in Zakharov Equations (march 2007)
(42.pdf) ''
The Cauchy Problem for Wave Equations with non Lipschitz coefficients;
Application to Continuation of Solutions of some Nonlinear Wave Equations. '' (with
F.Colombinbi) (janv 2008)
(41.pdf) ''
Nonclassical multidimensional viscous and inviscid shocks '' (with
O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun) (june 2006)
(40.pdf) ''
Viscous Boundary Value Problems for
Symmetric Systems with Variable Multiplicities '' (with
O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun) (june 2006)
(39.pdf) ''
Instabilities in Zakharov Equations for Laser Propagation in a Plasma '' (with
T.Colin) (January 2006)
(38.pdf) ''
Uniform stability estimates for constant-coefficient symmetric
hyperbolic boundary value problems '' (with
O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun) (August 2005)
(37.pdf) '' Global existence and uniqueness for the lake equations
with vanishing topography :
elliptic estimates for degenerate equations'' (with
D.Bresch) (Mars 2005)
(36.pdf) ''
Navier-Stokes regularization of multidimensional Euler shocks'' (with
O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun) (Février 2005)
(35.pdf) ''
Stabilité des chocs pour la MHD'' (avec
O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun) (Exposé Ecole Polytechnique Janvier 2005)
(34.pdf) ''
Existence and stability of
multidimensional shock fronts in the vanishing viscosity limit'' (with
O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun) (April 2004)
"Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problems for Symmetric Systems
with Variable Multiplicities'' (With Kevin Zumbrun) (Jan 2004)
"Natural Hyperbolic Domains of Determinacy and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations'' (With
J.L.Joly and J.Rauch) (Jan 2004)
"Remarks on the Well-Posedness of the Nonlinear Cauchy Problem'' (rev Jan 2004)
"Stabilité des profils de chocs multidimensionnels", exposé conférence
Hammamet, (rev. janvier 2005)
"Large amplitude high frequency waves for quasilinear hyperbolic systems;"
(avec Christophe Cheverry et Olivier Guès) (2003)
"Real and Complex Regularity are Equivalent for Hyperbolic Characteristic
Varieties;" (avec Jeffrey Rauch)(2002)
- (27.pdf)
"Exemples d'instabilités pour des équations d'ondes non linéaires,
d'après Gilles Lebeau;" Exposé Séminaire Bourbaki, novembre 2002
"Stabilité de couches limites multi-dimensionnelles;"
Séminaire Équations aux
Dérivées Partielles, École
Polytechnique, octobre 2002 (avec K.Zumbrun)
"Oscillations fortes sur un champ
(avec C.Cheverry, O. Guès)
Multidimensional Viscous ShocksII: The Small Wiscolity Limit'' (with
O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun)
Multidimensional Viscous ShocksI: Degenerate Symmetrizers and Long Time
(with O.Guès, M.Williams, K.Zumbrun)
Symmetrizers and Continuity of Stable Subspaces for
Parabolic-Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problems'' (with K.Zumbrun)
Large Viscous Boundary Layers for Noncharacteristic Nonlinear
Hyperbolic Problems'' (with K.Zumbrun) (rev Feb 2004)
- (20.pdf)
`` Averaging Theorems for Conservative Systems and the
Weakly Compressible Euler Equations''.
- (19.pdf)
`` Limite incompressible des équations d'Euler non
Séminaire Équations aux
Dérivées Partielles, École
Polytechnique, janvier 2001.
- (18.pdf)
`` The Incompressible Limit of the Non-isentropic Euler Equations''
- (17.pdf)
`` Existence de chocs faibles pour des syst\`emes quasi-lin\'eaires
hyperboliques multidimensionnels''
preprint 1999.
- (16.pdf)
`` Transparent Nonlinear Geometric Optics and Maxwell-Bloch
J.-L. Joly et J.Rauch).
- (15.pdf)
``The block structure condition for symmetric hyperbolic systems''.
``Stability od Multidimensional Shocks'',
Summer School, Kochel may 1999. (Revised April 2003)
- (13.pdf)
`` Optique g\'eometrique non lin\'eaire et \'equations de Maxwell-Bloch
S\'eminaire \'Ecole Polytechnique, janvier 1999.
J.-L. Joly et J.Rauch).
- (12.pdf)
``Nonlinear Hyperbolic Smoothing at a Focal Point,''
preprint 1999
J.-L. Joly et J.Rauch).
- (11.pdf)
``Recent Results in Nonlinear Geometric Optics I,''
Proceedings 7th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems,
Zurich, 1998 (avec
J.-L. Joly et J.Rauch).
- (10.pdf)
``Diffractive Nonlinear Optics I,'' Séminaire Équations aux
Dérivées Partielles 1995-1996, École
Polytechnique, Palaiseau (avec P. Donnat, J.-L. Joly et J.Rauch).
- (9.pdf)
``Dense Oscillations for the Euler Equations''
pp. 425-430 in Hyperbolic Problems: Theory
Numerics, Applications, eds. J. Glimm, M.J. Graham, J.W. Grove, B.J. Plohr., World Scientific, 1996,
(avec J.L
Joly et J. Rauch).
(8.pdf) ``
Estimations L^p d'intégrales oscillantes''
Séminaire Équations aux
Dérivées Partielles 1996-1997, École
Polytechnique, Palaiseau(avec J.L
Joly et J. Rauch).
- ( 7 ) ``
Caustics for dissipative semilinear oscillations'' In
Geometrical Optics and Related Topics,
F.Colombini, N.Lerner ed., Birkhauser 1997 (avec J.L
Joly et J. Rauch).
(6.pdf) ``
Caustics for dissipative semilinear oscillations'' (avec J.L
Joly et J. Rauch) Memoirs of the Amer.Math.Soc., to appear
(5.pdf) ``
Diffractive nonlinear geometric optics with rectification'' (avec J.L
Joly et J. Rauch) Indiana Math. Journal, 47 (1998) -- 1167-1241.
Solutions globales du sytème de Maxwell
dans un milieu ferromagnétique '' (avec J.L Joly et J.
Rauch) Séminaire Équations aux
Dérivées Partielles 1996-1997, École
Polytechnique, Palaiseau
Global solutions to Maxwell
equations in a ferromagnetic medium'' (avec J.L Joly et J. Rauch)
à paraître aux Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré.
Interactions trilinéaires résonantes''
Séminaire Équations aux
Dérivées Partielles 1995-1996, École
Polytechnique, Palaiseau (avec S.Schochet).
Trilinear Resonant Interactions of Semilinear
Hyperbolic Waves'' (avec S.Schochet)
Duke Math. Journal, 95 (1998) pp 241-304.