Teaching assistant (course / supervised work leader / practical work on computers) for the Facultés des Sciences of the University of Montpellier (during my Ph.D, 2013-2016), and then for the Louvain School of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences of the Sciences Faculty (during my Post-doctoral position, 2016-2017).
2017 |
Probabilities Supervised work leader for first year of management ingenior students Keywords: Probability and combinatorics, discrete and continuous random variables, couple of random variables, probability distributions, joint distribution, approximation via normal distribution, central limit theorem. |
2016 |
Biostatistics Supervised work leader for second year of veterinary school students Keywords: Descriptive statistics, probability and combinatorics, discrete and continuous random variables, testing hypothesis, ANOVA, linear and logistic regression, sample size determination. |
2014 & 2015 |
Mathematics for biologists Course & supervised work leader for first year of Bachelor’s degree students Keywords: Study of functions (one and several variables), ordinary differential equations. |
2014 |
Probabilities Supervised work leader for second year of Mathematics Bachelor’s degree students Keywords: Probability and combinatorics, discrete and continuous random variables, couple of random variables, usual probability distributions. |
2014 |
Descriptive statistics and probability Supervised work leader for second year of Computing Bachelor’s degree students Keywords: Descriptive statistics, concept of random variable, probability introduction. |
2013 |
Introduction to the R software on computer Supervised work leader for second year of Biology Bachelor’s degree. |