NEOS (Numerical Enablers
on OctreeS) is a library written in C++.
NEOS is a software framework for numerically modeling
multiphysics problems on Hierarchical Cartesian meshes
(quadtree in 2D and octree in 3D).
NEOS is based on the bitpit library
NEOS provides :
- the creation and parallel management of hierarchical
Cartesian meshes (2D quadtree or 3D octree)
- global or local mesh refinement (based on a level-set
distance or other physical criteria)
- management of several mobile geometries in an
analytical or explicit form (STL files or others)
- computation of the level-set of these geometries at
any point of the mesh
- 2D/3D differential operators (gradient, Laplacian,
Hessian, ...)
- different 2D/3D interpolators (bilinear, radial basis
functions RBF)
- an API for different solvers (currently with PETSC)
- a complete interface in Python3
The library is still in development, and ADER-DG solvers will
be soon integrated to solve a wide variety of applicatons.
Example with mesh adapation:
LVAD like Pump (2D-axi):
the mesh adaptation, the construction and resolution of
Poisson equation, the gradients computation, and the
transport of the Level Set functions are part of the NEOS
(the simulation is done by Antoine Fondaneche during his