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Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités

Responsable : Luis Fredes et Camille Male

  • Le 9 janvier 2025 à 11:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de Conférence
    Franck Iutzeler Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
    (Maths-IA) What is the long-run behavior of stochastic gradient descent? A large deviations analysis

    Abstact: We examine the long-run distribution of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in general, non-convex problems. Specifically, we seek to understand which regions of the problem's state space are more likely to be visited by SGD, and by how much. Using an approach based on the theory of large deviations and randomly perturbed dynamical systems, we show that the long-run distribution of SGD resembles the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution of equilibrium thermodynamics with temperature equal to the method's step-size and energy levels determined by the problem's objective and the statistics of the noise. Joint work w/ W. Azizian, J. Malick, P. Mertikopoulos published at ICML 2024

  • Le 23 janvier 2025 à 11:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de conférénces
    Aram-Alexandre Pooladian NYU
    (proba-stats) À préciser

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  • Le 30 janvier 2025 à 10:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de conférence
    Rémi Gribonval INRIA
    (Maths-IA) A définir

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  • Le 30 janvier 2025 à 11:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de conférénces
    David Picard ENPC
    À préciser

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  • Le 6 février 2025 à 10:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de conférence
    Cécilia Lancien Institut Fourier & CNRS
    (Prob-Stat) A définir

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  • Le 13 février 2025 à 11:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de conférénces
    Julien Gibaud IMB
    (proba-stats) Supervised component-based generalized linear regression for the joint modeling of responses

    In this presentation, a response matrix (here, species abundances) is assumed to depend on explanatory variables (here, environmental variables) supposed many and redundant, thus demanding dimension reduction. The Supervised Component-based Generalized Linear Regression (SCGLR), a Partial Least Squares-type method, is designed to extract from the explanatory variables several components jointly supervised by the set of responses. However, this methodology still has some limitations we aim to overcome in this work. The first limitation comes from the assumption that all the responses are predicted by the same explanatory space. As a second limitation, the previous works involving SCGLR assume the responses independent conditional on the explanatory variables. Again, this is not very likely in practice, especially in situations like those in ecology, where a non-negligible part of the explanatory variables could not be measured. To overcome the first limitation, we assume that the responses are partitioned into several unknown groups. We suppose that the responses in each group are predictable from an appropriate number of specific orthogonal supervised components of the explanatory variables. The second work relaxes the conditional independence assumption. A set of few latent factors models the residual covariance matrix of the responses conditional on the components. The approaches presented in this work are tested on simulation schemes, and then applied on ecology datasets.

    Séminaire joint avec OptimAI.

  • Le 13 mars 2025 à 11:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de conférence
    Sibylle Marcotte ENS
    (Maths- IA) A définir

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  • Le 3 avril 2025 à 11:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de conférence
    Adrien Taylor INRIA
    (Maths-IA) A définir

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  • Le 5 juin 2025 à 11:15
  • Séminaire Images Optimisation et Probabilités
    Salle de conférence
    Nicolas Keriven CNRS
    (Maths-IA) A définir

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