Computation of finite element matrix

The general variational formulation for continuous elements is equal to (see the section devoted to the description of equations if you want more details about that formulation)

The tensors A, B, C, D and E are provided by the class defining the solved equation. These tensors will be of the form :


The variational formulation leads to the following linear system

where the finite element matrix Ah is equal to

The matrices Mh, Sh and Kh are respectively the mass matrix, damping matrix and stiffness matrix. The finite element matrix is computed by calling method AddMatrixWithBC :

// The definition of the problem is constructed via EllipticProblem class
EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;
var.SetTypeEquation("LAPLACE"); // name of the equation, it can be used to use an equivalent formulation of the same equation

ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read
var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement("QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO"); // mesh and finite element are constructed
var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

// once var is constructed, you can call AddMatrixWithBC
GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to set coefficients alpha, beta and gamma
// By default, alpha = beta = gamma = 1
Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;
var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);

// but you can change them 
Real_wp alpha = 2.0, beta = 0.5, gamma = 0.25;
// matrix is added, so you need to clear it if you do not want to keep
// previous non-zero entries
var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);

// for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Real_wp(0));
var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);
delete Ah;

The method AddMatrixWithBC calls method AddBoundaryConditionsTerms for terms due to boundary conditions and other extra terms then, the method AddMatrixFEM is called. In this last method, the boundary integrals (appearing only in discontinuous Galerkin formulation) are added to the matrix by the function AddElementaryFluxesDG, then the volume integrals are added by the function AssembleMatrix (which calls the function ComputeElementaryMatrix for each element of the mesh).

Functions related to computation of finite element matrix

AssembleMatrix assembles elementary matrices in order to form the finite element matrix
ComputeElementaryMatrix computes elementary matrix for continuous or discontinuous elements
AddElementaryFluxesDG adds boundary integrals that appear in DG formulation to a given matrix

Public attributes of class VarProblem_Base

The class VarProblem_Base is the base class for steady (or time-harmonic) problems (class EllipticProblem). This class is abstract and non-template. It does not depend on the dimension or the type of equation. Below, we detail the public attributes of this class. Methods are listed in the next table.

print_level verbosity level
nb_unknowns_scal number of scalar unknowns
nb_unknowns_vec number of vectorial unknowns
nb_unknowns number of unknowns
nb_components_en number of components for the trace of the solution
nb_components_hn number of components for the trace of the gradient of solution
nb_unknowns_hdg number of surface unknowns (for HDG formulation)
type_element type of the finite element used for the main unknown
other_type_element type of the finite elements used for other unknowns
finite_element_name name of the finite element used for the main unknown
name_other_elements name of the finite elements used for other unknowns
mesh_num_unknown list of mesh numberings to use for each unknown
offset_dof_unknown incremental number of degrees of freedom for each unknown
offset_dof_condensed incremental number of degrees of freedom for each unknown (after static condensation)
dg_formulation Formulation used (continuous, discontinous or HDG)
sipg_formulation true for Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin
compute_dfjm1 true if the jacobian matrices DFi need to be computed and stored
alpha_penalization penalty parameter for discontinuous Galerkin formulations
delta_penalization penalty parameter for discontinuous Galerkin formulations
upwind_fluxes true if upwind fluxes will be used for a discontinuous Galerkin formulation
automatic_choice_penalization true if penalty parameters are set automatically
Glob_CoefPenalDG Penalty parameters for each face (IPDG)
mesh_data Parameters for constructing the mesh
exit_if_no_boundary_condition if true, the simulation is stopped if there is a boundary face without boundary condition
var_chrono Object used to compute timings

Methods of class VarProblem_Base

GetNbDof returns the number of degrees of freedom for the considered problem (i.e. size of the matrix)
SetNbDof sets the number of degrees of freedom for the considered problem (i.e. size of the matrix)
GetNbMeshDof returns the number of degrees of freedom for a mesh numbering
GetNbMeshNumberings returns the number of mesh numberings
GetMeshNumberingBase gives access to the mesh numbering
GetOffsetDofUnknown returns the cumulative number of degrees of freedom for a given unknown
GetOffsetDofCondensed returns the cumulative number of degrees of freedom for a given unknown (with static condensation)
GetDefaultOrder returns the default order to use for the mesh geometry
FormulationDG returns true if the problem is solved with a discontinuous Galerkin formulation
ComputeDFjm1 returns true if the jacobian matrices DFi must be stored for the computation of the finite element matrix
FirstOrderFormulation returns true if a mixed formulation is used (such that only first-order derivatives appear)
FirstOrderFormulationDG returns true if the problem is a formulation involving only first-order derivatives in time and space
SetFirstOrderFormulation informs that the problem is a formulation involving only first-order derivatives in time and space
UseExactIntegrationElement returns true if exact integration will be used
GetOverIntegration returns the additional degree to use in order to over-integrate
GetXmin returns the minimum of x-coordinates of the physical domain (without PML)
GetYmin returns the minimum of y-coordinates of the physical domain (without PML)
GetZmin returns the minimum of z-coordinates of the physical domain (without PML)
GetXmax returns the maximum of x-coordinates of the physical domain (without PML)
GetYmax returns the maximum of y-coordinates of the physical domain (without PML)
GetZmax returns the maximum of z-coordinates of the physical domain (without PML)
SetComputationalDomain sets the extremities of the physical domain (without PML)
GetSquareOmega returns the square of the pulsation
GetOmega returns the pulsation
GetMiomega returns -i ω for complex numbers, 1 for real numbers
GetMomega2 returns -ω2 for complex numbers, 1 for real numbers
GetFrequency returns the frequency
SetOmega sets the pulsation
SetFrequency sets the frequency
GetWaveLengthAdim returns the characteristical length used for adimensionalization
GetDimension returns the dimension (2 or 3)
GetNbComponentsUnknown returns the number of components for an unknown (1, 2 or 3)
GetNbComponentsGradient returns the number of components for the gradient of an unknown (1, 2 or 3)
GetNbLocalDof returns the number of degrees of freedom for an element of the mesh
GetNbSurfaceDof returns the number of degrees of freedom for a surfacic element of the mesh
GetNbDofBoundaries returns the number of degrees of freedom associated with the boundary of an element
GetNbPointsQuadratureInside returns the number of quadrature points inside an element of the mesh
WeightsND returns the array containing quadrature weights for a given element of the mesh
ElementInsidePML returns true if the i-th element belongs to PMLs
GetReferenceElementBase returns the finite element associated with an element
GetSurfaceElementBase returns the finite element associated with a surfacic element
WriteMesh writes the mesh on a file
SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs Periodic condition is enforced by using the same dof numbers
InitIndices inits the number of references for physical indexes
GetNbPhysicalIndices returns the number of references for physical indexes
SetIndices sets physical indexes with parameters
SetPhysicalIndex sets a single physical index with parameters
IsVaryingMedia returns true if the i-th media is a media with variable physical coefficients
GetCoefficientPenaltyStiffness returns the penalty coefficient for a given reference
GetPhysicalIndexName returns the name of the m-th physical index
GetVelocityOnElements computes the speed of propagation for each element
GetVelocityOfMedia returns the speed of propagation for a given reference
GetVelocityOfInfinity returns the speed of propagation at infinite
CopyInputData copies parameters from another EllipticProblem instance
IsSymmetricProblem returns true if the finite element matrix is symmetric
IsSymmetricMassMatrix returns true if the mass matrix is symmetric
IsComplexProblem returns true if the equation needs to be solved with complex numbers
ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement constructs the mesh and finite element classes
PerformOtherInitializations performs other initializations before computing the finite element matrix
SetTypeEquation sets which formulation is used to solve the current equation

Methods of class VarComputationProblem_Base

The class VarComputationProblem_Base is an abstract class that is used for the assembly of matrices (see details in the description of AssembleMatrix). Below we list the methods of this class, most of them are virtual and are overloaded in the derived classes.

GetThresholdMatrix returns the threshold used to drop negligible entries of the matrix
SetThresholdMatrix sets the threshold used to drop negligible entries of the matrix
GetNbElt returns the number of elements
GetNbRows returns the number of rows of the assembled matrix
ComputeElementaryMatrix computes the elementary matrix of a given element
GetInternalNodesElement retrieves degrees of freedom that can be eliminated for a given element
GetNewCondensationSolver constructs a new object handling static condensation

Methods of class VarComputationProblem (class inherited from VarComputationProblem_Base)

The class VarComputationProblem implements the computation of finite element matrices.

UseMatrixFreeAlgorithm returns true if the finite element matrix will not be stored
IsSymmetricGlobalMatrix returns true if the finite element matrix is symmetric
GetStorageFiniteElementMatrix returns the type of storage for the finite element matrix
SetStorageFiniteElementMatrix sets the type of storage for the finite element matrix
SetSymmetricElementaryMatrix sets the symmetry of elementary matrices
SetLeafStaticCondensation informs Montjoie to effectively perform (or not) the static condensation.
GetLeafStaticCondensation returns true if the static condensation has to been effectively performed
LightStaticCondensation returns true if a light static condensation is used
GetSymmetrizationUse returns true if a symmetrization is used
SetSymmetrizationUse enables/disables the use of symmetrization
SetHomogeneousDirichlet enables/disables homogeneous Dirichlet conditions
IsHomogeneousDirichlet returns true if only homogeneous Dirichlet conditions are present
SetPrintLevel sets the verbosity level
GetMemorySize returns the memory used by the object in bytes
SetPrintLevel sets the verbosity level
AddMatrixWithBC adds the finite element matrix (boundary conditions included)
AddMatrixFEM adds the finite element matrices (without boundary conditions)
ComputeDiagonalMatrix computes the diagonal of the finite element matrix
IsSymmetricElementaryMatrix returns true if the elementary matrices are symmetric
IsDiagonalElementaryMatrix returns true if the elementary matrices are diagonal
IsSparseElementaryMatrix returns true if the elementary matrices are sparse
GetStaticCondensedRows fills rows that can be condensed
AddElementaryFluxesDG adds terms due to numerical fluxes (Discontinuous Galerkin formulations)
UpdateShiftAdimensionalization updates the shift used for eigenvalue computations due to adimensionalization
UpdateEigenvaluesAdimensionalization updates the eigenvalues due to adimensionalization
FindIntervalDofSignSymmetry finds rows that are multiplied by -1 to obtain a symmetric matrix
ModifySourceSymmetry modifies the right hand side because of symmetrization
GetNewIterativeMatrix constructs a new iterative matrix (to perform the matrix-vector product with finite element matrix)
GetNewLinearSolver constructs a new linear solver (to solve the finite element matrix)
GetNewPreconditioning constructs a new preconditioning (used to solve the finite element matrix)

Public attributes of class VarGeometryProblem (class inherited from VarProblem_Base)

mesh mesh used for the simulations
Glob_PointsQuadrature quadrature points for all the elements (if stored)
write_quadrature_points if true, quadrature points are written in a file
write_quad_points_pml if true, quadrature points (of PMLs) are written in a file
Glob_jacobian Determinant of jacobian matrices on quadrature points
Glob_decomp_jacobian Decomposition of the determinant of jacobian matrices on a polynomial basis
Glob_normale Outgoing normales on quadrature points of the boundaries of the mesh
Glob_dsj Surface integration elements on quadrature points of the boundaries of the mesh
OrthogonalElement type of orthogonality for each element
Glob_DFjm1 inverse of jacobian matrices (multiplied by the determinant)
IsNewFace true if the face j of element i has not been considered

Methods of class VarGeometryProblem (class inherited from VarProblem_Base)

GetReferenceInfinity returns the reference for the infinity medium
GetWaveVector returns the wave vector
SetWaveVector sets the wave vector
GetPolarization returns the polarization vector
GetPolarizationGrad returns the polarization vector (used for gradient of Dirac)
GetPhaseOrigin returns the origin of the phase (for plane waves)
SetPolarization sets the polarization vector
FinalizeComputationVaryingIndices method called after the computation of physical coefficients
AllocateMassMatrices allocation for arrays storing geometric quantities needed for the computation of the finite element matrix
DoNotComputeGrid the interpolation grid is not computed when calling ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement
GetLocalUnknownVector extracts the local components of u on an element of the mesh
AddLocalUnknownVector adds a local (with only values on degrees of freedom of an element of the mesh) vector to the global vector
ModifyLocalComponentVector intermediary function used by GetLocalUnknownVector
ModifyLocalUnknownVector intermediary function used by AddLocalUnknownVector
GetGlobalUnknownVector modification of local projection on reference element to obtain a global projection (respecting signs and orientations of global dofs)
InsidePML returns true if the i-th element belongs to PMLs
GetNbComponentsType returns the number of components for a given type
GetNbComponentsGradType returns the number of components for the gradient for a given type
GetNbComponentsAll returns the number of components for all the unknowns
GetNbComponentsGradientAll returns the number of components for the gradients of all unknowns
GetNbComponentsHessianAll returns the number of components for the hessians of all unknowns
GetMeshNumbering gives access to the mesh numbering
WriteNodalPointsMesh writes nodal points of the mesh in a file understood by write_index
LocalizePointsBoundaryElement localize points of the boundary on an element
UseNumericalIntegration if true, quadrature points are needed to compute integrals because of varying coefficients
FaceHasToBeConsideredForBoundaryIntegral if true the i-th is involved in a boundary integral of the variational formulation
GetWeightedJacobian returns the weighted jacobian on a given quadrature point
GetSurfaceWeightedJacobian returns the weighted jacobian on a given quadrature point of the surface
GetInverseJacobianMatrix retrieves the inverse of jacobian matrix on a given quadrature point
FillQuadratureJacobian fills jacobian matrices on quadrature points
ComputeLocalMassMatrix computes geometric quantities (jacobians, quadrature points, etc) for a single element
ComputeMassMatrix computes geometric quantities Ji, DFi, normale on quadrature points, etc needed for the computation of the finite element matrix
ClearMassMatrix clears arrays containing geometric quantities Ji, DFi, etc
ComputeVariableOrder computes the order for each element
GetPhysicalCoefficientMesh returns the mesh associated with a given file name
GetPhysicalCoefInterp returns the projector for a given order
GetPhysicalCoefInterpSurf returns the surfacic projector for a given order
CheckInputMesh checks and modifies if necessary the initial mesh
GetVaryingIndices retrieves physical indices that are varying
ComputeStoreCoefficientsPML computes and stores damping coefficient for an element of PMLs
PointsQuadInsideND returns interior quadrature points of element i
PointsQuadratureBoundary returns quadrature points on a boundary of an element
PointsDofBoundary returns dof points on a boundary of an element
GetShapeElement returns the geometric finite element associated with a given element
ConstructFiniteElement constructs finite element classes
UpdateInterpolationElement updates the finite element classes (if orders in the mesh changed)
ClearFiniteElement clears finite element classes
SplitMeshForParallelComputation splits the mesh into several subdomains, and send each subdomain to a different processor, and constructs dof numbering
ComputeNumberOfDofs computes the number of degrees of freedom
PutOtherGlobalDofs computes the number of degrees of freedom in parallel
CheckContinuity checks continuity of basis functions (or continuity of tangential traces for edge elements)
PartMeshTransmission parts the mesh due to transmission conditions
TreatTransmission treats transmission conditions
SendTransmissionDofs sends degrees of freedom of due to transmission conditions (in parallel)
DistributeTransmissionDofs distributes degrees of freedom due to transmission conditions between processors
TreatGibc Treats Gibc (Generalized Impedance Boundary Conditions)
InitGibcReferences initializes references for Gibc conditions
ComputeEnHnOnBoundary computes the trace of electric and magnetic field on the boundary

The class DistributedProblem

Public attributes of class DistributedProblem

comm_group_mode MPI communicator for nodes sharing the computation of the same mode

Public methods of class DistributedProblem (class inherited from VarGeometryProblem)

GetNbMainUnknownDof returns the number of degrees of freedom for the main unknown u
GetDofNumberOnElement returns the number of degrees of freedom for a given element
GetScalarDofNumberOnElement returns the number of degrees of freedom for a given element
GetNbGlobalMeshDof returns the global number of degrees of freedom for a mesh numbering
GetNbGlobalDofPML returns the global number of degrees of freedom associated with PMLs for a mesh numbering
GetNbGlobalDof returns the global number of degrees of freedom for all the problem
GetOffsetGlobalUnknownDof returns the cumulated global number of degrees of freedom for an unknown
GetNbGlobalUnknownDof returns the global number of degrees of freedom for an unknown
GetNbGlobalCondensedDof returns the global number of degrees of freedom for an unknown (after static condensation)
GetGlobalDofNumber returns the global number of a local degree of freedom
GetNbPointsQuadratureNeighbor returns the number of quadrature points on the interfaces between subdomains
GetNbSubdomains returns the number of subdomains in interaction with the current subdomain
GetNbProcPerMode returns the number of processors involved in the computation of a mode
GetRankMode returns the rank of the current processor (between processors solving a mode)
GetProcMatchingNeighbor returns the list of processors that are connected with the current processor
GetOriginalMatchingDofNeighbor returns the list of degrees of freedom matching dofs of another processors
GetElementNumberNeighboringFace returns the global number of the element adjacent to a neighboring face
GetOffsetNeighboringFace returns the index of the first quadrature point on the i-th neighboring face
GetProcessorNeighboringFace returns the rank of the processor adjacent to a neighboring face
GetLocalPositionNeighboringFace returns the local position of the face within the element adjacent to a neighboring face
GetRotationNeighboringFace returns the difference of orientation between the two elements sharing a neighboring face
GetOrderEltNeighboringFace returns the order of the element adjacent to a neighboring face
GetTypeEltNeighboringFace returns the hybrid type of the element adjacent to a neighboring face
GetNodleNeighboringFace returns the dof numbers of the element adjacent to a neighboring face
GetNodlePmlNeighboringFace returns the dof numbers (between PML dofs) of the element adjacent to a neighboring face
GetRefDomainNeighboringFace returns the reference of the element adjacent to a neighboring face
GetSizeOffsetDofV returns the length of the array storing offset for vectorial dofs
GetOffsetDofV returns the offset for vectorial dofs for a given element
SetOffsetDofV sets the offset for vectorial dofs for a given element
GetNbOverlappedDof returns the number of overlapped dofs (belonging to another processor)
GetOverlappedDofNumber returns the number of a given overlapped dof (belonging to another processor)
GetOverlappedProcNumber returns the processor that owns a given overlapped dof
AllocateDistributedVector constructs a new distributed vector with data of a sequential vector
NullifyDistributedVector nullifies data contained in a distributed vector and delets the pointer
SetEpartSplitting sets manually how the mesh is split into subdomains (for parallel computation)
SaveEpartSplitting saves the array epart, that stores the processor number for each element
GetMemoryUsed retrieves the memory used by the different variables
DisplayMemoryUsed displays the memory used by the different variables
FindElementsInsidePML marks elements inside PMLs
GetNodleElement returns the numbers of the degrees of freedom of a given element
AddDomains assembles a vector (values associated with dofs shared by several processors are summed)
ReduceDistributedVector reduces a vector (reduction operation is performed on shared dofs)
AssembleDirichlet assembles a vector only for Dirichlet dofs
ReduceDirichlet reduces a vector for Dirichlet dofs
ConstructDirichletComm updates arrays for Dirichlet dofs (for AssembleDirichlet/ReduceDirichlet)
ExchangeDomains values associated with dofs shared by several processors are exchanged
ExchangeRelaxDomains values associated with dofs shared by several processors are exchanged (with relaxation)
ExchangeQuadRelaxDomains values associated with quadrature points shared by several processors are exchanged (with relaxation)
ExchangeUfaceDomains exchanges values of the solution on quadrature points of neighboring faces
GetUfaceDomains completes transfer of values of the solution on quadrature points of neighboring faces
SplitSubdomains splits the mesh into several subdomains, and send each subdomain to a different processor
ReduceDistributedVectorFace reduces a vector (reduction operation is performed on shared faces)
ComputeLocalProlongation compute the local prolongation operator
GetNewEllipticProblem constructs an object of the leaf class EllipticProblem
CopyFiniteElement copies the finite elements stored in another class
ComputeEnHnNodal computes E x n and H x n on nodal points

Public methods of class VarProblem (class inherited from VarComputationProblem, DistributedProblem and VarFiniteElement)

The class VarProblem is a base class for solving time-harmonic (or steady) problems. It is mainly containing the methods specific to finite elements. In older versions of Montjoie, this class was depending on the type of finite element. Now, this class only depends on the dimension. It is an abstract class, the leaf class EllipticProblem should be instantiated. Below, we list the methods specific to this class.

ComputeDofCoordinates computes the coordinates of degrees of freedom
ComputeReferenceGradientElement computes the gradient (on the reference element) from components on degrees of freedom
GetMassMatrixType returns the nature of the mass matrix (sparse, diagonal, block-diagonal, etc)
GetElementaryMatrixType returns 0 if the elemenary matrix is dense, 1 if it is sparse
ComputeEnHnQuadrature computes E x n and H x n on quadrature points
GetPrintLevel returns the verbosity level

Public methods of class VarHarmonic (class inherited from VarProblem, VarBoundaryCondition, VarOutputProblem and VarSourceProblem)

The class VarHarmonic is the base class for time-harmonic problems (or steady problems). The leaf class will be an instance of EllipticProblem. The class VarHarmonic is a template class that depends on the type of equation. In practice, the class VarHarmonic is split into two classes : the class VarHarmonic_Base (templated with the dimension and real/complex numbers) and the class VarHarmonic (templated with the type of equation). The aim of this decomposition, is to avoid a large number of instantiations (with most of methods contained in VarHarmonic_Base).

Restart restarts a computation with the same object
ConstructAll constructs all what is needed for the computation of finite element matrices
RunAll runs a complete simulation (from reading the input file until writing the results in output files)
GetInverseSquareRootMassMatrix computes the inverse of the square root of mass matrix (if diagonal)
GetMassMatrix computes the mass matrix (if diagonal)
SetComputationFarPoints sets the points outside the computational domain
GetNewTransparentSolver constructs a new solver (for handling transparent condition)
GetNewEigenSolver constructs a new eigenvalue solver (for the computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors)
GetNewPolynomialEigenSolver constructs a new eigenvalue solver in the case of polynomial eigenproblem
GetGenericImpedanceFunction returns the object implementing impedance boundary condition
GetAbsorbingImpedanceFunction returns the object implementing absorbing boundary condition

Public attributes of class VarHarmonic

fct_impedance_absorbing object implementing absorbing boundary condition (impedance coefficient)
fct_impedance_generic object implementing impedance boundary condition
fct_impedance_high_conduc object implementing high-order conductivity condition
output_rcs_param object handling computation of Radar Cross Sections (RCS)
var_transmission object handling impedance transmission conditions
var_gibc object handling generalized impedance boundary conditions

Axisymmetric computations

The class VarAxisymProblem is the base class for axisymmetric problems. It contains methods specific to the treatment of the axisymmetric case. For time-harmonic solution, the solution is expanded in Fourier modes :

Each mode um can be solved independently. The class EllipticProblem will inherit the methods of the class VarAxisymProblem for equations used to solve axisymmetric problems (e.g. HelmholtzEquationAxi, HarmonicMaxwellEquation_HcurlAxi).

Public methods of class VarAxisymProblem

GetFourierMode returns e-im θ (or cos(m θ) for real numbers)
IsVertexOnAxis returns true is the vertex i is located on the axis of revolution
IsElementNearAxis returns true is the element i has a vertex on the axis of revolution
NumberOfModesToBeComputed returns true is the number of Fourier modes has to be computed
GetModeThreshold returns the threshold used to drop Fourier modes
GetBessel_Value returns the value of Bessel function Jn for a quadrature point
CheckSectionMeshAxi checks if the mesh is valid for an axisymmetric configuration
ComputeDofOnAxe computes degrees of freedom located on the axis of revoluation
Get_KwavePerp_Kz_Phase Computes k, kz for a given wave vector
ComputeListMode Computes the number of modes to obtain an accurate solution (for RCS)
ComputeNbModes_Generic Computes the number of modes to obtain an accurate solution for a given plane wave
InitBesselArray Precomputes Bessel functions for all plane waves (for RCS)
InitRcs Initalizes the computation of Radar Cross Sections (RCS)
GetNbRightHandSide returns the number of right hand sides required for the given RCS)

Matrix-vector product with finite element matrix

The finite element matrix is represented by the class FemMatrixFreeClass. This class may store the matrix or not, depending on the finite element, the order of approximation, and the solved equation. The method MltVector is overloaded for this class.

// The definition of the problem is constructed via EllipticProblem class
EllipticProblem<TypeEquation> var;
ReadInputFile(input_file, var);


// once var is constructed, you can call AddMatrixWithBC
GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
Matrix<Complex_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;
var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);

// By default, alpha = beta = gamma = 1
// but you can change them 
Complex_wp alpha = 2.0, beta = 0.5, gamma = 0.25;
// for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Real_wp(0));
var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);

// then you can compute the matrix-vector product
Vector<Complex_wp> x(Ah->GetM()), y(Ah->GetM()); x.FillRand();
Ah->MltVector(x, y);

delete Ah;

The function MltAddFree is overloaded in the leaf classes (depending on the equation).

Public attributes of FemMatrixFreeClass

mat_boundary* additional sparse matrix coming from boundary conditions or other models
mat_iterative* main sparse matrix if the finite element is stored
matCSR_boundary* mat_boundary in CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format
matCSR_iterative* mat_iterative in CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format
var problem associated with the finite element matrix

Methods of FemMatrixFreeClass (inherited from VirtualMatrix)

constructor of FemMatrixFreeClass
SetCoefficientDirichlet changes coefficient on diagonal entry for Dirichlet dofs
SetCoefficientMatrix changes mass, stifness and damping coefficients
GetCoefMass returns the coefficient associated with the mass matrix
IsSymmetric returns true if the current matrix is symmetric
FormulationDG returns the type of discontinuous Galerkin formulation
SetCondensedSolver sets the condensed solver used to compute the condensed matrix
DirichletDofIgnored returns true if Dirichlet dofs will be ignored in the matrix vector product
IgnoreDirichletDof informs that Dirichlet dofs should be ignored
SetScaling sets scalings to be used for the rows and columns of the matrix
SucceedInAffectingPointer returns true if the method succeeded in addressing the pointer to the current matrix
InitSymmetricMatrix initializes the matrix as a symmetric matrix
InitUnsymmetricMatrix initializes the matrix as a non-symmetric matrix
ApplyLeftScaling applies row scaling on a vector
ApplyRightScaling applies column scaling on a vector
CompressMatrix converts sparse matrices to CSR matrices to reduce memory usage
AddExtraBoundaryTerms adds terms due to boundary conditions
SetNbDirichletCondition sets the number of right hand sides (for Dirichlet conditions)
ApplyDirichletCondition modifies the right hand side such that it vanishes for Dirichlet dofs
MltAddHetereogeneousDirichlet multiplies the matrix with only columns associated with Dirichlet dofs
SetDirichletCondition modifies the matrix due to Dirichlet condition
InitDirichletCondition initializes Dirichlet condition
ImposeDirichletCondition imposes a null Dirichlet condition to the vector given on input
MltAddFree performs the matrix-vector product (matrix-free implementation)
GetExtrapolVariables returns the intermediary object used to perform the matrix vector product

Methods of MatrixVectorProductLevel

SetLevel specifies which elements are to be considered for the matrix-vector product
GetLevelArray returns the element numbers for each level
SetLevelArray sets the element numbers for each level
GetNbElt returns the number of elements for a given level
GetElementNumber returns the element number of the selected level
GetLocalElementNumber returns the local element number of the selected level
TreatElement returns true if the element i should be considered in the matrix-vector product
SetNbElt sets the number of elements in the mesh
GetMemorySize returns the memory used by the object in bytes

Methods of CondensationBlockSolver_Base

ModifyElementaryMatrix applies the static condensation to an elementary matrix
SetElementNumber sets the element number (global and condensed)
GetCondensedElementNumber returns the condensed number of the selected element
GetGlobalElementNumber returns the global number of the selected element
SetNbCondensedElt sets the number of condensed elements
GetNbCondensedElt returns the number of condensed elements
GetMemorySize returns the memory used to store the object (in bytes)

Methods of GlobalGenericMatrix

GetCoefMass returns the mass coefficient
GetCoefStiffness returns the stiffness coefficient
GetCoefDamping returns the damping coefficient
SetCoefMass sets the mass coefficient
SetCoefStiffness sets the stiffness coefficient
SetCoefDamping sets the damping coefficient



void AssembleMatrix(Matrix& A, Matrix& mat_elem, GlobalGenericMatrix nat_mat
VarComputationProblem_Base& var, CondensationBlockSolver_Base& solver, int offset_row, int offset_col)


A (inout)
matrix to modify
elementary matrix
nat_mat (in)
var (inout)
class defining the computation of elementary matrices
solver (inout)
solver (for static condensation)
offset_row (in)
offset for row numbers
offset_col (in)
offset for column numbers

This function adds elementary matrices to the global matrix A. The elementary matrices are computed by AssembleMatrix by calling the method ComputeElementaryMatrix of the object var given as a parameter. Below we reproduce an example located in the file src/Program/Unit/Computation/ If the global matrix A is not allocated, the function will allocate it and fill it.

Example :

// class overloading VarComputationProblem_Base to define elementary matrices
class MyExample : public VarComputationProblem_Base
  int Nx, Ny; Real_wp dx, dy;
public :
  MyExample(double Lx, double Ly, int Nx_, int Ny_)
    Nx = Nx_; Ny = Ny_;
    dx = Lx / Nx; dy = Ly / Ny;

  // number of elementary matrices to compute
  int GetNbElt() const { return Nx*Ny; }

  // number of rows of the global matrix
  int GetNbRows() const { return (Nx+1)*(Ny+1); }

  // verbosity level
  int GetPrintLevel() const { return 0; }

  // elementary matrix for real coefficients
  // i : element number, num_row : row numbers of the element i
  // mat_elem : elementary matrix, solver : static condensation solver, coef : coefficients
  void ComputeElementaryMatrix(int i, IVect& num_row,
                               VirtualMatrix<Real_wp>& mat_elem,
                               CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Real_wp>& solver,
                               const GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp>& coef)
    // basic exemple alpha M + beta K
    // where M is a mass matrix and K stiffness matrix

    mat_elem.Reallocate(4, 4);
    int ie = i %Nx, je = i / Nx;
    // row numbers of the considered element
    num_row(0) = je*(Nx+1) + ie;
    num_row(1) = num_row(0) + 1;
    num_row(2) = num_row(1) + Nx;
    num_row(3) = num_row(2) + 1;

    Real_wp K00 = 0.5*dy/dx + 0.5*dx/dy;
    Real_wp K01 = -0.5*dy/dx, K10 = -0.5*dx/dy;
    Real_wp M00 = 0.25*dx*dy;
    Real_wp alpha = coef.GetCoefMass();
    Real_wp beta = coef.GetCoefStiffness();
    mat_elem.SetEntry(0, 0, beta*K00 + alpha*M00);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(0, 1, beta*K01);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(0, 2, beta*K10);

    mat_elem.SetEntry(1, 1, beta*K00 + alpha*M00);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(1, 0, beta*K01);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(1, 3, beta*K10);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(2, 2, beta*K00 + alpha*M00);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(2, 3, beta*K01);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(2, 0, beta*K10);

    mat_elem.SetEntry(3, 3, beta*K00 + alpha*M00);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(3, 2, beta*K01);
    mat_elem.SetEntry(3, 1, beta*K10);    

  // elementary matrix for complex matrices
  void ComputeElementaryMatrix(int i, IVect& num_row,
                               VirtualMatrix<Complex_wp>& mat_elem,
                               CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Complex_wp>& solver,
                               const GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp>& coef)
    cout << "Not implemented" << endl;


int main(int argc, char** argv)
  InitMontjoie(argc, argv);

  MyExample var(2.0, 2.0, 5, 5);

  // global matrix
  Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> Aref; 
  Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, RowSymPacked> mat_elem; // elementary matrix
  CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Real_wp> cond_solver; // object to handle static condensation 
  GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // coefficients

  // setting coefficients (if needed)
  nat_mat.SetCoefMass(0.4); nat_mat.SetCoefStiffness(1.3);
  // we assemble the matrix A
  AssembleMatrix(A, mat_elem, nat_mat, var, cond_solver, 0, 0);

Location :




void ModifyElementaryMatrix(int i, IVect& num_dof, Matrix& mat_elem, GlobalGenericMatrix nat_mat)


i (in)
element number
num_dof (inout)
row numbers that are kept
mat_elem (inout)
elementary matrix that can be modified due to static condensation
nat_mat (in)

This methods modifies the elementary matrix previously computed by the method ComputeElementaryMatrix. If static condensation is applied, it should produce a smaller matrix with only rows that cannot be eliminated. The parameter num_dof contains the rows that are kept.

Example :

// class overloading CondensationBlockSolver_Base
class MySolver<Real_wp> : public CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Real_wp>
  VectReal_wp schur_coef;
public :
  void ModifyElementaryMatrix(int i, IVect& num_ddl, VirtualMatrix<Real_wp> mat_elem, const GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp>& nat_mat)
    int j = mat_elem.GetM()-1;
    // for instance the last dof is eliminated
    VectReal_wp last_row, last_col
    mat_elem.GetDenseRow(j, last_row);
    mat_elem.GetDenseCol(j, last_col);
    Real_wp invA22 = Real_wp(1) / last_row(j);

    // updating Schur complement
    mat_elem.Resize(j, j);
    for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
       if (last_row(i) != Real_wp(0))
          for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
              if (last_col(k) != Real_wp(0))
                 mat_elem.AddInteraction(k, i, -invA22*last_row(i)*last_col(k));

     // last dof is removed

     // we can store invA22
     schur_coef(i) = invA22;


Location :




void SetTreatmentStiffnessInside(bool t)

This method informs if there are stiffness terms to handle for the static condensation. It is used by local implicit schemes.

Location :




void SetElementNumber(int local_num , int global_num )

This method sets the local element number (among condensed elements) and the global element number. Usually these two numbers are equal (if all the elements contribute to the condensed matrix).

Location :




int GetCondensedElementNumber() const

This method returns the current condensed element number.

Location :




int GetGlobalElementNumber() const

This method returns the current global element number.

Location :




int GetNbCondensedElt() const

This method returns the number of condensed elements (elements that contribute to the condensed matrix).

Location :




void SetNbCondensedElt(int n )

This method sets the number of condensed elements (elements that contribute to the condensed matrix).

Location :




size_t GetMemorySize() const

This method returns the memory used to store the object (in bytes).

Location :




T GetCoefMass() const

This method returns the coefficient associated with the mass matrix. If the equation is used in time-domain, it corresponds to the coefficient for the second derivatives in time. If the equation only involves first derivatives in time, the coefficient applies to first derivatives. This coefficient is the coefficient α detailed in the equation below.

Example :

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat;

   // you can set coefficients

   // and retrieve them
   Real_wp m = nat_mat.GetCoefMass();
   Real_wp sig = nat_mat.GetCoefDamping();
   Real_wp s = nat_mat.GetCoefStiffness();

Location :




T GetCoefDamping() const

This method returns the coefficient associated with the damped matrix. If the equation is used in time-domain, it corresponds to the coefficient for the first derivatives in time if the equation is a second-order formulation in time. If the equation is a first-order formulation, it corresponds to coefficients associated with damping terms. It correspdonds to the coefficient β in the equations below.

Example :

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat;

   // you can set coefficients

   // and retrieve them
   Real_wp m = nat_mat.GetCoefMass();
   Real_wp sig = nat_mat.GetCoefDamping();
   Real_wp s = nat_mat.GetCoefStiffness();

Location :




T GetCoefStiffness() const

This method returns the coefficient associated with the stiffness matrix. If the equation is used in time-domain, it corresponds to the coefficient for terms without time-derivatives. It correspdonds to the coefficient γ in the equations below.

Example :

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat;

   // you can set coefficients

   // and retrieve them
   Real_wp m = nat_mat.GetCoefMass();
   Real_wp sig = nat_mat.GetCoefDamping();
   Real_wp s = nat_mat.GetCoefStiffness();

Location :




void SetCoefMass(T coef) const

This method sets the coefficient associated with the mass matrix. This coefficient is the coefficient α detailed in the description of GetCoefMass.

Example :

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat;

   // you can set coefficients

   // and retrieve them
   Real_wp m = nat_mat.GetCoefMass();
   Real_wp sig = nat_mat.GetCoefDamping();
   Real_wp s = nat_mat.GetCoefStiffness();

Location :




void SetCoefDamping(T coef) const

This method sets the coefficient associated with the damped matrix. This coefficient is the coefficient β detailed in the description of GetCoefDamping.

Example :

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat;

   // you can set coefficients

   // and retrieve them
   Real_wp m = nat_mat.GetCoefMass();
   Real_wp sig = nat_mat.GetCoefDamping();
   Real_wp s = nat_mat.GetCoefStiffness();

Location :




void SetCoefStiffness(T coef) const

This method sets the coefficient associated with the stiffness matrix. This coefficient is the coefficient γ detailed in the description of GetCoefStiffness.

Example :

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat;

   // you can set coefficients

   // and retrieve them
   Real_wp m = nat_mat.GetCoefMass();
   Real_wp sig = nat_mat.GetCoefDamping();
   Real_wp s = nat_mat.GetCoefStiffness();

Location :




void SetLevel(int lvl)

This method sets the level, such that the matrix-vector product will be performed only for elements of the selected level. There are predefined levels (which correspond to negative numbers):

Example :

    // class for solving acoustic equation
    HyperbolicProblem<AcousticEquation<Dimension2> > var;

    // assuming that var is correctly constructed
    // you can retrieve the different levels
    // each level is usually associated with an area with a given time step
    MatrixVectorProductLevel& list_level = var.GetTimeLevelDistribution();

    // you can select a level with SetLevel

    // and loop over selected elements
    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < list_level.GetNbElt(); i0++)
       int i = list_level.GetElementNumber(i0);
       // and perform the computation for the element i

    // to select a predefined level

Location :




Vector<IVect> GetLevelArray()

This method returns the list of elements for each level.

Example :

    // class for solving acoustic equation
    HyperbolicProblem<AcousticEquation<Dimension2> > var;

    // assuming that var is correctly constructed
    // you can retrieve the different levels
    // each level is usually associated with an area with a given time step
    MatrixVectorProductLevel& list_level = var.GetTimeLevelDistribution();

    // you can select a level with SetLevel

    // you can display the elements of each level
    Vector<IVect>& lvl_array = list_level.GetLevelArray();
    cout << "Elements for level 0 = " << lvl_array(0) << endl;
    cout << "Elements for level 1 = " << lvl_array(1) << endl;

Location :




void SetLevelArray(Vector<IVect>& liste )

This method sets the list of elements for each level.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;
    MatrixVectorProductLevel prod_level;
    // setting the number of elements (total number and number in PMLs)
    prod_level.SetNbElt(var.mesh.GetNbElt(), var.GetNbEltPML());

    // setting the element numbers for differents levels
    Vector<IVect> list_level(3);
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)


Location :




int GetNbElt()
int GetNbElt(int level )

This method returns the number of elements of a given level. If no argument is given, it returns the number of elements of the selected level (with method SetLevel).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;
    MatrixVectorProductLevel prod_level;
    // setting the number of elements (total number and number in PMLs)
    prod_level.SetNbElt(var.mesh.GetNbElt(), var.GetNbEltPML());

    // setting the element numbers for differents levels
    Vector<IVect> list_level(3);
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)


    // number of elements for level 1 ?
    int n1 = prod_level.GetNbElt(1);

    // setting a level
    // and number of elements on the selected level (2 here)
    int n2 = prod_level.GetNbElt();

Location :




void SetNbElt(int num_elt , int lnum_elt_pml )

This method sets the number of elements (in total) and the number of elements inside PML.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;
    MatrixVectorProductLevel prod_level;
    // setting the number of elements (total number and number in PMLs)
    prod_level.SetNbElt(var.mesh.GetNbElt(), var.GetNbEltPML());

    // setting the element numbers for differents levels
    Vector<IVect> list_level(3);
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)


    // you can select all elements inside the PML
    // and loop over them
    int n0 = prod_level.GetNbElt()
    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < n0; i0++)
      int i = prod_level.GetElementNumber(i0);

Location :




int GetElementNumber(int i )

This method returns the global element number of the i-th element of the selected level.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;
    MatrixVectorProductLevel prod_level;
    // setting the number of elements (total number and number in PMLs)
    prod_level.SetNbElt(var.mesh.GetNbElt(), var.GetNbEltPML());

    // setting the element numbers for differents levels
    Vector<IVect> list_level(3);
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)


    // you can select all elements inside the PML
    // and loop over them
    int n0 = prod_level.GetNbElt()
    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < n0; i0++)
      int i = prod_level.GetElementNumber(i0); // global element number

Location :




int GetLocalElementNumber()

This method returns the local element number. This method is used in an alternative way to browse the elements of a given level, as detailed in the example below.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;
    MatrixVectorProductLevel prod_level;
    // setting the number of elements (total number and number in PMLs)
    prod_level.SetNbElt(var.mesh.GetNbElt(), var.GetNbEltPML());

    // setting the element numbers for differents levels
    Vector<IVect> list_level(3);
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)


    // you can select all elements inside the PML
    // and loop over them
    int n0 = prod_level.GetNbElt()
    // first method : loop over local numbers
    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < n0; i0++)
      int i = prod_level.GetElementNumber(i0); // global element number (in the mesh)

    // second method : loop over global numbers
    // in that case, you need to browse these elements in ascending order

    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
      if (var.TreatElement(i))
        // you can retrieve the local number i0
        int i0 = prod_level.GetLocalElementNumber();

Location :




bool TreatElement(int i )

This method returns true is the element i belongs to the selected level. This method is used in an alternative way to browse the elements of a given level, as detailed in the example below.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;
    MatrixVectorProductLevel prod_level;
    // setting the number of elements (total number and number in PMLs)
    prod_level.SetNbElt(var.mesh.GetNbElt(), var.GetNbEltPML());

    // setting the element numbers for differents levels
    Vector<IVect> list_level(3);
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)


    // you can select all elements inside the PML
    // and loop over them
    int n0 = prod_level.GetNbElt()
    // first method : loop over local numbers
    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < n0; i0++)
      int i = prod_level.GetElementNumber(i0); // global element number (in the mesh)

    // second method : loop over global numbers
    // in that case, you need to browse these elements in ascending order

    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
      if (var.TreatElement(i))
        // you can retrieve the local number i0
        int i0 = prod_level.GetLocalElementNumber();

    // TreatElement can only be used in a loop over all the elements (in ascending order)
    // it cannot be used solely to know if a single elements belongs to the selected level

Location :



This attribute is the verbosity level. It is usually modified through data file (by inserting a line PrintLevel = lvl).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

    // you can modify the attribute manually
    var.print_level = 2;

Location :



This attribute is the number of unknowns of the solved equation. It cannot be modified, this attribute is actually set in the class defining the equation. It is equal to

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

    // you can access to the number of unknowns
   int n = var.nb_unknowns;

Location :



This attribute is the number of scalar unknowns of the solved equation. It cannot be modified, this attribute is actually set in the class defining the equation. It is equal to

For discontinuous Galerkin formulation, this number is used in order to use staggered time-schemes (with a scalar unknown u and a vectorial unknown v).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;

    // you can access to the number of "scalar" unknowns
   int n = var.nb_unknowns_scal;

Location :



This attribute is the number of vectorial unknowns of the solved equation. It cannot be modified, this attribute is actually set in the class defining the equation. It is equal to

For discontinuous Galerkin formulation, this number is used in order to use staggered time-schemes (with a scalar unknown u and a vectorial unknown v).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;

    // you can access to the number of "vectorial" unknowns
   int n = var.nb_unknowns_vec;

Location :



This attribute is the number of surface unknowns of the solved equation. It cannot be modified, this attribute is actually set in the class defining the equation. It is significant only for HDG formulation. If an equation is not solved with HDG, it is usually set to 0.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;

    // you can access to the number of surface unknowns
   int n = var.nb_unknowns_hdg;

Location :



This attribute is the number of components of the trace of the solution. It cannot be modified, this attribute is actually set in the class defining the equation. It is mainly used for the transparent condition, wich needs to compute the solution on a closed surface : the trace of the solution and derivatives. For instance, for Helmholtz equation, it will need to compute u and on the surface. For Helmholtz equation, it will be equal to 1, whereas for Maxwell's equations, it is equal to three (in 3-D) because the electric field has three components.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;

    // you can access to the number of components to store E \times n
   int n = var.nb_components_en;

Location :



This attribute is the number of components of the trace of the derivative of the solution. It cannot be modified, this attribute is actually set in the class defining the equation. It is mainly used for the transparent condition, wich needs to compute the solution on a closed surface : the trace of the solution and derivatives. For instance, for Helmholtz equation, it will need to compute u and on the surface. For Helmholtz equation, it will be equal to 1 (du/dn is scalar), whereas for Maxwell's equations, it is equal to three (in 3-D) because the magnetic field has three components.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;

    // you can access to the number of components to store H \times n
   int n = var.nb_components_hn;

Location :



This attribute is the type of the finite element to use for the main unknown. This type is an integer that can be equal to 1, 2 or 3 :

The finite elements classes are described in the section devoted to finite elements. They depend on a template parameter which corresponds to the type of the finite element. The attribute type_element cannot be modified and is defined in the class defining the equation. The main unknown is the unknown associated with the first mesh numbering. Most of solved equations rely on a single mesh numbering.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;

    // you can access to the type of finite element used to solve the equation
   int type_elt = var.type_element;

Location :



This attribute is the type of the finite element to use for other unknowns. This type is an integer that can be equal to 1, 2 or 3 :

The finite elements classes are described in the section devoted to finite elements. They depend on a template parameter which corresponds to the type of the finite element. The attribute other_type_element cannot be modified and is defined in the class defining the equation. The main unknown is the unknown associated with the first mesh numbering, while other unknowns are associated with the next mesh numberings. Most of solved equations rely on a single mesh numbering. In that case, the array other_type_element is void. If there are at least two mesh numberings, other_type_element(i) will be the type of the finite element for the i+1-th mesh numbering.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_HcurlAxi> var;

    // you can access to the type of finite element used for the main unknown
    int type_elt = var.type_element;

    // and additional unknown
    int type_elt2 = var.other_type_element(0);

Location :



This attribute stores the finite element name (used for the main unknown). It corresponds to the parameter given when filling TypeElement in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;

    // after constructing the mesh
    // you can access to the name of finite element 
   string name_elt = var.finite_element_name ; // should be QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO

Location :



This attribute stores the finite element name used for other unknowns. It corresponds to the parameter given when filling TypeElement in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_HcurlAxi> var;;

    // after setting finite element
    // you can access to the name of finite element 
    string name_elt = var.finite_element_name ; // for the main unknown
    string name_elt2 = var.name_other_elements(0); // and second unknown

Location :



This attribute stores the mesh numberings to use for each unknown. For most equations with only one mesh numbering, this array is filled with zeros.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    ReadInputFile(name_file, var);
    // mesh numbering to use for the unknown 1 ?
    int n = var.mesh_num_unknown(1);

Location :



This attribute stores the cumulated number of degrees of freedom for each unknown. For instance, let us consider three unknowns and N1, N2, N3 degrees of freedom for each of them. offset_dof_unknown will be equal to (0, N1, N1+N2, N1+N2+N3).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);
    // starting row for the first unknown
    int n0 = var.offset_dof_unknown(0); // should be 0

    // starting row for the second unknown
    int n1 = var.offset_dof_unknown(1); // should be equal to N1
    // starting row for the third unknown
    int off2 = var.offset_dof_unknown(2); // should be equal to N1+N2

Location :



This attribute stores the cumulated number of degrees of freedom for each unknown (with static condensation). For instance, let us consider three unknowns and N1, N2, N3 condensed degrees of freedom for each of them. offset_dof_condensed will be equal to (0, N1, N1+N2, N1+N2+N3). The condensed number of degrees of freedom is the number of degrees of freedom after static condensation (internal dofs of elements are removed).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "ELASTIC", solver);
    // starting row for the first unknown
    int n0 = var.offset_dof_condensed(0); // should be 0

    // starting row for the second unknown (condensed system)
    int n1 = var.offset_dof_condensed(1); // should be equal to N1
    // starting row for the third unknown (condensed system)
    int off2 = var.offset_dof_condensed(2); // should be equal to N1+N2

Location :



This attribute stores the type of the formulation used to solve the equation. It can be equal to

The formulation is specified in the definition of the equation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "ELASTIC", solver);
    // which formulation is used ?
    int dg_form = var.dg_formulation;

Location :



This attribute is equal to true if Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin is used. If it is false, Local Discontinuous Galerkin is used

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIGP", solver);
    // dg_form should be equal to ElementReference_Base::DISCONTINUOUS
    int dg_form = var.dg_formulation;

    // sipg should be true (LAPLACE_SIPG given in ConstructAll)
    bool sipg = var.sipg_formulation;

Location :



This attribute is equal to true if the jacobian matrices will be computed (and stored). For most of equations, they are computed.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;;

    // if you want to force that jacobian matrices are stored
    var.compute_dfjm1 = true;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIGP", solver);

Location :



This attribute is a penalty parameter used in discontinuous Galerkin formulations. It can be modified through PenalizationDG in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // to know parameter alpha for penalization
    Real_wp alpha = var.alpha_penalization;

Location :



This attribute is a penalty parameter used in discontinuous Galerkin formulations. It can be modified through PenalizationDG in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // to know parameter alpha for penalization
    Real_wp alpha = var.alpha_penalization;

    // to know parameter delta for penalization
    Real_wp delta = var.delta_penalization;

Location :



If true, upwind fluxes are used in the discontinuous Galerkin formulation. It can be specified through PenalizationDG in the data file. If false, centered fluxes are used with penalty terms. Depending on the penalty coefficients (alpha_penalization, delta_penalization) and the considered equation, it can coincide with upwind fluxes. It is the case for Helmholtz equation, if alpha and delta are set to -1. If alpha and delta are set to zero, and upwind_fluxes is false, it correspond to pure centered fluxes (without penalty terms).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // to know if upwind fluxes are used
    Real_wp upwind = var.upwind_fluxes;

Location :



If this attribute is true, the penalty coefficient is automatically chosen (depending on the order of approximation and the mesh size). It is usually set through CoefficientPenalization in the data file. It is significant only for Interior Penalty Discontinuous formulation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIPG", solver);

    // to know if the penalty coefficients are automatically chosen
    bool auto_param = var.automatic_choice_penalization;

Location :



This array stores the penalty coefficients for each boundaries of the mesh (edges in 2-D, faces in 3-D). It is significant only for Interior Penalty Discontinuous formulation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIPG", solver);

    // to display the penalty coefficients
    cout << "Penalty coefficients " << var.Glob_CoefPenalDG << endl;

Location :



This array stores the parameters used to construct the mesh. It is usually a vector of length since only one mesh is used in the simulations. It corresponds to parameters given in the field FileMesh of the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIPG", solver);

    // to display the mesh parameters
    cout << "Mesh parameters " << var.mesh_data(0) << endl;

Location :



If true, the computation will be stopped is there are faces (or edges in 2-D) on a boundary without boundary conditions. By default, this attributed is true, in order to detect if the user forgot lines ConditionReference in the data file. It can be modified by setting Exit_IfNo_BoundaryCondition in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // if you do not want to stop the computation because of isolated faces without boundary conditions
    var.exit_if_no_boundary_condition = false;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIPG", solver);

Location :



It is the stopwatch used in Montjoie to compute the time elapsed during the different stages of the simulation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIPG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve a computation time
    Real_wp t_mesh = var.var_chrono.GetSeconds("MeshGeneration");

    // or display all stopwatches

Location :


GetNbDof, SetNbDof


int GetNbDof() const
void SetNbDof(int N)

The method GetNbDof returns the total number of degrees of freedom of the solved problem. This number is computed by adding the degrees of freedom for each unknown and optional degrees of freedom due to boundary conditions (or other models). The method SetNbDof changes this number.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIPG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the total number of degrees of freedom
    int N = var.GetNbDof();

    // you want to add a row to the linear system

Location :




int GetNbMeshDof() const
int GetNbMeshDof(int n) const

This method returns the number of degrees of freedom for the n-th mesh numbering. If no argument is given, it returns the number of degrees for the first mesh numbering.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_SIPG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the number of dofs for the main unknown
    int Nvol = var.GetNbMeshDof();

Location :




int GetNbMeshNumberings() const

This method returns the number of mesh numberings.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the number of mesh numberings
    int nb_mesh_num = var.GetNbMeshNumberings(); // should be one

Location :




const MeshNumbering_Base<Real_wp>& GetMeshNumberingBase(int n = 0) const

This method gives access to the n-th mesh numbering.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the mesh numbering for the main unknown
    const MeshNumbering_Base<Real_wp>& mesh_num = var.GetMeshNumberingBase();

Location :




int GetOffsetDofUnknown(int n) const

This method returns offset_dof_unknown(n) (see details in the description of offset_dof_unknown).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the first row for unknown 2
    int N = var.GetOffsetDofUnknown(2);

Location :




int GetOffsetDofCondensed(int n) const

This method returns offset_dof_condensed(n) (see details in the description of offset_dof_condensed).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the first row for unknown 2
    int N = var.GetOffsetDofCondensed(2);

Location :




int GetDefaultOrder(int r) const

This method returns the order that will be used for the mesh. It corresponds to the order given when filling OrderGeometry in the data file. If this field is not present, the default order is initialized with the order given in OrderDiscretization.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the order used for the geometry
    int r = var.GetDefaultOrder();

Location :




int FormulationDG() const

This method returns the attribute dg_formulation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the formulation used to solve the equation
    int dg_form = var.FormulationDG();

Location :




bool ComputeDFjm1() const

This method returns the attribute compute_dfjm1.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // jacobian matrices are computed ?
    bool dfj_computed = var.ComputeDFjm1();

Location :




bool FirstOrderFormulation() const

This method returns true if a mixed formulation is used. For example, the Helmholtz equation :

is transformed into

which is a mixed formulation of Helmholtz equation. This method is relevant only for continuous formulations. Only some equations have an implementation of a mixed formulation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE", solver);

    // mixed formulation is used ?
    bool mix_form = var.FirstOrderFormulation();

Location :




bool FirstOrderFormulationDG() const

This method returns true if only first-order derivatives (in space) appear in the discontinuous Galerkin formulation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // only first-order derivatives in the formulation ?
    bool first_order_deriv = var.FirstOrderFormulationDG();

Location :




bool SetFirstOrderFormulation(bool mix = true)

This method enables (or disables) the use of a mixed formulation (as detailed in FirstOrderFormulation).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;;

    // if you want to force a first-order formulation :
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE", solver);

Location :




bool UseExactIntegrationElement() const

This method returns true if we consider that the used finite element will ensure an exact integration. It is used for some equations, in order to use more efficients formulations. This feature can be used by inserting a line with ExactIntegration in the data file. It is up to the user to be sure that the used finite element ensures an exact integration.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TRIANGLE_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if the user put a line ExactIntegration = YES, it should return true :
    bool exact_integration = var.UseExactIntegrationElement();

Location :




int GetOverIntegration() const

This method returns the over-integration used in the simulations. This integer can be modified by inserting a line with ExactIntegration in the data file. Otherwise, it is equal to 0 (no over-integration).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TRIANGLE_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // is there over-integration ?
    // integration or order r+p (where r is the order of the finite element)
    int p = var.GetOverIntegration();

Location :




Real_wp GetXmin() const

This method returns the minimum of x-coordinates of the physical domain. The physical domain does not include PML layers.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TRIANGLE_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // bounds of the physical domain
    Real_wp xmin = var.GetXmin();
    Real_wp xmax = var.GetXmax();
    Real_wp ymin = var.GetYmin();
    Real_wp ymax = var.GetYmax();
    Real_wp zmin = var.GetZmin();
    Real_wp zmax = var.GetZmax();

    // if you want to know bounds of the computational domain
    // (physical domain + PMLs), use mesh
    Real_wp xmin_d = var.mesh.GetXmin();

Location :




Real_wp GetYmin() const

This method returns the minimum of y-coordinates of the physical domain. The physical domain does not include PML layers.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TRIANGLE_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // bounds of the physical domain
    Real_wp xmin = var.GetXmin();
    Real_wp xmax = var.GetXmax();
    Real_wp ymin = var.GetYmin();
    Real_wp ymax = var.GetYmax();
    Real_wp zmin = var.GetZmin();
    Real_wp zmax = var.GetZmax();

    // if you want to know bounds of the computational domain
    // (physical domain + PMLs), use mesh
    Real_wp ymin_d = var.mesh.GetYmin();

Location :




Real_wp GetZmin() const

This method returns the minimum of z-coordinates of the physical domain. The physical domain does not include PML layers.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // bounds of the physical domain
    Real_wp xmin = var.GetXmin();
    Real_wp xmax = var.GetXmax();
    Real_wp ymin = var.GetYmin();
    Real_wp ymax = var.GetYmax();
    Real_wp zmin = var.GetZmin();
    Real_wp zmax = var.GetZmax();

    // if you want to know bounds of the computational domain
    // (physical domain + PMLs), use mesh
    Real_wp zmin_d = var.mesh.GetZmin();

Location :




Real_wp GetXmax() const

This method returns the maximum of x-coordinates of the physical domain. The physical domain does not include PML layers.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TRIANGLE_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // bounds of the physical domain
    Real_wp xmin = var.GetXmin();
    Real_wp xmax = var.GetXmax();
    Real_wp ymin = var.GetYmin();
    Real_wp ymax = var.GetYmax();
    Real_wp zmin = var.GetZmin();
    Real_wp zmax = var.GetZmax();

    // if you want to know bounds of the computational domain
    // (physical domain + PMLs), use mesh
    Real_wp xmax_d = var.mesh.GetXmax();

Location :




Real_wp GetYmax() const

This method returns the maximum of y-coordinates of the physical domain. The physical domain does not include PML layers.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TRIANGLE_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // bounds of the physical domain
    Real_wp xmin = var.GetXmin();
    Real_wp xmax = var.GetXmax();
    Real_wp ymin = var.GetYmin();
    Real_wp ymax = var.GetYmax();
    Real_wp zmin = var.GetZmin();
    Real_wp zmax = var.GetZmax();

    // if you want to know bounds of the computational domain
    // (physical domain + PMLs), use mesh
    Real_wp ymax_d = var.mesh.GetYmax();

Location :




Real_wp GetZmax() const

This method returns the maximum of z-coordinates of the physical domain. The physical domain does not include PML layers.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // bounds of the physical domain
    Real_wp xmin = var.GetXmin();
    Real_wp xmax = var.GetXmax();
    Real_wp ymin = var.GetYmin();
    Real_wp ymax = var.GetYmax();
    Real_wp zmin = var.GetZmin();
    Real_wp zmax = var.GetZmax();

    // if you want to know bounds of the computational domain
    // (physical domain + PMLs), use mesh
    Real_wp zmax_d = var.mesh.GetZmax();

Location :




void SetComputationalDomain(Real_wp xmin, Real_wp xmax, Real_wp ymin, Real_wp ymax, Real_wp zmin, Real_wp zmax)

This method sets the bounds of the physical domain. The physical domain does not include PML layers. The name of the method is misleading since the methods changes the bounds of physical domain (and not the computational domain).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if you want to change the bounds of the physical domain
    var.SetComputationalDomain(-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0, -1.0, 1.0);

Location :


GetOmega, SetOmega


Real_wp GetOmega() const
void SetOmega(Real_wp omega)

The method GetOmega returns the pulsation (which is equal to the frequency multiplied by 2 π) . The method SetOmega sets the pulsation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // pulsation omega ?
    Real_wp omega = var.GetOmega();

Location :




Real_wp GetSquareOmega() const

This method returns the square of the pulsation .

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // square of pulsation omega^2 ?
    Real_wp omega2 = var.GetSquareOmega();

Location :




void GetMiomega(Real_wp& z) const
void GetMiomega(Complex_wp& z) const

This method sets z to - i ω where ω is the pulsation. If z is a real number, it is set to 1.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // -i omega ?
    Complex_wp m_iomega; var.GetMiomega(m_iomega);

Location :




void GetMomega2(Real_wp& z) const
void GetMomega2(Complex_wp& z) const

This method sets z to - ω2 where ω is the pulsation. If z is a real number, it is set to 1.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // -omega^2 ?
    Complex_wp m_omega2; var.GetMomega2(m_omega2);

Location :


GetFrequency, SetFrequency


Real_wp GetFrequency() const
void SetFrequency(Real_wp f)

The method GetFrequency returns the frequency. The method SetFrequency sets the frequency.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // frequency ?
    Real_wp f = var.GetFrequency();

Location :




Real_wp GetWaveLengthAdim() const

This method returns the characteristical length. It represents the length of 1 in the mesh. For example if this characteristical length is equal to 1e-9, it means that the units in the mesh are in nanometers (instead of meters). It is modified by adding a line with WavelengthAdim. It is used only if Adimensionalization has been set to YES, and for Helmholtz equations or Maxwell's equations.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // characteristical length
    Real_wp L = var.GetWaveLengthAdim();

Location :




int GetDimension() const

This method returns the dimension of the solved problem (2 or 3).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // dimension should be three here
    int d = var.GetDimension();

Location :




int GetNbComponentsUnkown(int n ) const

This method returns the number of components for an unknown associated with the mesh numbering n . It can be 1 (for a scalar unknown), 2 or 3 (vectorial unknown).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // number of components for the first mesh numbering ?
    int p = var.GetNbComponentsUnknown(0);

Location :




int GetNbComponentsGradient(int n ) const

This method returns the number of components for the gradient of an unknown associated with the mesh numbering n . It can be 1 (for a scalar unknown), 2 or 3 (vectorial unknown). For edge elements, we consider the curl (instead of the gradient) and for facet elements, the divergence is considered.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // number of "gradient" components for the first mesh numbering ?
    int p = var.GetNbComponentsGradient(0);

Location :




int GetNbLocalDof(int i ) const
int GetNbLocalDof(int i , int n ) const

This method returns the number of degrees of freedom for the element i . The second argument n is the number of the considered mesh numbering. If not provided, n is equal to zero.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // number of degrees of freedom for a given element
    int i = 3;
    int nb_dof = var.GetNbLocalDof(i);

Location :




int GetNbSurfaceDof(int i ) const
int GetNbSurfaceDof(int i , int n ) const

This method returns the number of degrees of freedom for the surfacic element i . The second argument n is the number of the considered mesh numbering. If not provided, n is equal to zero. This method is relevant for HDG formulation where the surface unknowns λ are discretized with surfacic finite elements.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_HDG", solver);

    // number of degrees of freedom for a given face
    int i = 3;
    int nb_dof = var.GetNbSurfaceDof(i);

Location :




int GetNbDofBoundaries(int i ) const
int GetNbDofBoundaries(int i , int n ) const

This method returns the number of degrees of freedom for the element i , only degrees of freedom associated with the vertices/edges/faces are counted. We do not count internal degrees of freedom (associated with the inside of the element). The second argument n is the number of the considered mesh numbering. If not provided, n is equal to zero.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // number of degrees of freedom on the boundaries of an element
    int i = 3;
    int nb_dof_boundaries = var.GetNbDofBoundaries(i);

Location :




int GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(int i ) const

This method returns the number of quadrature points inside the element i .

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // number of quadrature points for volume integrals of element i
    int i = 3;
    int nb_quad = var.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(i);

Location :




const VectReal_wp& WeightsND(int i ) const

This method returns the weights associated with quadrature points inside the element i .

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // number of quadrature points for volume integrals of element i
    int i = 3;
    int nb_quad = var.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(i);

    // associated weights
    const VectReal_wp& weights = var.WeightsND(i);

Location :


InsidePML, ElementInsidePML


bool ElementInsidePML(int i ) const
bool InsidePML(int i ) const

This method returns returns true if the element i is located in PMLs.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // is element i a PML element ?
    int i = 3;
    bool inside_pml = var.ElementInsidePML(i);

Location :




const ElementReference_Base& GetReferenceElementBase(int i ) const
const ElementReference_Base& GetReferenceElementBase(int i , int n ) const

This method returns the finite element associated with the element i . It returns a reference to the base class of the finite element. If you already know the dimension, you can call GetReferenceElement instead. The second argument is optional (if you want to select another mesh numbering).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // reference element associated with an element
    int i = 3;
    const ElementReference_Base& Fb = var.GetReferenceElementBase(i);

Location :




const ElementReference_Base& GetSurfaceElementBase(int i ) const
const ElementReference_Base& GetSurfaceElementBase(int i , int n ) const

This method returns the finite element associated with the surfacic element i . It returns a reference to the base class of the finite element. If you already know the dimension, you can call GetReferenceElement instead. The second argument is optional (if you want to select another mesh numbering). This method is relevant for HDG formulation (the surfacic elements are associated with surfacic unknowns λ).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_HDG", solver);

    // reference element associated with a face
    int i = 3;
    const ElementReference_Base& Fb = var.GetSurfaceElementBase(i);

Location :




void WriteMesh(string file_name) const

This method writes the mesh in a file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_HDG", solver);

    // if you want to write the mesh

Location :




void SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs()

This method forces to use same numbers for periodic dofs. This can also be achieved by inserting a line UseSameDofsForPeriodicCondition = YES in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // if you want to force same numbers for periodic dofs
    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "TETRAHEDRON_CLASSICAL", "LAPLACE_HDG", solver);

Location :




void InitIndices(int N)

This method allocates the arrays storing physical indexes (such as ε, μ for Maxwell's equations). The size of the arrays should be equal to N+1 such that you can use a reference equal to N.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    // we usually put the maximal reference number (Physical Volume in 3-D)
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    // the lines with MateriauDielec or PhysicalMedia must have a number between 1 and N (included)
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // you can continue the computations

Location :




int GetNbPhysicalIndices()

This method returns the number of physical indices stored in the class. It corresponds to N+1 where N is the argument given when InitIndices has been called.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    // we usually put the maximal reference number (Physical Volume in 3-D)
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    // the lines with MateriauDielec or PhysicalMedia must have a number between 1 and N
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // you can continue the computations

    // if you need to retrieve N+1
    int np1 = var.GetNbPhysicalIndices();

Location :




void SetIndices(int ref, const VectString& param)

This method sets the physical indexes associated with the reference ref. It is the method called when a line MateriauDielec is present in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    // we usually put the maximal reference number (Physical Volume in 3-D)
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    // the lines with MateriauDielec or PhysicalMedia must have a number between 1 and N (included)
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // if you want to add other indexes (not given in the data file)
    VectString param(4);
    // for Helmholtz equation, we have isotropy rho mu sigma
    param(0) = "ISOTROPE"; param(1) = "2.4"; param(2) = "1.5"; param(3) = "0.1";
    // it is equivalent to place : MateriauDielec = 4 ISOTROPE 2.4 1.5 0.1
    var.SetIndices(4, param);
    // you can continue the computations

Location :




void SetPhysicalIndex(string index_name, int ref, const VectString& param)

This method sets a single physical index associated with the reference ref. It is the method called when a line PhysicalMedia is present in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    // we usually put the maximal reference number (Physical Volume in 3-D)
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    // the lines with MateriauDielec or PhysicalMedia must have a number between 1 and N (included)
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // if you want to add/modify a single index(not given in the data file)
    VectString param(4);
    // for Helmholtz equation, we have rho mu sigma
    param(0) = "ISOTROPE"; param(1) = "2.4";
    // it is equivalent to place : PhysicalMedia = rho 4 ISOTROPE 2.4
    var.SetPhysicalIndex("rho", 4, param);
    // you can continue the computations

Location :




bool IsVaryingMedia(int ref) const
bool IsVaryingMedia(int m, int ref) const

This method returns true if one of the physical index of reference ref is variable. In the second syntax, (which is used only for unsteady simulations with discontinuous Galerkin), the method returns true if the physical index associated with the unknown m is variable (mass and/or damping terms) for the reference ref.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // you can continue the computations

    // variable index for reference 5 ?
    bool variable = var.IsVaryingMedia(5);

Location :




string GetPhysicalIndexName(int m) const

This method returns the name of the m-th physical index. It depends on the solved equation. For example, it will return "rho" for Helmholtz equation and m = 0.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // name of the physical index 1 ?
    string name = var.GetPhysicalIndexName(1);

Location :




Real_wp GetCoefficientPenaltyStiffness(int ref) const

This method returns the physical coefficient associated with reference ref. This coefficient will be used for the penalty terms of the Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin method. For Helmholtz equation, it will correspond to the amplitude of μ.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // coefficient for penalty terms
    Real_wp mu_coef = var.GetCoefficientPenaltyStiffness(5);

Location :




void GetVelocityOnElements(VectReal_wp& velocity, Mesh<Dimension>& mesh)

This method fills the array velocity with the velocities for each element of the mesh.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh is constructed

    // velocities for all elements
    VectReal_wp velocity;
    var.GetVelocityOnElements(velocity, var.mesh);

Location :




Real_wp GetVelocityOfMedia(int ref)

This method returns the velocity of the physical media (corresponding to elements whose reference is equal to ref).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh is constructed

    // velocities for a given reference
    Real_wp c var.GetVelocityOfMedia(1);

Location :




void GetVelocityOfInfinity()

This method returns the velocity associated with the infinity. This quantity is used for absorbing boundary conditions. It is correctly computed if the user has inserted a line ReferenceInfinity in the data file, such that the physical indexes are known at the infinity.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh is constructed

    // velocity for reference 5 ?
    Real_wp c = var.GetVelocityOfMedia(5);

    // and for the media at infinity ?
    Real_wp c_inf = var.GetVelocityOfInfinity();

Location :




void CopyInputData(const VarProblem_Base& var)

This method copies input parameters from another similar object.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var, var_bis;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file (input parameters are read from a file)
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // you can copy input parameters to object var_bis

Location :




bool IsSymmetricProblem(bool eigen=false) const

This method returns true if the finite element matrix is symmetric. The second argument is optional. If eigen is equal to true, we ask if the eigenproblem is symmetric (with a positive definite mass matrix).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension3> > var;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file (input parameters are read from a file)
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // symmetric finite element matrix ?
    bool sym = var.IsSymmetricProblem();

Location :




bool IsSymmetricMassMatrix() const

This method returns true if the mass matrix is symmetric.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension3> > var;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file (input parameters are read from a file)
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // symmetric mass matrix ?
    bool sym = var.IsSymmetricMassMatrix();

Location :




bool IsComplexProblem() const

This method returns true if the solved equation has to be solved with complex numbers.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension3> > var;

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file (input parameters are read from a file)
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // complex numbers ? LaplaceEquation is solved with real numbers => we should get false
    bool cplx = var.IsComplexProblem();

Location :




void ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(string name_finite_element)
void ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(string name_finite_element, bool split_mesh)

This method computes the mesh and constructs the finite elements. The name of the main finite element (to use for the main unknown) is given as argument. It corresponds to the line TypeElement of the data file. The second argument is optional and is meaningful in parallel. If true, the mesh is distributed between the different processors.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

Location :




void PerformOtherInitializations()

This method performs other initializations (if there are specific models to initialize or specific boundary conditions). This method is called after constructing the mesh and finite elements.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

Location :




void SetTypeEquation(string name_finite_element)

This method sets the type of equation to solve. The name of the equation gives also the formulation used to solve it (discontinuous, hdg, etc). This method is called just after InitIndices such that the array is correctly filled.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

Location :




void GetThresholdMatrix() const

This method returns the threshold used to drop values in the finite element matrix. All values below this threshold (in magnitude) are dropped. It corresponds to the value given by the field ThresholdMatrix in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // once var is constructed, you can call AddMatrixWithBC
    GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to set coefficients alpha, beta and gamma
    // By default, alpha = beta = gamma = 1
    Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;
    // which threshold is set in the data file ?
    cout << "Threshold for matrix = " << var.GetThresholdMatrix() << endl;
    var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);


Location :




void SetThresholdMatrix(Real_wp eps)

This method sets the threshold used to drop values in the finite element matrix. All values below this threshold (in magnitude) are dropped. It corresponds to the value given by the field ThresholdMatrix in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // once var is constructed, you can call AddMatrixWithBC
    GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to set coefficients alpha, beta and gamma
    // By default, alpha = beta = gamma = 1
    Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;
    // if you want a sparser matrix, you can drop small values
    // (if the threshold is too large, the solution will be less accurate
    var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);


Location :




int GetNbElt() const

This method returns the number of elements of the mesh (number of faces in 2-D, number of volumes in 3-D).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    // number of elements
    int nb_elt = var.GetNbElt();


Location :




int GetNbRows() const

This method returns the number of rows of the finite element matrix.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    // size of matrix
    int nb_rows = var.GetNbRows();


Location :




int GetPrintLevel() const

This method returns the verbosity level used in Montjoie. Higher values induces more informations to be displayed during the simulation. A print level negative or null implies that Montjoie is silencious (no messages are displayed). It corresponds to the field PrintLevel in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // print level ?
    int print_level = var.GetPrintLevel();      

Location :




void ComputeElementaryMatrix(int i, IVect& num_ddl, VirtualMatrix& A, CondensationBlockSolver_Base& solver, const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat) const

This method computes the elementary matrix of a given element. Actually, this method is overloaded for each equation solved in Montjoie. If you want to compute the global finite element matrix, AddMatrixWithBC should be called.


i (in)
element number
num_ddl (out)
global row numbers
A (out)
elementary matrix
solver (out)
solver handling static condensation
nat_mat (in)
mass, damping and stiffness coefficients

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
    // if you need only an elementary matrix
    // (for the global matrix, call AddMatrixWithBC)
    int num_elem = 5;
    IVect num_row; Matrix<Complex_wp> mat_elem;
    CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Complex_wp> cond_solver;
    var.ComputeElementaryMatrix(num_elem, num_row, mat_elem, cond_solver, nat_mat);


Location :




void GetInternalNodesElement(int i, int nb_dof_loc, int& nb_dof_edges, int& nb_dof_int, IVect& intern_node) const

This method is used to know which rows of the elementary matrix will be condensed.


i (in)
element number
nb_dof_loc (in)
number of degrees of freedom of element i
nb_dof_edges (out)
number of degrees of freedom that cannot be eliminated
nb_dof_int (out)
number of degrees of freedom that will be condensed
intern_node (in)
If intern_node(i) is nonnegative, it is the local number among rows that are conserved after condensation. If intern_node(i) is negative, -intern_node(i)-1 is the local number among rows that are eliminated after condensation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
    // if you need only an elementary matrix
    // (for the global matrix, call AddMatrixWithBC)
    int num_elem = 5;
    IVect num_row; Matrix<Complex_wp> mat_elem;
    CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Complex_wp> cond_solver;
    var.ComputeElementaryMatrix(num_elem, num_row, mat_elem, cond_solver, nat_mat);

    // if you want to know which rows can be eliminated
    int nb_dof_edges, nb_dof_inside; Vector<int> intern_node;
    var.GetInternalNodesElement(i, mat_elem.GetM(), nb_dof_edges, nb_dof_inside, intern_node);

Location :




CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Real_wp>* GetNewCondensationSolver(Real_wp)
CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Complex_wp>* GetNewCondensationSolver(Complex_wp)

This method constructs a new object handling static condensation. This new object is suited for the solved equation.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;

    // if you want an adapted condensation solver
    CondensationBlockSolver_Base<Complex_wp>* cond_solver;
    cond_solver = var.GetNewCondensationSolver(Complex_wp(0));
    // if you need only an elementary matrix
    // (for the global matrix, call AddMatrixWithBC)
    int num_elem = 5;
    IVect num_row; Matrix<Complex_wp> mat_elem;
    var.ComputeElementaryMatrix(num_elem, num_row, mat_elem, *cond_solver, nat_mat);

    // the created object must be deleted after use
    delete cond_solver;

Location :




bool UseMatrixFreeAlgorithm() const

This method returns true if the finite element matrix will not be stored (if an iterative matrix is constructed).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    bool matrix_stored = var.UseMatrixFreeAlgorithm(); // matrix will be stored ?

    // computation of the iterative matrix
    FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Complex_wp>* A = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
    GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
    var.AddMatrixWithBC(*A, nat_mat);

    delete A;

Location :




bool IsSymmetricGlobalMatrix() const

This method returns true if the global finite element matrix is symmetric.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    bool sym = var.IsSymmetricGlobalMatrix(); // matrix is symmetric ?

    GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
    if (sym)
        DistributedMatrix<Complex_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;
        var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);
        DistributedMatrix<Complex_wp, General, ArrayRowSparse> A;
        var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);


Location :




int GetStorageFiniteElementMatrix() const

This method returns the storage used for the computation of the iterative matrix. The following storages are possible :

This storage is chosen by inserting a line with the field ExplicitMatrixFEM in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // storage for the iterative matrix
    int storage = var.GetStorageFiniteElementMatrix();


Location :




void SetStorageFiniteElementMatrix(int type)

This method sets the storage used for the computation of the iterative matrix. The following storages are possible :

This storage can also be chosen by inserting a line with the field ExplicitMatrixFEM in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // if you want to change the storage of the iterative matrix

    // computation of the iterative matrix
    FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Complex_wp>* A = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
    GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
    var.AddMatrixWithBC(*A, nat_mat);

    delete A;


Location :




void SetSymmetricElementaryMatrix(bool sym=true)

This method can be used to modify the type of elementary matrix.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // if you want to change the type of symmetry for the elementary matrix
    // it is not needed to set it, since the correct type is usually automatically selected
    var.SetSymmetricElementaryMatrix(false); // unsymmetric elementary matrix


Location :




void SetLeafStaticCondensation(bool condensed=true)

This method is used to tell Montjoie that the static condensation has to been performed. If condensed is true (and if static condensation has been enabled), the condensed matrix will be computed if AddMatrixWithBC is called, otherwise the non-condensed matrix is computed. This method does not enable or disable static condensation, it is done by inserting a line StaticCondensation in the data file. Thanks to the method SetLeafStaticCondensation, the user can compute the non-condensed matrix even though the static condensation has been enabled (to compute efficiently the solution).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // to tell that we want to compute the non-condensed matrix

    // computation of the matrix
    GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
    DistributedMatrix<Complex_wp, General, ArrayRowSparse> A;
    var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);


Location :




bool GetLeafStaticCondensation() const

This method returns true if the static condensation has to been effectively performed. More details are given in the description of SetLeafStaticCondensation.

Location :




bool LightStaticCondensation() const

This method returns true if a light static condensation is enabled. A light static condensation consists of removing discontinuous unknowns (labelled as vectorial unknowns) whereas continuous unknowns (labelled as scalar unknowns) are conserved. This method makes sense only for a continuous formulation of the equation. Internal degrees of freedom are not eliminated as done by a regular static condensation. A light static condensation is enabled if the user inserts the following line in the data file :

   TypeCondensation = Light

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // light static condensation ?
    bool light = var.LightStaticCondensation();

Location :




bool GetSymmetrizationUse() const

This method returns true if a symmetrization is used (if possible). For example, Helmholtz equation (in the mixed formulation) given as

can be symmetrized by multiplying the second equation by -1. With this modification, the finite element matrix is symmetric. This symmetrization is possible for specific equations.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // use of a symmetrization ?
    bool use_sym = var.GetSymmetrizationUse();

Location :




void SetSymmetrizationUse(bool sym=true) const

This method can be used if the user wants to use a symmetrization (if possible). For example, Helmholtz equation (in the mixed formulation) given as

can be symmetrized by multiplying the second equation by -1. With this modification, the finite element matrix is symmetric. This symmetrization is possible for specific equations. It is advised to check that the finite element matrix will be symmetric by calling IsSymmetricProblem.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // we want to symmetrize the matrix if possible

    // checking that the matrix will be symmetric
    bool sym = var.IsSymmetricProblem();

Location :




void SetHomogeneousDirichlet(bool hg_dir) const

This method informs Montjoie that all the Dirichlet conditions are homogeneous (i.e. u = 0) if hg_dir is true. If a Dirichlet condition is hetereogeneous (i.e. u = f), hg_dir should be set to false.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // if you are sure that all Dirichlet conditions are homogeneous (u = 0)
    // then you can say it :

    // it will save time for the computation of the solution

Location :




bool IsHomogeneousDirichlet() const

This method returns true if only Homogeneous Dirichlet conditions (i.e. u = 0) are present.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // if you are sure that all Dirichlet conditions are homogeneous (u = 0)
    // then you can say it :

    // it will save time for the computation of the solution
    // then IsHomogeneousDirichlet should return true
    bool hg = var.IsHomogeneousDirichlet();

Location :




void SetPrintLevel(int level) const

This method sets the verbosity level used in Montjoie. Higher values induces more informations to be displayed during the simulation. A print level negative or null implies that Montjoie is silencious (no messages are displayed). It corresponds to the field PrintLevel in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // print level ?
    int print_level = var.GetPrintLevel();

    // if you want to change it (for example to keep Montjoie silent for a specific computation

    // and you can get back to the previous print level

Location :




void AddMatrixWithBC(Matrix& A, const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat, int offset_row = 0, int offset_col = 0,
CondensationBlockSolver_Fem* solver = NULL, bool diag_matrix = false) const

This method computes the finite element matrix (with boundary terms). It works if A is an iterative matrix or if A is a distributed matrix. In this last case, the finite element matrix is added to the previously matrix given as argument. The object nat_mat stores the mass coefficient α, damping coefficient β, stiffness coefficient γ such that the following matrix is computed :

For time-harmonic equations, these coefficients are usually set to one. For unsteady equations, these coefficients depend on the used time scheme.


A (inout)
finite element matrix
nat_mat (in)
mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
offset_row (optional)
offset for row numbers
offset_col (optional)
offset for column numbers
solver (optional)
solver handling static condensation
diag_matrix (optional)
true if only the diagonal of the matrix has to be computed

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions
   // once var is constructed, you can call AddMatrixWithBC
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to set coefficients alpha, beta and gamma
   // By default, alpha = beta = gamma = 1
   Matrix<Complex_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat); // A is a sparse matrix => it is stored

   // if you only need an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessarily stored)
   // ie only the matrix-vector product is needed
   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Complex_wp>* Aiter = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Aiter, nat_mat);

   delete Aiter;

Location :




void AddMatrixFEM(Matrix& A, const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat, int offset_row = 0, int offset_col = 0,
CondensationBlockSolver_Fem* solver = NULL, bool diag_matrix = false) const

This method computes the finite element matrix (without boundary terms). It works if A is an iterative matrix or if A is a distributed matrix. In this last case, the finite element matrix is added to the previously matrix given as argument. The object nat_mat stores the mass coefficient α, damping coefficient β, stiffness coefficient γ such that the following matrix is computed :

For time-harmonic equations, these coefficients are usually set to one. For unsteady equations, these coefficients depend on the used time scheme.


A (inout)
finite element matrix
nat_mat (in)
mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
offset_row (optional)
offset for row numbers
offset_col (optional)
offset for column numbers
solver (optional)
solver handling static condensation
diag_matrix (optional)
true if only the diagonal of the matrix has to be computed

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions
   // once var is constructed, you can call AddMatrixFEM
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to set coefficients alpha, beta and gamma
   // By default, alpha = beta = gamma = 1
   Matrix<Complex_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;
   var.AddMatrixFEM(A, nat_mat); // A is a sparse matrix => it is stored
            // here only volume integrals are computed (no boundary conditions)

   // if you only need an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessarily stored)
   // ie only the matrix-vector product is needed
   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Complex_wp>* Aiter = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixFEM(*Aiter, nat_mat);

   delete Aiter;

Location :




void ComputeDiagonalMatrix(Vector& diagonal, const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat, bool assemble = true);
void ComputeDiagonalMatrix(Vector& diagonal, Matrix& A, const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat, bool assemble = true);

This method computes the diagonal of the finite element matrix. In the first syntax, only mass, damping and stiffness coefficients are provided. In the second syntax, the computed matrix is provided (iterative or distributed).


diagonal (out)
diagonal of the matrix
A (optional)
finite element matrix previously computed
nat_mat (in)
mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
assemble (optional)
if true, the diagonal is assembled (between processors)

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions
   // once var is constructed, you can compute the diagonal of the matrix
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to set coefficients alpha, beta and gamma
   // By default, alpha = beta = gamma = 1
   VectComplex_wp diagonal;
   var.ComputeDiagonalMatrix(diagonal, nat_mat);

Location :




bool IsSymmetricElementaryMatrix(const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat) const;

This method returns true if the elementary matrix (with coefficients given in nat_mat) is symmetric. This method is called to select the correct type of elementary matrix when the matrix is computed with AddMatrixWithBC.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   // is the elementary matrix symmetric ?
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
   nat_mat.SetCoefDamping(Complex_wp(0)); // you can change some coefficients
   bool sym = var.IsSymmetricElementaryMatrix(nat_mat);

Location :




bool IsDiagonalElementaryMatrix(const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat) const;

This method returns true if the elementary matrix (with coefficients given in nat_mat) is symmetric. This method is called to select the correct type of elementary matrix when the matrix is computed with AddMatrixWithBC. For example, it will return true if you ask to compute the mass matrix with mass-lumped elements (for most of equations).

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   // is the elementary matrix diagonal ?
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
   nat_mat.SetCoefDamping(Complex_wp(0)); // you can change some coefficients
   // alpha = 1, beta = gamma = 0 => mass matrix is asked
   bool diag = var.IsDiagonalElementaryMatrix(nat_mat);

Location :




bool IsSparseElementaryMatrix(const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat) const;

This method returns true if the elementary matrix (with coefficients given in nat_mat) is sparse. This method is called to select the correct type of elementary matrix when the matrix is computed with AddMatrixWithBC.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   // is the elementary matrix sparse ?
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
   nat_mat.SetCoefDamping(Complex_wp(0)); // you can change some coefficients
   // alpha = 1, beta = gamma = 0 => mass matrix is asked
   bool sparse = var.IsSparseElementaryMatrix(nat_mat);

Location :




void GetStaticCondensedRows(IVect& IndexCondensedRows, IVect& global_row, IVect& overlap_row, IVect& overlap_proc,
int& nb_scalar_dof, int& nb_global_dof, IVect& sharing_procs, Vector<IVect>& sharing_rows) const

This method computes the row numbers of degrees of freedom after a static condensation. It is used to construct a distributed matrix with only condensed degrees of freedom (hence, the matrix has a small size).


IndexCondensedRows (inout)
IndexCondensedRows(i) is equal to -1 if the dof is eliminated, and to index if the dof is kept. The condensed matrix will be a smaller matrix using "index" as row/column numbers.
global_row (out)
global row numbers of the condensed matrix
overlap_row (out)
dofs that are owned by another processor
overlap_proc (out)
processor that owns the overlapped dofs
nb_scalar_dof (out)
number of dofs per unknown for the condensed matrix
nb_global_dof (out)
global size of the condensed matrix
sharing_procs (out)
numbers of processors that share dofs with current processor
sharing_rows (out)
row numbers of shared dofs

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // to construct a distributed matrix with condensed dofs :
   IVect IndexCondensedRows, global_row, overlap_row, overlap_proc, sharing_procs;
   int nb_scalar_dof, nb_global_dof; Vector<IVect> sharing_rows;
   var.GetStaticCondensedRows(IndexCondensedRows, global_row, overlap_row, overlap_proc,
                              nb_scalar_dof, nb_global_dof, sharing_procs, sharing_rows);
   int nb_u = 1;
   if (var.GetNbMeshNumberings() == 1)
     nb_u = var.nb_unknowns_scal;
   DistributedMatrix<Complex_wp, General, ArrayRowSparse> A;
   A.Init(nb_global_dof, global_row, overlap_row, overlap_proc, nb_scalar_dof, nb_u,
          sharing_procs, sharing_rows, var.comm_group_mode);

Location :




void AddElementaryFluxesDG(Matrix& A, const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat, int offset_row = 0, int offset_col = 0)

This method adds to the given matrix A the terms due to numerical fluxes (for a Discontinuous Galerkin formulation). It is called by AddMatrixWithBC.


A (inout)
matrix to modify
nat_mat (in)
mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
offset_row (optional)
offset for row numbers
offset_col (optional)
offset for column numbers

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // matrix with only numerical fluxes
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
   DistributedMatrix<Complex_wp, General, ArrayRowSparse> A;
   A.Reallocate(var.GetNbDof(), var.GetNbDof());
   var.AddElementaryFluxesDG(A, nat_mat);

Location :




void UpdateShiftAdimensionalization(T& sr, T& si)

This method updates the shifts (for the computation of eigenvalues) because of adimensionalization. The method modifies the shifts such that they are adimensionalized. This methods modifies the shifts only if there is a line Adimensionalization = YES in the data file.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // physical shift (square of pulsation) for second-order formulation
   Real_wp freq = 4000; // frequency in Hz
   Real_wp omega = 2*pi*freq;
   Real_wp sr = square(omega), si = 0;

   // we want to know adimensionalized shifts (which correspond to the computed finite element matrix which is adimensionalized)
   var.UpdateShiftAdimensionalization(sr, si);

Location :




void UpdateEigenvaluesAdimensionalization(Vector& Lr, Vector& Li, Matrix& V)

This method updates the eigenvalues (stored in Lr and Li) and the eigenvectors (stored in V) . The obtained eigenvalues are the physical ones. This methods modifies the eigenvalues only if there is a line Adimensionalization = YES in the data file.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // physical shift (square of pulsation) for second-order formulation
   Real_wp freq = 4000; // frequency in Hz
   Real_wp omega = 2*pi*freq;
   Real_wp sr = square(omega), si = 0;

   // we want to know adimensionalized shifts (which correspond to the computed finite element matrix which is adimensionalized)
   var.UpdateShiftAdimensionalization(sr, si);

   DistributedMatrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> Mh, Kh;
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat;
   nat_mat.SetCoefDamping(0.0); nat_mat.SetCoefStiffness(0.0); 
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Mh, nat_mat);
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(0.0); nat_mat.SetCoefStiffness(1.0); 
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Kh, nat_mat);

   // we compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
   SparseEigenProblem<Real_wp, DistributedMatrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse>,
                         DistributedMatrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> > eigen_solver;
   eigen_solver.InitMatrix(Kh, Mh);
   eigen_solver.SetTypeSpectrum(eigen_solver.CENTERED_EIGENVALUES, sr, eigen_solver.SORTED_MODULUS);

   VectReal_wp Lr, Li; Matrix<Real_wp, General, ColMajor> V;
   GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors(eigen_solver, Lr, Li, V);
  // adimensionalized eigenvalues are computed
   // then we get back to physical eigenvalues
   var.UpdateEigenvaluesAdimensionalization(Lr, Li, V);

Location :




void FindIntervalDofSignSymmetry(int& i0, int& i1, int& j0, int& j1) const

This method is relevant only if a symmetrization is enabled (see SetSymmetrizationUse). It provides the rows that are multiplied by -1 (to obtain a symmetric matrix). The rows between i0 and i1 (i1 being exlcuded) and the rows between j0 and j1 are multiplied by -1.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // rows modified because of symmetrization ? (mixed formulation)
   int i0=0, i1=0, j0=0, j1=0;
   var.FindIntervalDofSignSymmetry(i0, i1, j0, j1);

Location :




void ModifySourceSymmetry(Vector& rhs) const
void ModifySourceSymmetry(Matrix& rhs) const

This method is relevant only if a symmetrization is enabled (see SetSymmetrizationUse). It modifies the right hand side by multiplying some rows by -1 (some rows of the finite element matrix have been multiplied by -1 to obtain a symmetric matrix). A matrix can be provided in the case of multiplie right hand sides.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // filling a right hand side
   VectComplex_wp rhs(var.GetNbDof()); rhs.FillRand();

   // rows affected by the symmetrization are multiplied by -1

Location :




FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<T>* GetNewIterativeMatrix(T& s) const

This method constructs a new object (representing the iterative matrix) and returns the address of the created object. The object is usually an instance of FemMatrixFreeClass (that depends on the solved equation). The method GetNewIterativeMatrix returns a pointer of the base class FemMatrixFreeClass_Base such that it can be used in generic functions.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);

   // with Ah, you can only compute matrix-vector products
   VectReal_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
   Ah->MltVector(x, y); // y = A x

   // do not forget to release the memory when Ah is no longer needed
   delete Ah;

Location :




All_LinearSolver* GetNewLinearSolver() const

This method constructs a new object (representing the linear solver) and returns the address of the created object. This solver can be used to compute the solution of a linear system with the finite element matrix.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients

   // creation of the linear solver
   All_LinearSolver* solver = var.GetNewLinearSolver();

   // to factorize the matrix (or prepare the computation if an iterative solver is selected)

   // and solve the linear system A x = b
   VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()), x; b.FillRand();
   x = b; solver->ComputeSolution(x);
   // when you no longer need the solver, you can release the memory
   delete solver;

Location :




All_Preconditioner_Base<T>* GetNewPreconditioning(T)

This method constructs a new object (representing the preconditioning) and returns the address of the created object. This preconditioning can be used to compute efficiently the solution of a linear system with the finite element matrix.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients

   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Complex_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);

   // creation of the preconditioning
   All_Preconditioner_Base<Complex_wp> prec = var.GetNewPreconditioning();

   // to apply the preconditioning to a vector
   VectComplex_wp r(var.GetNbDof()), z(var.GetNbDof()); r.FillRand();
   prec->Solve(*Ah, r, z); // z = M^{-1} r

   // when you no longer need the preconditioning, you can release the memory
   delete prec;

Location :




void ComputeElementaryMatrix(int i, IVect& num_ddl, VirtualMatrix& A, const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat,
const EllipticProblem& var, const ElementReference& Fb) const

This generic function computes the elementary matrix of a given element. It is implemented if all finite elements are scalar. It is also implemented if all finite elements are 2-D edge elements. This function has to be distinguished from the method ComputeElementaryMatrix of the class EllipticProblem. Most of the times, the method ComputeElementaryMatrix will call the generic function ComputeElementaryMatrix (except for specific equations).


i (in)
element number
num_ddl (out)
global row numbers
A (out)
elementary matrix
nat_mat (in)
mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
var (in)
object describing the problem to solve
Fb (in)
finite element associated with the element i

Example :

   // to define your own equation 
    class MyEquation : GenericEquation_Base<Complex_wp>
      typedef Dimension3 Dimension;
      static const bool FirstOrderFormulation = true;
      enum {nb_unknowns = 3, nb_unknowns_hdg=0,
	    nb_components_en = 1, nb_components_hn = 1,
            nb_unknowns_scal = 3, nb_unknowns_vec = 0};

      static inline bool SymmetricGlobalMatrix() { return false; }
      static inline bool SymmetricElementaryMatrix() { return false; }

      // other functions ( such as GetTensorMass, GetGradPhiTensor, etc)
      // need to be overloaded 

    // in the specialization of EllipticProblem
    // you can call the generic function ComputeElementaryMatrix
    class EllipticProblem<MyEquation>
    : public VarHarmonic <MyEquation>
    public :
        void ComputeElementaryMatrix(int i, IVect& num_dof, VirtualMatrix<Complex_wp>& mat_elem,
                                     const GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp>& nat_mat)
         // we call generic function
         Montjoie::ComputeElementaryMatrix(i, num_dof, mat_elem, nat_mat, *this, this->GetReferenceElementH1(i));



Location :




void AddElementaryFluxesDG(VirtualMatrix& A, const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat, const EllipticProblem& var, int offset_row, int offset_col) const

This generic function computes the boundary terms associated with numerical fluxes (for a Discontinuous Galerkin formulation) and adds them to a given matrix. It is implemented if all finite elements are scalar. This function has to be distinguished from the method AddElementaryFluxesDG of the class EllipticProblem. Most of the times, the method AddElementaryFluxesDG will call the generic function AddElementaryFluxesDG (except for specific equations).


A (out)
elementary matrix
nat_mat (in)
mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
var (in)
object describing the problem to solve
offset_row (in)
offset for row numbers
offset_col (in)
offset for column numbers

Example :

    // to define your own equation 
    class MyEquation : GenericEquation_Base<Complex_wp>
      typedef Dimension3 Dimension;
      static const bool FirstOrderFormulation = true;
      enum {nb_unknowns = 3, nb_unknowns_hdg=0,
	    nb_components_en = 1, nb_components_hn = 1,
            nb_unknowns_scal = 3, nb_unknowns_vec = 0};

      static inline bool SymmetricGlobalMatrix() { return false; }
      static inline bool SymmetricElementaryMatrix() { return false; }

      // other functions ( such as GetTensorMass, GetGradPhiTensor, etc)
      // need to be overloaded 

    // in the specialization of EllipticProblem
    // you can call the generic function ComputeElementaryMatrix and ElementaryFluxesDG
    class EllipticProblem<MyEquation>
    : public VarHarmonic <MyEquation>
    public :
        void ComputeElementaryMatrix(int i, IVect& num_dof, VirtualMatrix<Complex_wp>& mat_elem,
                                     const GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp>& nat_mat)
         // we call generic function
         Montjoie::ComputeElementaryMatrix(i, num_dof, mat_elem, nat_mat, *this, this->GetReferenceElementH1(i));

      void AddElementaryFluxesDG(VirtualMatrix<Complex_wp<& mat_sp,
			  const GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp>& nat_mat,
			  int offset_row, int offset_col)
         Montjoie::AddElementaryFluxesDG(mat_sp, nat_mat, *this, offset_row, offset_col);


Location :


mat_boundary_sym, mat_boundary_unsym

The attribute mat_boundary_sym stores the terms due to boundary conditions (or other models) in the case where the finite element matrix is symmetric. If the matrix is unsymmetric, the attribute mat_boundary_unsym is used.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);

   // with Ah, you can only compute matrix-vector products
   VectReal_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
   Ah->MltVector(x, y); // y = A x

   // you can write terms due to boundary conditions
   // do not forget to release the memory when Ah is no longer needed
   delete Ah;

Location :


matCSR_boundary_sym, matCSR_boundary_unsym

The attribute matCSR_boundary_sym stores the terms due to boundary conditions (or other models) in the case where the finite element matrix is symmetric. If the matrix is unsymmetric, the attribute matCSR_boundary_unsym is used. These matrices are constructed if the method CompressMatrix has been called previously.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);

   // with Ah, you can only compute matrix-vector products
   VectReal_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
   Ah->MltVector(x, y); // y = A x

   // matrices are compressed (use of CSR storage)
   // you can write terms due to boundary conditions
   // do not forget to release the memory when Ah is no longer needed
   delete Ah;

Location :


mat_iterative_sym, mat_iterative_unsym

The attribute mat_iterative_sym stores the finite element matrix if it is stored (and symmetric). If the matrix is unsymmetric, the attribute mat_iterative_unsym is used. To force the storage of the matrix, you can insert a line ExplicitMatrixFEM = YES in the data file.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);

   // with Ah, you can only compute matrix-vector products
   VectReal_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
   Ah->MltVector(x, y); // y = A x

   // you can write the matrix (if stored)
   // do not forget to release the memory when Ah is no longer needed
   delete Ah;

Location :


matCSR_iterative_sym, matCSR_iterative_unsym

The attribute matCSR_iterative_sym stores the finite element matrix if it is stored (and symmetric). If the matrix is unsymmetric, the attribute matCSR_iterative_unsym is used. To force the storage of the matrix, you can insert a line ExplicitMatrixFEM = YES in the data file. These matrices are constructed if the method CompressMatrix has been called previously.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);

   // with Ah, you can only compute matrix-vector products
   VectReal_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
   Ah->MltVector(x, y); // y = A x

   // using CSR storage (to save memory)
   // you can write the matrix (if stored)
   // do not forget to release the memory when Ah is no longer needed
   delete Ah;

Location :



This attribute stores a reference to the instance EllipticProblem.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> gt; Ah(var);
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // with Ah, you can only compute matrix-vector products
   VectReal_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
   Ah.MltVector(x, y); // y = A x

   // var is present in the object Ah (here var and Ah.var refer to the same object)

Location :


Constructor of FemMatrixFreeClass

The only constructor takes an object EllipticProblem as argument. If you only have a base class of EllipticProblem (with a generic function that works for different equations), you can use the method GetNewIterativeMatrix.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> gt; Ah(var);
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // with Ah, you can only compute matrix-vector products
   VectReal_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
   Ah.MltVector(x, y); // y = A x

    // if you are in a function with a base class of EllipticProblem :
    FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah0 = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Real_wp(0));
    var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah0, nat_mat);

    delete Ah0;

Location :




void SetCoefficientDirichlet(const Real_wp& coef) const

This method changes the coefficient for the diagonal of Dirichlet dofs.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   Matrix<Real_wp, General, ArrayRowSparse> A;

   // we want void columns for Dirichlet => coef = 0
   // default value is 1.0
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);


Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx
Harmonic/BoundaryConditionHarmonic.hxx   Harmonic/BoundaryConditionHarmonicInline.cxx



void SetCoefficientMatrix(const GlobalGenericMatrix& coefs) const

This method changes the mass, damping and stiffness coefficient for the iterative matrix. Usually it is not needed to call this method since AddMatrixWithBC already initializes these coefficients.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // if you want to change the coefficient afterwards (not recommended because boundary terms do not change)

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx



T GetCoefMass() const

This method returns the mass coefficient for the iterative matrix.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // should return 2.0
   Real_wp mass = Ah.GetCoefMass();

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx



bool IsSymmetric() const

This method returns true if the matrix is symmetric.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // symmetric matrix ?
   bool sym = Ah.IsSymmetric();

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx



int FormulationDG() const

This method returns the type of the formulation used. It can be equal to ElementReference_Base::CONTINUOUS, ElementReference_Base::DISCONTINUOUS or ElementReference_Base::HDG as explained in the description of dg_formulation.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // DG formulation ?
   int dg_form = Ah.FormulationDG();

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx



void SetCondensedSolver(CondensationBlockSolver_Fem*)

This method sets the condensed solver used to assemble the matrix. This method should not be used in regular use (since it is already called when AddMatrixBC is called).

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx



bool DirichletDofIgnored() const

This method returns true if Dirichlet dofs are ignored. If Dirichlet dofs are present (= not ignored), we set yi = 0 for rows associated with Dirichlet condition (where y = A x is the result of the matrix-vector product).

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // Dirichlet dofs treated ?
   bool dirichlet = Ah.DirichletDofIgnored();

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx



void IgnoreDirichletDof()

This method forces Dirichlet dofs to be ignored. If Dirichlet dofs are present (= not ignored), we set yi = 0 for rows associated with Dirichlet condition (where y = A x is the result of the matrix-vector product.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // if you want to ignore Dirichlet dofs
   // (default : Dirichlet dofs are treated)

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx



void SetScaling(VectReal_wp& scale_left, VectReal_wp& scale_right)

This method sets the scaling factors to use if the matrix is not stored. This method is called when ScaleMatrix is used. ScaleMatrix handles both cases (matrix stored or not).

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // if you want to replace A by L A R (L and R are diagonal matrices)
   // where L is the left scaling and R the right scaling :
   VectReal_wp L(Ah.GetM()), R(Ah.GetM());
   L.FillRand(); R.FillRand();

   // best option : use ScaleMatrix (it will call SetScaling)
   ScaleMatrix(Ah, L, R);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClassInline.cxx



bool SucceedInAffectingPointer(Matrix*& ptr_A, Matrix*& ptr_Acsr)

This method tries to initialize ptr_A (or ptr_Acsr if the matrix has been compressed) with the matrix stored in the object. If the method returns false, it means that no matrix has been found (pointers have not been initialized). In that case, the matrix is probably not stored, or the symmetry is not correct.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // for a symmetric matrix
   Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, RowSymSparse>* A_csr;
   Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse>* A_stored;
   bool success = Ah.SucceedInAffectingPointer(A_stored, A_csr);

   // if success is false, it means that the matrix is either unsymmetric or not stored

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void InitSymmetricMatrix()

This method inits the object to a symmetric matrix. This method should not be called in regular use, since it is already called by AddMatrixWithBC.

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void InitUnsymmetricMatrix()

This method inits the object to an unsymmetric matrix. This method should not be called in regular use, since it is already called by AddMatrixWithBC.

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void ApplyRightScaling(const Vector& B0, Vector& C0, Vector& B, Vector& C)

This method applies the right scaling to vector B0 (B = R B0 where R is the right scaling) and inits C = C0. If no right scaling is required, B and C are initialized with B0 and C0. This method is used in the method MltAddFree to handle scaling of the matrix.

Example :

     // if you specialize the class with your equation
     class FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, MyEquation> : public FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>
     public :
     FemMatrixFreeClass(const EllipticProblem<MyEquation>& var_)
       : FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>(var_) {}

     // product C0 = (L A R) B0
     void MltAddFree(const GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp>& nat_mat,
                     const SeldonTranspose&, int level,
                     const VectReal_wp& B0, VectReal_wp& C0) const
       VectReal_wp B, C;
       // right scaling for B = R B 0
       this->ApplyRightScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

       // you do the matrix vector product without scaling C = A B
       // ... (code to insert)

       // finally left scaling for C0 = L C
       this->ApplyLeftScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void ApplyLeftScaling(const Vector& B0, Vector& C0, Vector& B, Vector& C)

This method applies the left scaling to vector C (C0 = L C where L is the left scaling). This method is used in the method MltAddFree to handle scaling of the matrix.

Example :

     // if you specialize the class with your equation
     class FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, MyEquation> : public FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>
     public :
     FemMatrixFreeClass(const EllipticProblem<MyEquation>& var_)
       : FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>(var_) {}

     // product C0 = (L A R) B0
     void MltAddFree(const GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp>& nat_mat,
                     const SeldonTranspose&, int level,
                     const VectReal_wp& B0, VectReal_wp& C0) const
       VectReal_wp B, C;
       // right scaling for B
       this->ApplyRightScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

       // you do the matrix vector product without scaling C = A B
       // ... (code to insert)

       // finally left scaling for C0 = L C
       this->ApplyLeftScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void CompressMatrix()

This method compresses the matrices stored in the object. It consists of converting them into CSR storage (e.g. RowSparse instead of ArrayRowSparse) which requires less memory. The matrix vector product is also more efficient.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   // for an iterative matrix (the matrix is not necessary stored, use FemMatrixFreeClass)
   FemMatrixFreeClass_Base<Real_wp>* Ah = var.GetNewIterativeMatrix(Complex_wp(0));
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(*Ah, nat_mat);

   // with Ah, you can only compute matrix-vector products
   VectReal_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
   Ah->MltVector(x, y); // y = A x

   // matrices are compressed (use of CSR storage)
   // do not forget to release the memory when Ah is no longer needed
   delete Ah;

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void AddExtraBoundaryTerms(const T& alpha, const Vector& B, Vector& C)

This method adds the terms due to boundary conditions (or other models) contained in mat_boundary* to the vector C. It can be used to write a specialization of the class for your own equation.

Example :

     // if you specialize the class with your equation
     class FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, MyEquation> : public FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>
     public :
     FemMatrixFreeClass(const EllipticProblem<MyEquation>& var_)
       : FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>(var_) {}

     // product C0 = (L A R) B0
     void MltAddFree(const GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp>& nat_mat,
                     const SeldonTranspose&, int level,
                     const VectReal_wp& B0, VectReal_wp& C0) const
       VectReal_wp B, C;
       // right scaling for B
       this->ApplyRightScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

       // you do the matrix vector product without scaling C = A B
       // ... (code to insert)

      // contributions of boundary terms
      this->AddExtraBoundaryTerms(Real_wp(1), B, C);

       // finally left scaling for C0 = L C
       this->ApplyLeftScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void SetNbDirichletCondition(int n)

This method sets the number of Dirichlet conditions, usually it corresponds to the number of right-hand-sides.

Example :

        EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
        var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // for a single right hand side

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void ApplyDirichletCondition(const SeldonTranspose& trans, Vector& b, int k=0)

This method modifies the right hand side if hetereogenous Dirichlet condition is present. The new right hand side is equal to

With this transformation, the hetereogeneous Dirichlet is converted into an homogeneous Dirichlet condition (with a symmetric finite element matrix). The values bk where k is a Dirichlet dof are stored in the object and used when ImposeDirichletCondition is called. If trans is equal to SeldonTranspose, we assume that the solution with the transpose of A is searched.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
        var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // for a single right hand side
    VectReal_wp rhs(Ah.GetM()); rhs.FillRand();

    // we modify the right hand side to convert Dirichlet conditions to homogeneous ones
    Ah.ApplyDirichletCondition(SeldonNoTrans, rhs);

    // then you have to solve A x = rhs
    // to do
    VectReal_wp x(rhs.GetM()); x.Zero(); // etc
    Cg(Ah, x, rhs, id_precond, iter); // solving with Cg for instance

    // to get back to the solution (with hetereogeneous Dirichlet)
    Ah.ImposeDirichletCondition(SeldonNoTrans, x);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void ImposeDirichletCondition(const SeldonTranspose& trans, Vector& x, int k=0)

This method sets the values of x with Dirichlet conditions given when ApplyDirichletCondition has been called.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
        var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // for two right hand sides 
    VectReal_wp rhs(Ah.GetM()), rhs2(Ah.GetM()); rhs.FillRand(); rhs2.FillRand();

    // we modify the right hand sides to convert Dirichlet conditions to homogeneous ones
    Ah.ApplyDirichletCondition(SeldonNoTrans, rhs, 0);
    Ah.ApplyDirichletCondition(SeldonNoTrans, rhs2, 1);

    // then you have to solve A x = rhs
    // to do
    VectReal_wp x(rhs.GetM()), x2(rhs2.GetM()); x.Zero(); x2.Zero(); // etc
    Cg(Ah, x, rhs, id_precond, iter); // solving with Cg for instance
    Cg(Ah, x2, rhs2, id_precond, iter); 

    // to get back to the solution (with hetereogeneous Dirichlet)
    Ah.ImposeDirichletCondition(SeldonNoTrans, x, 0);
    Ah.ImposeDirichletCondition(SeldonNoTrans, x2, 1);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void SetDirichletCondition(Matrix& A, int offset_row=0, int offset_col=0)

This method modifies the matrix by removing rows (and/or columns) associated with Dirichlet dofs. For a symmetric matrix, the Dirichlet rows and columns are removed and replaced by a diagonal with a constant coefficient (usually one). This method does not need to be called, since it is already done in AddMatrixWithBC.

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void MltAddHetereogeneousDirichlet(const T& alpha, const SeldonTranspose& trans, const Vector& B, Vector& C)

This method computes C = C + alpha A B with only columns a A associated with Dirichlet dofs.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   // product with only Dirichlet columns
   VectReal_wp b(Ah.GetM()); b.FillRand();
   VectReal_wp c(Ah.GetM()); c.Zero();
   Ah.MltAddHetereogeneousDirichlet(Real_wp(1), SeldonNoTrans, b, c);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void InitDirichletCondition(const Vector& b, int k=0)

This method stores hetereogeneous Dirichlet condition contained in x. The values can then be retrieve by calling ImposeDirichletCondition.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);
   var.ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement(type_element); // mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations
   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients
   nat_mat.SetCoefMass(2.0); // chaning the mass coefficient
   // computation of the finite element matrix
   FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > Ah;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(Ah, nat_mat);

   VectReal_wp x(Ah.GetM()); x.FillRand();
   // if you want to store values contained in x on Dirichlet dofs :

   // and retrieve them
   VectReal_wp y(Ah.GetM()); y.Zero();
   Ah.ImposeDirichletCondition(SeldonNoTrans, y);


Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



void MltAddFree(const GlobalGenericMatrix& nat_mat, const SeldonTranspose& trans, int level, const Vector& X, Vector& Y)

This method adds to Y the matrix-vector product A X where A is the matrix associated with the current object. If trans is equal to SeldonTrans, we add AT X. MltAddFree is usually not called directly, but rather MltVector (or MltAddVector). These two functions will call MltAddFree in the case where the matrix is not stored. You can specialize MltAddFree to perform the matrix-vector product with your own equation (matrix-free implementation).

Example :

     // if you specialize the class with your equation
     class FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, MyEquation> : public FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>
     public :
     FemMatrixFreeClass(const EllipticProblem<MyEquation>& var_)
       : FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>(var_) {}

     // product C0 = (L A R) B0
     void MltAddFree(const GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp>& nat_mat,
                     const SeldonTranspose&, int level,
                     const VectReal_wp& B0, VectReal_wp& C0) const
       VectReal_wp B, C;
       // right scaling for B = R B 0
       this->ApplyRightScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

       // you do the matrix vector product without scaling C = A B
       // ... (code to insert)

       // finally left scaling for C0 = L C
       this->ApplyLeftScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx



ExtrapolVariablesProductFEM<T, TypeEquation>& GetExtrapolVariables()

This method returns the object storing additional variables needed to perform the matrix-vector product. You can also specialize the class ExtrapolVariablesProductFEM to store the variables needed to perform the matrix-vector product.

Example :

     // if you specialize the class with your equation
     class FemMatrixFreeClass<Real_wp, MyEquation> : public FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>
     public :
     FemMatrixFreeClass(const EllipticProblem<MyEquation>& var_)
       : FemMatrixFreeClass_Eq<Real_wp, MyEquation>(var_) {}

     // product C0 = (L A R) B0
     void MltAddFree(const GlobalGenericMatrix<Real_wp>& nat_mat,
                     const SeldonTranspose&, int level,
                     const VectReal_wp& B0, VectReal_wp& C0) const
       VectReal_wp B, C;
       // right scaling for B = R B 0
       this->ApplyRightScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

       // you do the matrix vector product without scaling C = A B
       // ... (code to insert)
       ExtrapolVariablesProductFEM<Real_wp, MyEquation>& var_extra = this->GetExtrapolVariables();

       // finally left scaling for C0 = L C
       this->ApplyLeftScaling(B0, C0, B, C);

Location :

Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.hxx   Computation/FemMatrixFreeClass.cxx


This attribute is the mesh used to complete the simultation. It is usually modified through data file (by inserting a line FileMesh = file_name).

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed

    // you can write the mesh on a file

Location :



This attribute stores the quadrature points on all the elements. These points are computed when the method ComputeMassMatrix is called.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed
    // (second argument is false to keep quadrature points)
    // (if the second argument is true, the quadrature points are cleared)
    var.ComputeMassMatrix(true, false);

    // you can display quadrature points of a given element
    int num_elem = 5;

    // to retrieve one point :
    int j = 7;
    R2 single_pt = var.Glob_PointsQuadrature(num_elem)(j);

Location :


write_quadrature_points, write_quad_points_pml

If the attribute write_quadrature_points is true, the quadrature points are written in the file quadrature_points.dat when the method ComputeMassMatrix is called. If the attribute write_quad_points_pml is true, the quadrature points of PMLs are written, otherwise only quadrature points of elements in the physical domain are written. These attributes are usually modified by inserting a line WriteQuadraturePoints = YES NO_PML_POINTS in the data file.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // if you want to force quadrature points to be written
    var.write_quadrature_points = true;
    var.write_quad_points_pml = true; // with PMLs
    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed (and written if asked)
    var.ComputeMassMatrix(true, false);

Location :



This attribute stores the following quantities :

An element is affine if the transformation Fi is affine. In 2-D, it corresponds to straight triangles and parallelograms.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed
    int num_elem = 5;
    bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(num_elem);
    if (affine)
        // affine elements, the jacobian is stored (without weight)
        Real_wp jacob = var.Glob_jacobian(num_elem)(0);
        // weighted jacobian on quadrature points
        int j = 4;
        Real_wp omJi = var.Glob_jacobian(num_elem)(j);
    // if you want to recover the jacobian on the quadrature point => divide by the weight
        const ElementReference<Dimension2, 1>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElementH1(num_elem);
        Real_wp om = Fb.WeightsND(j); Real_wp jacob = omJi / om;

Location :



This attribute stores the polynomial coefficients of the jacobian. They are computed only for elements that have a sparse mass matrix for straight elements. It can be checked by calling the method LinearSparseMassMatrix of the finite element.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed

    // polynomial coefficients of the jacobian
    int num_elem = 11;
    const ElementReference<Dimension2, 1>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElementH1(num_elem);
    if (Fb.LinearSparseMassMatrix())
      cout << "coefficients = " << var.Glob_decomp_jacobian(num_elem) << endl;

Location :



This attribute stores the normales on quadrature points of faces (edges in 2-D) of the mesh. They are computed when the method ComputeMassMatrix is called.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed

    // normales for a given face
    int num_face = 11; int num_pt = 2;
    R2 normale = var.Glob_normale(num_face)(num_pt);

Location :



This attribute stores the surface integration elements on quadrature points of faces (edges in 2-D) of the mesh. They are computed when the method ComputeMassMatrix is called.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed

    // surface jacobian (used to compute surface integrals)
    int num_face = 11; int num_pt = 2;
    Real_wp ds = var.Glob_dsj(num_face)(num_pt);

Location :



This attribute stores the type of orthogonality of the considered element. It is computed only for elements inside PML elements. In 2-D, it can take the following values:

In 3-D, it can take the following values:

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed

    // orthogonal element ?
    int num_elem = 13;
    int ortho = var.OrthogonalElement(num_elem);

Location :



This attribute stores the following quantities :

An element is affine if the transformation Fi is affine. In 2-D, it corresponds to straight triangles and parallelograms.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed
    int num_elem = 5;
    bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(num_elem);
    if (affine)
        // affine elements, only one matrix is stored
        Matrix2_2 jacob_dfjm1 = var.Glob_DFjm1(num_elem)(0);
        // matrices J_i DF_i^{-1} on quadrature points
        int j = 4;
        Matrix2_2 jacob_dfm1 = var.Glob_DFjm1(num_elem)(j);

Location :



This attribute is used to know if the normale is outgoing to the element. If IsNewFace(i)(j) is true, the normales stored in Glob_normale are outgoing to the element i.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension2> > var;

   ReadInputFile(input_file, var); // parameters of the ini file are read

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed
    int num_elem = 5;
    int num_loc = 2; // local boundary of element
    bool new_face = var.IsNewFace(num_elem)(num_loc);
    int num_face = var.mesh.Element(num_elem).numBoundary(num_loc);
    int num_pt = 1;
    R2 normale = var.Glob_normale(num_face)(num_pt);
    // changing sign of normale to enforce an outgoing normale to element num_elem
    if (!new_face)
      normale = -normale;

Location :




int GetReferenceInfinity() const

This method returns the reference associated with the medium at infinity. This reference is used for absorbing boundary conditions (in order to know physical indexes at infinity). By default, it is set to -1 (indexes are equal to one at infinity in this case). This value is modified by inserting a line ReferenceInfinity = 1 in the data file.

Example :

        EllipticProblem<ElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // reference for infinity ?
   int ref = var.GetReferenceInfinity();     

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx

GetWaveVector, SetWaveVector


R_N GetWaveVector() const
void SetWaveVector(const R_N& u) const

The method GetWaveVector returns the wave vector k. It is used to define the plane wave:

The wave vector can be modified by calling SetWaveVector or by inserting lines with Frequency and IncidentAngle.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // wave vector ?
   R3 k = var.GetWaveVector();
   Real_wp omega = var.GetOmega();

   // if you modify the norm of k, it is better to call SetOmega to change the frequency
   // SetOmega updates the wave vector such that omega = || k ||
   k = -2.0*k;


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



VectReal_wp GetPolarization() const
void GetPolarization(Vector& polar) const

The method GetPolarization returns the polarization vector E0. It is used to define the plane wave (for vectorial equations):

The polarization can be modified by calling SetPolarization or by inserting lines with Polarization. The polarization vector is also used in other sources (volume sources or Dirac) if the user did not provide a specific direction.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // polarization
   VectReal_wp polar = var.GetPolarization();

   //if you need a tiny vector
   R3 E0; var.GetPolarization(E0);

   // or a complex vector
   VectComplex_wp Pc;


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



VectReal_wp GetPolarizationGrad() const
void GetPolarizationGrad(Vector& polar) const

The method GetPolarizationGrad returns the polarization vector E0. It is used in the case of a gradient of Dirac source :

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



R_N GetPhaseOrigin() const

This method returns the origin x0 of plane waves such that the phase is 0 at the origin. It is used to define the plane wave :

The origin can be modified by inserting lines with OriginePhase. The origin is also used for the Dirac source if the user did not provide a specific origin.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // origin for plane waves
   R3 x0 = var.GetPhaseOrigin();


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void SetPolarization(TinyVector P) const

This method sets the polarization (used for plane waves as explained in GetPolarization. Another solution is to insert a line Polarization = 0.0 0.0 1.0 in the data file.

Example :

   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to set manually the polarization
   R3 P(0.2, 0.5, 0.8);


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void FinalizeComputationVaryingIndices()

This virtual method is automatically called when ComputeMassMatrix is called such that the user can treat the physical indexes that have been computed. In regular use, this method does not need to be called.

Example :

     // if you derive your own EllipticProblem:
   class EllipticProblem<MyEquation> : public VarHarmonic<MyEquation>
     // overloading the method
     void FinalizeComputationVaryingIndices() { // your own treatment }

int main()
   EllipticProblem<MyEquation> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed
    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // the method FinalizeComputationVaryingIndices() is called here


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void AllocateMassMatrices()

This virtual method is automatically called when ComputeMassMatrix is called such that the user can allocate arrays to store datas needed to the computation of elementary matrices. In regular use, this method does not need to be called.

Example :

     class MyEquation
        template<class TypeEquation>
     void ComputeMassMatrix(EllipticProblem<TypeEquation>& var, int i, const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb)
     {  // computation of some variables }


     // if you derive your own EllipticProblem:
   class EllipticProblem<MyEquation> : public VarHarmonic<MyEquation>
     // overloading the method
     void AllocateMassMatrices() { // allocation of arrays that will be used in ComputeMassMatrix of MyEquation (method above) }

int main()
   EllipticProblem<MyEquation> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed
    var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // the method AllocateMassMatrices() is called here


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void DoNotComputeGrid()

This method can be used if you do not want to compute interpolation grids when ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement is called.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to compute the interpolation grid only when the solution is interpolated

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void GetLocalUnknownVector(const Vector& u, int i, Vector u_loc)

This method can be used to retrieve the local components of the vector u in the element i as explained in GetLocalUnknownVector.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed

   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients

   // creation of the linear solver
   All_LinearSolver* solver = var.GetNewLinearSolver();

   // to factorize the matrix (or prepare the computation if an iterative solver is selected)

   // to compute the right hand side
   VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof());

   // and solve the linear system A x = b
   VectComplex_wp x = b; solver->ComputeSolution(x);
   // when you no longer need the solver, you can release the memory
   delete solver;

   // if you want to retrieve the solution on a given element
   int num_elem = 23;
   TinyVector<VectComplex_wp, 3> x_loc; // here 3 components for elatic equation
   var.GetLocalUnknownVector(x, num_elem, x_loc);


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void AddLocalUnknownVector(T alpha, const Vector& u_loc, int i, Vector u)

This method can be used to add local contributions (of the element i) to the global vector u as explained in AddLocalUnknownVector.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed

   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // to compute the right hand side manually, you can add contributions of each element
   VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()); b.Zero();

   SetPoints<Dimension3> pts; VectR3 s; VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;
   for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
        bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(i);
        var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(i, s);
        const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(i);
        Fb.FjElemQuadrature(s, pts, var.mesh, i);
        for (int j = 0; j < Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(); j++)
          feval(j) = var.GetWeightedJacobian(i, j, affine, Fb)*exp(-Norm2(pts.GetPointQuadrature(i)));

        Fb.ApplyCh(feval, contrib);
        var.AddLocalUnknownVector(1.0, contrib, i, b);


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void ModifyLocalComponentVector(Vector& u_loc, int i)

This method can be used to modify the local components of the vector u_loc in the element i as explained in ModifyLocalComponentVector. The method GetLocalUnknownVector consists of extracting the local values of a global vector and then calling this function.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed

   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients

   // creation of the linear solver
   All_LinearSolver* solver = var.GetNewLinearSolver();

   // to factorize the matrix (or prepare the computation if an iterative solver is selected)

   // to compute the right hand side
   VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof());

   // and solve the linear system A x = b
   VectComplex_wp x = b; solver->ComputeSolution(x);
   // when you no longer need the solver, you can release the memory
   delete solver;

   // if you want to retrieve the solution on a given element
   int num_elem = 23;
   Vector<VectComplex_wp, 3> x_loc(3);
   // you can extract manually the values
   int nb_dof = var.GetReferenceElement(num_elem).GetNbDof();
   x_loc(0).Reallocate(nb_dof);       x_loc(1).Reallocate(nb_dof);
    for (int j = 0; j < nb_dof; j++)
          int num_dof = var.GetMeshNumbering(0).Element(num_elem).GetNumberDof(j);
          x_loc(0)(j) = x(num_dof);
          x_loc(1)(j) = x(var.offset_dof_unknown(0) + num_dof);
          x_loc(2)(j) = x(var.offset_dof_unknown(1) + num_dof);

    // then we modify the values to take into account signs of dofs (or linear operators if present)
   var.ModifyLocalComponentVector(x_loc, num_elem);
   // in this example, it is better to call directly GetLocalUnknownVector

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void ModifyLocalUnknownVector(Vector& u_loc, int i)

This method can be used to modify the local components of the vector u_loc in the element i as explained in ModifyLocalUnknownVector. The method AddLocalUnknownVector consists of calling this function and of adding the local values to a global vector. This function is the transpose operation of the function ModifyLocalComponentVector.

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



void GetGlobalUnknownVector(Vector& u_loc, int i)

This method can be used to modify the local components of the vector u_loc in the element i as explained in GetGlobalUnknownVector. The vector can then be copied directly on a global vector as shown in the example below

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

    // quadrature points and jacobian matrices are computed

   var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // to compute the projection of a function on degrees of freedom manually,
  // you can compute contributions of each element
   VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()); b.Zero();

   SetPoints<Dimension3> pts; VectR3 s; VectComplex_wp feval;
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> contrib(1);
   for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
        bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(i);
        var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(i, s);
        const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(i);
        Fb.FjElemDof(s, pts, var.mesh, i);
        for (int j = 0; j < Fb.GetNbPointsDof(); j++)
          feval(j) = exp(-Norm2(pts.GetPointDof(i)));

        Fb.ComputeProjectionDofRef(feval, contrib(0));
        var.GetGlobalUnknownVector(contrib(0), i); // taking into account signs or linear operators

        // then copying the values in the global vector
        for (int j = 0; j < Fb.GetNbDof(); j++)
            int num_dof = var.GetMeshNumbering(0).Element(num_elem).GetNumberDof(j);
            b(num_dof) = contrib(0)(j);


Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



int GetNbComponentsType(int type)

This method returns the number of components for the unknown for a given finite element. If type is equal to 1 (for H1 elements), it returns 1. If type is equal to 2 or 3(for edge and facet elements) it returns the dimension.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // number of components for edge elements  ?
   int nb_comp_u = var.GetNbComponentsType(2);

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



int GetNbComponentsGradType(int type)

This method returns the number of components for the derivatives of an unknown for a given finite element. If type is equal to 1 (for H1 elements), it returns the dimension (number of components of the gradient). If type is equal to 2 (for edge elements) it returns the number of components of the curl. If type is equal to 3 (for edge elements), it returns one (number of components of the divergence.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // number of components for the curl of edge elements  ?
   int nb_comp_curl = var.GetNbComponentsGradType(2);

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



int GetNbComponentsAll(int nb_u = 0)

This method returns the number of components for all the unknowns. The second argument if optional and means that we consider only the first nb_u unknowns.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // cumulative number of components for all the unknowns
   int nb_comp_all = var.GetNbComponentsAll();

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.hxx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



int GetNbComponentsGradientAll(int nb_u = 0)

This method returns the number of components for the derivatives of all the unknowns. The second argument if optional and means that we consider only the first nb_u unknowns.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // cumulative number of components for the gradient of all the unknowns
   int nb_grad_all = var.GetNbComponentsGradientAll();

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.h_xx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



int GetNbComponentsHessianAll(int nb_u = 0)

This method returns the number of components for the hessians of all the unknowns. The second argument if optional and means that we consider only the first nb_u unknowns.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // cumulative number of components for the hessian matrices of all the unknowns
   int nb_hess_all = var.GetNbComponentsHessianAll();

Location :

Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.h_xx   Harmonic/VarGeometryProblem.cxx



const MeshNumbering<Dimension>& GetMeshNumbering(int n = 0) const

This method gives access to the n-th mesh numbering.

Example :

    EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquationDG<Dimension2> > var;;

    // constructing the problem (mesh, finite element)
    All_LinearSolver* solver;
    var.ConstructAll("test.ini", "QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO", "LAPLACE_DG", solver);

    // if you want to retrieve the mesh numbering for the main unknown
    const MeshNumbering<Dimension2>& mesh_num = var.GetMeshNumbering();

Location :




void WriteNodalPointsMesh()

This method writes the nodal points of the mesh in the file nodal_points.dat. This file can be read by using the function ReadNodalPoints (in the package visuND of Python). It is also used by the files src/Program/Test/write_index*.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

  // you can write nodal points of the mesh

  return 0;


Location :




void LocalizePointsBoundaryElement(const VectR_N& Points, int num_elem, int num_loc, FjInverseProblem& inverseFj,
VectR_N& local_pts, IVect& num_pts)

This method computes the local positions of points given as argument in the element. Only points located on the boundary will contribute to the array local_pts. We have the relation Points(num_pts(k)) = Fi(local_pts(k)). From the array Points, the method fills the arrays local_pts and num_pts.


Points (in)
points to localize on the boundary of the element
element number
num_loc (in)
local position of the boundary
inverseFj (out)
object used to invert transformation Fi
local_pts (out)
local coordinates of points located on the boundary
num_pts (in)
numbers of the points localized on the boundary

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

  // we want to localize some points on a face of the mesh
  int num_elem = 11, num_loc = 2; // face is the local face 2 of element 11
  VectR3 Points(4);
  Points(0).Init(2.0, 0.8, 1.2); // etc

  FjInverseProblem<Dimension3> fj_inv;
  VectR3 local_pts; IVect num_pts;
  var.LocalizePointsBoundaryElement(Points, num_elem, num_loc, fj_inv, local_pts, num_pts);
  return 0;


Location :




bool UseNumericalIntegration(int num_elem)

This method returns true if an integral over the element num_elem needs a numerical integration. It is the case if the physical indexes are varying inside the element or if the transformation Fi is not affine.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

  int num_elem = 17;
  bool varying = var.UseNumericalIntegration(num_elem); // integrals will be computed numerically ?

  return 0;


Location :




bool FaceHasToBeConsideredForBoundaryIntegral(int num_face)

This method returns true if an integral over the face num_face (edge in 2-D) will be needed to compute the finite element matrix. It is the case for discontinuous Galerkin formulations, or for faces located on periodic boundaries (weak formulation of periodic conditions).

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

  int num_face = 17;
  bool int_face = var.FaceHasToBeConsideredForBoundaryIntegral(num_face); // integrals over face num_face are needed ?

  return 0;


Location :




Real_wp GetWeightedJacobian(int num_elem, int j, bool affine, ElementGeomReference& elt)

This method returns the determinant of the jacobian matrix DFi multiplied by the quadrature weight, such that it can be used to evaluate a volume integral.


element number
j (in)
local number of the quadrature point
affine (in)
true if the transformation Fi is affine
elt (in)
object containing shape functions

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    int num_elem = 21; int j = 7;
    const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(num_elem);
    bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(num_elem);
    // jacobian Ji multiplied by omega_k (weight) :
    Real_wp omJi = var.GetWeightedJacobian(num_elem, j, affine, Fb.GetGeometricElement());

  return 0;


Location :




Real_wp GetWeightedJacobian(int num_elem, int num_loc, int num_face, int j, ElementGeomReference& elt)

This method returns the surface element integration dsi multiplied by the quadrature weight, such that it can be used to evaluate a surface integral.


element number
local number of the face
global number of the face
j (in)
local number of the quadrature point
elt (in)
object containing shape functions

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    int num_elem = 21, num_loc = 1; int j = 7;
    int num_face = var.mesh.Element(num_elem).numBoundary(num_loc);
    const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(num_elem);
    // surfacic jacobian Ji multiplied by omega_k (weight) :
    Real_wp omDsi = var.GetSurfaceWeightedJacobian(num_elem, num_loc, num_face, j, Fb.GetGeometricElement());

  return 0;


Location :




Real_wp GetInverseJacobianMatrix(int num_elem, int j, bool affine, ElementGeomReference& elt,
MatrixN_N& dfjm1, Real_wp& jacob, Real_wp& jacob_weighted)

This method can be used to retrieve the inverse of the jacobian matrix (i.e. DFi-1). It retrieves also the determinant of the jacobian matrix DFi multiplied by the quadrature weight, such that it can be used to evaluate a volume integral.


element number
j (in)
local number of the quadrature point
affine (in)
true if the transformation Fi is affine
elt (in)
object containing shape functions
dfjm1 (out)
inverse of jacobian matrix
jacob (out)
Ji = det(DFi)
jacob_weighted (out)
Ji multiplied by the quadrature weight

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    int num_elem = 21; int j = 7;
    const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(num_elem);
    bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(num_elem);
    // jacobian Ji multiplied by omega_k (weight), and inverse of jacobian matrix
    Matrix3_3 inv_dfj; Real_wp jacob, omJi;
    var.GetInverseJacobianMatrix(num_elem, j, affine, Fb.GetGeometricElement(),
                                 inv_dfj, jacob, omJi);

    return 0;


Location :




void FillQuadratureJacobian(int num_elem, int N, ElementGeomReference& elt,
const VectR_N& s, SetPoints& pts_elem, SetMatrices& mat_elem)

This method can be used to fill pts_elem with quadrature points and mat_elem with jacobian matrices DFi on quadrature points.


element number
N (in)
number of quadrature points
elt (in)
object containing shape functions
s (in)
vertices of the element
pts_elem (inout)
object containing image of points by transformation Fi
mat_elem (out)
object containing jacobian matrices

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    int num_elem = 21;
    const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(num_elem);
    int N = Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside();
    VectR3 s; var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(num_elem, s);
    SetPoints<Dimension3> PointsElem; SetMatrices<Dimension3> MatricesElem;
    // if we want to fill PointsElem and MatricesElem (on quadrature points only)
    var.FillQuadratureJacobian(num_elem, N, Fb.GetGeometricElement(),
                               s, PointsElem, MatricesElem);

    // then you can use them

    return 0;


Location :




void ComputeLocalMassMatrix(int num_elem, int N, bool linear_sparse_mass,
SetPoints& pts_elem, SetMatrices& mat_elem, IVect&OrderFace, ElementGeomReference& elt)

This method is automatically called by ComputeMassMatrix by each element. This method is virtual such that the user can add specific computations for his own equation. In regular use, this method should not be called.


element number
N (in)
number of quadrature points
linear_sparse_mass (in)
true if the mass matrix for affine elements if sparse
pts_elem (inout)
object containing image of points by transformation Fi
mat_elem (inout)
object containing jacobian matrices
OrderFace (inout)
order of quadrature for each face
elt (in)
object containing shape functions

Location :




void ComputeMassMatrix(bool compute_rho = true, bool delete_points=true)

This method computes geometric quantities such as jacobian matrices and determinants, outgoing normales. If compute_rho is true (default value), the physical indexes (such as rho, mu and sigma for Helmholtz equation) are evaluated at quadrature points (for varying indexes). If delete_points is false, the quadrature points will be stored in Glob_PointsQuadrature. Before computing the finite element matrix, the method ComputeMassMatrix needs to be called. The name of the method "ComputeMassMatrix" may be misleading since the actual mass matrix is not computed, but rather quantities needed to compute the mass matrix.


if true, physical indexes are evaluated at quadrature points
delete_points (optional)
if true, the computed quadrature points are not stored

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

    return 0;


Location :




void ClearMassMatrix()

This method clears the geometric quantities that have been computed in the method ComputeMassMatrix. It can be useful to release memory.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients

   // creation of the linear solver
   All_LinearSolver* solver = var.GetNewLinearSolver();

   // to factorize the matrix (or prepare the computation if an iterative solver is selected)

   // if you selected a direct solver, no need to store geometric stuff

   // and solve the linear system A x = b
   VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()), x; b.FillRand();
   x = b; solver->ComputeSolution(x);

    return 0;


Location :




void ComputeVariableOrder()

This method affects orders for each element in the case where the user selects a variable order by inserting for instance a line :

OrderDiscretization = MEAN_EDGE AUTO 0.5

in the data file. More details are given in the description of OrderDiscretization. The method ComputeVariableOrder is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement, it should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




Mesh<Dimension>& GetPhysicalCoefficientMesh(int i, string file_name, int r, bool same_mesh,
VectString& all_names, Vector<Mesh>& all_mesh)

This method returns the i-th mesh associated with the name file_name and with the order r. If the mesh already exists in the array all_mesh (with indices between 0 and i-1), the mesh is returned. If the mesh does not exist, the mesh is read from the file file_name and returned. If the mesh is created, all_names(i) contains the file name and all_mesh(i) the created mesh. This method is used for varying indexes based on meshes in order to read a mesh only once (to avoid multiple creations of a same mesh). In regular use, this method does not need to be called.


i (in)
mesh number
file_name (in)
name of the file where the mesh is stored
r (in)
order of approximation
same_mesh (in)
if true the i-th mesh is actually the same as the current mesh
all_names (inout)
names of the created meshes
all_mesh (inout)
created meshes

Location :




Vector<FiniteElementInterpolator>& GetPhysicalCoefInterp(int r, const Mesh<Dimension> meshb, TinyVector<IVect, 4>& order_mesh,
Vector<Vector<FiniteElementInterpolator>>& all_interp, IVect& order_interp)

This method computes the projector from nodal points of meshb to quadrature points of the finite elements stored in the current object. If the projector is already computed (and present in all_interp), the method returns the projector. If the projector is not present, it is created (and added to the array all_interp) and returned. In regular use, this method does not need to be called. This method is used to evaluate the varying indexes on quadrature points.


r (in)
order of approximation associated with meshb
meshb (in)
mesh of order r
order_mesh (in)
orders present in the current object (instance of VarGeometryProblem)
all_interp (in)
list of interpolators previously computed that will be updated
order_interp (inout)
list of orders for all_interp

Location :




Vector<FiniteElementInterpolator>& GetPhysicalCoefInterp(int r, const Mesh<Dimension> meshb, TinyVector<IVect, 4>& order_mesh,
Vector<Vector<FiniteElementInterpolator>>& all_interp, IVect& order_interp)

This method computes the projector from surfacic nodal points of meshb to surfacic quadrature points of the finite elements stored in the current object. If the projector is already computed (and present in all_interp), the method returns the projector. If the projector is not present, it is created (and added to the array all_interp) and returned. In regular use, this method does not need to be called. This method is used to evaluate the varying indexes on quadrature points of the faces.


r (in)
order of approximation associated with meshb
meshb (in)
mesh of order r
order_mesh (in)
orders present in the current object (instance of VarGeometryProblem)
all_interp (in)
list of interpolators previously computed that will be updated
order_interp (inout)
list of orders for all_interp

Location :




void CheckInputMesh()

This method checks the mesh and stops the program if the mesh is not correct. This method is virtual, such that it can be overloaded in derived classes in order to add some specific verifications. The method CheckInputMesh is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement, it should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void GetVaryingIndices(Vector<PhysicalVaryingMedia<Complex_wp>*>& rho_cplx, Vector<PhysicalVaryingMedia<Real_wp>*>& rho_real
IVect& num_ref, IVect& num_index, IVect& num_component,
VectBool& compute_grad, VectBool& compute_hess)

This method retrieves all the variable physical indexes. It is virtual such that it differs for each equation. If you define your own set of equations, you need to overload this method and fill the varying indexes given as argument. If there are no varying indexes, the method should be empty. The method GetVaryingIndices is automatically called by ComputeMassMatrix, it should not be called in a regular use.


rho_cplx (out)
list of complex varying indexes
rho_real (out)
list of real varying indexes
num_ref (out)
reference associated with each varying index
num_index (out)
number associated with each varying index
num_component (out)
component number associated with each varying index
compute_grad (out)
if compute_grad(i) is true, it means that the gradient of varying index i is needed
compute_hess (out)
if compute_hess(i) is true, it means that the hessian of varying index i is needed

Example :

     // if you derive your own EllipticProblem:
   class EllipticProblem<MyEquation> : public VarHarmonic<MyEquation>
     // overloading the method GetVaryingIndices
     void GetVaryingIndices(Vector<PhysicalVaryingMedia<Dimension, Complex_wp<* >& rho_complex,
                            Vector<PhysicalVaryingMedia<Dimension, Real_wp>* >& rho_real, IVect& num_ref,
		             IVect& num_index, IVect& num_component, Vector<bool>& compute_grad,
                            Vector<bool>& compute_hess)
        // no varying index => method is left empty


Location :




void ComputeStoreCoefficientsPML(int num_elt_pml, int num_elem, const VectR_N& AllPoints)

This method computes and stores damping coefficients in PMLs. It is a virtual method such that you can overlad it in a derived class. The method ComputeStoreCoefficientsPML is automatically called by ComputeMassMatrix, it should not be called in a regular use.


num_elt_pml (in)
local element number (in PMLs)
num_elem (in)
element number
AllPoints (in)
quadrature points of the considered element

Location :




VectR_N PointsQuadInsideND(int i)

This method returns the quadrature points inside the reference element (for instance the unit cube if the element i is an hexahedron). The reference element is associated with the real element i.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   // quadrature points inside the reference element
   int num_elem = 12;
   VectR3 pts_quad_ref = var.PointsQuadInsideND(num_elem);
   return 0;


Location :




const VectR_Nm1& PointsQuadratureBoundary(int i, int num_loc)

This method returns the quadrature points on the surface reference element (for instance the unit square if the face num_loc of the element i is a quadrilateral). The reference element is associated with the real element i.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   // quadrature points for the unit square (or unit triangle)
   int num_elem = 12, num_loc = 2;
   VectR2 pts_quad_surf = var.PointsQuadratureBoundary(num_elem, num_loc);
   return 0;


Location :




const VectR_Nm1& PointsDofBoundary(int i, int num_loc)

This method returns the dof points on the surface reference element (for instance the unit square if the face num_loc of the element i is a quadrilateral). The reference element is associated with the real element i.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   // dof points for the unit square (or unit triangle)
   int num_elem = 12, num_loc = 2;
   VectR2 pts_dof_surf = var.PointsDofBoundary(num_elem, num_loc);
   return 0;


Location :




const ElementGeomReference& GetShapeElement(int i)

This method returns the geometric reference element (that handles only shape functions). The reference element is associated with the real element i.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
   var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   // if you only need to manipulate shape functions (for geometry)
   int num_elem = 14;
   const ElementGeomReference<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetShapeElement(num_elem);
   return 0;


Location :




void ConstructFiniteElement(string name_elt)

This method constructs the finite elements needed (depending on the required orders of approximation). This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement, it should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void ClearFiniteElement()

This method clears the finite elements stored in the class.

Location :




void UpdateInterpolationElement()

This method updates the finite elements (without reconstructing them) in the case where the orders of approximation are changed.

Location :




void SplitMeshForParallelComputation(string name_elt)

This method splits the mesh into several parts (depending on the number of MPI nodes) and distributes it between the processors. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement, it should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void SplitSubdomains(string name_elt)

This method splits the mesh into several parts (depending on the number of MPI nodes) and distributes it between the processors. This method is an intermediary function called by SplitMeshForParallelComputation, it should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void ComputeNumberOfDofs()

This method computes the total number of degrees of freedom. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement, it should not be called in a regular use. This method is virtual such that it can be overloaded if you need to have additional degrees of freedom.

Location :




void PutOtherGlobalDofs()

This method is called only in parallel. It updates arrays such as MatchingDofOrig_Subdomain to have consistent dofs in parallel. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement, it should not be called in a regular use. This method is virtual such that it can be overloaded if you need to add a special treatment.

Location :




void CheckContinuity()

This method checks that the basis functions achieve the claimed continuity. For H1 discretized with scalar finite elements, the basis functions should be continuous. For H(curl) discretized with edge elements, the tangential trace of basis functions should be continuous. For H(div) discretized with facet elements, the normal trace of basis functions should be continuous. This method is expensive and was mainly used for debugging the finite element classes. It is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement for a print level greater or equal to 12.

Location :




void PartMeshTransmission()

This method is meaningful when transmission conditions are present in the considered problem, for instance :

When continuous finite elements are used, degrees of freedom located on the interface need to be duplicated, such that the solution is discontinuous across the interface. This feature is achieved by modifying the mesh, the vertices on the interface are duplicated, the method PartMeshTransmission performs this operation on this mesh. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement as soon as transmission conditions are present. This method should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void TreatTransmission(const IVect& epart )

This method is meaningful when transmission conditions are present in the considered problem. This method mainly computes the corresponding degrees of freedom located at the interface. It also computes stuff for parallel execution, that is why the array epart (containing the processor number for each element) is required. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement as soon as transmission conditions are present. This method should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void SendTransmissionDofs(const IVect& epart , int& nb_surface, int& nb_ddl , IVect& InfoSurf , IVect& InfoMatch )

This method is meaningful when transmission conditions are present in the considered problem. This method mainly send the number of degrees of freedom (located at the interface) to other processors. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement as soon as transmission conditions are present. This method should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void DistributeTransmissionDofs(int& nb_surface, int& nb_ddl , IVect& InfoSurf , IVect& InfoMatch )

This method is meaningful when transmission conditions are present in the considered problem. This method mainly distributes degrees of freedom (located at the interface) among the processors. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement as soon as transmission conditions are present. This method should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void TreatGibc(const IVect& epart)

This method is meaningful when generalized impedance boundary conditions (GIBC) are present in the considered problem. This method mainly finds the dof numbers of degrees of freedom located on the surface when the GIBC are set. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement as soon as transmission conditions are present. This method should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void InitGibcReferences(int N)

This method is meaningful when generalized impedance boundary conditions (GIBC) are present in the considered problem. This method provides to the class managing GIBC the number of references present in the mesh. This method is automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement as soon as transmission conditions are present. This method should not be called in a regular use.

Location :




void ComputeEnHnOnBoundary(const MeshInterpolationFEM& interp, const Vector& u, Vector& trace_en, Vector& trace_hn, bool assemble=true, bool compute_hn = true)

This method computes the trace of the solution (E x n for Maxwell's equations) on a surface. If compute_hn is true, it computes also the trace of the derivative (H x n for Maxwell's equations).


interp (in)
object storing informations about the surface where the trace is computed
u (in)
solution to interpolate
trace_en (out)
trace of the solution (E x n)
trace_hn (out)
trace of the derivative of the solution
assemble (optional)
if true, the values of other processors are gathered
compute_hn (optional)
if true, the trace of the derivative is computed

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat; // this object is used to store mass, damping and stiffness coefficients

   // creation of the linear solver
   All_LinearSolver* solver = var.GetNewLinearSolver();

   // to factorize the matrix (or prepare the computation if an iterative solver is selected)

   // and solve the linear system A x = b
   VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()), x; b.FillRand();
   x = b; solver->ComputeSolution(x);

   MeshInterpolationFEM<Dimension3> interp;
   interp.SetGaussQuadrature(4); // defining quadrature points 
   interp.InitProjectionSurface(var.mesh); // computing the interpolation operators

   // references defining the surface (ref_cond(i) = 1)
   IVect ref_cond(var.mesh.GetNbReferences()+1); ref_cond.Zero();
   ref_cond(3) = 1; ref_cond(5) = 1; // here surfaces of reference 3 and 5 are considered

   // computing the surface mesh (with normales, jacobian matrices, etc)
   Mesh<Dimension3> mesh_subdiv;
   interp.ComputeSurfaceMesh(ref_cond, var.mesh, mesh_subdiv, var, 1);

   // evaluating the solution x on quadrature points of the selected surfaces
   VectComplex_wp trace_En, trace_Hn;
   var.ComputeEnHnOnBoundary(interp, x, trace_En, trace_Hn);

   return 0;


Location :



This attribute is the MPI communicator used to distribute the mesh over processors. By default, this communicator is set to MPI_COMM_WORLD such that a single computation is distributed over all nodes. If the computation is performed with several modes (for instance in an axisymmetric configuration), it may be interesting to compute each mode simultaneously. If you want that each mode is solved in sequential, you can set this communicator to MPI_COMM_SELF.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

  // each mode is solved on a single processor :
  var.comm_group_mode = MPI_COMM_SELF;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

  // to finish

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbMainUnknownDof()

This method returns the number of degrees of freedom for the main unknown. For the HDG formulation, the main unknown is the volume unknown (such as u for acoustics).

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // number of degrees of freedom for u ?
   int nb_ddl_u = var.GetNbMainUnknownDof();

   return 0;


Location :




IVect GetDofNumberOnElement(int i, int num=0)

This method returns the numbers of the degrees of freedom for the element i. By default, degrees of freedom are those of the first mesh numbering (num = 0). If there are several mesh numberings, you can provide the considered number.


i (in)
element number
num (optional)
number of the mesh numbering

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // degrees of freedom for a given element
   int num_elem = 15;
   IVect Nodle = var.GetDofNumberOnElement(num_elem);

   return 0;


Location :




IVect GetScalarDofNumberOnElement(int i)

This method returns the numbers of the degrees of freedom for the element i. For 3-D Maxwell's equations (and first-order formulation), it provides degrees of freedom for the physical unknown E and unknown E* (in PMLs).


i (in)
element number
num (optional)
number of the mesh numbering

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // degrees of freedom for a given element
   int num_elem = 15;
   IVect Nodle = var.GetScalarDofNumberOnElement(num_elem);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbGlobalMeshDof(int n = 0)

This method returns the global number of degrees of freedom (by adding dofs of all processors) for a given mesh numbering. This number should be the same for any number of processors.


n (optional)
number of the mesh numbering

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // local number of degrees of freedom for a mesh numbering (here only one mesh numbering exists for Helmholtz equation)
   int nloc = var.GetNbMeshDof(); // this number is the degrees of freedom of the current processor

   // global number of degrees of freedom (independant of the number of processors)
   int nglob = var.GetNbGlobalMeshDof();

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbGlobalDofPML(int n = 0)

This method returns the global number of degrees of freedom (by adding dofs of all processors) for a given mesh numbering. This number should be the same for any number of processors. Here we count only degrees of freedom associated with PMLs.


n (optional)
number of the mesh numbering

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // local number of degrees of freedom in PMLs for a mesh numbering (here only one mesh numbering exists for Helmholtz equation)
   int nloc = var.GetMeshNumbering(0).GetNbDofPML(); // this number is the degrees of freedom of the current processor

   // global number of degrees of freedom in PMLs (independant of the number of processors)
   int nglob = var.GetNbGlobalDofPML();

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbGlobalDof() const

This method returns the global number of degrees of freedom for all the problem. It includes the degrees of freedom for all the unknowns and additional models. This number should be the same for any number of processors and correspdonds to the size of the finite element matrix in sequential.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // local number of degrees of freedom (i.e. size of the matrix)
   int nloc = var.GetNbDof(); // this number is the degrees of freedom of the current processor

   // global number of degrees of freedom (independant of the number of processors)
   int nglob = var.GetNbGlobalDof();

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbGlobalUnknownDof(int n = 0)

This method returns the global number of degrees of freedom (by adding dofs of all processors) for a given unknown. This number should be the same for any number of processors.


n (optional)
number of the unknown

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // local number of degrees of freedom for the unknown
   int nloc = var.GetNbDofUnknown(0); // this number is the degrees of freedom of the current processor

   // global number of degrees of freedom (independant of the number of processors)
   int nglob = var.GetNbGlobalUnknownDof(0);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbGlobalCondensedDof(int n = 0)

This method returns the global number of degrees of freedom (by adding dofs of all processors) for a given unknown after static condensation. Only dofs located on the boundaries of the elements are counted, interior dofs are condensed. This number should be the same for any number of processors.


n (optional)
number of the unknown

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // local condensed number of degrees of freedom for the unknown
   int nloc = var.GetOffsetDofCondensed(1) - var.GetOffsetDofCondensed(0); // this number is the degrees of freedom of the current processor

   // global condensed number of degrees of freedom (independant of the number of processors)
   int nglob = var.GetNbGlobalCondensedDof(0);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetOffsetGlobalUnknownDof(int n)

This method returns the cumulated global number of degrees of freedom (by adding dofs of all processors) for a given unknown. This number should be the same for any number of processors.


n (in)
number of the unknown

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // cumulated local number of degrees of freedom for the unknown 2
   // this offset is useful to access to the correct row of the matrix
   int offset_ loc = var.GetOffsetDofUnknown(2);

   // cumulated global number of degrees of freedom (independant of the number of processors)
   int offset_glob = var.GetOffsetGlobalUnknownDof(2);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetGlobalDofNumber(int i)
const IVect& GetGlobalDofNumber()

This method returns the global number of a local dof. You can also retrieve the array containing all the numbers.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // global dof number from the local dof :
    int num_local = 13;
    int num_global = var.GetGlobalDofNumber(num_local);

    // all the array
    const IVect& loc_to_glob = var.GetGlobalDofNumber();

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbPointsQuadratureNeighbor() const

This method returns the number of quadrature points located on boundaries that are connected with elements that belong to other processors. This number can be used to estimate the cost of the communication.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // number of quadrature points on the interfaces with other processors ?
    int nb_quad_neigh = var.GetNbPointsQuadratureNeighbor();

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbSubdomains() const

This method does not return the number of subdomains (each subdomain being treated by a MPI process), but the number of subdomains that are connected to the current subdomain. It represents the number of neighboring subdomains.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // number of processors that will interact with the current one ?
    int nb_proc_interac = var.GetNbSubdomains();

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbProcPerMode() const

This method returns the number of processors involved in the computation of one mode. It is equal to the size of the MPI communicator comm_group_mode.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
     var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // number of processors involved in the computation
    int nb_proc = var.GetNbProcPerMode();

   return 0;


Location :




int GetRankProcMode() const

This method returns the rank ot the current processor involved in the computation of one mode. It is equal to the rank of the MPI communicator comm_group_mode.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // number of processors involved in the computation
    int nb_proc = var.GetNbProcPerMode();

    // rank of current processor ?
    int rank_proc = var.GetRankProcMode();

   return 0;


Location :




IVect& GetProcMatchingNeighbor() const

This method returns the list of processors that have common degrees of freedom with the current processor.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // neighboring processors
    const IVect& neighbor_proc = var.GetProcMatchingNeighbor();

   return 0;


Location :




Vector<IVect>& GetOriginalMatchingDofNeighbor() const

This method returns the degrees of freedom that are shared with other processors. The returned variable is an array of arrays, since there is a list of degrees of freedom for each processor (in the list given by GetProcMatchingNeighbor). The degrees of freedom are correctly sorted such that the dofs from processor p to processor q correspond to the dofs from processor q to processor p. These arrays are used to assemble a distributed vector.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // neighboring processors
    const IVect& neighbor_proc = var.GetProcMatchingNeighbor();

    // shared dofs
    const Vector<IVect>& shared_dofs = var.GetOriginalMatchingDofNeighbor();
    for (int i = 0; i < neighbor_proc.GetM(); i++)
        int proc = neighbor_proc(i); // processor number
        IVect local_dof = shared_dofs(i); // dofs shared with proc

   return 0;


Location :




int GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(int num_face)

This method returns the global number of the element adjacent to the neighboring face. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetOffsetNeighboringFace(int num_face)

This method returns the offset for quadrature points of a neighboring face. It corresponds to the cumulated number of quadrature points (from face 0 until face num_face-1) of neighboring faces only. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR. This offset is useful, when we want to store the solutions on quadrature points of the interface with other processors (in order to send/ receive values).

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // offset for quadrature points
         int offset_neighbor = var.GetOffsetNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetProcessorNeighboringFace(int num_face)

This method returns the processor number of the element adjacent to the neighboring face. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);
         // number of the another processor ?
         int proc = var.GetProcessorNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetLocalPositionNeighboringFace(int num_face)

This method returns the local position of the face in the element adjacent to the neighboring face. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);
         // local position of the face in the element ?
         int num_loc = var.GetLocalPositionNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetRotationNeighboringFace(int num_face)

This method returns the difference of orientation of the neighboring face. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);

         // rotation of the face (between the two elements) ?
         int rot = var.GetRotationNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetRefDomainNeighboringFace(int num_face)

This method returns the reference of the element adjacent to the neighboring face. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);

         // reference of this element
          int ref_domain = var.GetRefDomainNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetTypeEltNeighboringFace(int num_face)

This method returns the type of the element adjacent to the neighboring face. In 3-D, the type is equal to 0 for a tetrahedron, 1 for a pyramid, 2 for a wedge and 3 for an hexahedron. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);

         // type of element
         int type_elt = var.GetTypeEltNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetOrderEltNeighboringFace(int num_face, int n=0)

This method returns the order of approximation of the element adjacent to the neighboring face. The order of approximation is the order associated with the mesh numbering n. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);
         // order of approximation ?
         int r = var.GetOrderEltNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




IVect GetNodleNeighboringFace(int num_face, int n=0)

This method returns the dof numbers of the element adjacent to the neighboring face. The order of approximation is the order associated with the mesh numbering n. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);
         // global numbers of degrees of freedom of the adjacent element
         IVect Nodle = var.GetNodleNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




IVect GetNodlePmlNeighboringFace(int num_face, int n=0)

This method returns the dof numbers (among PML dofs) of the element adjacent to the neighboring face. The order of approximation is the order associated with the mesh numbering n. The face num_face is assumed to be neighboring (i.e. there exists an element adjacent to this face that belongs to another processor than the current processor). In Montjoie, the neighboring faces have a fictitious boundary condition called LINE_NEIGHBOR.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // selecting a neighboring face
    int num_face = 13;
    int ref = var.mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetReference();
    if (var.mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) == BoundaryConditionEnum::LINE_NEIGHBOR)
         // number of the element on the other side ?
         int num_elem_glob = var.GetElementNumberNeighboringFace(num_face);
         // global numbers of degrees of freedom of the adjacent element
         IVect Nodle = var.GetNodleNeighboringFace(num_face);

         // and numbers between PML dofs (significant if the element is inside PML)
         IVect NodlePml = var.GetNodlePmlNeighboringFace(num_face);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetSizeOffsetDofV()

This method returns the size of the array storing offsets for vectorial dofs. Usually it is equal to nb_elt+1, where nb_elt is the number of elements in the mesh.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // nb_elt+1
    int size_off_v = var.GetSizeOffsetDofV();

   return 0;


Location :


GetOffsetDofV, SetOffsetDofV


int GetOffsetDofV(int i ) const
void SetOffsetDofV(int i , int offset )

The method GetOffsetDofV returns the offset for vectorial degrees of freedom. For continuous finite elements, when a mixed formulation is used, variables are continuous (such as the pressure for acoustics), whereas other variables are discontinuous (such as the velocity for acoustics). For discontinuous variables, no mesh numbering is performed, only an array storing the offsets is constructed. In this method, we return the offset for the given element. For HDG formulation, this array is used to store the offset for volume dofs whereas the mesh numbering is used only for surface dofs. The method SetOffsetDofV allows the user to change an offset. It should not be used in regular cases, since the array is already constructed in ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // nb_elt+1
    int size_off_v = var.GetSizeOffsetDofV();

    // for a given element, first dof number for the vectorial dofs of the element
    int num_eleme = 11;
    int offset = var.GetOffsetDofV(num_elem);
    // dofs of the element are offset + 3*j, offset + 3*j+1, offset+3*j+2
    // where j is the local number (inside the element)

    return 0;


Location :




int GetNbOverlappedDof() const

This method returns the number of degrees of freedom that belong to another processor. In Montjoie, the mesh is split into several subdomains (each subdomain being affected to a MPI process), such as degrees of freedom located at the interface are shared by several processors. For a shared degree of freedom, we consider that a main processor (usually the processor of lower rank) owns this dof, whereas it is an overlapped degree of freedom for the other processors.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // number of dofs already belonging to another processor
    int nb_overlapped_dof = var.GetNbOverlappedDof();

    return 0;


Location :




int GetOverlappedDofNumber(int i ) const
const IVect& GetOverlappedDofNumber() const

This method returns the list of degrees of freedom that belong to another processor. In Montjoie, the mesh is split into several subdomains (each subdomain being affected to a MPI process), such as degrees of freedom located at the interface are shared by several processors. For a shared degree of freedom, we consider that a main processor (usually the processor of lower rank) owns this dof, whereas it is an overlapped degree of freedom for the other processors. You can retrieve a single overlapped dof or all the list.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // number of dofs already belonging to another processor
    int nb_overlapped_dof = var.GetNbOverlappedDof();
    // loop over overlapped dofs
    for (int i = 0; i < nb_overlapped_dof; i++)
          int num_dof = var.GetOverlappedDofNumber(i); // dof number

    // you can also retrieve the whole array
    const IVect& dof_overlap = var.GetOverlappedDofNumber();

   return 0;


Location :




int GetOverlappedProcNumber(int i ) const
const IVect& GetOverlappedProcNumber() const

This method returns the list of original processors that own overlapped degrees of freedom. In Montjoie, the mesh is split into several subdomains (each subdomain being affected to a MPI process), such as degrees of freedom located at the interface are shared by several processors. For a shared degree of freedom, we consider that a main processor (usually the processor of lower rank) owns this dof, whereas it is an overlapped degree of freedom for the other processors. With this method, you can have the number of the main processor (for all the dofs or for a single dof).

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // number of dofs already belonging to another processor
    int nb_overlapped_dof = var.GetNbOverlappedDof();
    // loop over overlapped dofs
    for (int i = 0; i < nb_overlapped_dof; i++)
          int num_dof = var.GetOverlappedDofNumber(i); // dof number
          int proc = var.GetOverlappedProcNumber(i); // proc number

    // you can also retrieve the whole arrays
    const IVect& dof_overlap = var.GetOverlappedDofNumber();
    const IVect& proc_overlap = var.GetOverlappedProcNumber();

   return 0;


Location :




DistributedVector* AllocateDistributedVector(Vector& x ) const

This method creates a new distributed vector and returns its adress. The distributed vector will contain the datas of the vector given as argument. To avoid duplicate memory releases (if you delete manually the pointer), it is advised to call NullifyDistributedVector. Distributed vectors are useful, if you need to compute scalar products (in order take into account overlapped dofs) or norms.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    VectComplex_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
    x.FillRand(); y.FillRand();

    // if you want to compute the scalar product (x, y), it is better to use distributed vectors (in parallel)
    DistributedVector<Complex_wp>* x_par = var.AllocateDistributedVector(x);
    DistributedVector<Complex_wp>* y_par = var.AllocateDistributedVector(y);
    // x and *x_par point to the same data

    Complex_wp scal = DotProd(*x_par, *y_par);

    // to avoid deleting two times the same pointer, use Nullify
    var.NullifyDistributedVector(x_par); // x_par is deleted properly by this method
    var.NullifyDistributedVector(y_par); // y_par is deleted properly by this method

   return 0;


Location :




void NullifyDistributedVector(DistributedVector* x ) const

This method deletes a distributed vector without releasing the internal data contained in it.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    VectComplex_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
    x.FillRand(); y.FillRand();

    // if you want to compute the scalar product (x, y), it is better to use distributed vectors (in parallel)
    DistributedVector<Complex_wp>* x_par = var.AllocateDistributedVector(x);
    DistributedVector<Complex_wp>* y_par = var.AllocateDistributedVector(y);
    // x and *x_par point to the same data

    Complex_wp scal = DotProd(*x_par, *y_par);

    // to avoid deleting two times the same pointer, use Nullify
    var.NullifyDistributedVector(x_par); // x_par is deleted properly by this method
    var.NullifyDistributedVector(y_par); // y_par is deleted properly by this method

   return 0;


Location :




void SetEpartSplitting(const IVect& epart ) const

This method sets manually how the mesh is split into several subdomains for parallel computing. The array epart given as argument stores the processor number for each element. The recommended way to specify the algorithm used to split the mesh is to provide a line with SplitDomain in the datafile.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to set the array epart manually (to split the mesh in parallel)
   int N = 1000; IVect epart(N); // N is the number of elements
   int nb_proc = 3; // number of processors
   for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
     epart(i) = i%nb_proc;

   var.SetEpartSplitting(epart); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will use the provided splitting

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    VectComplex_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
    x.FillRand(); y.FillRand();

    // if you want to compute the scalar product (x, y), it is better to use distributed vectors (in parallel)
    DistributedVector<Complex_wp>* x_par = var.AllocateDistributedVector(x);
    DistributedVector<Complex_wp>* y_par = var.AllocateDistributedVector(y);
    // x and *x_par point to the same data

    Complex_wp scal = DotProd(*x_par, *y_par);

    // to avoid deleting two times the same pointer, use Nullify
    var.NullifyDistributedVector(x_par); // x_par is deleted properly by this method
    var.NullifyDistributedVector(y_par); // y_par is deleted properly by this method

   return 0;


Location :




void SaveEpartSplitting( string file_name) const

This method saves the array epart in a file. The array epart stores the processor number for each element. The recommended way to specify this file (if desired) is to provide a line with SaveSplitDomain in the datafile.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    VectComplex_wp x(var.GetNbDof()), y(var.GetNbDof());
    x.FillRand(); y.FillRand();

    // if you want to compute the scalar product (x, y), it is better to use distributed vectors (in parallel)
    DistributedVector<Complex_wp>* x_par = var.AllocateDistributedVector(x);
    DistributedVector<Complex_wp>* y_par = var.AllocateDistributedVector(y);
    // x and *x_par point to the same data

    Complex_wp scal = DotProd(*x_par, *y_par);

    // to avoid deleting two times the same pointer, use Nullify
    var.NullifyDistributedVector(x_par); // x_par is deleted properly by this method
    var.NullifyDistributedVector(y_par); // y_par is deleted properly by this method

   return 0;


Location :




void GetMemoryUsed( map<string, size_t>& detail_mem) const

This method fills the object detail_mem with the memory used by the different variables (jacobian matrices, mesh, etc).

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // if you want details about memory usage
    map<string, size_t> detail_mem;

    // and display the memory usage stored in detail_mem :

   return 0;


Location :




void DisplayMemoryUsed( map<string, size_t>& detail_mem) const

This method displays the memory usage as stored in the object detail_mem.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // if you want details about memory usage
    map<string, size_t> detail_mem;

    // and display the memory usage stored in detail_mem :

   return 0;


Location :




IVect GetNodleElement(int i, int n = 0) const

This method returns the number of the degrees of freedom of the element i. The second argument is optional and is the number of the mesh numbering.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // degrees of freedom of an element
    int num_elem = 16;
    IVect Nodle = var.GetNodleElement(num_elem);

   return 0;


Location :




void FindElementsInsidePML()

This method updates elements such that elements in PMLs are marked as PML elements. This method is already called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement such that it does not need to be called in a regular use.

Location :




void InitDistributedMatrix(DistributedMatrix& A) const

This method initializes the distributed matrix to correspond to a finite element matrix (with the corrected shared rows). After calling this method, the matrix can be filled with methods such as AddInteraction, AddInteractionRow, AddDistanceInteraction.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   DistributedMatrix<Complex_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;

   // initialization of parallel stuff

   return 0;


Location :




void AddDomains(Vector& x, int nb_u=-1) const

This method assembles a vector, it is meaningful for a parallel computation and continuous finite elements. For continuous finite elements, the values of shared degrees of freedom are summed. As a result, the values of X on shared dofs coincide between processors.


x (inout)
vector to assemble
nb_u (optional)
number of unknowns

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // to compute the right hand side manually, you can add contributions of each element
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()); b.Zero();
    VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;

    SetPoints<Dimension3> pts; VectR3 s; VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
        bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(i);
        var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(i, s);
        const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(i);
        Fb.FjElemQuadrature(s, pts, var.mesh, i);
        for (int j = 0; j < Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(); j++)
          feval(j) = var.GetWeightedJacobian(i, j, affine, Fb)*exp(-Norm2(pts.GetPointQuadrature(i)));

        Fb.ApplyCh(feval, contrib);
        var.AddLocalUnknownVector(1.0, contrib, i, b);

   // in parallel the contribution of elements must be added between processors (for shared dofs)

   return 0;


Location :




void ReduceDistributedVector(Vector& x, MPI_Op oper, int nb_u=-1, bool only_num=false) const

This method reduces a vector, it is meaningful for a parallel computation and continuous finite elements. For continuous finite elements, the values of shared degrees of freedom are reduced, e.g. summed if oper is equal to MPI_SUM. As a result, the values of X on shared dofs coincide between processors.


x (inout)
vector to reduce
oper (in)
reduction operation (MPI_SUM, MPI_MIN or MPI_MAX)
nb_u (optional)
number of unknowns
only_num (optional)
if true, we assume that there is only one mesh numbering

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // to compute the right hand side manually, you can add contributions of each element
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()); b.Zero();
    VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;

    SetPoints<Dimension3> pts; VectR3 s; VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
        bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(i);
        var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(i, s);
        const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(i);
        Fb.FjElemQuadrature(s, pts, var.mesh, i);
        for (int j = 0; j < Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(); j++)
          feval(j) = var.GetWeightedJacobian(i, j, affine, Fb)*exp(-Norm2(pts.GetPointQuadrature(i)));

        Fb.ApplyCh(feval, contrib);
        var.AddLocalUnknownVector(1.0, contrib, i, b);

  // in parallel the contribution of elements must be added between processors (for shared dofs) => AddDomains
  // if you want another operation (max instead of the sum) => ReduceDistributedVector
   var.ReduceDistributedVector(b, MPI_MAX);                         

   return 0;


Location :




void AssembleDirichlet(Vector& x, int nb_u=-1, bool only_num=false) const

This method assembles a vector for Dirichlet degrees of freedom, it is meaningful for a parallel computation and continuous finite elements. For continuous finite elements, the values of shared degrees of freedom (associated with Dirichlet condition) are summed.


x (inout)
vector to assemble
nb_u (optional)
number of unknowns
only_num (optional)
if true, only one mesh numbering is considered

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // to compute the right hand side manually, you can add contributions of each element
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()); b.Zero();
    VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;

    SetPoints<Dimension3> pts; VectR3 s; VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
        bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(i);
        var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(i, s);
        const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(i);
        Fb.FjElemQuadrature(s, pts, var.mesh, i);
        for (int j = 0; j < Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(); j++)
          feval(j) = var.GetWeightedJacobian(i, j, affine, Fb)*exp(-Norm2(pts.GetPointQuadrature(i)));

        Fb.ApplyCh(feval, contrib);
        var.AddLocalUnknownVector(1.0, contrib, i, b);

   // if you want to sum values on Dirichlet dofs only

   return 0;


Location :




void ReduceDirichlet(Vector& x, MPI_Op oper, int nb_u=-1, bool only_num=false) const

This method reduces a vector for Dirichlet dofs, it is meaningful for a parallel computation and continuous finite elements. For continuous finite elements, the values of shared degrees of freedom (associated with Dirichlet condition) are reduced, e.g. summed if oper is equal to MPI_SUM.


x (inout)
vector to reduce
oper (in)
reduction operation (MPI_SUM, MPI_MIN or MPI_MAX)
nb_u (optional)
number of unknowns
only_num (optional)
if true, we assume that there is only one mesh numbering

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // to compute the right hand side manually, you can add contributions of each element
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()); b.Zero();
    VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;

    SetPoints<Dimension3> pts; VectR3 s; VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
        bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(i);
        var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(i, s);
        const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(i);
        Fb.FjElemQuadrature(s, pts, var.mesh, i);
        for (int j = 0; j < Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(); j++)
          feval(j) = var.GetWeightedJacobian(i, j, affine, Fb)*exp(-Norm2(pts.GetPointQuadrature(i)));

        Fb.ApplyCh(feval, contrib);
        var.AddLocalUnknownVector(1.0, contrib, i, b);

  // if you want another operation for Dirichlet dofs
   var.ReduceDirichlet(b, MPI_MAX);                         

   return 0;


Location :




void ConstructDirichletComm() const

This method updates arrays needed by the methods AssembleDirichlet or ReduceDirichlet. This method is already automatically called by ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement such that it does not need to be called in a regular use.

Location :




void ExchangeDomains(Vector& x, int nb_u=-1) const

This method is meaningful for a parallel computation and continuous finite elements. For continuous finite elements, the values of shared degrees of freedom are exchanged. This method is used when each degree of freedom is shared by at most two processors. For a dof shared by two processors, the value on the first processor is exchanged with the value on the second processor.


x (inout)
vector whose values are exchanged
nb_u (optional)
number of unknowns

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // to compute the right hand side manually, you can add contributions of each element
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()); b.Zero();
    VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;

    SetPoints<Dimension3> pts; VectR3 s; VectComplex_wp feval, contrib;
    for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbElt(); i++)
        bool affine = var.mesh.IsElementAffine(i);
        var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(i, s);
        const ElementReference_Dim<Dimension3>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElement(i);
        Fb.FjElemQuadrature(s, pts, var.mesh, i);
        for (int j = 0; j < Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside(); j++)
          feval(j) = var.GetWeightedJacobian(i, j, affine, Fb)*exp(-Norm2(pts.GetPointQuadrature(i)));

        Fb.ApplyCh(feval, contrib);
        var.AddLocalUnknownVector(1.0, contrib, i, b);

   // if you want to exchange values between processors

   return 0;


Location :




void ExchangeRelaxDomains(Vector& x, Real_wp omega, int proc, int nb_u=-1) const

This method is meaningful for a parallel computation and continuous finite elements. The processor ranked proc sends its values (on shared degrees of freedom to other processors). The following operation is done for processors that receive the values

where X(j) is the value sent by the processor proc.


x (inout)
vector whose values are exchanged
omega (in)
relaxation parameter
proc (in)
rank of the processor that sends the values
nb_u (optional)
number of unknowns

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // starting from random values (different values on each processor)
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()); b.FillRand();

   // if you want to send values of processor 1 to other processors
   // other processors store these new values with a relaxation (to keep a part of old values)
   Real_wp omega = 0.5;
   var.ExchangeRelaxDomains(b, omega, 1);                         

   return 0;


Location :




void ExchangeQuadRelaxDomains(Vector& x, Real_wp omega, int proc, int nb_u=-1) const

This method is meaningful for a parallel computation and continuous finite elements. The processor ranked proc sends its values (on shared quadrature points to other processors). The following operation is done for processors that receive the values

where X(j) is the value sent by the processor proc.


x (inout)
vector whose values are exchanged
omega (in)
relaxation parameter
proc (in)
rank of the processor that sends the values
nb_u (optional)
number of unknowns

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // starting from random values (different values on each processor)
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbPointsQuadratureNeighbor()); b.FillRand();

   // if you want to send values of processor 1 to other processors
   // other processors store these new values with a relaxation (to keep a part of old values)
   Real_wp omega = 0.5;
   var.ExchangeQuadRelaxDomains(b, omega, 1);                         

   return 0;


Location :




void ExchangeUfaceDomains(const Vector& x, Vector& xsend, Vector& xsend_tmp,
Vector& xrecv, Vector& xrecv_tmp, Vector<MPI_Request>& request, int tag) const

This method is meaningful for a parallel computation. The values on quadrature points of the interfaces (between subdomains, each processor owning a subdomain) are exchanged. The exchange is achieved when the method GetUfaceDomains is called. The separation in two methods is made in the purpose of overlapping communications with computations.


x (inout)
vector whose values are exchanged
xsend (out)
temporary vectors
xsend_tmp (out)
temporary vectors
xrecv (out)
temporary vectors
xrecv_tmp (out)
temporary vectors
request (out)
MPI requests
tag (in)
tag number used in MPI communications

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // starting from random values (different values on each processor)
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbPointsQuadratureNeighbor()); b.FillRand();

   // if you want to exchange values with the corresponding processor
   // first step : initialize the non-blocking communications
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> xsend, xrecv;
   Vector<Vector<int64_t> > xsend_tmp, xrecv_tmp;
   Vector<MPI_Request> request; int tag = 17;

   var.ExchangeUfaceDomains(b, xsend, xsend_tmp, xrecv, xrecv_tmp, request, tag);

   // then you can overlap communications with computational tasks
   Complex_wp scal = DotProd(b, b);

   // and complete the echange with GetUfaceDomains
   var.GetUfaceDomains(b, xsend, xsend_tmp, xrecv, xrecv_tmp, request, tag);

   return 0;


Location :




void ExchangeUfaceDomains(Vector& x, Vector& xsend, Vector& xsend_tmp,
Vector& xrecv, Vector& xrecv_tmp, Vector<MPI_Request>& request, int tag) const

This method is meaningful for a parallel computation. The values on quadrature points of the interfaces (between subdomains, each processor owning a subdomain) are exchanged. The exchange is initialized when the method ExchangeUfaceDomains is called. The separation in two methods is made in the purpose of overlapping communications with computations.


x (inout)
vector whose values are exchanged
xsend (out)
temporary vectors
xsend_tmp (out)
temporary vectors
xrecv (out)
temporary vectors
xrecv_tmp (out)
temporary vectors
request (out)
MPI requests
tag (in)
tag number used in MPI communications

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

    // starting from random values (different values on each processor)
    VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbPointsQuadratureNeighbor()); b.FillRand();

   // if you want to exchange values with the corresponding processor
   // first step : initialize the non-blocking communications
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> xsend, xrecv;
   Vector<Vector<int64_t> > xsend_tmp, xrecv_tmp;
   Vector<MPI_Request> request; int tag = 17;

   var.ExchangeUfaceDomains(b, xsend, xsend_tmp, xrecv, xrecv_tmp, request, tag);

   // then you can overlap communications with computational tasks
   Complex_wp scal = DotProd(b, b);

   // and complete the echange with GetUfaceDomains
   var.GetUfaceDomains(b, xsend, xsend_tmp, xrecv, xrecv_tmp, request, tag);

   return 0;


Location :




void ReduceDistributedVectorFace(Vector& x, MPI_Op oper, int nb_u=1) const

This method reduces a vector, it is meaningful for a parallel computation. Instead of considering shared degrees of freedom (as for ), we consider shared faces (edges in 2-D).


x (inout)
vector to reduce
oper (in)
reduction operation (MPI_SUM, MPI_MIN or MPI_MAX)
nb_u (optional)
number of unknowns

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // if you want to save the computed splitting in a file
   var.SaveEpartSplitting("epart.dat"); // ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement will save the computed splitting in the file epart.dat

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)
    var.ComputeQuasiPeriodicPhase(); // for quasi-periodic conditions

   // we consider a coefficient for each face of the mesh
   VectReal_wp coef_face(var.mesh.GetNbBoundary()); coef_face.Zero();

   // loop over faces to compute it
   for (int i = 0; i < var.mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++)
       // any quantity
       coef_face(i) += 1.0;

  // you can assemble the values between processors (shared faces will have 2.0 with the given example)
   var.ReduceDistributedVectorFace(coef_face, MPI_MAX);                         
   return 0;


Location :




void ComputeLocalProlongation(FiniteElementInterpolator& proj, DistributedProblem& var_coarse, int rc, TinyVector<Matrix<Real_wp>, 4>& PrologationElement) const

This method computes the prolongation operator (as needed by multigrid algorithms) between a coarse problem and the current problem (considered as a fine problem).


proj (out)
projector from the coarse element to the fine element
var_coarse (in)
coarse problem
rc (in)
order of approximation for the coarse problem
ProlongationElement (out)
prolongation matrices (if stored)

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

  // definition of the coarse problem
  EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var_coarse;

  var_coarse.InitIndices(100); var_coarse.SetTypeEquation(type_equation);
  ReadInputFile("test_coarse.ini", var_coarse);

    var_coarse.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

  // prolongation operator
  FiniteElementInterpolator proj; TinyVector<Matrix<Real_wp>, 4> ProlongationElement;
  var.ComputeLocalProlongation(proj, var_coarse, var_coarse.GetMeshNumbering(0).GetOrder(),

   return 0;


Location :




DistributedProblem* GetNewEllipticProblem() const

This virtual method constructs an object of the leaf class EllipticProblem and returns the address of the created object. It can be used mainly for generic functions (in order to use polymorphism instead of templating).

Example :

  // instead of templating with the equation, we can template only with the dimension
  // => less instantations
  template<class Dimension>
  void MyGenericFunction(DistributedProblem<Dimension> var_fine)
      // to create a coarse problem for example
      DistributedProblem<Dimension>* var_coarse = var_fine.GetNewEllipticProblem();

      // complete the function

      // the object can be deleted normally
      delete var_coarse;

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

    // we call the function
   return 0;


Location :




void CopyFiniteElement(const DistributedProblem& var) const

This virtual method copies the finite elements from another class. The copy is a shallow copy, only pointers are copied. As a result, if the object given as argument is cleared, the finite elements will not point to the correct addresses.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

   EllipticProblem<HarmonicElasticEquation<Dimension3> > varb; 

    // if you want to copy input data

   // and finite elements

   return 0;


Location :




void ComputeEnHnNodal(Vector<Vector>& u_nodal , Vector<Vector>& grad_nodal , int num_elem, const VectR_N& pts ,
const VectR_N& normale, Vector<Vector>& En_nodal , Vector<Vector>& Hn_nodal ) const

This virtual method computes the trace of the solution (E x n for Maxwell's equations, u for Helmholtz) and of its gradient (H x n for Maxwell, du/dn for Helmholtz). Since this notion depends on the equation, the method is virtual and overloaded correctly on the leaf class.


u_nodal (in)
values of the solution on nodal points
grad_nodal (in)
gradient (curl for edge elements) of the solution on nodal points
num_elem (in)
element number
pts (in)
nodal points
normale (in)
outgoing normales
En_nodal (out)
E x n on nodal points
Hn_nodal (out)
H x n on nodal points

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_3D > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

   // let&s assume that you computed a solution
   VectComplex_wp xsol(var.GetNbDof());

   // we extract values on degrees of freedom for a given element
   int num_elem = 12;
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> u_loc(1);
   var.GetLocalUnknownVector(xsol, num_elem, u_loc);

   // computing nodal points and jacobian matrices
   VectR3 s; var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(num_elem, s);
   const ElementReference<Dimension3, 2> Fb = var.GetReferenceElementHcurl(num_elem);
   SetPoints<Dimension3> PointsElem; SetMatrices<Dimension3> MatricesElem;
   Fb.FjElemNodal(s, PointsElem, var.mesh, num_elem);
   Fb.DFjElemNodal(s, PointsElem, MatricesElem, var.mesh, i);

   // nodal points and normales on the surface
   int num_loc = 3; Real_wp dsj; Matrix3_3 dfjm1;
   int nb_nodes_surf = Fb.GetNbNodalBoundary(num_loc);
   VectR3 pts(nb_nodes_surf), normale(nb_nodes_surf);
   for (int i = 0; i < nb_nodes_surf; i++)
       int n = Fb.GetNodalNumber(num_loc, i);
       pts(i) = PointsElem.GetPointNodal(n);
       GetInverse(MatricesElem.GetPointNodal(n), dfjm1);
       Fb.GetNormale(dfjm1, normale(i), dsj, num_loc);

   // we compute nodal values (here grad_nodal is the curl of E on nodal points)
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> u_nodal, du_nodal, grad_nodal;
   Fb.ComputeNodalValues(MatricesElem, u_loc, u_nodal, var.mesh, num_elem);
   Fb.ComputeNodalGradient(MatricesElem, u_nodal, du_nodal);
   Fb.GetCurlFromGradient(du_nodal, grad_nodal);

   // nodal values on the surface
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> u_nodal_surf(3), grad_nodal_surf(3);
   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Fb.ComputeValueNodalBoundary(u_nodal(i), u_nodal_surf(i), num_elem, num_loc);
        Fb.ComputeValueNodalBoundary(grad_nodal(i), grad_nodal_surf(i), num_elem, num_loc);
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> En_nodal, Hn_nodal;
   var.ComputeEnHnNodal(u_nodal_surf, grad_nodal_surf, num_elem, pts, normale, En_nodal, Hn_nodal);

   return 0;


Location :




void ComputeDofCoordinates(VectR_N& points_dof)

This method computes the coordinates for all the degrees of freedom of the main unknown. This method works only for interpolation finite elements (such as QUADRANGLE_LOBATTO). For hp elements, it does not work.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_3D > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

   // coordinates of degrees of freedom ?
   VectR3 PointsDof;

   return 0;


Location :




void ComputeReferenceGradientElement(int i, const VectReal_wp& u_dof, const VectReal_wp& u_quad, VectReal_wp& grad_u)

This method computes the gradient (on the reference element) of a field u from components on degrees of freedom. For some finite elements (that compute the gradient from values of quadrature points), you have to provide the value of u on quadrature points. To obtain the gradient on the real element, the transformation Fi has to be taken into account.


i (in)
element number
u_dof (in)
values of the field on degress of freedom of the selected element
u_quad (in)
values of the field on quadrature points
grad_u (out)
gradient of the field (on the reference element)

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_3D > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

   // for a given element
   int num_elem = 12;
   const ElementReference<Dimension3, 1>& Fb = var.GetReferenceElementH1(num_elem);
   VectReal_wp u_dof(Fb.GetNbDof()); u_dof.FillRand();
   VectReal_wp u_quad(Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside());
   // computing the values on quadrature points
   Fb.ApplyChTranspose(u_dof, u_quad);
   // and gradient (on the reference element) on quadrature points
   VectReal_wp grad_u(3*Fb.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside());
   var.ComputeReferenceGradientElement(i, u_dof, u_quad, grad);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetMassMatrixType(VectBool& diag_elt)

This method returns the nature of the mass matrix. The output argument contains the elements where the mass matrix is diagonal (if there is partial mass lumping). The different types are contained in the class FemMassMatrix, and can be equal to :

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_3D > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

   // nature of the mass matrix ?
   VectBool diag_elt;
   int nature = var.GetMassMatrixType(diag_elt);

   if (nature == FemMassMatrix::DIAGONAL)
     cout << "Diagonal mass matrix" << endl;

   // if nature is equal to DIAG_MATRIX_FREE, diag_elt(i) is true if the element i is lumped

   return 0;


Location :




int GetElementaryMatrixType()

This method returns 0 if the elementary matrix is dense, 1 if it is sparse. Some finite elements (usually lumped elements in 3-D) produce sparse elementary matrices.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_3D > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

   // nature of the elementary matrix
   int nature = var.GetElementaryMatrixType();

   if (nature == 1)
     cout << "Sparse elementary matrix" << endl;

   return 0;


Location :




void ComputeEnHnQuadrature(Vector<Vector>& u_quadrature , Vector<Vector>& grad_quadrature , int num_elem, const VectR_N& pts ,
const VectR_N& normale, bool compute_H, Vector<Vector>& En_quad , Vector<Vector>& Hn_quad ) const

This virtual method computes the trace of the solution (E x n for Maxwell's equations, u for Helmholtz) and of its gradient (H x n for Maxwell, du/dn for Helmholtz). Since this notion depends on the equation, the method is virtual and overloaded correctly on the leaf class.


u_quadrature (in)
values of the solution on quadrature points
grad_quadrature (in)
gradient (curl for edge elements) of the solution on quadrature points
num_elem (in)
element number
pts (in)
quadrature points
normale (in)
outgoing normales
compute_H (in)
if false, only E x n is computed
En_quad (out)
E x n on quadrature points
Hn_quad (out)
H x n on quadrature points

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_3D > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);
   // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
   var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
   // then you can read the data file
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

   // then the mesh and finite element are constructed
    var.PerformOtherInitializations(); // other initializations

   var.ComputeMassMatrix(); // computation of geometric quantities (such as jacobian matrices)

   // let&s assume that you computed a solution
   VectComplex_wp xsol(var.GetNbDof());

   // we extract values on degrees of freedom for a given element
   int num_elem = 12;
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> u_loc(1);
   var.GetLocalUnknownVector(xsol, num_elem, u_loc);

   // computing quadrature points and jacobian matrices
   VectR3 s; var.mesh.GetVerticesElement(num_elem, s);
   const ElementReference<Dimension3, 2> Fb = var.GetReferenceElementHcurl(num_elem);
   SetPoints<Dimension3> PointsElem; SetMatrices<Dimension3> MatricesElem;
   Fb.FjElemQuadrature(s, PointsElem, var.mesh, num_elem);
   Fb.DFjElemQuadrature(s, PointsElem, MatricesElem, var.mesh, i);

   // quadrature points and normales on the surface
   int num_loc = 3; Real_wp dsj; Matrix3_3 dfjm1;
   Fb.FjSurfaceElem(s, PointsElem, var.mesh, num_elem, num_loc);
   Fb.DFjSurfaceElem(s, PointsElem, MatricesElem, var.mesh, num_elem, num_loc);

   int nb_pts_quad = Fb.GetNbQuadBoundary(num_loc);
   VectR3 pts(nb_pts_quad), normale(nb_pts_quad);

   // computation of E (and curl E) on quadrature points of the surface
   VectComplex_wp Equad_ref(3*nb_pts_quad), curlEquad_ref(3*nb_pts_quad);
   Fb.ApplyShTranspose(num_loc, u_loc(0), Equad_ref);
   Fb.ApplyNablaShTranspose(num_loc, u_loc(0), curlEquad_ref);

   // application of Piola transform
   Vector<VectComplex_wp> Equad(3), curlE_quad(3);
   for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)

   Matrix3_3 dfj, dfjm1; R3_Complex_wp Eref, curlEref, Et, curlEt;
   for (int i = 0; i < nb_pts_quad; i++)
       dfj = MatricesElem.GetPointQuadratureBoundary(i);
       jacob = Det(dfj);
       pts(i) = PointsElem.GetPointQuadratureBoundary(i);
       normale(i) = MatricesElem.GetNormaleQuadratureBoundary(i);

       Eref.Init(Equad_ref(3*i), Equad_ref(3*i+1), Equad_ref(3*i+2));
       curlEref.Init(curlEquad_ref(3*i), curlEquad_ref(3*i+1), curlEquad_ref(3*i+2));
       GetInverse(dfj, dfjm1);
       MltTrans(dfjm1, Eref, Et);
       Mlt(dfj, curlEref, curlEt);  Mlt(1.0/jacob, curlEt);
       Equad(0)(i) = Et(0);  Equad(1)(i) = Et(1);    Equad(2)(i) = Et(2);
       curlE_quad(0)(i) = curlEt(0);  curlE_quad(1)(i) = curlEt(1);    curlE_quad(2)(i) = curlEt(2);   

   // computation of E x n and H x n from values on quadrature points
   VectComplex_wp En_quad, Hn_quad;
   var.ComputeEnHnQuadrature(Equad, curlE_quad, num_elem, pts, normale, true, En_quad, Hn_quad);

   return 0;


Location :




void Restart()

This method reinitializes some attributes such that a computation can be restarted

Example :

    EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationDG<Dimension3> > var;;

    // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
    string type_element, type_equation;
    getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

    // allocating the arrays for physical indexes
    var.InitIndices(100); // we choose N = 100
    // then you can read the data file
    ReadInputFile("test.ini", var);

    // the mesh and finite elements are constructed

    // then other initializations (if needed)

    // if you want to use the same object to run another simulation

    // then the simulation is completed as usual
    ReadInputFile("test2.ini", var);
    // etc

Location :




void ConstructAll(string input_file , string name_elt , string name_eq, All_LinearSolver*& solver ,
bool compute_rho=true, bool delete_pts=true, int num=-1)

This method constructs all what is needed to compute finite element matrices. It can be useful in order to avoid calling the same sequence of methods (ReadInputFile, ComputeMeshAndFiniteElement, ComputeMassMatrix, etc).


input_file (in)
name of the data file
name_elt (in)
name of the finite element
name_eq (in)
name of the equation
solver (out)
linear solver to use for the factorization of the finite element matrix
compute_rho (optional)
if true, physical indexes are computed
delete_pts (optional)
if true, quadrature points are not stored
num (optional)
simulation number

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_3D > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   // then you can compute finite element matrices
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
   Matrix<Complex_wp, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> A;
   var.AddMatrixWithBC(A, nat_mat);

   // or factorize a finite element matrix
   // and solve the linear system A x = b
   VectComplex_wp b(var.GetNbDof()), x; b.FillRand();
   x = b; solver->ComputeSolution(x);
   // when you no longer need the solver, you can release the memory
   delete solver;

   return 0;


Location :




void RunAll(string input_file , string name_elt , string name_eq int num=-1)

This method runs the complete simulation :


input_file (in)
name of the data file
name_elt (in)
name of the finite element
name_eq (in)
name of the equation
num (optional)
simulation number

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HarmonicMaxwellEquation_3D > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing and solving the problem
   var.RunAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   return 0;


Location :




void GetInverseSquareRootMassMatrix(Vector& Dh )

This method computes the matrix where Dh is the mass matrix of the considered equation. For example, it is equal to

for Laplace equation. It works only if mass lumped elements are used (with Gauss-Lobatto points), such that the mass matrix is diagonal.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   // then you can compute Dh^{-1/2} where Dh is the mass matrix
   VectReal_wp invDh_sqrt;

   delete solver;

   return 0;


Location :




void GetMassMatrix(Vector& Dh , bool assemble=true)

This method computes the mass matrix Dh of the considered equation. For example, it is equal to

for Laplace equation. It works only if mass lumped elements are used (with Gauss-Lobatto points), such that the mass matrix is diagonal. If the second argument (optional) is equal to false, the mass matrix is not assembled (between processors).

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<LaplaceEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   // then you can compute the mass matrix Dh
   VectReal_wp Dh;

   delete solver;

   return 0;


Location :




void SetComputationFarPoints(VectR_N& points, Real_wp dt)

This method provides to the object the points outside the computational domain where the solution should be computed. For some equations, an integral representation is used in order to compute the solution on these points. The second argument is the time step (used for unsteady problems). These points are usually provided by inserting a line with SismoOutsidePoints in the datafile.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   VectR3 pts3d(1); pts3d(0).Init(-100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   var.SetComputationFarPoints(pts3d, 0.0);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   delete solver;

   return 0;


Location :




TransparencySolver_Base* GetNewTransparentSolver(All_LinearSolver& solver)

This method creates a new transparent solver and returns the address of the created object. The transparent solver allows to compute the solution with a transparent condition by iterating with solutions with first-order absorbing conditions (by using integral representations). The transparent solver manages this iterative process.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   VectR3 pts3d(1); pts3d(0).Init(-100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   var.SetComputationFarPoints(pts3d, 0.0);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   // we factorize the finite element matrix
   GlobalGenericMatrix<Complex_wp> nat_mat;
   // we solve the linear system A x = b
   VectComplex_wp source_rhs(var.GetNbDof()), x_sol; source_rhs.FillRand();
   x_sol = source_rhs; solver->ComputeSolution(x_sol);

   // retrieving a transparent solver
   TransparencySolver_Base* solv_transp = var.GetNewTransparentSolver(*solver);

   if (solv_transp->UseTransparentCondition())
        solv_transp->Init(); // initialization step
        source_rhs = x_sol;
        solv_transp->Solve(x_sol, source_rhs); // iterative solver to find the solution with the transparent condition

   delete solv_transp;
   delete solver;

   return 0;


Location :




EigenProblemMontjoie<T>* GetNewEigenSolver(All_LinearSolver& solver, T x)

This method creates a new eigenvalue solver and returns the address of the created object. The eigenvalue solver allows to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the considered problem. The second argument is used to select a complex (or real) eigensolver.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   VectR3 pts3d(1); pts3d(0).Init(-100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   var.SetComputationFarPoints(pts3d, 0.0);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   // retrieving an eigenvalue solver
   EigenProblemMontjoie<Real_wp>* eigen_solver = var.GetNewEigenSolver(*solver, Real_wp(0));
   ReadInputFile("test.init", *eigen_solver); // parameters of the data file

   if (eigen_solver->GetNbAskedEigenvalues() > 0)

   delete eigen_solver;
   delete solver;

   return 0;


Location :




PolynomialEigenProblemMontjoie<T>* GetNewPolynomialEigenSolver(All_LinearSolver& solver, T x)

This method creates a new polynomial eigenvalue solver and returns the address of the created object. The polynomial eigenvalue solver allows to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the considered problem. The second argument is used to select a complex (or real) eigensolver. For some equations (and for specific media), the eigenvalue problem can be set as a polynomial eigenproblem (instead of a linear eigenproblem).

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   VectR3 pts3d(1); pts3d(0).Init(-100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   var.SetComputationFarPoints(pts3d, 0.0);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   // retrieving an eigenvalue solver
   PolynomialEigenProblemMontjoie<Real_wp>* eigen_solver = var.GetNewPolynomialEigenSolver(*solver, Real_wp(0));
   ReadInputFile("test.init", *eigen_solver); // parameters of the data file

   if (eigen_solver->GetNbAskedEigenvalues() > 0)

   delete eigen_solver;
   delete solver;

   return 0;


Location :




ImpedanceGeneric& GetGenericImpedanceFunction()

This method returns the object handling impedance boundary conditions.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   VectR3 pts3d(1); pts3d(0).Init(-100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   var.SetComputationFarPoints(pts3d, 0.0);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   // retrieving the object to compute impedance coefficients
   ImpedanceGeneric<Complex_wp, HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> >& imped = var.GetGenericImpedanceFunction();

   return 0;


Location :




ImpedanceABC& GetAbsorbingImpedanceFunction()

This method returns the object handling absorbing boundary conditions.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> > var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   VectR3 pts3d(1); pts3d(0).Init(-100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   var.SetComputationFarPoints(pts3d, 0.0);

   // constructing the problem
   All_LinearSolver* solver; // the pointer solver will be initialized in ConstructAll
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, type_equation, solver);

   // retrieving the object to compute impedance coefficients for absorbing boundary conditions
   ImpedanceABC<Complex_wp, HelmholtzEquation<Dimension3> >& imped = var.GetAbsorbingImpedanceFunction();

   return 0;


Location :




ImpedanceABC<Complexe, TypeEquation> fct_impedance_absorbing

This attribute stores the object that computes impedance coefficients for absorbing boundary conditions.

Location :




ImpedanceGeneric<Complexe, TypeEquation> fct_impedance_generic

This attribute stores the object that computes impedance coefficients for impedance boundary conditions.

Location :




ImpedanceHighConductivity<Complexe, TypeEquation> fct_impedance_high_conduc

This attribute stores the object that computes impedance coefficients for high conductivtiy boundary conditions.

Location :




VarComputationRCS<TypeEquation> output_rcs_param

This attribute stores the object that computes radar cross sections (RCS).

Location :




VarTransmission<TypeEquation> var_transmission

This attribute stores the object that implements transmission conditions (equivalent models).

Location :




VarGeneralizedImpedance<TypeEquation> var_gibc

This attribute stores the object that implements generalized impedance boundary conditions (GIBC).

Location :




void GetFourierMode(Real_wp teta , T& val)

If val is a complex number, it is set to

where m is the current mode number. If val is a real number, it is set to

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);
   // treating the first mode :

   // value e^{-i m theta} for this mode ?
   Complex_wp val; Real_wp teta = 0.1;
   var.GetFourierMode(teta, val);

   return 0;


Location :




bool IsVertexOnAxis(int i)

This method returns true if the vertex i is located on the axis of revolution (x = 0).

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);
   // treating the first mode :

   // vertex 3 on the axis of revolution ?
   bool vert_on_axis = var.IsVertexOnAxis(3);

   return 0;


Location :




bool IsElementNearAxis(int i)

This method returns true if the element i is located on the axis of revolution (x = 0). An element located on the axis has at least one vertex on the axis.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);
   // treating the first mode :

   // element 3 close to the axis ?
   bool elt_on_axis = var.IsElementNearAxis(3);

   return 0;


Location :




bool NumberOfModesToBeComputed()

This method returns true if the number of Fourier modes has to be computed automatically (by evaluating right hand sides and stopping as soon as the right hand side is small enough). It corresponds to a line NumberModes = AUTO 1e-6 in the data file.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);
   // do we have to compute the number of modes ?
   bool mode_auto = var.NumberOfModesToBeComputed();

   return 0;


Location :




Real_wp GetModeThreshold()

This method returns the threshold used to compute the number of Fourier modes. It corresponds to the second parameter of a line NumberModes = AUTO 1e-6 in the data file.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);
   // do we have to compute the number of modes ?
   bool mode_auto = var.NumberOfModesToBeComputed();

  // threshold to drop modes ?
  Real_wp eps = var.GetModeThreshold();

   return 0;


Location :




Real_wp GetBessel_Value(int n , int num_point )

This method returns the Bessel function Jn(k r) for a given quadrature point.

Location :




void CheckSectionMeshAxi()

This method checks that the mesh contains only elements with x > 0, such that it is compatible with an axisymmetric configuration. It also finds elements close to the axis. This method is called by CheckInputMesh such that it does not need to be called in a regular use.

Location :




void ComputeDofOnAxe(VarProblem& var)

This method computes the numbers of the degrees of freedom located on the axis. This method is called by PerformOtherInitializations such that it does not need to be called in a regular use.

Location :




static void Get_KwavePerp_Kz_Phase(Complex_wp rho, Complex_wp mu, int m, R3 kwave, Real_wp omega,
Real_wp& k_perp, Real_wp& kz, bool& incidence_axial, Complex_wp& phase)

This method computes the following quantities

It is useful to decompose a plane wave into Fourier modes. incidence_axial is true if the wave vector is oriented along z-axis.


rho (in)
physical index (as introduced in Helmholtz equation)
physical index (as introduced in Helmholtz equation)
m (in)
mode number
kwave (in)
wave vector
omega (in)
k_perp (out)
transverse wave number
kz (out)
longitudinal wave number
incidence_axial (out)
true if k_perp is small enough
phase (out)
i-m ei m θ0

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);

   // for a given wave vector
   R3 kwave(1, 2, -1); Real_wp omega = Norm2(kwave);

   // we want to compute k_perp, k_z and phase
   Real_wp k_perp, kz; bool incidence_axial; Complex_wp phase;
   int m = 2; Complex_wp rho(1, 0), mu(1, 0);
   var.Get_KwavePerp_Kz_Phase(rho, mu, m, kwave, omega, k_perp, kz, incidence_axial, phase);

   return 0;


Location :




void ComputeNbModes_Generic(Real_wp kt)

This method computes the number of modes needed to compute accurately the Jacobi-Anger expansion

This expansion is used to decompose an incident plane wave into Fourier modes, since


is the transverse wave number. The methods returns the integer M, such that the user should consider modes between -M and M to have an accurate solution with the given transverse wave number. The precision is given with the method GetModeThreshold.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);

   // for a given wave vector
   R3 kwave(1, 2, -1); Real_wp omega = Norm2(kwave);

   // we want to compute k_perp, k_z and phase
   Real_wp k_perp, kz; bool incidence_axial; Complex_wp phase;
   int m = 2; Complex_wp rho(1, 0), mu(1, 0);
   var.Get_KwavePerp_Kz_Phase(rho, mu, m, kwave, omega, k_perp, kz, incidence_axial, phase);

   // number of modes for an incident plane wave with kwave ?
   int M = var.ComputeNbModes_Generic(k_perp);

   return 0;


Location :




void ComputeListMode(VarComputationRCS_Axi& rcs_param)

This method computes the number of modes needed to compute accurately the radar cross section (RCS) given as parameter. It calls successively ComputeNbModes_Generic for the difference incident angles to obtain a maximum number of modes.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);

   // object containing datas about radar cross section
   VarComputationRCS_Axi rcs_param(var);
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", rcs_param);


   // number of modes needed to evaluate rcs ?
   int M = var.ComputeListMode(rcs_param);

   return 0;


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void InitRcs(VarComputationRCS_Axi rcs_param)

This method initializes the computation of radar cross section.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);

   // object containing datas about radar cross section
   VarComputationRCS_Axi rcs_param(var);
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", rcs_param);


   // number of modes needed to evaluate rcs ?
   int M = var.ComputeListMode(rcs_param);

   return 0;


Location :




int GetNbRightHandSide(VarComputationRCS_Axi rcs_param)

This method returns the number of right hand sides needed to compute the radar cross section.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);

   // object containing datas about radar cross section
   VarComputationRCS_Axi rcs_param(var);
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", rcs_param);


   // number of modes needed to evaluate rcs ?
   int M = var.ComputeListMode(rcs_param);

   // number of sources (plane waves) ?
   int nb_rhs = var.GetNbRightHandSide(rcs_param);
   return 0;


Location :




void InitBesselArray(VarComputationRCS_Axi rcs_param)

This method precomputes Bessel functions Jn(k r) for the incident plane waves contained in rcs_param. The aim is to obtain an efficient computation of the right hand sides, by using recurrence relations on Bessel functions.

Example :

int main()
   EllipticProblem<HelmholtzEquationAxi> var;

   // we retrieve the type of finite element and equation in the data file
   string type_element, type_equation;
   getElement_Equation("test.ini", type_element, type_equation);

   // constructing the problem
   Vector<string> lines_data_file;
   var.ConstructAll("test.ini", type_element, lines_data_file);

   // object containing datas about radar cross section
   VarComputationRCS_Axi rcs_param(var);
   ReadInputFile("test.ini", rcs_param);


   // number of modes needed to evaluate rcs ?
   int M = var.ComputeListMode(rcs_param);

   // number of sources (plane waves) ?
   int nb_rhs = var.GetNbRightHandSide(rcs_param);

   // precomputing Bessel functions

   // then Jn can be retrieved with GetBessel_Value
   int nb_pts_quad = rcs_param.GetInterpolationMesh().GetNbAllQuadraturePoints();
   int num_angle = 3, k = 10; // num_angle : number of the plane wave, k : number of the quadrature point
   int m = 1; int num_point = num_angle*nb_pts_quad + k;
   Real_wp evalJn = var.GetBessel_Value(m, num_point);
   return 0;


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