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Séminaire Analyse

Les exposés couvrent essentiellement les thématiques autour de l’analyse complexe, la théorie des opérateurs, l’analyse harmonique, l’analyse fonctionnelle, la théorie spectrale et la modélisation et le signal (responsables : Sylvain Ervedoza et Stanislas Kupin)

  • Le 23 mai 2024 à 14:00
  • Séminaire d'Analyse
    Salle des conférences
    Armand Koenig Bordeaux
    Séance du GDT: Controllability, coercivity inequalities and Nullstellsensatz (part 2)

  • Le 30 mai 2024 à 14:00
  • Séminaire d'Analyse
    Salle de conférences
    L. Golinskii ILTPE\, Acad. Sci. Ukraine
    On the growth of resolvent of Toeplitz operators

    We study the growth of the resolvent of a Toeplitz operator $T_b$, defined on the Hardy space, in terms of the distance to its spectrum $\sigma(T_b)$. We are primarily interested in the case when the symbol $b$ is a Laurent polynomial (\emph{i.e., } the matrix $T_b$ is banded). We show that for an arbitrary such symbol the growth of the resolvent is quadratic, and under certain additional assumption it is linear. We also prove the quadratic growth of the resolvent for a certain class of non-rational symbols.

    This is a joint work with S. Kupin and A. Vishnyakova.

  • Le 6 juin 2024 à 14:00
  • Séminaire d'Analyse
    Salle de conférences
    Pascal Thomas Toulouse

  • Le 20 juin 2024 à 14:00
  • Séminaire d'Analyse
    Salle de conférences
    Veronica Beltrami Parma
    Navigating Higher-Dimensional Holomorphic Dynamics

    Holomorphic dynamics studies the evolution of complex manifolds under the iteration of holomorphic maps.

    While significant progress has been made in understanding the theory of one-dimensional holomorphic dynamics, the transition to higher dimensions still presents difficult challenges since the situation is vastly different from the one-dimensional case.

    Even only the study of the dynamics of automorphisms (i.e. holomorphic maps injective and surjective) in two dimensions already poses deep difficulties, and the construction of significant examples is an active area of research.

    In this talk, we provide an overview of the dynamics in several complex variables, focusing particularly on the stable dynamics of automorphisms of C^2. We introduce concepts such as Fatou sets, polynomial and transcendental Hénon maps, and limit functions. Finally, we address two recently resolved questions that refer to the current state of my research  (a joint work with A. M. Benini and A. Saracco):

    Can limit sets for (non-recurrent) Fatou components be hyperbolic?

    Can limit sets be distinct?

    Les séminaires à partir de 2003