Brief C. V.

(full cv in pdf here)

Luc Mieussens

Professor at Bordeaux Institut National Polytechnique (Engineering School ENSEIRB-MATMECA)

Date of birth: 30th June 1972
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux UMR 5251
Université de Bordeaux
351, cours de la Libération - 33405 TALENCE cedex - France
tel: (33) 5 40 00 60 51
fax: (33) 5 40 00 21 23

Professional Appointments

  • 2008: full professor at Bordeaux Institut National Polytechnique (Engineering School ENSEIRB-MATMECA), Bordeaux, France
  • 2000-2008: assistant professor in applied mathematics, université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France


Research interests

  • Developpment of numerical methods for kinetic equations:
    • fast implicit schemes (rarefied gases)
    • uniformly stable methods for fluid limits (linear transport, radiative transfer, gaz dynamics)
    • numerical methods for coupling kinetic and fluid models
  • Developpement of parallel codes for numerical simulation of rarefied gases
  • Derivation of simplified kinetic models of the Boltzmann equation
  • Application to atmospheric re-entry flows
  • Mathematical and numerical modelling for air-sea interaction (rain, sea spray)

International collaborations

  • with Fabrice Veron (university of Delaware à Newark, USA)
    collaboration: Mathematical and numerical modelling for air-sea interaction (rain, sea spray)
    one paper published
  • with Jian-Guo Liu (university of Maryland à College Park, USA)
    collaboration: coupling of kinetic and fluid equations by model refinement
    two papers published
  • with Shi Jin (university; of Wisconsin à Madison, USA) :
    collaboration : coupling kinetic and fluid equations
    one paper published
  • with Henning Struchtrup (university of Victoria, Canada)
    collaboration : construction of velocity dependent time relaxation BGK models
    one paper published, one proceeding
  • with Kazuo Aoki (Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Universtité de Kyoto, Japon) :
    collaboration : Models and numerical methods for micro-flows
    three papers published, two proceedings, several conferences

Ph.D. Students

  • M. Schouler (2018-), co-advised with Y. Preverault
    Thesis: Modelling flows in hypersonic rarefied regimes: applications to satellites in very low orbite and to atmospheric reentry problems
  • G. Jeanmasson (2016-), co-advised with I. Mary
    Thesis: Local time stepping explicit methods for the simulation of unsteady turbulent flow
  • S. Peluchon (2015-2017), co-advised with G. Gallice
    Thesis: Numerical modelling of the liquid ablation
  • G. Dechristé (2011-2014)
    Thesis: Numerical methods for the numerical simulation of rarefied gas flows around moving obstacles
  • N. Hérouard (2011-2014)
    Thesis: Optimization, analysis, and comparison of deterministic numerical methods for rarefied gas dynamics
  • M. Bennoune (2005-2009), co-advised with M. Lemou
    Thesis: Numerical approximations of some kinetic equations that preserve their fluid asymptotics
  • J.-P. Bourgade (2001-2004), co-advised with P. Degond
    Thesis: Diffusion models obtained from kinetic equations: modelling, mathematical analysis, and simulation

Service to the university

  • 2017--: Scientific Director of the high performance computer facilities MCIA (with a HPC cluster of 11.000 cores)
  • 2014- : deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux
    (the IMB is a laboratory of around 120 permanent researchers in various mathematical fields
  • 2014 -: Scientific advisor at the French Atomic Energy Agency

Main areas

Luc Mieussens Professor in applied mathematics, Bordeaux Institut National Polytechnique (Engineering School ENSEIRB-MATMECA)