Research interests [more
Mathematical modelling - Reduced
Order Models - Numerical Simulations -
Optimization and control - Stability
... Toward applications
(windtubine, UAVs, Boat Propellers, Fluid-Structures Interactions)
... Toward applications
(windtubine, UAVs, Boat Propellers, Fluid-Structures Interactions)
Mathematical modelling
- Navier-Stokes equations
Flow analysis and control
[B&B2014] [CICP13] [JCP11] [JESA11] [IJNMF10] [JCP09] [JCP08] [MI07] [NNFM07] [POF06a] [POF06b] [POF05]
- Reaction-diffusion equations
Forest fire estimation and control
Reduced Order Models (ROM)
- Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)
Analysis and control
[JESA11] [IJNMF10] [JCP09] [JCP08] [MI07] [NNFM07] [POF05]
Optimal Eddy viscosity, non-equilibrium modes, SUPG, VMS, Optimal Sampling
[JESA11] [JCP09] [JCP08] [POF05]
- Asymptotic methods
Numerical Simulations
- Finite Element Method
2D, Delaunay Triangulation
[POF05] [POF06a] [POF06b] - Finite Volume, Multigrid Method
2D,Cartesian Meshes with penalization
[JCP09] - Finite Differences with projection methods
3D, 2nd order, Cartesian Grids, Immersed Boundary, Level Set
Development of the code NaSCar (see movies)
[B&B2014] [CICP13][JCP11]
Optimization and Control
- Dual adjoint methods / optimal control &
robust control LQR
Drag reduction
[POF05] [NNFM07] [MI07] [JCP08] - DNS & POD + trust region (TRPOD)
Drag Reduction
[JCP08] [NNFM07] - Artificial neural networks, genetic
algorithms, inverse methods
Control and estimation of the ingnition point of forest fire
Sability Analysis
- Reduced Order Models
[JESA11] - Sedimentation of bodies
- Self-Propelled Swimmers (fish,jellyfish,ray,knifefish)
- Control of Self-propelled swimmers (maneuvers, velocity regulation)
- Windturbine (NREL 10-m testing in NASA Ames wind Tunnel)
- Boat propeller (laminar and turbulent)
- Boat (interface air/water/boat)
- IFS: water snake to
extract power of ocean waves (elastic
- Sedimentation of bodies (2D and 3D)
- Instabilities

another 3D Ray Swimming.

Control of Self-propelled swimmers

Turbulent fish-like swimming.
Control of the tail amplitude to reach a desired swimming velocity.

Fish maneuvers.
Goal: large fish sould go towards the small fish
Control the swimming law of the large fish by adding adaptive curvature.
Fluid-structure Interactions: Elastic body

Wave power extraction with an elastic "water snake"
("strong" implicit coupling between fluid and elastic structure)
Inertial Sea Wave Energy Converters

The energy is converted thanks to a gyroscope inside the floater.

Wind turbine ("low precision").

Wind turbine ("high precision") with tip vortices.
Boat Propeller
(Thrust generation)


turbulent (Smagorinsky-Lilly LES model).
Boat (interface air/water/boat)

Air-water interface is computed with Continuous Surface Force model
Sedimentation of bodies
![]() 2D sedimentation of a cylinder (presence of instability at Re=30...) |
![]() 3D pressure distribution on a falling disk in a tube. |
![]() Sedimenation of spheres with contacts modeled with Newtonian central forces |
Some instabilities
![]() Rayleigh Taylor with density ratio 3 |
![]() Rayleigh Plateau (with curvature limitator to allow 2D isntability). |
Drag minimization of the cylinder wake in laminar regime![]()
Natural uncontrolled flow. Cd=1.40 [video 7.2Mo]