All the talks will take place in the Conference Hall (Salle de Conférence) of the Institute of Mathematics of Bordeaux (IMB). How to find the IMB.
We do not charge any conference fee, but we cannot contribute to your travel expenses, unless you are an invited speaker.
We have some limited funds for sponsoring the local expenses of certain participants, like young researchers, researchers from developing countries, or other participants who cannot afford paying for their stay in Bordeaux. Please contact us asap if you want to be supported. We shall do our best, but we do not promise anything in advance, even if you belong to one of the categories listed above.
Bordeaux offers a good selection of hotels at all levels, from most basic to most luxurious. Unless you are an invited speaker or a sponsored participant, we assume that you will take care of your lodging yourself. We suggest using one of the standard websites like or similar. We recommend early reservation: it can be busy in Bordeaux in the beginning of October.
We can also help you to find an affordable lodging in Bordeaux for the period of the conference; please let us know before July 1 if you need our help.
Lunch will be served every day of the conference. The Conference dinner will be organized on Thursday.
A visit to St Emilion, a beautiful medieval village, famous for its historical treasures and wine estates, will be organized on Wednesday, October 2 in the afternoon. The number of places is limited, so please let us know asap if you are interested.
Last update: April 3, 2013
responsible: Yuri Bilu