words -
Computational Fluid
Dynamics, Scientific Computing and Control.
Vortex methods, penalization method, vortex
identification of coherent structures,
active control using pulsed and
synthetic fluxes, passive control using
porous media, coupling active and passive
control techniques, random methods,
computing and optimizing MEMS flows,
particle methods for porous media, modeling
and optimizing water
distribution systems.
Mots clefs -
Mécanique des
fluids numérique, Calcul Scientifique
et Contrôle.
méthodes vortex,
couplage des contrôles actif et
techniques aléatoires,
méthode de
simulation directe et optimisation des
dynamique tourbillonnaire, identification
structures cohérentes, contrôle
actif à l’aide des
flux pulsés et synthétiques,
contrôle passif par
des milieux poreux,
méthodes particulaires pour des
milieux poreux, modélisation des
réseaux de
distribution d’eau.
The aim of my research work is to develop
modeling tools for problems
of fluid mechanics in order to simulate,
explain, predict and
manipulate some phenomena coming from
physics and engineering
(identification of coherent structures,
vortex dynamics, control
issues, porous media....). The challenges
are to develop stable models
and adapted numerical methods, that can be
used in realistic
situations, in order to recover the main
physical features of studied
phenomena. With these modeling tools,
numerical methods that can be
used for industrial applications are
constructed. These applications
cover often practical needs to control
vortex flows in the vicinity of
solid boundaries. The control consists in
modifying the boundary layer
properties and vortex shedding procedure in
order to reduce
aerodynamical forces or regularize the flow.
Numerical methods are
adapted to specific situations and
implemented in some engineering
codes. Finally, the obtained results are
used to analyze and control
different flows. Furthermore, because of the
complexity of studied
phenomena, special diagnostics tools are
built to get a better
understanding of flow behavior.
Computational techniques are designed
related to physical needs (e.g. penalization
method, vortex methods...).
Various studies, covering
research topics with above mentioned
methodology, are
described in my HDR
à Diriger des Recherches). |