Note: Documents can differ from the ones handed in class (format change, typos). LaTeX style files [kb.sty | kbexo.sty] are needed to compile the TeX files (UTF-8 encoded).
The lectures take place on Thursdays 10am-12am
and 2pm-4pm (Lamartine, salle de l'École).
First lecture on Thursday Sep. 10th.
We will be using the PARI/GP
system. Here are the reference card and the GP User's guide.
Some course notes: [PDF] The exam in [2013-2014].
Lecture 1 | Algorithms, Complexity, Examples |
Lecture 2 | The Fast Fourier Transform and basic complexity results |
Lecture 3 | Z-modules/HNF |
Lecture 4 | Z-modules/SNF & lattices |
Lecture 5 | The LLL Algorithm |
Lecture 6 | Polynomials over finite fields (1) |
Lecture 7 | Polynomials over finite fields (2) |
Karim Belabas |
2022-10-24 12:39:08 |