Liste de Publications de Mathieu Colin.
[37] M. Colin, T. Watanabe, "Strong instability of standing waves for L^2-supercritical Schrodinger-Poisson system with a doping profile", submitted. .pdf
[36] M. Colin, T. Watanabe, "Ground state solution for Schrodinger-Poisson system with a doping profile", submitted..pdf
[35] M. Colin, T. Watanabe, "Stable standing wave for nonlinear Schrodinger-Poisson system with a doping profile", submitted..pdf
[34] M. Colin, T. Watanabe, "Stable standing waves for a Schrodinger system with nonlinear X3 response", Journal of Mathematical Physics, (2023), vol. 10, 101506.
[33] T. Carlier, L. Nouveau, H. Beaugendre, M. Colin, M. Ricchiuto, "An Enriched Shifted Boundary Method to Account For Moving Fronts", Journal of Computational Physics, (2023), vol. 490.
[32] P.-H. Decaup, M. Colin, E. Garrot, "Analyse par éléments finis : application de la méthode à un choix thérapeutique",
Biomatériaux Cliniques, (2022), 63-72
[31] P.-H. Decaup, M. Colin, E. Garrot, C. Couture, "Prevalence of taurodontism: meta-analysis in recent humans and evolutionary perspectives", Homo, Journal of Comparative Human Biology, (2021) , .pdf
[30] D. Bresch, M. Colin, K. Msheik, P. Noble, X. Song, "Lubrication and shallow-water systems, Bernis-Friedman and BD entropies", ESAIM PROCEEDINGS and SURVEYS, vol. 69, (2020), 1-23
[29] M. Colin and T. Iguchi, "Solitary wave solutions to the Isobe-Kakinuma model for water waves", Studies in Applied Mathematics, vol. 145(1), (2020), 52-80
[28] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation coupled with the Maxwell equation", Annales Henri Lebesgue, vol. 3, (2020), 67-85.
[27] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "A refined stability result for standing waves of the Schrodinger-Maxwell system", Nonlinearity, vol. 32, (2019), 3695-3714
[26] D. Bresch, M. Colin, K. Msheik, P. Noble and X. Song, "BD Entropy and Bernis-Friedman Entropy",C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 357, (2019), 1-6
[25] D. Bresch, M. Colin, P. Noble and X. Song, "Lubrication theory and viscous shallow-water equations", Recent advances in PDEs: analysis, numerics and control, SEMA SIMAI Springer Ser. 17, (2018), 61-71
[24] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "On the existence of Ground states for a nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Maxwell type system", Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, vol. 61, (2018), 1-14 .pdf
[23] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "Standing waves for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation coupled with the Maxwell equation", Nonlinearity, vol. 30 (5), (2017), 1920-1947 .pdf
[22] S. Bellec, M. Colin and M. Ricchuito, "Discrete asymptotic equations for long wave propagation", SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol.54 (6), (2016), 3280-3299 .pdf
[21] M. Colin and T. Watanabe, "Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation coupled with the Maxwell equation", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, vol.2, (2016), 778-796. .pdf
[20] M. Colin and S. Bellec. "On the existence of solitary waves for Boussinesq type equations and a new conservative model". Advances in Differential Equations, vol. 21 (9/10), (2016), 945-976.,
[19] M. Colin, L. di Menza et J.-C.Saut, "Solitons in quadratic media". Nonlinearity, vol. 29 (3), (2016), 1000-1035. .pdf
[18] M. Colin, T. Colin and J. Dambrine. "Numerical simulation of wormlike micelle flows in micro-fluidic T-shaped junctions". Mathematics and Computer in Simulations, vol. 127, (2016), 28-55.
[17] A. Filipini, S. Bellec, M. Colin and M. Ricchuito. "On the nonlinear behavior of Boussinesq type-models : amplitude-velocity vs amplitude-flux forms". Costal Engineering, vol. 99, (2015), 109-123.
[16] M. Colin and M. Ohta. "Instability of ground states for a quasilinear Schrodinger equation". Diff. Int. Eqs., vol. 27 (7,8), (2014), 613-624.
[15] M. Colin and M. Ohta, "Bifurcation from semi-trivial standing waves and ground states for a system of nonlinear Schrodinger equations"
SIAM Journal on Math. anal., vol. 44, (2012), 206-223
[14] M. Colin, T. Colin et J. Dambrine, "Validity of the Reynolds
equation for miscible fluids in microchanneles"
DCDS-B, vol. 17, (2012), 801-834.
[13] M. Colin et T. Colin, "A multi-D model for Raman amplification"
M2AN, vol. 1, (2011), 1-22.
[12] M. Colin, L. Jeanjean et M. Squassina, "Stability and
instability results for standing waves of quasi-linear Schrodinger equations"
Nonlinearity, vol. 23(6), (2010),1353-1385.
[11] M. Colin et
P. Fabrie, A variational approach for optimal control of the Navier-Stokes
equations, Adv. Diff. Eqs. vol. 15, (2010), 829-852.
[10] M. Colin, T. Colin et M. Ohta, "Instability of standing
waves for a system of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with three wave
interaction" Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, vol. 52, (2009), 371-380.
[9] M. Colin, T. Colin et M. Ohta, "Stability of solitary
waves for a system of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with three wave
interaction", Ann. IHP, Analyse Non lineaire, vol. 26,
(2009), 2211-2226.
[8] M. Colin et D. lannes, "Short pulses approximation in
dispersive media", SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis,
vol.41(2), (2009), 708-732.
[7] M. Colin and M. Ohta, "Stability of solitary waves for
derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation". Ann. IHP. Analyse Non Lineaire, vol. 23, (2006),
[6] M. Colin and T. Colin, "A numerical model for the Raman
amplification for laser-plasma interaction". J. Comput. App. Math., vol. 193(2), (2006), 535-562.
[5] M. Colin and T. Colin, "On a quasilinear Zakharov system describing interactions laser-plasma".
Diff. and Int. Eqs., vol. 17(3&4), (2004), 297-330
M. Colin and L. Jeanjean,
"Solutions for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation : a dual approach".
Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 56(2), (2004), 213-226.
M. Colin,
"Approximation of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation by a Klein-Gordon
Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 34(3,4), (2003), 275-309
[2] M. Colin,
"Stability of stationary waves for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation in dimension 2"
Adv. in Diff. Eqs., vol. 8(1), (2003), 1-28 .
M. Colin,
"On the local well-posedness of quasilinear
Schrödinger equations in arbitrary space dimension".
Comm. Par. Diff. Eqs., vol. 27 (1&2), (2002), 325-354
[5] H. Kalisch, M. Ricchuito, P. Bonneton, M. Colin, P. Lubin, "Introduction to the special issue on breaking wave", European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, vol. 73, (2019), 1-5
[4] A. Filipini, S. Bellec, M. Colin and M. Ricchuito. "On shoaling properties of enhanced Boussinesq models". A paraitre dans ECMI 2014 Proceedings.
[3] J. Bona, M. Colin, T. Colin et D. Lannes, "Preface: special issue on asymptotic description of natural phenomena" DCDS, vol. 23, (2009), 41-06.
[2] M. Colin, T. Colin et G. Métivier, "Nonlinear models
for laser-plasma interaction", Séminaire X-EDP 2006-2007.
[1] M. Colin et T. Colin, "Cauchy problem and numerical simulation for a quasilinear Zakharov system describing laser plasma interactions" Proceedings of the conference on nonlinear analysis, Orlando, Nonlinear Analysis, 63 (2005), e1679-e1686. .pdf
[1] "Etude mathématique d'équations de Schrödinger quasilinéaires intervenant en physique des plasmas". Mathieu COLIN, phD Thesis. .pdf
"Etude de quelques problèmes issus de la physique des plasmas et de la mécanique des fluides".
Mathieu COLIN,
HDR, 2011.
"Etude d'un schéma Volume-Fini Boite".
Mathieu COLIN,
Mémoire de DEA sous la direction de J.P. Croisille.
"Les séries de Dirichlet".
Mathieu COLIN,
Mémoire de Magistère sous la direction de P. Boyer.