Articles publiés
On the Diophantine equation x4+q4=p yr with B. Dupuy, F. Luca and A. Togbe Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 79 / 3-4 (2) (2011) . [Preprint].
Abstract. In this paper, we characterize up to finitely many exceptions all the solutions
of the Diophantine equation x4+q4=p yr with r > 3 a fixed prime. When r = 5, we
show that there are no exceptions.
Bouding j-invariant of integral points on Xns+(p) with M. Sha (2012). À paraître dans Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society [ Preprint ] .
Abstract. For prime p ≥ 7, by using Baker’s method we obtain two explicit bounds in terms of p for the j-invariant of an integral point on Xns+(p) which
is the modular curve of level p corresponding to the normalizer of a non-split
Cartan subgroup of GL2(Z/pZ).
Articles en prépration
Computing Integral Points on Xns+(p) with Yu. Bilu. [ Preprint ] .
Abstract. We describe an algorithm for computing integral points on the modular curve of prime level p associated to the normalizer of a non-split Cartan subgroup of GL2(Fp). Using our method, we show that for 7 < p < 71 the only integral points on this curve are the CM-points.