Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory | |
Partial Differential Equations and Applications | |
Organizers and contacts
Stéphane Brull Stephane.Brull at math.u-bordeaux.fr TEL: +33 5 40 00 34 49 |
Seung Yeal Ha syha at snu.ac.kr TEL: + 82-2-880-6544 |
Philippe Thieullen philippe.thieullen at u-bordeaux.fr TEL: +33 5 40 00 61 17 |
The registration is compulsory: contact one of the organizers by filling in the following information:
Family name:
Given name:
Profesional institution:
Status (Professor, Post-docoral researcher, Ph.D. student, ...):
Arrival date:
Departure date:
Presentation of a poster (yes,no):
Title and abstract of the Poster:
The poster can be downloaded here