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Articles parus ou à paraître dans des revues à comité de lecture

M. HARAGUS, Model equations for water waves in the presence of surface tension, Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids 15 (1996), 471-492.

M. HARAGUS, Reduction of PDEs on unbounded domains. Application: unsteady water wave problem, J. Nonlinear Sci. 8 (1998), 353-374.

M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE & D. H. SATTINGER, Inversion of the linearized Korteweg-de Vries equation at the multi-soliton solutions, Z. angew. Math. Phys. 49 (1998), 436-469.

M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE & A. IL'ICHEV, Three Dimensional Solitary Waves in the Presence of Additional Surface Effects, Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids 17 (1998), 739-768.

M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE & G. SCHNEIDER, Bifurcating fronts for the Taylor-Couette problem in infinite cylinders, Z. angew. Math. Phys. 50 (1999), 120-151.

F. DIAS & M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE, On the transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional water waves, Stud. Appl. Math. 104 (2000), 91-127.

M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE & R. L. PEGO, Spatial wave dynamics of steady oblique wave interactions, Physica D 145 (2000), 207-232.

L. BREVDO, R. HELMIG, M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE & K. KIRCHGÄSSNER, Permanent fronts in two-phase flows in a porous medium, Transport in Porous Media 44 (2001), 507-537.

M. HARAGUS & A. SCHEEL, Finite-wavelength stability of capillary-gravity solitary waves, Comm. Math. Phys., à paraître.

Chapitre dans un ouvrage collectif

M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE & K. KIRCHGÄSSNER, Three-dimensional steady capillary-gravity waves, dans Ergodic Theory, Analysis, and Efficient Simulation of Dynamical Systems, B. Fiedler ed., Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2001, 363-397.

Articles soumis dans des revues à comité de lecture

M. D. GROVES, M. HARAGUS & S.-M. SUN, A dimension-breaking phenomenon in the theory of steady gravity-capillary water waves, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A., 54 p.

M. D. GROVES & M. HARAGUS, Three-dimensional oblique travelling gravity-capillary water waves, J. Nonlinear Sci., 35 p.

M. HARAGUS, D. P. NICHOLLS & D. H. SATTINGER, Solitary wave interactions of the Euler-Poisson equations, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 33 p.

Notes aux CRAS

M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE, Nonlocal dimension breaking in turning points, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 327, Série I (1998), 149-154.

M. HARAGUS-COURCELLE & R. L. PEGO, Travelling waves of the KP equations with transverse modulations, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 328, Série I (1999), 227-232.

M. D. GROVES, M. HARAGUS & S.-M. SUN, Transverse instability of gravity-capillary line solitary water waves, à paraître.

Comptes-rendus de congrès à comité de lecture

M. HARAGUS, The orbital stability of fronts for high order parabolic partial differential equations, dans ``Structure and Dynamics of Nonlinear Waves in Fluids'', A. Mielke, K. Kirchgässner eds., Adv. Ser. Nonlinear Dynamics 7 (1995), 268-274.

M. HARAGUS & K. KIRCHGÄSSNER, Breaking the Dimension of a Steady Wave: Some Examples, dans ``Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in the natural environment'', A. Doelman, A. van Harten eds., Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 335 (1995), 119-129.

M. HARAGUS & K. KIRCHGÄSSNER, Breaking the dimension of solitary waves, dans ``Progress in partial differential equations: the Metz surveys 4'', M. Chipot, I. Shafrir eds., Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 345 (1996), 216-228.

M. HARAGUS, Reduction of high order nonlinear PDEs on the real line, Proceedings of the 24th National Conference of Geometry and Topology, Timisoara, Roumanie (1996), 111-126.


M. HARAGUS, Réduction du problème des vagues, Stage de D.E.A., Université de Nice, 1991.

M. HARAGUS, On how to use invariants in the 2D water waves problem, Matarom (Revue éditée dans le cadre du Projet Européen TEMPUS) 1 (1992), 27-33.

M. HARAGUS, Réduction d'équations d'évolution en domaines cylindriques et stabilité de solutions de type onde solitaire, Thèse, Université de Nice, 1994.

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Mariana Haragus