Guy Métivier, notes de cours
Notes on Constant Coefficients Hyperbolic BVP (preliminary version 03/2015)
The Mathematics of Nonlinear Optics '',
170 p (revised 06/2008)
Para-differential Calculus and
Applications to the Cauchy Problem
for Nonlinear Systems '',
Pise Avril-Mai 2007 (revised 05/2008)
Stability of Small Viscosity Noncharacteristic Boundary Layers'', Cours Journées EDP Evian Juin 2006 ( 26/09/06)
- (
Stability of Noncharacteristic Viscous Boundary Layers'', ( 12/06/03)
``Stability od Multidimensional Shocks'',
Summer School, Kochel may 1999. (Revised April 2003)
Intégrales Singulières'', Cours DEA, Rennes, 1981 (revu 2005) .