Welcome to my personal page!
Since December 2022 I am a post-doctoral researcher in applied mathematics, member of the team EDP et Physique mathématique at Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux. This interdisciplinary project is cosupervised by David Lannes and Philippe Bonneton. It was supported by an IMPT funding until November 2023, and is now funded by the ANR Bourgeons grant.
Between October 2019 and November 2022, I was a Ph.D. candidate at Sorbonne University in the Jacques-Louis Lions laboratory. This work was supervised by Nina Aguillon and Nathalie Ayi, and was funded by the DIM MathInnov. You can find the manuscript of the thesis on the HAL portal.
My research focuses on the design (based on PDE analysis), study and implementation of efficient numerical schemes for simulating complex geophysical flows with free surface and varying bathymetry. In particular I am interested in the following topics, all related to a depth-averaged model:
- In the Boussinesq regime:
- Reformulation of the Boussinesq-Abbott model with nonlocal flux and dispersive boundary layer;
- First and second order schemes with efficient treatment of boundary conditions;
- Bathymetry impact on the formation of extreme waves;
- In the nonlinear shallow water regime:
- Asymptotic preserving implicit-explicit schemes for the low Froude limit;
- Fully implicit and iterative kinetic schemes admitting a discrete entropy inequality;
You can contact me at mathieu.rigal[AT]math.u-bordeaux.fr
Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics, Sorbonne University
Engineering degree in applied mathematics and scientific computing
(equivalent to a Master degree), Sup Galilée
Exchange semester at the Technical University of Munich
- D. Lannes and M. Rigal. "General boundary conditions for a Boussinesq model with varying bathymetry".
In: Studies in Applied Mathematics (2024) [SAPM, arXiv, HAL]
- Implicit kinetic schemes for the Saint-Venant system [HAL]
C. El Hassanieh, R., J. Sainte-Marie
Adaptive wavelet schemes and finite volumes
Daniele Del Sarto, Erwan Deriaz, Xavier Lhebrard, R.
ESAIM: ProcS 70 107-123 (2021)
Thesis manuscript
Talks and presentations
Conferences and workshops
- Journées jeunes EDPistes 2025, Nice, January 9, 2025
- CANUM 2024, Ile de Ré, May 31, 2024
- GDR MathGeoPhy, Amiens, November 17, 2023
- Workshop "Analysis, modeling and numerical methods for kinetic models", Bordeaux, November 14, 2023
- JMVPR workshop, Ile d'Aix, October 4, 2023
- NumHyp23 conference, Bordeaux, June 29, 2023
- Congrès national d’Analyse NUMérique (CANUM), Évian-les-Bains, June 15, 2022
- CSM seminar, Bordeaux, March 21, 2024
- IRMAR seminar, Rennes, February 08, 2024
- GT non permanents, Insitutut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, February 05, 2024
- Team ANGE seminar, Inria Paris and LJLL, Paris, January 12, 2024
- Launch of the ANR Bourgeons, LJLL, Paris, January 8, 2024
- Seminar of the team EDP et Physique mathématique at IMB, Bordeaux, June 13, 2023
- Seminar of the LAMFA laboratory, Université de Picardie, Amiens, October 10, 2022
- Inria Paris, team ANGE seminar, Paris, December 2, 2021
- University of Strasbourg, seminar, Strasbourg, November 9, 2021
- MathInnov day, Online, November 16, 2020
- Inria Paris, team ANGE seminar, Online, June 16, 2020
- Inria Paris, team ANGE seminar, Paris, November 18, 2019
- MoHyCon conference, Pornichet, March 10, 2022
A few slides:
- General boundary conditions for the Boussinesq-Abbott model with varying bathymetry [slides]
- Low Froude IMEX scheme for the Saint-Venant system [poster, slides]
- Implicit kinetic schemes for the Saint-Venant system [slides]
- Schémas cinétiques et splitting d'ondes pour les équations de Saint-Venant [slides]
- Schéma de reconstruction exact sur les chocs isolés [slides]
Teaching (fr)
- TD et TP Python d'introduction à l'analyse numérique, niveau L2 (2023) ;
- TD d'analyse hilbertienne, intégration et topologie, niveau L3 (2019-2021) ;
- Cours et révisions d'analyse vectorielle, niveau L2 (2020) ;
- TD d'analyse vectorielle, niveau L2 (2019-2020) ;
- TP d'introduction à Matlab, niveau L1 (2019-2021) ;
The program swimpy-1d provides solvers for the one dimensionnal shallow water system in a Python framework. It features explicit and implicit kinetic solvers alongside hydrostatic reconstruction for preserving the lakes at rest and the positivity.