Scientific productions
- Courcoul L, Helmer C, Barbieri A, Jacqmin-Gadda H.
Joint model for interval-censored semi-competing events and longitudinal data with subject-specific within and between visits variabilities.
ArXiv. 2024.
- Courcoul L, Tzourio C, Woodward M, Barbieri A, Jacqmin-Gadda H.
A location-scale joint model for studying the link between the time-dependent subject-specific variability of blood pressure and competing events.
ArXiv. 2024.
- Nguyen VT, Fermanian A, Barbieri A, Zohar S, Jannot AS, Bussy S and Guilloux A.
An efficient joint model for high dimensional longitudinal and survival data via generic association features.
Accepted in Biometrics. 2024.
ArXiv version.
- de Courson H, Cane G, d’Auzac A, Barbieri A, Derot S, Carrie C and Biais M.
Augmented renal clearance: prevalence, risk factors and underlying mechanism in critically ill patients with sub-arachnoid hemorrhage.
Neurocritical Care. 2024.
- Niangoran S, Barbieri A, Badje A, Journot V, Kouame G, Marcy O, Anglaret X, Alioum A.
A new centralized statistical monitoring method for detecting atypical distribution of qualitative variables in multicenter randomized controlled trials.
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research. 2024.
- Barbieri A, Cousson-Gélie F, Baussard L, Gourgou S, Lavergne C, Mollevi C.
The importance of using ordinal scores for patient classification based on health-related quality of life trajectories.
Pharmaceutical Statistics. 1-13, 2022.
- de Courson H, Ferrer L, Barbieri A et al.
Impact of Model Choice When Studying the Relationship Between Blood Pressure Variability and Risk of Stroke Recurrence.
Hypertension. 78(5):1520-1526, 2021.
- Bascoul-Mollevi C, Barbieri A, Bourgier C et al.
Longitudinal analysis of health-related quality of life in cancer clinical trials: methods and interpretation of results.
Quality of Life Research. 30:91–103, 2021.
- Barbieri A and Legrand C.
Joint longitudinal and time-to-event cure models to improve the assessment of being cured.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 29(4):1256-1270, 2020.
- Aroca S, Barbieri A, Clementini M, Renouard F, de Sanctis M.
Treatment of class III multiple gingival recessions: prognostic factors for achieving a Complete Root Coverage.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 45(7):861-868, 2018.
- Bascoul-Mollevi C, Savina M, Anota A, Barbieri A, Azria D, Bonnetain F, and Gourgou S.
Longitudinal Health-related quality of life analysis in oncology with time to event approaches, the STATA command qlqc30_TTD.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 158:153-159, 2018.
- Barbieri A, Tami M, Bry X, Azria D, Gourgou S, Mollevi C and Lavergne C.
EM algorithm estimation of a structural equation model for the longitudinal study of the quality of life.
Statistics in Medicine. 37(6) :1031-1046, 2018.
- Barbieri A, Peyhardi J, Lavergne C, Conroy T, Gourgou S and Mollevi C.
Item response models for the longitudinal analysis of health-related quality of life in cancer clinical trials.
BMC Medical Research Methodology. 17(1):148, 2017.
- Barbieri A, Anota A, Conroy T, Gourgou S, Juzyna B, Bonnetain F, Lavergne C and Mollevi C.
Applying longitudinal model from Item Response Theory to assess the Health-Related Quality of Life in PRODIGE 4 / ACCORD 11 randomized trial.
Medical Decision Making. 36(5) :615-628, 2016.
- Barbieri A, Marin J.M and Florin K.
A fully objective Bayesian approach for the Behrens-Fisher problem using historical studies.
- Anota A, Barbieri A, Savina M, Pam A, Gourgou-Bourgade S, Bonnetain F and Bascoul-Mollevi C.
Comparison of three longitudinal analysis models for the health-related quality of life in oncology: a simulation study.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 12:192, 2014.
- > BeQut is a downloadable R-package from both CRAN and GitHub.
This package concerns the estimation of quantile regression joint models, linear quantile mixed models, location-scale quantile mixed models, and linear quantile regression, using Bayesian approach.
- > JMcuR is a downloadable R-package from GitHub.
This package includes all programs associated with the published research in Barbieri and Legrand (2020).
- > QoLSEM is a downloadable R-package from GitHub.
This package includes programs associated with the published research in Barbieri A, Tami M et al. (2018).