Liste de Publications de Mathieu Colin.

  • Publications dans des revues à comité de Lecture:
    [37] M. Colin, T. Watanabe, "Strong instability of standing waves for L^2-supercritical Schrodinger-Poisson system with a doping profile", submitted. .pdf
    [36] M. Colin, T. Watanabe, "Ground state solution for Schrodinger-Poisson system with a doping profile", submitted..pdf
    [35] M. Colin, T. Watanabe, "Stable standing wave for nonlinear Schrodinger-Poisson system with a doping profile", submitted..pdf
    [34] M. Colin, T. Watanabe, "Stable standing waves for a Schrodinger system with nonlinear X3 response", Journal of Mathematical Physics, (2023), vol. 10, 101506.
    [33] T. Carlier, L. Nouveau, H. Beaugendre, M. Colin, M. Ricchiuto, "An Enriched Shifted Boundary Method to Account For Moving Fronts", Journal of Computational Physics, (2023), vol. 490.
    [32] P.-H. Decaup, M. Colin, E. Garrot, "Analyse par éléments finis : application de la méthode à un choix thérapeutique", Biomatériaux Cliniques, (2022), 63-72
    [31] P.-H. Decaup, M. Colin, E. Garrot, C. Couture, "Prevalence of taurodontism: meta-analysis in recent humans and evolutionary perspectives", Homo, Journal of Comparative Human Biology, (2021) , .pdf
    [30] D. Bresch, M. Colin, K. Msheik, P. Noble, X. Song, "Lubrication and shallow-water systems, Bernis-Friedman and BD entropies", ESAIM PROCEEDINGS and SURVEYS, vol. 69, (2020), 1-23 .pdf
    [29] M. Colin and T. Iguchi, "Solitary wave solutions to the Isobe-Kakinuma model for water waves", Studies in Applied Mathematics, vol. 145(1), (2020), 52-80 .pdf
    [28] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation coupled with the Maxwell equation", Annales Henri Lebesgue, vol. 3, (2020), 67-85. .pdf
    [27] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "A refined stability result for standing waves of the Schrodinger-Maxwell system", Nonlinearity, vol. 32, (2019), 3695-3714 .pdf
    [26]  D. Bresch, M. Colin, K. Msheik, P. Noble and X. Song, "BD Entropy and Bernis-Friedman Entropy",C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 357, (2019), 1-6 .pdf
    [25] D. Bresch, M. Colin, P. Noble and X. Song, "Lubrication theory and viscous shallow-water equations", Recent advances in PDEs: analysis, numerics and control, SEMA SIMAI Springer Ser. 17, (2018), 61-71
    [24] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "On the existence of Ground states for a nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Maxwell type system", Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, vol. 61, (2018), 1-14 .pdf
    [23] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "Standing waves for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation coupled with the Maxwell equation", Nonlinearity, vol. 30 (5), (2017), 1920-1947 .pdf
    [22] S. Bellec, M. Colin and M. Ricchuito, "Discrete asymptotic equations for long wave propagation", SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol.54 (6), (2016), 3280-3299 .pdf
    [21] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation coupled with the Maxwell equation", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, vol.2, (2016), 778-796. .pdf
    [20]  M. Colin and S. Bellec. "On the existence of solitary waves for Boussinesq type equations and a new conservative model". Advances in Differential Equations, vol. 21 (9/10), (2016), 945-976., .pdf
    [19] M. Colin, L. di Menza et J.-C.Saut, "Solitons in quadratic media". Nonlinearity, vol. 29 (3), (2016), 1000-1035. .pdf
    [18] M. Colin, T. Colin and J. Dambrine. "Numerical simulation of wormlike micelle flows in micro-fluidic T-shaped junctions". Mathematics and Computer in Simulations, vol. 127, (2016), 28-55. .pdf
    [17] A. Filipini, S. Bellec, M. Colin and M. Ricchuito. "On the nonlinear behavior of Boussinesq type-models : amplitude-velocity vs amplitude-flux forms". Costal Engineering, vol. 99, (2015), 109-123. .pdf
    [16] M. Colin and M. Ohta. "Instability of ground states for a quasilinear Schrodinger equation". Diff. Int. Eqs., vol. 27 (7,8), (2014), 613-624.
    [15] M. Colin and M. Ohta, "Bifurcation from semi-trivial standing waves and ground states for a system of nonlinear Schrodinger equations" SIAM Journal on Math. anal., vol. 44, (2012), 206-223
    [14] M. Colin, T. Colin et J. Dambrine, "Validity of the Reynolds equation for miscible fluids in microchanneles" DCDS-B, vol. 17, (2012), 801-834. .pdf
    [13] M. Colin et T. Colin, "A multi-D model for Raman amplification" M2AN, vol. 1, (2011), 1-22. .pdf
    [12] M. Colin, L. Jeanjean et M. Squassina, "Stability and instability results for standing waves of quasi-linear Schrodinger equations" Nonlinearity, vol. 23(6), (2010),1353-1385.

    [11] M. Colin et P. Fabrie, A variational approach for optimal control of the Navier-Stokes equations, Adv. Diff. Eqs. vol. 15, (2010), 829-852.
    [10] M. Colin, T. Colin et M. Ohta, "Instability of standing waves for a system of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with three wave interaction" Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, vol. 52, (2009), 371-380.
    [9] M. Colin, T. Colin et M. Ohta, "Stability of solitary waves for a system of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with three wave interaction", Ann. IHP, Analyse Non lineaire, vol. 26, (2009), 2211-2226.
    [8] M. Colin et D. lannes, "Short pulses approximation in dispersive media", SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol.41(2), (2009), 708-732. .pdf
    [7] M. Colin and M. Ohta, "Stability of solitary waves for derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation". Ann. IHP. Analyse Non Lineaire, vol. 23, (2006),
    [6] M. Colin and T. Colin, "A numerical model for the Raman amplification for laser-plasma interaction". J. Comput. App. Math., vol. 193(2), (2006), 535-562.
    [5] M. Colin and T. Colin, "On a quasilinear Zakharov system describing interactions laser-plasma". Diff. and Int. Eqs., vol. 17(3&4), (2004), 297-330
    [4]  M. Colin and L. Jeanjean, "Solutions for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation : a dual approach". Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 56(2), (2004), 213-226. .pdf
    [3]  M. Colin, "Approximation of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation by a Klein-Gordon equation". Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 34(3,4), (2003), 275-309 .pdf
    [2]  M. Colin, "Stability of stationary waves for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation in dimension 2" . Adv. in Diff. Eqs., vol. 8(1), (2003), 1-28 .

    [1]  M. Colin, "On the local well-posedness of quasilinear Schrödinger equations in arbitrary space dimension". Comm. Par. Diff. Eqs., vol. 27 (1&2), (2002), 325-354

  • Actes de congrès- Autres :
    [5] H. Kalisch, M. Ricchuito, P. Bonneton, M. Colin, P. Lubin, "Introduction to the special issue on breaking wave", European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, vol. 73, (2019), 1-5
    [4] A. Filipini, S. Bellec, M. Colin and M. Ricchuito. "On shoaling properties of enhanced Boussinesq models". A paraitre dans ECMI 2014 Proceedings.
    [3] J. Bona, M. Colin, T. Colin et D. Lannes, "Preface: special issue on asymptotic description of natural phenomena" DCDS, vol. 23, (2009), 41-06.
    [2] M. Colin, T. Colin et G. Métivier, "Nonlinear models for laser-plasma interaction", Séminaire X-EDP 2006-2007. .pdf

    [1] M. Colin et T. Colin, "Cauchy problem and numerical simulation for a quasilinear Zakharov system describing laser plasma interactions" Proceedings of the conference on nonlinear analysis, Orlando, Nonlinear Analysis, 63 (2005), e1679-e1686. .pdf

  • Autres :

    [1]  "Etude mathématique d'équations de Schrödinger quasilinéaires intervenant en physique des plasmas". Mathieu COLIN, phD Thesis. .pdf

    [2]  "Etude de quelques problèmes issus de la physique des plasmas et de la mécanique des fluides". Mathieu COLIN, HDR, 2011. .pdf

  • Mémoires :

    [a]  "Etude d'un schéma Volume-Fini Boite". Mathieu COLIN, Mémoire de DEA sous la direction de J.P. Croisille.
    [b]  "Les séries de Dirichlet". Mathieu COLIN, Mémoire de Magistère sous la direction de P. Boyer.

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