Dynamical Optimization in PDE and Geometry
Applications to Hamilton-Jacobi
Ergodic Optimization, Weak KAM
Institut de Mathématiques
Université Bordeaux 1, December 12-21 2011
Main themes:
Hamilton-Jacobi (stationary or quasi-periodic ergodic setting,
large time behaviour,viscosity solutions, cell equation,
homogenezation,dislocation, numerical methods, quantum weak KAM,
Wasserstein distance)
Ergodic optimization (minimimizing measures, synchronization,
ground states, thermodynamic formalism, maxplus algebra and
tropical geometry, Lyapunov exponents, geometric control theory).
KAM and weak KAM (Aubry-Mather theory, stationary or time-dependent
Frenkel-Kontorova model, Green bundles, co-dimension one
Aubry-Mather theory, stable norm, solitons and breathers,
ground states and phase transition, weak KAM on lattices).
Scientific committee:
Marie-Claude Arnaud
Patrick Bernard
Albert Fathi
Jean-Michel Roquejoffre
Organizing committee:
Marilyne Mondolfi:
Marilyne.Mondolfi at math.u-bordeaux1.fr
Philippe Thieullen:
philippe.thieullen at math.u-bordeaux1.fr
Date of the conference:
Beginning of the conference: December 12 at 9:00,
end of the conference: Wednesday 21 at 17:00
Arriving Sunday, December 11 and departing Thursday, December 22, 2011
(Sunday night and Wednesday night are booked for all