Methods (ie member functions) are associated with the class indicated between parenthesis. If no parenthesis is present after the name, it is a function.
absSquare | returns the square modulus of a number |
Add | adds two vectors/matrices |
Add | adds a distributed matrix to another one |
AddDistantInteraction (DistributedMatrix) | adds a value to A(i, j) where i is local and j global |
AddInteraction (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | adds a coefficient to the vector |
AddInteractionRow (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | adds coefficients to the vector |
AddInteraction (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | adds/inserts an element in the matrix |
AddInteractionColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | adds/inserts elements in a matrix column |
AddInteractionRow (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | adds/inserts an element in a matrix row |
AddRowDistantInteraction (DistributedMatrix) | adds a value to A(i, j) where i is global and j local |
Allocate (ArpackSolver) | allocation of internal arrays |
Append (Vector<T>) | appends an element to the end of the vector |
ApplyInversePermutation | permutes row and column numbers of a matrix |
ApplyInversePermutation | applies the inverse of a permutation to a distributed matrix |
ApplyPermutation | applies a permutation (rows and columns) to a distributed matrix |
ApplyModifRot | applies rotation to 2-D points |
ApplyPermutation | permutes row and column numbers of a matrix |
ApplyRot | applies rotation to 2-D points |
ApplyScalingEigenvec | applies spectral transformation to eigenvalues/eigenvectors |
ApplySor (VirtualMatrix) | performs a over-relaxation step |
Assemble | assembles a vector |
Assemble (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | sorts row numbers (duplicate values are summed) |
Assemble (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | assembles the matrix (duplicate values are summed) |
AssembleDistributed | assembles a distributed matrix |
AssembleImagRow / AssembleImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | assembles a row of imaginary part |
AssembleRealRow / AssembleRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | assembles a row of real part |
AssembleRow / AssembleColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | assembles a row |
AssembleVector | Assembles a distributed vector |
AssembleVectorMin | Assembles a distributed vector by taking the minimum of two arrays |
BiCg | BIConjugate Gradient |
BiCgcr | BIConjugate Gradient Conjugate Residual |
BiCgStab | BIConjugate Gradient STABilized |
BiCgStabl | BIConjugate Gradient STABilized (L) |
Cg | Conjugate Gradient |
Cgne | Conjugate Gradient Normal Equation |
Cgs | Conjugate Gradient Squared |
CheckBounds | Checks if the indexes of an array/matrix are out of bounds |
CheckBoundsSym | Checks if the indexes of a symmetric matrix are out of bounds |
CheckBoundsTriang | Checks if the indexes of a triangular matrix are out of bounds |
CheckParameter (ArpackSolver) | Checking input parameters |
Clear (Vector) | removes all elements of the vector |
Clear (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | removes all elements of the vector |
Clear (VirtualMatrix) | removes all elements of the matrix |
Clear (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | removes all elements of the matrix |
Clear (Array3D<T>) | removes all elements of the 3-D array |
Clear (Array4D<T>) | removes all elements of the 4-D array |
Clear (Array<T, N>) | removes all elements of the N-D array |
Clear (Vector2) | removes all elements of an inner or outer vector |
Clear (Vector3) | removes all elements of an inner or outer vector |
Clear (SparseDirectSolver) | Releases memory used by factorization |
Clear(IlutPreconditioning) | clears memory used by incomplete factorisation |
Clear (EigenProblem_Base) | Clears memory used by factorizations (if any present) |
Clear (ArpackSolver) | Clears memory used by internal arrays |
Clear (DistributedMatrix) | erases the matrix |
Clear (DistributedMatrixIntegerArray) | clears stored arrays |
ClearArpackVerbose (ArpackSolver) | returns to silent mode |
ClearImagRow / ClearImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | clears a row of imaginary part |
ClearRealRow / ClearRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | clears a row of real part |
ClearRow / ClearColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | clears a row |
CoCg | Conjugate Orthogonal Conjugate Gradient |
ComplexAbs | returns the modulus of a number |
ComputeAndFactorizeStiffnessMatrix (EigenProblem_Base) | Computation and factorization of a M + b K |
ComputeDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Computation of diagonal of M |
ComputeMassForCholesky (EigenProblem_Base) | Computes the mass matrix for a Cholesky factorization |
ComputeMassMatrix (EigenProblem_Base) | Computation of mass matrix M |
ComputeOperator (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | computes a linear combination of matrices Ai |
ComputeSolution (EigenProblem_Base) | Solves (a M + b K) x = b by using factorization |
ComputeStiffnessMatrix (EigenProblem_Base) | Computation of stiffness matrix K |
conjugate | returns the conjugate of a number |
Conjugate | conjugates a vector/matrix |
Conjugate | computes the conjugate of a distributed matrix |
ConstructArrays (DistributedMatrixIntegerArray) | constructs stored arrays from global row numbers |
ConstructPreconditioner (HyprePreconditioner) | Constructs the preconditioning by calling Hypre |
Continue (ArpackSolver) | performs one step of the algorithm, returns true if the iterative algorithm has ended |
ConvertMatrix_from_Coordinates | conversion of a matrix given as a triplet (i, j, val) to a sparse matrix |
ConvertMatrix_to_Coordinates | conversion of a sparse matrix into coordinates format |
ConvertToCSC | converts a sparse matrix to CSC (Compressed Sparse Column) format |
ConvertToCSR | converts a sparse matrix to CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) format |
ConvertToSparse | converts dense matrices to sparse matrices by specifying a threshold. |
Copy | copies one vector into another one |
Copy (Vector) | copies a vector |
Copy | copies a sparse matrix into another one (conversion of format if needed) |
Copy (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | copies a vector |
Copy (Matrix<T>) | copies a matrix |
Copy | Copies/Converts a distributed matrix into another one |
Copy (Array3D<T>) | copies a 3-D array |
Copy (Array4D<T>) | copies a 4-D array |
Copy (Array<T, N>) | copies a N-D array |
Copy (Vector2) | copies a vector of vectors |
CopySubMatrix | extracts a sub-matrix from a sparse matrix |
Deallocate (ArpackSolver) | deallocation of internal arrays |
DiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Returns true if eigenvalues of M-1/2 K M-1/2are searched (M diagonal) |
DiagonalMass (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | returns true if the mass matrix is diagonal |
DisableOutOfCore(MatrixMumps) | Disable out-of-core computations |
DistributeEigenvectors (GeneralEigenProblem) | Distributes eigenvectors among processors (parallel) |
DoNotRefineSolution(SparseDirectSolver) | Does not refine the solution when calling solve |
DotProd | scalar product between two vectors |
DotProd | returns the scalar product between distributed vectors |
DotProdConj | scalar product between two vectors, first vector being conjugated |
DotProdConj | returns the scalar product between distributed vectors, the first one being conjugated |
EnableCommandLineOptions (SlepcParamNep) | allows the user to provide parameters of the solver through the command line |
EnableEstimateNumberEigenval (FeastParam) | Asks Feast to estimate the number of eigenvalues contained in the selected region |
EnableOutOfCore(MatrixMumps) | Enables out-of-core computations |
ExchangeVector | Exchanges values shared by processors |
ExchangeRelaxVector | Exchanges with relaxation values shared by processors |
ErrorCode (Iteration) | returns error code |
EraseCol | erases columns in the distributed matrix |
EraseCol | erases several columns of a sparse matrix |
EraseRow | erases rows in the distributed matrix |
EraseRow | erases several rows of a sparse matrix |
EstimateNumberEigenval (FeastParam) | returns true if we require an estimate of the number of eigenvalues contained in the selected region |
Factorize (SparseDirectSolver) | Performs the factorization of a sparse matrix |
Factorize (SparseCholeskySolver) | Performs the factorization of a sparse matrix |
Factorize (SparseDistributedSolver) | Factorize a sequential matrix or a distributed matrix |
Factorize (DistributedCholeskySolver) | Factorize a sequential matrix or a distributed matrix |
FactorizeCholeskyMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Computation of Cholesky factor L of mass matrix (M = L LT |
FactorizeDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Computation of M1/2, once M is known |
FactorizeDistributed (SparseDirectSolver) | Performs the factorization of a distributed matrix (parallel execution) |
FactorizeMass (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | factorizes the mass matrix |
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixCholmod) | Factorizes a matrix using cholmod |
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixMumps) | Factorizes a matrix using Mumps |
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixPardiso) | Factorizes a matrix using Pardiso |
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixPastix) | Factorizes a matrix using Pastix |
FactorizeMatrix(SparseSeldonSolver) | Factorizes a matrix using Seldon |
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixSuperLU) | Factorizes a matrix using SuperLU |
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixUmfPack) | Factorizes a matrix using UmfPack |
FactorizeMatrix(MatrixWsmp) | Factorizes a matrix using Wsmp |
FactorizeMatrix (IlutPreconditioning) | performs incomplete factorisation |
FactorizeOperator (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | factorizes a linear combination of matrices Ai |
Fail (Iteration) | informs that the iterative solver failed |
Fill (Vector) | sets all elements to a given value |
Fill (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | sets all elements to a given value |
Fill (Matrix<T>) | sets all elements to a given value |
Fill (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | sets all elements to a given value |
Fill (Array3D<T>) | sets all elements to a given value |
Fill (Array4D<T>) | sets all elements to a given value |
Fill (Array<T, N>) | sets all elements to a given value |
Fill (Vector2) | fills outer or inner vectors with the same value |
Fill (Vector3) | fills outer or inner vectors with the same value |
Fill (DistributedMatrix) | fills non-zero entries with 0, 1, 2, etc |
FillComplexEigenvectors (GeneralEigenProblem) | Fills complex eigenvectors (instead of using Lapack form) |
FillRand (Vector) | fills randomly the vector |
FillRand (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | fills randomly the vector |
FillRand (Matrix<T>) | fills randomly the matrix |
FillRand (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | fills randomly the matrix |
FillRand (Array3D<T>) | fills randomly the elements |
FillRand (Array4D<T>) | fills randomly the elements |
FillRand (Array<T, N>) | fills randomly the elements |
FillRand (DistributedMatrix) | fills non-zero entries with random values |
FinalizeSeldon | initializes Seldon (at the beginning of the program) |
FindEigenvaluesArpack | computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given problem by calling Arpack |
FindEigenvaluesFeast | computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given problem by calling Feast |
FindEigenvaluesSlepc | computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given problem by calling Slepc |
FindOrdering(MatrixMumps) | computes matrix ordering to reduce fill-in during factorisation |
FindSparseOrdering | computes matrix ordering to reduce fill-in during factorisation |
Finish (ArpackSolver) | completes computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
Finished (Iteration) | returns true if the stopping criteria are satisfied |
First (Iteration) | returns true for the first iteration |
Flatten (Vector2) | copies the elements into a simple vector |
Flatten (Vector3) | copies the elements into a simple vector |
FullBasis (SlepcParamNep) | returns true if a full basis in nep solver is used |
GatherSparseEntry | fills a sparse vector with a dense one |
GatherSparseEntryZero | fills a sparse vector with a dense one, the dense vector is zeroed. |
Gauss | basic Gauss pivoting for dense matrices. |
GaussSeidel | performs a Gauss-Seidel iteration for dense matrices. |
Gcr | Generalized Conjugate Residual |
Get (Matrix<T>) | returns reference to A(i, j) |
Get (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns reference to A(i, j) |
GetAdditionalFillNumber (IlutPreconditioning) | returns the number of additional elements per row (used for ILUT(k)) |
GetAnasaziParameters (EigenProblem_Base) | Returns the class storing parameters specific to Anasazi |
GetAndSolveLU | factorisation and resolution of a linear system |
GetAngleEllipseSpectrum (FeastParam) | Gets the angle of the ellipse where eigenvalues are searched |
GetBaseString | returns the base (without the extension) of a file name |
GetBlockSize (SlepcParam) | Returns the block size |
GetBorthogonalization (SlepcParam) | Returns the orthogonalization used in GD/JD solver |
GetCholesky | performs a Cholesky factorization of a sparse matrix |
GetCholesky | performs a Cholesky (A = LLT) factorization for symmetric positive definite matrices |
GetCircleCenterSpectrum (FeastParam) | Gets the center of the circle where eigenvalues are searched |
GetCircleRadiusSpectrum (FeastParam) | Gets the radius of the circle where eigenvalues are searched |
GetCol | extracts a matrix column |
GetCol | extracts a column of a distributed matrix |
GetColPermutation(MatrixSuperLU) | returns the permutation used for the rows |
GetColSum | sums absolute values of non-zero entries by column |
GetColSum | computes the sum of absolute values for each column of distributed matrices |
GetCommunicator (DistributedVector) | returns the communicator associated with the distributed vector |
GetCommunicator (DistributedMatrix) | returns the MPI communicator associated with the matrix |
GetCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem |
GetComparisonEigenvalueSlepc (GeneralEigenProblem) | compares two eigenvalues with a user-defined function |
GetComplexShift (GeneralEigenProblem) | Forms a complex shift from real/imaginary part |
GetConvergedNumber (ArpackSolver) | returns the number of converged eigenvalues |
GetComputationalMode (EigenProblem_Base) | Returns the computational mode used (regular, shifted, ...) |
GetData (Vector) | returns a pointer to the array contained in the vector |
GetData (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns a pointer to the values |
GetData (Matrix<T>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetData (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetData (Array3D<T>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetData (Array4D<T>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetData (Array<T, N>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetDataConst (Vector) | returns a pointer to the array contained in the vector |
GetDataConst (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns a pointer to the values |
GetDataConst (Matrix<T>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetDataConstVoid (Vector) | returns a pointer to the array contained in the vector |
GetDataConstVoid (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns a pointer to the values |
GetDataConstVoid (Matrix<T>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetDataPointer (Array3D<T>) | returns a pointer to A(i, j, k) |
GetDataPointer (Array4D<T>) | returns a pointer to A(i, j, k, l) |
GetDataSize (Vector) | returns the number of elements in the vector |
GetDataSize (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns the number of elements in the vector |
GetDataSize (Matrix<T>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored |
GetDataSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored |
GetDataSize (Array3D<T>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored |
GetDataSize (Array4D<T>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored |
GetDataSize (Array<T, N>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored |
GetDataSize (DistributedMatrix) | returns the number of non-zero entries stored in the matrix |
GetDataVoid (Vector) | returns a pointer to the array contained in the vector |
GetDataVoid (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns a pointer to the values |
GetDataVoid (Matrix<T>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values |
GetDiagonalCoefficient (IlutPreconditioning) | returns diagonal coefficient used in ILUD |
GetDirectSolver (SparseDirectSolver) | Returns the direct solver that will be used during the factorization |
GetDirectSolver (SplitSparseNonLinearEigenProblem) | returns the direct solver used for preconditioning |
GetDistantColSize (DistributedMatrix) | returns the number of distant non-zero entries for row i |
GetDistantRowSize (DistributedMatrix) | returns the number of distant non-zero entries for column i |
GetDoubleExpansion (SlepcParam) | Returns the double expansion flag used in GD/JD solver |
GetDroppingThreshold (IlutPreconditioning) | returns threshold to determine elements to drop in ilut preconditioning |
GetEigenvalues | computes eigenvalues |
GetEigensolverType (AnasaziParam) | Returns the eigensolver to use in Anasazi |
GetEigensolverType (SlepcParam) | Returns the eigensolver to use |
GetEigensolverType (SlepcParamPep) | returns the eigensolver to use in PEP |
GetEigensolverType (SlepcParamNep) | returns the eigensolver to use in NEP |
GetEigensolverChar (SlepcParam) | Returns the eigensolver to use (as a string) |
GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors | computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
GetEigenvaluesEigenvectors | computes some eigenvalues and eigenvectors of sparse matrices |
GetEigenValue (ArpackSolver) | returns i-th eigenvalue |
GetEigenVector (ArpackSolver) | returns pointer to i-th eigenvector |
GetExtension | returns the extension (without the point) of a file name |
GetExtractionType (SlepcParam) | Returns the type of extraction to use in CISS |
GetFactorisationType(IlutPreconditioning) | returns the type of incomplete factorisation |
GetFeastParameters (EigenProblem_Base) | Returns the class storing parameters specific to FEAST |
GetFeastParameters (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | returns the parameters for Feast |
GetFillLevel (IlutPreconditioning) | returns the fill-level k (if ILU(k) is set) |
GetFirstWorkVector (ArpackSolver) | returns pointer to first working vector |
GetGlobalCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the global MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem |
GetGlobalM (DistributedMatrix) | returns the global number of rows |
GetGlobalM (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the global number of rows of the eigenproblem |
GetGlobalRankCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) | Gets the rank of the processor in the global MPI communicator |
GetGlobalRowNumber (DistributedMatrix) | returns local to global numbering |
GetHessenberg | reduces a dense matrix to its Hessenberg form |
GetImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns a reference to imaginary part of A(i, j) |
GetImagData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values of the imaginary part |
GetImagDataSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored for the imaginary part |
GetImagInd (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the column indexes of the imaginary part |
GetImagIndSize (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) | returns size of array Ind of imaginary part |
GetImagNonZeros (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored for the imaginary part |
GetImagPtr (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) | returns size of array Ptr of imaginary part |
GetImagPtrSize (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing row numbers of imaginary part |
GetImagRowSize / GetImagColumnSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns the number of elements in the row of imaginary part |
GetImagShiftValue (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns imaginary part of the shift (real unsymmetric problem) |
GetInd (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing column numbers |
GetIndex (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns a pointer to the row numbers |
GetIndex (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing column numbers |
GetIndSize (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) | returns size of array Ind |
GetInfoFactorization (SparseDirectSolver) | Returns an error code associated with the factorisation (0 if successful) |
GetInfoFlag (ArpackSolver) | returns info parameter (result of iterative algorithm) |
GetInitialSize (SlepcParam) | Returns the initial size used in GD/JD solver |
GetInnerSteps (SlepcParam) | Returns the number of inner steps |
GetInterpolationDegree (SlepcParamNep) | returns the polynomial degree to use for the interpolation |
GetInterpolationTolerance (SlepcParamNep) | returns the threshold to use for the interpolation |
GetInverse | computes the matrix inverse |
GetKrylovRestart (SlepcParam) | Returns the Krylov start flag used in GD/JD solver |
GetLength (Vector) | returns the number of elements in the vector |
GetLength (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns the number of elements in the vector |
GetLength (Array<T, N>) | returns the number of elements along a dimension of the array |
GetLength (Vector2) | returns the size of inner vectors or outer vectors |
GetLength ((Vector3) | returns the size of inner vectors or outer vectors |
GetLength1 (Array3D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the first dimension of 3-D array |
GetLength1 (Array4D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the first dimension of 4-D array |
GetLength2 (Array3D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the second dimension of 3-D array |
GetLength2 (Array4D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the second dimension of 4-D array |
GetLength3 (Array3D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the third dimension of 3-D array |
GetLength3 (Array4D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the third dimension of 4-D array |
GetLength4 (Array4D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the fourth dimension of 4-D array |
GetLiMin (SlepcParamNep) | returns the minimal value of imaginary part of λ |
GetLiMax (SlepcParamNep) | returns the maximal value of imaginary part of lambda |
GetLocalM (DistributedMatrix) | returns the local number of rows |
GetLocalN (DistributedMatrix) | returns the local number of rows |
GetLowerBoundInterval (FeastParam) | Returns the lower bound for the interval where eigenvalues are searched (Feast) |
GetLowerTriangular | extracts lower triangular part of a matrix |
GetLQ | LQ factorization of matrix |
GetLrMin (SlepcParamNep) | returns the minimal value of real part of λ |
GetLrMax (SlepcParamNep) | returns the maximal value of real part of lambda |
GetLU | performs a LU (or LDL^t) factorization |
GetLU | performs a LU factorization of a sparse matrix |
GetM (Vector) | returns the number of elements in the vector |
GetM (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns the number of non-zero entries in the vector |
GetM (VirtualMatrix) | returns the number of rows in the matrix |
GetM (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns the number of rows in the matrix |
GetM (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the local number of rows of the eigenproblem |
GetM (SparseDirectSolver) | Returns the number of rows of the factorized linear system |
GetMaxAbsIndex | returns index where highest absolute value is reached |
GetMaxDataSizeDistantCol (DistributedMatrix) | returns the number of values in distant columns stored in all the processors |
GetMaxDataSizeDistantRow (DistributedMatrix) | returns the number of values in distant rows stored in all the processors |
GetMaximumBlockSize (SlepcParam) | Returns the maximum block size |
GetMemorySize (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns the memory used to store the vector in bytes |
GetMemorySize (DistributedMatrix) | returns the size used by this object in bytes |
GetMemorySize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns the memory used to store the matrix in bytes |
GetMemorySize (Array3D<T>) | returns the memory used to store the array |
GetMemorySize (Array4D<T>) | returns the memory used to store the array |
GetMemorySize(SparseDirectSolver) | returns the memory used by the solver in bytes |
GetMemorySize (Vector2) | returns the memory used by the object in bytes |
GetMemorySize (Vector3) | returns the memory used by the object in bytes |
GetMethod (SlepcParam) | Returns the method to use in PRIMME solver |
GetMomentSize (SlepcParam) | Returns the moment size |
GetN (VirtualMatrix) | returns the number of columns in the matrix |
GetN (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns the number of columns in the matrix |
GetN (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the local number of columns of the eigenproblem |
GetN (SparseDirectSolver) | Returns the number of columns of the factorized linear system |
GetNbAdditionalEigenvalues (EigenProblem_Base) | Returns the number of additional eigenvalues (workaround due to Arpack bug) |
GetNbArnoldiVectors (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the number of Arnoldi vectors |
GetNbAskedEigenvalues (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the number of wanted eigenvalues |
GetNbBlocks (AnasaziParam) | Returns the number of blocks to use in Anasazi solvers |
GetNbLinearSolves (GeneralEigenProblem) | returns the number of linear solves performed by the eigensolver |
GetNbMatrixVectorProducts (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the number of matrix-vector products performed by the eigenvalue solver |
GetNbMaximumIterations (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the maximum number of iterations allowed for the iterative process |
GetNbMaximumRestarts (AnasaziParam) | Returns the maximal number of restarts in Anasazi |
GetNbOverlap (DistributedVector) | returns the numbers of rows already handled by another processor |
GetNbScalarUnknowns (DistributedMatrix) | returns the number of scalar unknowns |
GetNelement (Vector2) | returns the total number of elements stored |
GetNelement (Vector3) | returns the total number of elements stored |
GetNonZeros (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored |
GetNodlScalar (DistributedMatrix) | returns the number of rows for a scalar unknown |
GetNonZeros (DistributedMatrix) | returns the number of non-zero entries stored in the matrix |
GetNonZeros (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns the number of non-zero entries stored in the matrix |
GetNormInf (Vector) | returns highest absolute value |
GetNormInf (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns highest absolute value |
GetNormInfIndex (Vector) | returns the index of the highest absolute value |
GetNormInfIndex (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns the index of the highest absolute value |
GetNumberConvergedVectors (SlepcParam) | Returns the number of converged vectors |
GetNumberConvergedVectorsProjected (SlepcParam) | Returns the number of projected converged vectors |
GetNumberIntegrationPoints (SlepcParam) | Returns the number of integration points to use |
GetNumberIteration (Iteration) | returns iteration number |
GetNumberOfSteps (SlepcParam) | Returns the number of steps |
GetNumberOfThreadPerNode (SparseDirectSolver) | Returns the number of threads per node (relevant for Pastix only) |
GetNumberPartitions (SlepcParam) | Returns the number of partitions |
GetNumOfQuadraturePoints (FeastParam) | returns the number of quadrature points used in the contour |
GetOrthoManager (AnasaziParam) | Returns the orthogonalization manager in Anasazi |
GetOuterSteps (SlepcParam) | Returns the number of outer steps |
GetOverlapProcNumber (DistributedMatrix) | returns the array containing the processor numbers of rows already handled by an another processor |
GetOverlapRow (DistributedVector) | returns a row number already handled by another processor |
GetOverlapRowNumber (DistributedMatrix) | returns the array containing the numbers of rows already handled by an another processor |
GetPivotBlockInteger (IlutPreconditioning) | returns the maximum k = |i-j| allowed when pivoting for ilut preconditioning |
GetPivotThreshold (IlutPreconditioning) | returns threshold used when pivoting columns for ilut preconditioning |
GetPolynomialDegree (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | returns the polynomial degree |
GetPrintLevel (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the print level |
GetPrintLevel (IlutPreconditioning) | returns the verbose level |
GetProcessorSharingRows (DistributedMatrix) | returns the list of processors that share rows with the current processor |
GetPseudoInverse | computes the pseudo-inverse of a given matrix |
GetPtr (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing row numbers |
GetPtrSize (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) | returns size of array Ptr |
GetQ_FromQR | Forms explicitely Q from QR factorization |
GetQ_FromLQ | Forms explicitely Q from LQ factorization |
GetQR | QR factorization of matrix |
GetQR_Pivot | QR factorization of matrix with pivoting |
GetQuadratureRuleType (SlepcParam) | Returns the type of quadrature rules to use in CISS |
GetRankCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) | Gets the rank of the processor in the MPI communicator |
GetRatioEllipseSpectrum (FeastParam) | Gets the ratio of the ellipse where eigenvalues are searched |
GetRciCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem_Base) | Returns an intermediate MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem (L2 for Feast) |
GetReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns a reference to real part of A(i, j) |
GetRealData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the values of the real part |
GetRealDataSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored for the real part |
GetRealInd (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing the column indexes of the real part |
GetRealIndSize (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) | returns size of array Ind of real part |
GetRealNonZeros (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns the number of elements effectively stored for the real part |
GetRealPtr (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) | returns a pointer to the array containing row numbers of real part |
GetRealPtrSize (Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse>) | returns size of array Ptr of real part |
GetRealRowSize / GetRealColumnSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns the number of elements in the row of real part |
GetRestart (Iteration) | returns restart parameter |
GetRestartNleigs (SlepcParamNep) | returns the restart parameter for Nleigs |
GetRestartNumber (SlepcParam) | Returns the restart number |
GetRestartNumberAdd (SlepcParam) | Returns the incremental restart number |
GetRestartRatio (SlepcParam) | Returns the restart ratio |
GetReverseCommunicationFlag (ArpackSolver) | returns reverse-communication flag (ido parameter) |
GetRKShifts (SlepcParamNep) | returns the shifts to use in Nleigs |
GetRow | extracts a matrix row |
GetRow | extracts a row of a distributed matrix |
GetRowPermutation(MatrixSuperLU) | returns the permutation used for the rows |
GetRowSize / GetColumnSize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | returns the number of elements in the row |
GetRowColSum | sums absolute values of non-zero entries by row and by column |
GetRowColSum | computes the sum of absolute value for each column and row of distributed matrices |
GetRowSum | computes the sum of absolute values for each row (distributed matrices) |
GetRowSum | sums absolute values of non-zero entries by row |
GetSecondWorkVector (ArpackSolver) | returns pointer to second working vector |
GetScalingFactors | computes row and column scalings to equilibrate a matrix |
GetSchurComplement (SparseDistributedSolver) | Computes the Schur complement |
GetSchurMatrix(MatrixMumps) | forms Schur complement |
GetSchurMatrix | forms Schur complement |
GetShape (Vector2) | returns the number of elements contained in an inner vector |
GetShape (Vector3) | returns the number of vectors contained in an inner vector |
GetSharingRowNumbers (DistributedMatrix) | returns the list of rows shared with each processor |
GetShiftType (SlepcParam) | Returns the type of shift to use |
GetShiftValue (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the shift |
GetSize (Vector) | returns the number of elements in the vector |
GetSize (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | returns the number of elements in the vector |
GetSize (VirtualMatrix) | returns the number of elements in the matrix |
GetSize (Array3D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the 3-D array |
GetSize (Array4D<T>) | returns the number of elements in the 4-D array |
GetSize (Array<T, N>) | returns the number of elements in the multidimensional array |
GetSize (Vector2) | returns the size of inner vector or outer vectors |
GetSize (Vector3) | returns the size of inner vector or outer vectors |
GetSlepcParameters (EigenProblem_Base) | Returns the class storing parameters specific to SLEPc |
GetSlepcParameters (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | returns the parameters of PEP solver |
GetSqrtDiagonal (EigenProblem_Base) | Retrieves the square root of diagonal mass matrix |
GetStoppingCriterion (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the stopping criterion used by iterative process |
GetSubMatrix | extracts a sub-matrix from a given distributed matrix |
GetSVD | performs singular value decomposition (SVD) |
GetSymmetricPattern | computes the sparsity pattern of A + A' |
GetThresholdMatrix (SparseDirectSolver) | Returns the threshold used to drop values in ILUT |
GetThresholdRank (SlepcParam) | Returns the rank threshold |
GetThresholdSpurious (SlepcParam) | Returns the spurious threshold |
GetTypeIntegration (FeastParam) | returns the integration rule used in Feast |
GetTypeOrdering (SparseDirectSolver) | Returns the ordering to use when the matrix will be reordered |
GetTypeSorting (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns how eigenvalues are sorted |
GetTypeSpectrum (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns the type of spectrum wanted by the user |
GetTolerance (Iteration) | returns stopping criterion |
GetUpperBoundInterval (FeastParam) | Returns the upper bound for the interval where eigenvalues are searched (Feast) |
GetUpperTriangular | extracts upper triangular part of a matrix |
GetVector (Vector2) | returns outer or inner vectors as reference |
GetVector (Vector3) | returns outer or inner vectors as reference |
Gmres | Generalized Minimum RESidual |
HasElement | returns true if the vector contains a given value |
HasSameShape (Vector2) | returns true if all inner vectors have the same size |
HideMessages (SparseDirectSolver) | Hides all messages of the direct solver |
HideMessages(Iteration) | displays nothing |
IncrementLinearSolves (GeneralEigenProblem) | increments the number of linear solves |
IncrementProdMatVect (GeneralEigenProblem) | Increments the number of matrix-vector products performed by the eigensolver |
Index (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | access to row number |
Index (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | direct access to a column number |
IndexGlobalCol (DistributedMatrix) | returns the global column number of distant non-zero entry j of local row i |
IndexGlobalRow (DistributedMatrix) | returns the global row number of distant non-zero entry j of local column i |
IndexImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | direct access to a column number of imaginary part |
IndexReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | direct access to a column number of real part |
Init (Iteration) | provides right hand side |
Init (GeneralEigenProblem) | Initializes the local number of rows of the eigensolver |
Init (ArpackSolver) | Initialization of eigenvalue problem |
Init (DistributedMatrix) | sets pointers to the arrays containing global row numbers and overlapped rows |
InitMatrix (EigenProblem_Base) | Stiffness matrix (and optionally mass matrix) is given |
InitMatrix (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | Matrices defining the eigenproblem are given |
InitMatrix (SplitSparseNonLinearEigenProblem) | provides the matrices Ai, numerators Pi and denominators Qi |
InitSeldon | initializes Seldon (at the beginning of the program) |
InitSymmetricPreconditioning(SorPreconditioner) | Symmetric SOR will be used |
InitUnSymmetricPreconditioning (SorPreconditioner) | SOR will be used |
InsideRegion (SlepcParamNep) | returns true if the eigenvalue belongs to the provided region |
IsAvailableSolver(SparseDirectSolver) | Returns true if the given solver is available |
IsComplex (VirtualMatrix) | returns true if the matrix is complex |
IsComplexMatrix | returns true if the matrix is complex |
IsEmpty (Vector2) | returns true if all inner vectors have 0-length |
IsHermitianProblem (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns true if the eigenproblem is hermitian |
IsSymmetric (VirtualMatrix) | returns true if the matrix is symmetric |
IsSymmetricMatrix | returns true if the matrix is symmetric |
IsSymmetricProblem (GeneralEigenProblem) | Returns true if the involved matrices defining the eigenproblem are symmetric |
IsInitGuess_Null (Iteration) | returns true if the initial guess is zero |
IsReadyForMltAdd (DistributedMatrix) | returns true if the structure is ready to perform a matrix vector without preparation |
IsSymmetricProblem (eigenvalue solver) | Returns true if the stiffness matrix is symmetric |
LockingVariant (SlepcParamNep) | returns true if a locking-variant is used in nep solver |
Lsqr | Least SQuaRes |
MaxAbs | returns highest absolute value of A |
MaxAbs | returns the maximum absolute value of entries in the distributed matrix |
MergeSort | sorts a vector with merge sort algorithm |
MinRes | Minimum RESidual |
Mlt(MatrixCholmod) | Computes L x or LT where L is a Cholmod factor |
Mlt (DistributedCholeskySolver) | computation of y = LT x or y = L x for Cholesky solver |
Mlt (SparseCholeskySolver) | computation of y = LT x or y = L x for Cholesky solver |
Mlt(MatrixPastix) | computes y = L x or y = LT x |
Mlt | multiplication by a scalar or matrix-vector product |
Mlt | performs a matrix-vector product for distributed matrices |
MltAdd | performs a matrix-vector or matrix-matrix product |
MltAdd | performs a matrix-vector product for distributed matrices |
MltAddVector (VirtualMatrix) | performs a matrix-vector product |
MltCholesky | performs matrix vector product by using Cholesky factorization |
MltCholesky | computes y = L x or y = LT x once GetCholesky has been called |
MltCholeskyMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Multiplication by L or LT |
MltInvSqrtDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Multiplication by M-1/2 |
MltMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Multiplication by mass matrix M |
MltOperator (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | applies the computed operator to a given vector |
MltQ_FromQR | multiplies vector by Q |
MltQ_FromLQ | multiplies vector by Q |
MltSqrtDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Multiplication by M1/2 |
MltStiffness (EigenProblem_Base) | Multiplication by stiffness matrix K |
MltVector (VirtualMatrix) | performs a matrix-vector product |
Norm1 | returns 1-norm of a vector |
Norm1 | returns 1-norm of A |
Norm1 | returns the 1-norm of the distributed matrix |
Norm2 | returns 2-norm of a vector |
Norm2 | returns the euclidian norm of a distributed vector |
NormInf | returns infinity-norm of A |
NormInf | returns the infinite norm of the distributed matrix |
NormFro | returns the Froebenius norm of the distributed matrix |
Nullify (Vector) | clears the vector without releasing memory |
Nullify (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | clears the vector without releasing memory |
Nullify (Matrix<T>) | clears the matrix without releasing memory |
Nullify (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | removes elements of the matrix without releasing memory |
Nullify (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) | clears the matrix without releasing memory |
Nullify (Array3D<T>) | clears the 3-D array without releasing memory |
Nullify (DistributedMatrixIntegerArray) | nullifies stored arrays |
NullifyImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | removes imaginary part of the matrix without releasing memory |
NullifyReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | removes real part of the matrix without releasing memory |
PerformAnalysis(MatrixMumps, SparseDirectSolver) | Performs an analysis of linear system to factorize |
PerformAnalysis (SparseDistributedSolver) | Performs the symbolic factorization of a matrix (distributed or not) |
PerformAnalysisDistributed (SparseDirectSolver) | Performs the analysis of a distributed matrix (parallel execution) |
PerformFactorization(MatrixMumps, SparseDirectSolver) | Performs a factorization of linear system, assuming that PerformAnalysis has been called |
PerformFactorization (SparseDistributedSolver) | Performs the numerical factorization of a matrix (distributed or not) |
PerformFactorizationDistributed (SparseDirectSolver) | Performs the factorization of a distributed matrix (parallel execution), assuming that PerformAnalysisDistributed has been called |
Print (Vector) | displays the vector |
Print (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | displays the vector |
Print (Matrix<T>) | displays the matrix |
Print (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | displays the matrix |
Print (Array3D<T>) | displays the 3-D array |
Print (Array4D<T>) | displays the 4-D array |
Print (Array<T, N>) | displays the N-D array |
Print (Vector2) | displays the object |
Print (Vector3) | displays the object |
PrintErrorInit (EigenProblem_Base) | Prints an error message if InitMatrix has not been called |
PrintImagRow / PrintImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | prints a row of imaginary part |
PrintRealRow / PrintRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | prints a row of real part |
PrintRow / PrintColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | prints a row |
ProcessorDistantCol (DistributedMatrix) | returns the processor number of distant non-zero entry j of local row i |
ProcessorDistantRow (DistributedMatrix) | returns the processor number of distant non-zero entry j of local column i |
PushBack (Vector) | adds an element to the end of the vector |
PushBack (Vector2) | appends outer or inner vectors at the end |
PushBack (Vector3) | appends outer or inner vectors at the end |
QCgs | Quasi Conjugate Gradient Squared |
Qmr | Quasi Minimum Residual |
QmrSym | Quasi Minimum Residual SYMmetric |
QuickSort | sorts a vector with quick sort algorithm |
Rank1Update | Adds a contribution X.Y' to a matrix |
Rank2Update | Adds a contribution X.Y' + Y.X' to a symmetric matrix |
Read (Vector) | reads the vector in binary format |
Read (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | reads the vector in binary format |
Read (Matrix<T>) | reads the matrix in binary format |
Read (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | reads the matrix in binary format |
Read (Array3D<T>) | reads the 3-D array in binary format |
Read (Array4D<T>) | reads the 4-D array in binary format |
Read (Array<T, N>) | reads the N-D array in binary format |
Read (DistributedMatrix) | reads the distributed matrix on several files (one per processor) in binary format |
Read (Vector3) | reads the object from an output stream |
ReadCoordinateMatrix | reads a matrix in coordinate format (as in Matlab) |
ReadCoordinateMatrix | reads a matrix in coordinate format (as in Matlab) |
ReadHarwellBoeing | reads a matrix in Harwell-Boeing format |
ReadMatrixMarket | reads a matrix in Matrix Market format |
ReadText (Vector) | reads the vector in text format |
ReadText (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | reads the vector in text format |
ReadText (Matrix<T>) | reads the matrix in text format |
ReadText (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | reads the matrix in text format |
ReadText (DistributedMatrix) | reads the distributed matrix on several files (one per processor) in ascii format |
Reallocate (Vector) | changes the size of vector (removes previous elements) |
Reallocate (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | changes the size of vector (removes previous elements) |
Reallocate (VirtualMatrix) | changes the size of matrix (does not keep previous elements) |
Reallocate (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | changes the size of matrix (does not keep previous elements) |
Reallocate (Array3D<T>) | changes the size of 3-D array (does not keep previous elements) |
Reallocate (Array4D<T>) | changes the size of 4-D array (does not keep previous elements) |
Reallocate (Array<T, N>) | changes the size of N-D array (does not keep previous elements) |
Reallocate (Vector2) | modifies the size of outer vectors or inner vectors |
Reallocate (Vector3) | modifies the size of outer vectors or inner vectors |
Reallocate (DistributedMatrix) | changes the size of the matrix |
ReallocateImagRow / ReallocateImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | changes the size of a row of the imaginary part |
ReallocateRealRow / ReallocateRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | changes the size of a row of the real part |
ReallocateRow / ReallocateColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | changes the size of a row |
realpart | returns the real part of a number |
ReciprocalConditionNumber | computes the inverse of matrix condition number |
RefineSolution(SparseDirectSolver) | Refines the solution when calling solve |
RefineSolutionLU | improves solution computed by SolveLU |
RemoveDuplicate | sorts and removes duplicate elements of a vector |
RemoveSmallEntry (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | drops small entries of the vector |
RemoveSmallEntry (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | drops small entries of the matrix |
RemoveSmallEntry (DistributedMatrix) | drops small non-zero entries present in the matrix |
ReplaceImagIndexRow / ReplaceImagIndexColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | changes column numbers of imaginary part |
ReplaceIndexRow / ReplaceIndexColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | changes column numbers |
ReplaceRealIndexRow / ReplaceRealIndexColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | changes column numbers of real part |
Resize (Vector) | changes the size of vector (keeps previous elements) |
Resize (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | changes the size of vector (keeps previous elements) |
Resize (Matrix<T>) | changes the size of matrix (keeps previous elements) |
Resize (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | changes the size of matrix (keeps previous elements) |
Resize (DistributedMatrix) | changes the size of the matrix and keeps previous entries |
ResizeImagRow / ResizeImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | changes the size of a row of imaginary part and keeps previous values |
ResizeRealRow / ResizeRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | changes the size of a row of real part and keeps previous values |
ResizeRow / ResizeColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | changes the size of a row and keeps previous values |
SaveFullHistory(Iteration) | saves the history of residuals in a file |
ScaleMatrix | scales rows and columns of the distributed matrix |
ScaleLeftMatrix | multiplies rows of a matrix by coefficients |
ScaleLeftMatrix | scales rows of the distributed matrix |
ScaleMatrix | multiplies rows and columns of a matrix by coefficients |
ScaleRightMatrix | multiplies columns of a matrix by coefficients |
ScaleRightMatrix | scales columns of the distributed matrix |
ScatterSparseEntry | fills a dense vector with a sparse one |
Select (Vector2) | keeps a subset of inner vectors |
SelectDirectSolver (SparseDirectSolver) | Sets the direct solver to use (e.g. Mumps, Pastix, SuperLU) |
SelectDirectSolver (SparseCholeskySolver) | Sets the direct solver to use (e.g. Cholmod, Pastix) |
SelectOrdering (SparseDirectSolver) | Sets the ordering to use when the matrix will be reordered |
SelectParallelOrdering(VirtualSparseDirectSolver) | Sets the ordering to use during distributed factorization |
Set (Matrix<T>) | modifies value of A(i, j) |
SetEntry (VirtualMatrix) | modifies value of A(i, j) |
Set (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | modifies value of A(i, j) |
SetAdditionalFillNumber (ilut preconditioning) | sets the number of additional elements per row (used for ILUT(k)) |
SetArpackVerbose (ArpackSolver) | switches to verbose mode |
SetBlockSize (SlepcParam) | Sets the block size |
SetBorthogonalization (SlepcParam) | Selects the orthogonalization used in GD/JD solver |
SetCircleSpectrum (FeastParam) | Sets the circle where eigenvalues are searched |
SetCholeskyFacto(MatrixPastix) | selects a Cholesky factorisation to be performed |
SetCholeskyFactoForMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Tells to find eigenvalues of L-1 K L-T if M = L LT |
SetCoefficientEstimationNeededMemory(SparseDirectSolver) | Sets the safety coefficient used to allocate needed memory the first time |
SetCol | changes a matrix column |
SetCol | sets a column of a distributed matrix |
SetCommunicator (DistributedVector) | sets the communicator associated with the distributed vector |
SetCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem |
SetComplexOne | sets a complex number to one |
SetComplexReal | sets a complex number to a given value |
SetComplexZero | sets a complex number to zero |
SetComputationalMode (EigenProblem_Base) | Sets the computational mode used (regular, shifted, ...) |
SetData (Vector) | sets the pointer to the array contained in the vector |
SetData (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | sets the pointer to the array contained in the vector |
SetData (Matrix<T>) | sets the pointer to the array containing the values |
SetData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | sets the pointer to the arrays containing values and column numbers |
SetData (Matrix<T, General, RowSparse>) | sets the pointer to the array containing the values |
SetData (Array3D<T>) | sets the pointer to the array containing the values |
SetData (DistributedMatrixIntegerArray) | copies pointers to fill arrays |
SetDefaultPetscSolver (SlepcParamNep) | allows the use of KSP solver in Petsc for the solution of linear systems |
SetDiagonalCoefficient (IlutPreconditioning) | sets diagonal coefficient used in ILUD |
SetDiagonalMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Tells to find eigenvalues of M-1/2 K M-1/2are searched (M diagonal) |
SetDiagonalMass (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | sets a diagonal mass matrix |
SetDoubleExpansion (SlepcParam) | Sets the double expansion flag used in GD/JD solver |
SetDroppingThreshold (IlutPreconditioning) | sets threshold to determine elements to drop for ilut preconditioning |
SetEigensolverType (AnasaziParam) | Sets the eigensolver to use in Anasazi |
SetEigensolverType (SlepcParam) | Sets the eigensolver to use |
SetEigensolverType (SlepcParamPep) | sets the eigensolver to use in PEP |
SetEigensolverType (SlepcParamNep) | sets the eigensolver to use in NEP |
SetEllipseSpectrum (FeastParam) | Sets the ellipse where eigenvalues are searched |
SetExtractionType (SlepcParam) | Sets the type of extraction to use in CISS |
SetFactorisationType(IlutPreconditioning) | sets the type of incomplete factorisation |
SetFillLevel (IlutPreconditioning) | sets the fill-level k (if ILU(k) is set) |
SetFullBasis (SlepcParamNep) | constructs a full basis in nep solver |
SetGlobalCommunicator (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the global MPI communicator associated with the eigenvalue problem |
SetIdentity (Matrix<T>) | sets matrix to identity matrix |
SetIdentity (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | sets matrix to identity matrix |
SetIdentity (DistributedMatrix) | sets the matrix to the identity matrix |
SetImagData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | sets imaginary part of the matrix |
SetImagShiftValue (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the imaginary part of the shift (real unsymmetric problem) |
SetIncreaseCoefficientEstimationNeededMemory(SparseDirectSolver) | Sets the multiplication factor to increase the safety coefficient used to allocate needed memory |
SetInfoFlag (ArpackSolver) | modifies info parameter |
SetInitGuess (Iteration) | informs if the initial guess is zero or no |
SetInitialSize (SlepcParam) | Sets the initial size used in GD/JD solver |
SetInnerSteps (SlepcParam) | Sets the number of inner steps |
SetInputPreconditioning (HyprePreconditioner) | Sets the preconditioning parameters in Hypre |
SetInterpolationDegree (SlepcParamNep) | sets the polynomial degree to use for the interpolation |
SetInterpolationTolerance (SlepcParamNep) | sets the threshold to use for the interpolation |
SetIntervalRegion (SlepcParamNep) | sets the region where eigenvalues are sought |
SetIntervalSpectrum (FeastParam) | Sets the interval where eigenvalues are searched (Feast) |
SetKrylovRestart (SlepcParam) | Sets the Krylov start flag used in GD/JD solver |
SetLevelEuclid(HyprePreconditioner) | Sets parameter k for Euclid solver in Hypre |
SetLockingVariant (SlepcParamNep) | enables a locking-variant in nep solver |
SetMaximumBlockSize (SlepcParam) | Sets the maximum block size |
SetMaximumCoefficientEstimationNeededMemory(SparseDirectSolver) | Sets the maximal safety coefficient used to allocate needed memory |
SetMaxIterationNumber (Iteration) | changes maximum number of iterations |
SetMethod (SlepcParam) | Sets the method to use in PRIMME solver |
SetMomentSize (SlepcParam) | Sets the moment size |
SetNbAdditionalEigenvalues (EigenProblem_Base) | Sets the number of additional eigenvalues (workaround due to Arpack bug) |
SetNbArnoldiVectors (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the number of Arnoldi vectors |
SetNbAskedEigenvalues (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the number of wanted eigenvalues |
SetNbBlocks (AnasaziParam) | Sets the number of blocks to use in Anasazi solvers |
SetNbMaximumIterations (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the maximum number of iterations allowed for the iterative process |
SetNbMaximumRestarts (AnasaziParam) | Sets the maximal number of restarts in Anasazi |
SetNonLockingVariant (SlepcParam) | Sets the non-locking variant to use |
SetNonSymmetricIlut (SparseDirectSolver) | Selects non-symmetric incomplete factorization |
SetNumberConvergedVectors (SlepcParam) | Sets the number of converged vectors |
SetNumberConvergedVectorsProjected (SlepcParam) | Sets the number of projected converged vectors |
SetNumberIntegrationPoints (SlepcParam) | Sets the number of integration points to use |
SetNumberIteration (Iteration) | changes iteration number |
SetNumberIterations (SorPreconditioner) | changes the number of iterations for SOR preconditioning |
SetNumberOfSteps (SlepcParam) | Sets the number of steps |
SetNumberOfThreadPerNode (SparseDirectSolver) | Sets the number of threads per node (relevant for Pastix only) |
SetNumberPartitions (SlepcParam) | Sets the number of partitions |
SetNumOfQuadraturePoints <(FeastParam)/td> | sets the number of quadrature points used in the contour |
SetOuterSteps (SlepcParam) | Sets the number of outer steps |
SetOverlapRow (DistributedVector) | sets the row numbers already handled by another processor and MPI communicator |
SetParameterRelaxation (SorPreconditioner) | changes the relaxation parameter of SOR preconditioning |
SetPermutation (SparseDirectSolver) | Provides manually the permutation array used to reorder the matrix |
SetPivotBlockInteger (ilut preconditioning) | sets the maximum k = |i-j| allowed when pivoting for ilut preconditioning |
SetPivotThreshold (SparseDirectSolver, IlutPreconditioning) | Sets the threshold used for pivoting |
SetPivotThreshold (ilut preconditioning) | sets threshold used when pivoting columns for ilut preconditioning |
SetPreconditioner (HyprePreconditioner) | Sets preconditioning used in Hypre |
SetPrintLevel (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the print level |
SetPrintLevel (SparseDistributedSolver) | Modifies the level of verbosity |
SetQuadratureRuleType (SlepcParam) | Sets the type of quadrature rules to use in CISS |
SetRealData (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | sets real part of the matrix |
SetRestart (Iteration) | changes restart parameter |
SetRestartNleigs (SlepcParamNep) | sets the restart parameter for Nleigs |
SetRestartNumber (SlepcParam) | Sets the restart number |
SetRestartNumberAdd (SlepcParam) | Sets the incremental restart number |
SetRestartRatio (SlepcParam) | Sets the restart ratio |
SetReverseCommunicationFlag (ArpackSolver) | modifies reverse-communication flag (ido parameter) |
SetRKShifts (SlepcParamNep) | sets the shifts to use in Nleigs |
SetShiftType (SlepcParam) | Sets the type of shift to use |
SetShiftValue (GeneralEigenProblem) | sets the shift |
SetSmoother (HyprePreconditioner) | Sets smoothing used in Hypre |
SetRow | changes a matrix row |
SetRow | sets a row of a distributed matrix |
SetSpectralTransformation (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | sets the use of a spectral transformation |
SetStoppingCriterion (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the stopping criterion used by iterative process |
SetSymmetricAlgorithm (IlutPreconditioning) | sets symmetric incomplete factorisation |
SetThresholdMatrix (SparseDirectSolver) | Sets the threshold used to drop values in ILUT |
SetThresholdRank (SlepcParam) | Sets the rank threshold |
SetThresholdSpurious (SlepcParam) | Sets the spurious threshold |
SetTolerance (Iteration) | changes stopping criterion |
SetTypeIntegration (FeastParam) | sets the integration rule used in Feast |
SetTypeSpectrum (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets the of spectrum wanted by the user |
SetSymmetricAlgorithm (IlutPreconditioning) | sets unsymmetric incomplete factorisation (even for symmetric matrices) |
SetUserComparisonClass (GeneralEigenProblem) | Sets an ordering of eigenvalues defined by the user |
ShowMessages (SparseDirectSolver) | Shows messages of the direct solver |
ShowMessages (Iteration) | displays residual each 100 iterations |
ShowFullHistory (SparseDirectSolver) | Shows all messages of the direct solver |
ShowFullHistory (Iteration) | displays residual each iteration |
ShowMessages(HyprePreconditioner) | Enables the display of statistics in Hypre |
Solve | solves a triangular system |
Solve (SparseDirectSolver) | Solves A x = b or AT x = b, assuming that Factorize has been called |
Solve (SparseDistributedSolver) | Solves a linear system assuming that Factorize has been called |
Solve (DistributedCholeskySolver) | Solves L x = b or LT x = b assuming that Factorize has been called |
Solve(MatrixMumps) | Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Mumps |
Solve(MatrixPardiso) | Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Pardiso |
Solve(MatrixPastix) | Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Pastix |
Solve(SparseSeldonSolver) | Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Seldon |
Solve(MatrixSuperLU) | Solves A x = b using factorization computed by SuperLU |
Solve(MatrixUmfPack) | Solves A x = b using factorization computed by UmfPack |
Solve(MatrixWsmp) | Solves A x = b using factorization computed by Wsmp |
Solve(MatrixCholmod) | Solves A x = b using Cholesky factorization computed by Cholmod |
Solve (SparseCholeskySolver) | Solves L x = b or LT x = b, assuming that Factorize has been called |
Solve (Preconditioner_Base) | Applies the preconditioner |
Solve(SorPreconditioner) | Applies SOR preconditioning |
Solve(IlutPreconditioning) | Applies ilut preconditioning |
Solve (HyprePreconditioner) | applies the preconditioning by calling Hypre |
SolveCholesky | solves linear system by using Cholesky factorization |
SolveCholesky | solves L x = b or LT x = b once GetCholesky has been called |
SolveCholeskyMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Resolution of L x = b or LT x = b |
SolveDistributed (SparseDirectSolver) | Solves A x = b or AT x = b, assuming that FactorizeDistributed has been called |
SolveHessenberg | resolution of H X = Y with H an Hessenberg matrix |
SolveHessenbergTwo | resolution of H X = Y with H a matrix with two sub-diagonals non-null |
SolveLQ | solves least-square problems by using LQ factorization |
SolveLU | solve linear system by using LU factorization |
SolveLU | uses LU factorization to solve a linear system |
SolveMass (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | solves the mass matrix |
SolveOperator (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | solves a linear combination of matrices Ai |
SolveQR | solves least-square problems by using QR factorization |
SolveSylvester | resolution of Sylvester equation A X B* + C X D* = E |
SOR | applies successive over-relaxations to matrix |
SOR | Applies Successive Over Relaxation (S.O.R) iterations to solve a distributed linear system |
Sort | sorts a vector |
SortEigenvalues | sorts eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors |
Swap | exchanges two vectors |
SwapImagRow / SwapImagColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | exchanges two rows of imaginary part |
SwapPointer | exchanges two vectors (only adresses are exchanged) |
SwapRealRow / SwapRealColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | exchanges two rows of real part |
SwapRow / SwapColumn (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | exchanges two rows |
Symmlq | SYMMetric Least sQuares |
TfQmr | Transpose Free Quasi Minimum Residual |
to_complex_eigen | Converts a real/complex number into another one |
to_num | converts a string into a number |
to_str | converts a number into a string |
Transpose | replaces a matrix by its transpose |
Transpose | computes the transpose of a distributed matrix |
TransposeConj | replaces a matrix by its conjugate transpose |
TransposeConj | computes the transpose conjugate of a distributed matrix |
TransSolve (SparseDistributedSolver) | Solves a transpose linear system assuming that Factorize has been called |
TransSolve (Preconditioner_Base) | Applies the transpose of the preconditioner |
TransSolve(SorPreconditioner) | Applies transpose of SOR preconditioning |
TransSolveIlutPreconditioning) | Applies the transpose of ilut preconditioning |
TransSolve (HyprePreconditioner) | applies the transpose preconditioning by calling Hypre |
UseCholeskyFactoForMass (EigenProblem_Base) | Returns true if eigenvalues of L-1 K L-Tare searched (M = L LT) |
UseCommandLineOptions (SlepcParamNep) | returns true if the user is allowed to provide parameters of the solver through the command line |
UseDefaultPetscSolver (SlepcParamNep) | returns true if the KSP solver in Petsc is used for the solution of linear systems |
UseInteger8 (VirtualSparseDirectSolver) | returns true if the solver is using 64-bits integers (integer*8 in Fortran) |
UseNonLockingVariant (SlepcParam) | Returns true if the non-locking variant is used |
UseSpectralTransformation (PolynomialEigenProblem_Base) | returns true if a spectral transformation is used |
Val (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | access to V(i) |
Val (Matrix<T>) | access to a matrix element |
Val (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | access to a matrix element |
ValImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns a reference to imaginary part of A(i, j) |
ValReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | returns a reference to real part of A(i, j) |
Value (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | access to value |
Value (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | direct access to a value |
ValueDistantCol (DistributedMatrix) | returns the value associated with distant non-zero entry j of local row i |
ValueDistantRow (DistributedMatrix) | returns the value associated with distant non-zero entry j of local column i |
ValueImag (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | direct access to an imaginary value |
ValueReal (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse>) | direct access to a real value |
Write (Vector) | writes the vector in binary format |
Write (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | writes the vector in binary format |
Write (Matrix<T>) | writes the matrix in binary format |
Write (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | writes the matrix in binary format |
Write (Array3D<T>) | writes the 3-D array in binary format |
Write (Array4D<T>) | writes the 4-D array in binary format |
Write (Array<T, N>) | writes the N-D array in binary format |
Write (DistributedMatrix) | writes the distributed matrix on several files (one per processor) in binary format |
Write (Vector3) | writes the object in an output stream |
WriteCoordinateMatrix | writes a matrix in coordinate format (as in Matlab) |
WriteHarwellBoeing | writes a matrix in Harwell-Boeing format |
WriteMatrixMarket | writes a matrix in Matrix Market format |
WriteText (Vector) | writes the vector in text format |
WriteText (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | writes the vector in text format |
WriteText (Matrix<T>) | writes the matrix in text format |
WriteText (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | writes the matrix in text format |
WriteText (DistributedMatrix) | writes the distributed matrix on several files (one per processor) in ascii format |
Zero (Vector) | sets all elements to zero |
Zero (Vector<T, VectSparse>) | sets all elements to zero |
Zero (VirtualMatrix) | sets all elements to zero |
Zero (Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse>) | sets all elements to zero |
Zero (Array3D<T>) | sets all elements to zero |
Zero (Array4D<T>) | sets all elements to zero |
Zero (Array<T, N>) | sets all elements to zero |
AnasaziParam | Class storing parameters for Anasazi interface |
ArpackSolver | Basic reverse communication class for interfacing Arpack |
Array<T, N> | Multi-dimensional array |
Array3D<T> | three-dimensional array |
Array4D<T> | four-dimensional array |
CallocAlloc<T> | Allocator using calloc/free |
class_SeldonConjTrans | Class for variable SeldonConjTrans |
class_SeldonLeft | Class for variable SeldonLeft |
class_SeldonNonUnit | Class for variable SeldonNonUnit |
class_SeldonNoTrans | Class for variable SeldonNoTrans |
class_SeldonRight | Class for variable SeldonRight |
class_SeldonTrans | Class for variable SeldonTrans |
class_SeldonUnit | Class for variable SeldonUnit |
ClassComplexType | retrieves real or complex number from a given type |
DenseEigenProblem | Class for dense eigenvalue problems |
DistributedCholeskySolver | Class handling distributed Cholesky solvers |
DistributedMatrix<T, Prop, Storage> | Class for distributed matrices |
DistributedMatrixIntegerArray | Class storing arrays needed for distributed matrices |
DistributedVector<T, VectFull> | Distributed vectors |
EigenProblem_Base | Base class for linear eigenproblem |
EigenvalueComparisonClass | Class for a used-defined sorting of eigenvalues |
FeastParam | Class storing parameters for FEAST interface |
GeneralEigenProblem_Base | Base class for an eigenvalue problem |
GeneralEigenProblem | Base class for an eigenvalue problem |
EigenProblem_Base | Base class for a linear eigenvalue problem |
Error | Base class for any Seldon exception |
General | Class to specify a general matrix (without particular property) |
Hermitian | Class to specify an hermitian matrix |
HyprePreconditioner | Hypre preconditioning |
IlutPreconditioning | Ilut preconditioning |
IOError | Seldon exception thrown for input/output errors |
Iteration | Class defining stopping criteria for iterative solvers |
LapackError | Seldon exception when Lapack encounters an error |
LapackInfo | Lapack error code |
MallocAlloc<T> | Allocator using malloc/free |
MallocObject<T> | Allocator using malloc/free and dealing with objects |
Matrix_Base<T, Allocator> | Base class for any matrix (dense or sparse) |
Matrix<T, General, ArrayColSparse> | Easily modifiable sparse matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, General, ArrayColComplexSparse> | Easily modifiable complex sparse matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowSparse> | Easily modifiable sparse matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, General, ArrayRowComplexSparse> | |
Matrix<T, General, ColLoTriang> | Lower triangular dense matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, General, ColLoTriangPacked> | Lower triangular dense matrix stored by columns (compressed) |
Matrix<T, General, ColMajor> | Dense matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, General, ColSparse> | Sparse matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, General, ColComplexSparse> | Sparse complex matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, General, ColUpTriang> | Upper triangular dense matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, General, ColUpTriangPacked> | Upper triangular dense matrix stored by columns (compressed) |
Matrix<T, General, RowLoTriang> | Lower triangular dense matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, General, RowLoTriangPacked> | Lower triangular dense matrix stored by rows (compressed) |
Matrix<T, General, RowMajor> | Dense matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, General, RowSparse> | Sparse matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, General, RowComplexSparse> | Sparse complex matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, General, RowUpTriang> | Upper triangular dense matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, General, RowUpTriangPacked> | Upper triangular dense matrix stored by rows (compressed) |
Matrix<T, Hermitian, ColHerm> | Hermitian dense matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, Hermitian, ColHermPacked> | Hermitian dense matrix stored by columns (compressed) |
Matrix<T, Hermitian, RowHerm> | Hermitian dense matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, Hermitian, RowHermPacked> | Hermitian dense matrix stored by rows (compressed) |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ArrayColSymSparse> | Easily modifiable symmetric sparse matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ArrayColSymComplexSparse> | Easily modifiable symmetric complex sparse matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymSparse> | Easily modifiable symmetric sparse matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ArrayRowSymComplexSparse> | Easily modifiable symmetric complex sparse matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ColSym> | Symmetric dense matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ColSymPacked> | Symmetric dense matrix stored by columns (compressed) |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, ColSymSparse> | Symmetric sparse matrix stored by columns |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, RowSym> | Symmetric dense matrix stored by rows |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, RowSymPacked> | Symmetric dense matrix stored by rows (compressed) |
Matrix<T, Symmetric, RowSymSparse> | Symmetric sparse matrix stored by rows |
MatrixCholmod | Object storing Cholesky factorization (interface with Cholmod) |
MatrixMumps | Object storing LU factorization (interface with Mumps) |
MatrixPardiso | Object storing LU factorization (interface with Pardiso) |
MatrixPastix | Object storing LU factorization (interface with Pastix) |
MatrixSuperLU | Object storing LU factorization (interface with SuperLU) |
MatrixUmfPack | Object storing LU factorization (interface with UmfPack) |
MatrixWsmp | Object storing LU factorization (interface with Wsmp) |
NaNAlloc<T> | Allocator using malloc/free by filling with nan |
NewAlloc<T> | Allocator using new/delete |
NoMemory | Seldon exception thrown when allocating an array too large |
NonLinearEigenProblem_Base | Base class for non-linear eigenvalue problems |
PolynomialDenseEigenProblem | Class for polynomial eigenvalue problems (with dense matrices) |
PolynomialEigenProblem_Base | Base class for polynomial eigenvalue problems |
PolynomialEigenProblem | Class for polynomial eigenvalue problems (matrix-free implementation) |
PolynomialSparseEigenProblem | Class for polynomial eigenvalue problems (with sparse matrices) |
Preconditioner_Base | Base class for any preconditioning |
SeldonDefaultAllocator<Storage, T> | Default allocator to use for Matrix<T, Prop, Storage> |
SeldonConjugate | Base class for SeldonConj and SeldonUnconj flags |
SeldonDiag | Base class for Unit and NonUnit flags |
SeldonSide | Base class for SeldonLeft and SeldonRight flags |
SeldonNorm | Base class for Norm1 or NormInf |
SeldonTranspose | Base class for transpose flags |
SeldonUplo | Base class for upper/lower flags |
SlepcParam | Class storing parameters for SLEPc interface |
SlepcParamPep | Class storing parameters for SLEPc interface (PEP solver) |
SlepcParamNep | Class storing parameters for SLEPc interface (NEP solver) |
SolverMaximumIterationError | Error for maximal iterations reached for a solver |
SolverDivergenceError | Error because of a divergent algorithm |
SorPreconditioner | SOR preconditioning |
SparseCholeskySolver | Class interfacing all Cholesky solvers |
SparseDirectSolver | Class interfacing all direct solvers |
SparseDistributedSolver | Class interfacing all direct solvers both in parallel and sequential |
SparseEigenProblem | Class for sparse eigenvalue problems |
SparseMatrixOrdering | Class enumerating sparse orderings |
SparseSeldonSolver | Seldon direct solver (slow) |
SplitSparseNonLinearEigenProblem | Class for sparse non-linear eigenvalue problems (split form) |
Str | formats easily to a string |
Symmetric | Class to specify a symmetric matric |
TypeEigenvalueSolver | Class enumerating eigenvalue solvers |
Undefined | Seldon exception for undefined function |
Vector<T, VectFull> | Dense vectors |
Vector<T, VectSparse> | Sparse vectors |
Vector2<T> | Vector of vectors |
Vector3<T> | Vector of vector of vectors |
VectorExpression<T, E> | Expression of vectors |
VirtualEigenProblem | Class for matrix-free eigenvalue problems |
VirtualMatrix<T> | Base class for any matrix (dense or sparse) |
VirtualSparseDirectSolver | Base class for each interface with a direct solver |
WrongArgument | Seldon exception for a wrong argument |
WrongCol | Seldon exception when accessing to an incorrect column |
WrongDim | Seldon exception for incorrect dimensions |
WrongIndex | Seldon exception when accessing to an index out of range |
WrongRow | Seldon exception when accessing to an incorrect row |
lapack_info | Default argument used to retrieve Lapack error code |
SeldonConj | Argument used for selecting the conjugate |
SeldonConjTrans | Argument used for selecting the conjugate transpose matrix |
SeldonLeft | Argument used to multiply on the left |
SeldonLower | Argument used to consider lower part of the matrix |
SeldonNonUnit | Argument used to tell that the diagonal is non-unitary |
SeldonNormInf | Argument used to consider the infinite norm |
SeldonNorm1 | Argument used to consider the 1-norm |
SeldonNoTrans | Argument used for selecting the non transpose matrix |
SeldonRight | Argument used to multiply on the right |
SeldonTrans | Argument used for selecting the transpose matrix |
SeldonUnconj | Argument used for not selecting the conjugate |
SeldonUnit | Argument used to tell that the diagonal is unitary |
SeldonUpper | Argument used to consider upper part of the matrix |