1-D finite elements spaces

In this page, we detail the different 1-D finite elements currently implemented in Montjoie. The reference element is the unit interval.

Methods of ElementGeomReference<Dimension>

This class is the base class for 1-D finite elements. We list below the methods of this class.

Weights 1-D integration weights
Points 1-D integration points
LumpedMassMatrix returns true if the mass matrix is diagonal
GetHybridType returns 0
GetMemorySize returns the size used to store the object
GetOrder returns the order of approximation
GetGeometryOrder returns the order of shape functions
PointsDof returns the points associated with degrees of freedom
GetNbPointsQuadratureInside returns the number of integration points
GetNbDof returns the number of degrees of freedom
GetNbPointsNodalElt returns the number of nodal points
GetNewNodalInterpolation returns a finite element projector
ConstructFiniteElement constructs the finite element at a given order
GetPolynomialFunctions returns the basis functions as univariate polynomials
ComputeValuesPhiRef computes the basis functions at a given point of the unit interval
ComputeGradientPhiRef computes the derivative of basis functions at a given point of the unit interval
GetValuePhi1D returns the value of a single 1-D basis function
GetGradientPhi1D returns the derivative of a single 1-D basis function
GetValueSinglePhiQuadrature returns the value of a single basis function on integration points
ComputeValuesPhiNodalRef evaluates the shape functions on a point of the unit interval
FjElem computes Fi(x) for quadrature points
FjElemDof computes Fi(x) for dof points
GetStiffnessMatrix returns the stiffness matrix on the unit interval
GetMassMatrix returns the mass matrix on the unit interval
GetGradientMatrix returns the gradient matrix on the unit interval
ComputeIntegralRef integrates a function against basis functions
ApplyCh integrates a function against basis functions
ApplyChTranspose evaluates a field on integration points
ComputeIntegralGradientRef integrates a function against derivatives of basis functions
ComputeProjectionDofRef projects a function on the finite element basis
AddConstantElemMatrix adds an elementary matrix with constant coefficients
AddVariableElemMatrix adds an elementary matrix with variables coefficients

EdgeLobatto (inherited from ElementGeomReference)

This class implements 1-D nodal finite element based on Gauss-Lobatto points. The basis functions are given as

where r is the order of approximation and Gauss-Lobatto points on the unit interval. For this class, quadrature points coincide with nodal points leading to a mass lumping. The mass matrix is always diagonal even if the physical index is variable.

EdgeGauss (inherited from ElementGeomReference)

The basis functions are the same as for EdgeLobatto. Contrary to EdgeLobatto, integration points no longer coincide with nodal points. Gauss-Legendre points are used for the integration leading to an exact integration of constant elementary matrices. The mass matrix is no longer diagonal.

EdgeHierarchic (inherited from ElementGeomReference)

The basis functions are hierarchical, they are given as

where Pi1, 1 are Jacobi polynomials. These polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function x(1-x). The main advantage of this class is that the elementary matrices (mass, stiffness or gradient) are sparse.

ElementReference<Dimension1, 1>

This class derives from the class ElementReference_Base. It is an interface class that calls the methods of ElementGeomReference. The aim of this class (and derived classes) is to provide a similar structure to 2-D and 3-D finite elements :

The classes EdgeLobattoReference, EdgeGaussReference and EdgeHierarchicReference are implementing the same functions as EdgeLobatto, EdgeGauss and EdgeHierarchic, but they derive from ElementReference_Base. Below we show, some example of use of these classes.

// finite element with Gauss-Lobatto points
// here we choose a class derived from ElementReference<Dimension1, 1>
EdgeLobattoReference edge;

// all methods of EdgeLobatto can be used in EdgeLobattoReference
int nb_pts = edge.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside();
// etc

// to obtain the class ElementGeomReference, use GetGeometricElement :
const ElementGeomReference<Dimension1> elt_geom = edge.GetGeometricElement();

// you can cast this class to EdgeLobatto if you want
const EdgeLobatto& edge_geom = static_cast<const EdgeLobatto&>(elt_geom);



VectReal_wp Points

This attribute stores the integration points of the finite element.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  cout << "Integration points = " << edge.Points << endl;

Location :




VectReal_wp Weights

This attribute stores the integration weights of the finite element.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  cout << "Integration weights = " << edge.Weights << endl;

Location :




bool LumpedMassMatrix() const

This method returns true if the mass matrix is diagonal (mass lumping).

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  bool mass_lumped = edge.LumpedMassMatrix();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



int GetHybridType() const

This method returns 0. It is present to ensure genericity with 2-D finite elements.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  int type = edge.GetHybridType();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



size_t GetMemorySize() const

This method returns the memory used by the object in bytes.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  size_t mem_used = edge.GetMemorySize();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



int GetOrder() const

This method returns the order of approximation for the constructed finite element. It corresponds to the maximal polynomial degree of basis functions.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  int order = edge.GetOrder(); // should give order = 4

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



int GetGeometryOrder() const

This method returns the order of approximation for the geometry. It corresponds to the maximal polynomial degree of shape functions.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  int order = edge.GetGeometryOrder(); // should give order = 4

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



const VectReal_wp& PointsDof() const

This method returns the points associated with degrees of freedom. These points are used to project a function on the finite element basis (with the method ComputeProjectionDofRef).

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  const VectReal_wp& pts_dof = edge.PointsDof();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



int GetNbPointsQuadratureInside() const

This method returns the number of integration points.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  int nb_pts_quad = edge.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



int GetNbDof() const

This method returns the number of degrees of freedom.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  int nb_dof = edge.GetNbDof();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



int GetNbPointsNodalElt() const

This method returns the number of nodal points.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  int nb_nodes = edge.GetNbPointsNodalElt();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



FiniteElementProjector* GetNewNodalInterpolation() const

This method returns a new projector (class that derives from FiniteElementProjector) that can be used to compute the interpolation from nodal points to other points.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // we create the object with GetNewNodalInterpolation
  FiniteElementProjector* proj;
  proj = edge.GetNewNodalInterpolation();

  // then we can compute the projector with Init
  VectReal_wp other_points(3);
  other_points(0) = 0.5; other_points(1) = 0.9; other_points(2) = 1.2;
  proj->Init(edge, other_points);

   // ProjectScalar to compute the projection of a field from nodal points to the other points
  VectReal_wp u_nodal(edge.GetNbPointsNodalElt()); u_nodal.FillRand();
  VectReal_wp u_other(other_points.GetM());
  proj->ProjectScalar(u_nodal, u_other);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



void ConstructFiniteElement(int order, int rgeom, int rquad, int type_quad, int type_func)

This method constructs a finite element at a given order. Only the first argument is needed, other arguments are optional.


order (in)
order of approximation for the finite element space
rgeom (optional)
order of approximation for shape functions (geometry)
rquad (optional)
order for quadrature rules
type_quad (optional)
type of integration rule to use
type_func (optional)
type of points (for interpolatory finite elements)

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void GetPolynomialFunctions(Vector<UnivariatePolynomial>& phi, Vector<UnivariatePolynomial>& dphi) const

This method makes explicit the basis functions as polynomials. This method should be used with caution, because the polynomial coefficients can be very large for high order finite elements. The evaluation of these polynomials with Horner algorithm will be instable for very high order. To have stable algorithms, it is advised to call ComputeValuesPhiRef.


phi (out)
basis functions
dphi (out)
derivatives of basis functions

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // if you need to know the polynomial coefficients of the basis functions
  Vector<UnivariatePolynomial<Real_wp> > phi, dphi;
  edge.GetPolynomialFunctions(phi, dphi);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void ComputeValuesPhiRef(Real_wp x, VectReal_wp& phi) const

This method evaluates the basis functions at a given point in the unit interval [0, 1].


x (in)
coordinate of the point in [0, 1]
phi (out)
basis functions evaluated at this point

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // if you need to know phi_i(x)
  Real_wp x = 0.41; VectReal_wp phi;
  edge.ComputeValuesPhiRef(x, phi);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void ComputeGradientPhiRef(Real_wp x, VectReal_wp& dphi) const

This method evaluates the derivative of basis functions at a given point in the unit interval [0, 1].


x (in)
coordinate of the point in [0, 1]
dphi (out)
derivative of basis functions evaluated at this point

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // if you need to know phi_i(x)
  Real_wp x = 0.41; VectReal_wp phi;
  edge.ComputeValuesPhiRef(x, phi);

  // and derivatives
  VectReal_wp dphi;
  edge.ComputeGradientPhiRef(x, dphi);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



Real_wp GetValuePhi1D(int i, Real_wp x) const

This method evaluates a single basis function at a given point in the unit interval [0, 1]. Usually, it is more efficient to compute all basis functions (with ComputeValuesPhiRef) than each basis function separately.


i (in)
basis function number
x (in)
coordinate of the point in [0, 1]

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // if you need to evaluate a single basis function phi_i(x)
  int i = 2; Real_wp x = 0.41;
  Real_wp phi = edge.GetValuePhi1D(i, x);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



Real_wp GetGradientPhi1D(int i, Real_wp x) const

This method evaluates the derivative of a single basis function at a given point in the unit interval [0, 1]. Usually, it is more efficient to compute the derivative of all basis functions (with ComputeGradientPhiRef) than each basis function separately.


i (in)
basis function number
x (in)
coordinate of the point in [0, 1]

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // if you need to evaluate a single basis function phi_i(x)
  int i = 2; Real_wp x = 0.41;
  Real_wp phi = edge.GetValuePhi1D(i, x);

  // and its derivative
  Real_wp dphi = edge.GetGradientPhi1D(i, x);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void GetValueSinglePhiQuadrature(int i, VectReal_wp& phi) const

This method evaluates a single basis function φi on integration points of the unit interval.


i (in)
basis function number
phi (out)
values of φi on integration points

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // if you need to know phi_i(x_j) where x_j are integration points
  int i = 2; VectReal_wp phi;
  edge.GetValueSinglePhiQuadrature(i, phi);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void ComputeValuesPhiNodalRef(Real_wp x, VectReal_wp& phi) const

This method evaluates the shape functions at a given point in the unit interval [0, 1].


x (in)
coordinate of the point in [0, 1]
phi (out)
shape functions evaluated at this point

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // if you need to know phi_i(x) where phi_i are Lagrange polynomial associated with nodal points
  Real_wp x = 0.41; VectReal_wp phi;
  edge.ComputeValuesPhiNodalRef(x, phi);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void FjElem(const VectReal_wp& s, VectReal_wp& points) const

This method computes the integration points on the real interval [s0, s1]:

where are integration points on the unit interval [0, 1].


s (in)
extremities of the real interval
points (out)
integration points on the real interval

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // extremities of the element
  VectReal_wp s(2);
  s(0) = 3.0; s(1) = 3.2;

  // integration points on the real interval
  VectReal_wp points;
  edge.FjElem(s, points);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void FjElemDof(const VectReal_wp& s, VectReal_wp& points) const

This method computes the dof points on the real interval [s0, s1]:

where are dof points on the unit interval [0, 1].


s (in)
extremities of the real interval
points (out)
dof points on the real interval

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // extremities of the element
  VectReal_wp s(2);
  s(0) = 3.0; s(1) = 3.2;

  // dof points on the real interval
  VectReal_wp points;
  edge.FjElemDof(s, points);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



const Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, RowSymPacked>& GetStiffnessMatrix() const

This method returns the stiffness matrix given as:

where φi are basis functions. The stiffness matrix is returned as a dense matrix even though it may be sparse.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // stiffness matrix
  const Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, RowSymPacked>& K = edge.GetStiffnessMatrix();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



const Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, RowSymPacked>& GetMassMatrix() const

This method returns the mass matrix given as:

where φi are basis functions. The mass matrix is returned as a dense matrix even though it may be sparse.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // mass matrix
  const Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, RowSymPacked>& M = edge.GetMassMatrix();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



const Matrix<Real_wp>& GetGradientMatrix() const

This method returns the gradient matrix given as:

where φi are basis functions. The gradient matrix is returned as a dense matrix even though it may be sparse.

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // gradient matrix
  const Matrix<Real_wp>& R = edge.GetGradientMatrix();

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReferenceInline.cxx



void ComputeIntegralRef(const Vector& feval, Vector& res) const

This method computes the integral of a function against basis functions :

where φi are basis functions. Contrary to 2-D or 3-D finite elements, the input vector contains evaluations of the function f without multiplication by integration weights.


feval (in)
values of f on integration points
res (out)
result vector

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // number of integration points
  int nb_pts = edge.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside();
  // we evaluate a function f = cos(x)
  VectReal_wp feval(nb_pts);
  for (int i = 0; i < nb_pts; i++)
    feval(i) = cos(edge.Points(i));
  // integration against basis functions
  VectReal_wp contrib;
  edge.ComputeIntegralRef(feval, contrib);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void ApplyCh(const Vector& feval, Vector& res) const

This method computes the integral of a function against basis functions :

where φi are basis functions. Contrary to ComputeIntegralRef, the input vector contains evaluations of the function f multiplied by integration weights. Since weights are included, the result is given as

where xj are integration points.


feval (in)
values of f on integration points (multiplied by weights)
res (out)
result vector

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // number of integration points
  int nb_pts = edge.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside();
  // we evaluate a function f = cos(x) and we multiply with the weights
  VectReal_wp feval(nb_pts);
  for (int i = 0; i < nb_pts; i++)
    feval(i) = edge.Weights(i)*cos(edge.Points(i));
  // integration against basis functions
  VectReal_wp contrib;
  edge.ApplyCh(feval, contrib);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void ApplyChTranspose(const Vector& u, Vector& u_quad) const

This method evaluates a field on integration points from components on degrees of freedom. The result is given as :

where φi are basis functions and xk integration points.


u (in)
components on degrees of freedom
res (out)
values on integration points

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // starting from a field defined on degrees of freedom
  VectReal_wp u(edge.GetNbDof()); u.FillRand();

  // values of u on integration points
  VectReal_wp u_quad;
  edge.ApplyChTranspose(u, u_quad);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void ComputeIntegralGradientRef(const Vector& feval, Vector& res) const

This method computes the integral of a function against the derivative of basis functions :

where φi are basis functions. Contrary to 2-D or 3-D finite elements, the input vector contains evaluations of the function f without multiplication by integration weights.


feval (in)
values of f on integration points
res (out)
result vector

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // number of integration points
  int nb_pts = edge.GetNbPointsQuadratureInside();
  // we evaluate a function f = cos(x)
  VectReal_wp feval(nb_pts);
  for (int i = 0; i < nb_pts; i++)
    feval(i) = cos(edge.Points(i));
  // integration against the derivative of basis functions
  VectReal_wp contrib;
  edge.ComputeIntegralGradientRef(feval, contrib);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void ComputeProjectionDofRef(const Vector& feval, Vector& res) const

This method projects a field f on the finite element basis. The input vector feval contains the evaluation of f on dof points.


feval (in)
values of f on dof points
res (out)
result vector

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // number of dof points
  int nb_pts = edge.PointsDof().GetM();
  // we evaluate a function f = cos(x)
  VectReal_wp feval(nb_pts);
  for (int i = 0; i < nb_pts; i++)
    feval(i) = cos(edge.PointsDof()(i));
  // projection on degrees of freedom
  VectReal_wp u;
  edge.ComputeProjectionDofRef(feval, u);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void AddConstantElemMatrix(int m, int n, Real_wp mass, Real_wp C, Real_wp D, Real_wp E, TinyVector<bool, 4> null_term, VirtualMatrix& A) const

This method adds an elementary matrix to the matrix A :

A[m:m+N, n:n+N] += B

where N is the number of degrees of freedom. The elementary matrix B is given as

where mass, C, D and E are constant coefficients and φi are basis functions. mass C, D and E are constant coefficients. For example if you have the following matrix in the real interval [a, b]:

where ρ, μ, δ and η are constant physical indexes. This integral is transformed in the unit interval :

Therefore, you can set the coefficients mass, C, D and E with :

Then you can call the method AddConstantElemMatrix. The destination matrix A derives from the class VirtualMatrix, it can be a symmetric or general matrix (even sparse). The argument null_term can be used if you want to skip some terms. If null_term(0) is true, the term with mass is not computed (nor added). If null_term(1) is true, the term with C is not computed. If null_term(2) (resp. null_term(3)) is true, the term with D (resp. E) is not computed.


m (in)
starting row index for A
n (in)
starting column index for A
mass (in)
coefficient mass
C (in)
coefficient C
D (in)
coefficient D
E (in)
coefficient E
null_term (in)
if null_term(i) the i-th term is not computed
A (inout)
matrix to which the mass matrix will be added

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;
  // given interval
  Real_wp a = 2.0, b = 2.5;

  // physical indexes
  Real_wp rho = 2.0, mu = 3.0, delta = 0.8, eta = 1.4;

  // taking into account transformation into the unit interval
  Real_wp mass = rho*(b-a), C = mu/(b-a), D = delta, E = eta;

  // we compute the elementary matrix
  int N = edge.GetNbDof();
  Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, RowSymPacked> A(N, N);
  TinyVector<bool, 4> null_term(false, false, false, false);
  edge.AddConstantElemMatrix(0, 0, mass, C, D, E, null_term, A);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx



void AddVariableElemMatrix(int m, int n, Real_wp mass, Real_wp C, Real_wp D, Real_wp E, TinyVector<bool, 4> null_term, VirtualMatrix& A) const

This method adds an elementary matrix to the matrix A :

A[m:m+N, n:n+N] += B

where N is the number of degrees of freedom. The elementary matrix B is given as

where mass, C, D and E are variable coefficients and φi are basis functions. For example if you have the following matrix in the real interval [a, b]:

where ρ, μ, δ and η are physical indexes. This integral is transformed in the unit interval :

Therefore, you can set the coefficients mass, C, D and E with :

where xj, ωj are quadrature points and weights. Then you can call the method AddVariableElemMatrix. The destination matrix A derives from the class VirtualMatrix, it can be a symmetric or general matrix (even sparse). Since the weights are already included in the coefficients, the method performs the following operation:

The argument null_term can be used if you want to skip some terms. If null_term(0) is true, the term with mass is not computed (nor added). If null_term(1) is true, the term with C is not computed. If null_term(2) (resp. null_term(3)) is true, the term with D (resp. E) is not computed.


m (in)
starting row index for A
n (in)
starting column index for A
mass (in)
coefficient mass
C (in)
coefficient C
D (in)
coefficient D
E (in)
coefficient E
null_term (in)
if null_term(i) the i-th term is not computed
A (inout)
matrix to which the mass matrix will be added

Example :

  EdgeLobatto edge;

  // number of quadrature points
  int nb_pts = edge.NbPointsQuadratureInside();
  // given interval
  Real_wp a = 2.0, b = 2.5;

  // physical indexes (to be evaluated on integration points)
  VectReal_wp rho(nb_pts), mu(nb_pts), delta(nb_pts), eta(nb_pts);
  rho.FillRand(); mu.FillRand(); delta.FillRand(); eta.FillRand();

  // taking into account transformation into the unit interval
  VectReal_wp mass(nb_pts), C(nb_pts), D(nb_pts), E(nb_pts);
  for (int i = 0; i < nb_pts; i++)
      mass(i) = rho(i)*(b-a)*edge.Weights(i);
      C(i) = mu(i)/(b-a)*edge.Weights(i);
      D(i) = delta(i)*edge.Weights(i); E(i) = eta(i)*edge.Weights(i);

  // we compute the elementary matrix
  int N = edge.GetNbDof();
  Matrix<Real_wp, Symmetric, RowSymPacked> A(N, N);
  TinyVector<bool, 4> null_term(false, false, false, false);
  edge.AddVariableElemMatrix(0, 0, mass, C, D, E, null_term, A);

Location :

FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.hxx   FiniteElement/Edge/EdgeReference.cxx