Manipulation of meshes in 3-D |
We detail here the attributes and methods related to the class Mesh<Dimension3>, they are sorted by order of appearance for each class. We call "referenced faces" all the faces which are explicitly provided in the mesh, usually these edges are located on the boundary of the domain or at the interface between two domains. Boundary conditions will be applied on "referenced faces", so if you want to specify a boundary condition to a surface, you need to have it referenced. Each referenced face possess a reference number, which is an identification number of the boundary to which the edge belongs. Three elementary entities are detailed : Edge<Dimension3> , Face<Dimension3> and Volume .
Methods for Edge<Dimension3>
Init | sets the two extremity numbers of the edge |
SetReference | sets the reference number of the edge |
GetReference | returns the reference number of the edge |
numVertex | returns vertex number of an extremity of the edge |
GetNbVertices | returns 2 |
ClearConnectivity | sets element numbers to -1 |
GetNbFaces | returns the number of faces sharing the edge |
GetNbElements | returns the number of elements sharing the edge |
numFace | returns face number of a face adjacent to the edge |
numElement | returns element number of an element adjacent to the edge |
AddFace | adds a face sharing this edge |
AddElement | adds an element sharing this edge |
ClearFaces | removes the faces associated with the edge |
Methods for Face<Dimension3>
IsTriangular | returns true if the face is a triangle |
IsQuadrangular | returns true if the face is a quadrangle |
GetHybridType | returns 0 for a triangle and 1 for a quadrangle |
GetOrientationEdge | returns the difference of orientation between local and global edge |
GetOrientationBoundary | returns the difference of orientation between local and global edge |
numVertex | returns vertex number of a vertex of the face |
numEdge | returns edge number of an edge of the face |
GetReference | returns reference number associated with the face |
GetNbVertices | returns the number of vertices of the face |
GetNbEdges | returns the number of edges of the face |
SetVertex | sets vertex number of a vertex of the face |
SetReference | sets reference number associated with the face |
InitTriangular | sets all three vertex numbers of the face |
InitQuadrangular | sets all four vertex numbers of the face |
Init | sets all vertex numbers of the face |
SetEdge | sets an edge of the face |
GetPositionBoundary | returns local position of an edge in the face |
ClearConnectivity | removes information about edges |
ClearEdges | removes information about edges |
GetMemorySize | returns the memory used to store the object in bytes |
GetNbElements | returns the number of elements sharing the face |
numElement | returns the element number of an element adjacent to the face |
AddElement | adds an element sharing the face |
SetElement | sets an element sharing the face |
GetGeometryReference | returns the geometry number of the face |
SetGeometryReference | sets the geometry number of the face |
Methods for Volume
GetMemorySize | returns the memory used to store the object in bytes |
GetReference | returns the reference number of an element |
SetReference | modifies the reference number of an element |
GetHybridType | returns 0 for a tetrahedron, 1 for pyramid, 2 for prism, 3 for hexahedron |
SetPML | marks the element as a PML element |
UnsetPML | unmarks the element as a PML element |
IsPML | returns true for a PML element |
GetTypePML | returns the PML type associated with this volume |
GetNumberPML | returns the PML number associated with this volume |
SetCurved | marks the element as a curved element |
UnsetCurved | unmarks the element as a curved element |
IsCurved | returns true for a curved element |
GetNbVertices | returns the number of vertices of the element |
GetNbEdges | returns the number of edges of the element |
GetNbFaces | returns the number of faces of the element |
GetNbBoundary | returns the number of faces of the element |
numVertex | returns the number of a vertex of the element |
numEdge | returns the number of an edge of the element |
numFace | returns the number of a face of the element |
numBoundary | returns the number of a face of the element |
GetOrientationEdge | returns false if the local and global edge have opposite orientations |
SetOrientationFace | modifies relative orientation between the local and global face |
GetOrientationFace | returns relative orientation between the local and global face |
GetOrientationBoundary | returns relative orientation between the local and global face |
Init | initialization of an element by giving its vertices |
InitTetrahedral | initialization of a tetrahedron by giving its four vertices |
InitPyramidal | initialization of a pyramid by giving its five vertices |
InitWedge | initialization of a wedge by giving its six vertices |
InitHexahedral | initialization of a hexahedron by giving its eight vertices |
SetEdge | modifies the number of an edge of the mesh |
SetFace | modifies the number of a face of the mesh |
GetPositionEdge | finds the local number of an edge of the element |
GetPositionBoundary | finds the local number of a face of the element |
ClearConnectivity | removes edges and faces associated with the element |
ClearEdges | removes edges associated with the element |
ClearFaces | removes faces associated with the element |
Below, we detail public attributes of a mesh :
Public attributes (class Mesh<Dimension3>)
print_level | level of messages to be printed (-1 for silent mode, 10 for verbose mode) |
GlobElementNumber_Subdomain | Global element numbers |
GlobFaceNumber_Subdomain | Global face numbers |
GlobEdgeNumber_Subdomain | Global edge numbers |
GlobVertexNumber_Subdomain | Global vertex numbers |
Glob_invSqrtJacobian | inverse of square root of jacobian on quadrature and nodal points |
Glob_invSqrtJacobianNeighbor | inverse of square root of jacobian on quadrature points of neighbor elements |
Glob_GradJacobian | gradient of jacobian on quadrature points |
Public attributes (class MeshNumbering<Dimension2>)
number_map | numbering scheme used to number the mesh |
OffsetDofFaceNumber | Offsets for dof numbers on the interior of each face (triangle/quadrangle) |
OffsetDofEdgeNumber | Offsets for dof numbers on the interior of each edge |
OffsetDofElementNumber | Offsets for dof numbers on the interior of each element (triangle/quadrangle) |
OffsetDofVertexNumber | Offsets for dof numbers on vertices |
OffsetQuadElementNumber | Offsets for quadrature points on the boundaries of elements |
GlobDofNumber_Subdomain | Global dof numbers |
GlobDofPML_Subdomain | Global dof numbers for PML layers |
treat_periodic_condition_during_number | if true, periodic dofs are searched when the mesh is numbered |
compute_dof_pml | if true, PML dofs are computed |
drop_interface_pml_dof | if true, dofs at the interface between the physical and PMLs are not PML dofs |
Then we detail all the methods related to meshes, we sort the method by the class where it is defined.
Methods specific to the class Mesh<Dimension3> (inherited from Mesh_Base<Dimension3> and MeshBoundaries<Dimension3>)
ReallocateBoundariesRef | changes the size of the array containing the referenced faces (previous faces are lost) |
ResizeBoundariesRef | changes the size of the array containing the referenced faces (previous faces are kept) |
ReallocateEdgesRef | changes the size of the array containing the referenced edges (previous edges are lost) |
ResizeEdgesRef | changes the size of the array containing the referenced edges (previous edges are kept) |
ReallocateVertices | changes the size of the array containing the vertices (previous vertices are lost) |
ResizeVertices | changes the size of the array containing the vertices (previous vertices are kept) |
ReallocateFaces | changes the size of the array containing the faces (previous faces are lost) |
ResizeFaces | changes the size of the array containing the faces (previous faces are kept) |
EdgeRef | gives access to a referenced edge of the mesh |
BoundaryRef | gives access to a referenced face of the mesh |
Boundary | gives access to a face of the mesh |
GetNbBoundary | returns the number of faces in the mesh |
GetNbBoundaryRef | returns the number of referenced faces in the mesh |
GetGlobalBoundaryNumber | returns the global face number of face i |
GetTriangleReferenceElement | returns the triangular finite element used for curved triangles |
GetQuadrilateralFiniteElement | returns the quadrilateral finite element used for curved quadrangles. |
GetReferenceElementSurface | fills an array with the triangular and quadrangular finite elements |
GetReferenceElementVolume | fills an array with the finite element used for each element |
GetLocalNodalNumber | returns local numbers of nodes of a face |
GetNbTetrahedra | returns the number of tetrahedra in the mesh |
GetNbPyramids | returns the number of pyramids in the mesh |
GetNbWedges | returns the number of wedges in the mesh |
GetNbHexahedra | returns the number of hexahedra in the mesh |
GetNbTrianglesRef | returns the number of referenced triangles in the mesh |
GetNbQuadranglesRef | returns the number of referenced quadrilaterals in the mesh |
GetNbEdgesRef | returns the number of referenced edges in the mesh |
GetNbTriangles | returns the number of triangles in the mesh |
GetNbQuadrangles | returns the number of quadrilaterals in the mesh |
GetNbFaces | returns the number of faces in the mesh |
SetGeometryOrder | defines the order of approximation for the geometry (curved mesh) |
HybridMesh | returns true if the mesh contains quadrilaterals and triangles |
IsOnlyTetrahedral | returns true if the mesh contains only tetrahedra |
IsOnlyHexahedral | returns true if the mesh contains only hexahedra |
GetMemorySize | returns the memory used to store the object in bytes |
GetUpperBoundNumberOfEdges | returns an upper bound of the number of edges in the mesh |
GetUpperBoundNumberOfFaces | returns an upper bound of the number of faces in the mesh |
SetInputData | modification of the object with an entry of the data file. |
GetNodesCurvedMesh | computes all the internal nodes of a high order mesh, and the associated numbering |
Read | reads a mesh from a file |
Write | writes a mesh on a file |
ChangeLocalNumberingMesh | renumbers purely tetrahedral mesh so that no rotation has to be taken into account for triangular faces |
ClearConnectivity | removes edges and faces of the mesh |
Clear | erases the mesh |
ReorientElements | permutes local numbering of elements in order to have only positive jacobians. |
ReorientElementCartesian | permutes local numbering of a cube to have a diagonal jacobian matrix. |
ReorientFaces | permutes local numbering of referenced faces belonging to a planar surface to have only positive jacobians. |
FindConnectivity | finds all the edges of the mesh and links them with referenced edges and elements |
RemoveDuplicateVertices | sorts vertices and removes duplicate vertices |
ForceCoherenceMesh | removes unused vertices and referenced edges |
ClearZeroBoundaryRef | removes boundary edges whose reference is equal to 0 |
SymmetrizeMesh | appends to the current mesh the image obtained by a symmetry with respect to plane Oxy, Oxz or Oyz. |
SplitIntoHexahedra | splits each tetrahedron into 4 hexahedra |
SplitIntoTetrahedra | splits each element into tetrahedra (e.g. a pyramid into two tets) |
GetMeshSubdivision | computes all the nodes of the high-order mesh and numbering for each element |
SubdivideMesh | splits each element into small elements (tetrahedra into small tetrahedra, hexahedra into small hexahedra, wedges into small wedges and pyramids into small pyramids and tets) |
CreateRegularMesh | creation of a mesh of a rectangular parallelepiped with hexahedra, tetrahedra, wedges or pyramids. |
CreateStructuredMesh | creation of a structured mesh |
CreateSphericalCrown | creation of a mesh of a spherical crown (domain contained between two spheres) with hexahedra, tetrahedra, wedges or pyramids. |
CreateSphericalBall | creation of a mesh of a spherical ball (domain contained inside a sphere) with hexahedra, tetrahedra, wedges or pyramids. |
ExtrudeCoordinate | adds layers of elements along a coordinate (x, y or z) when the outer boundary is a rectangle (creation of hexahedra and wedges). |
ExtrudeOrigin | adds layers of elements by extrusion between two surfaces (source surface and destination surface). |
ExtrudeSurfaceMesh | creates volume mesh from a surface mesh by extrusion. |
AppendMesh | appends a mesh to the current mesh |
CreateSubmesh | creates a mesh from a set of elements of the current mesh |
ConstructMesh | constructs the mesh with the instructions given in the data file |
RearrangeElements | changes the ordering of elements such that tetrahedra are placed first |
GetTetaMinMax | finds minimal and maximal value of teta (cylindrical coordinates) in the mesh |
PeriodizeMeshTeta | generates cyclic mesh from a single cell. |
ApplyLocalRefinement | performs a local refinement around given vertices. |
Methods from MeshNumbering<Dimension3>
CopyInputData | input parameters are copied from another mesh numbering |
ReallocateNeighborElements | allocates arrays to store the orders fo neighbor elements (parallel) |
FinalizeNeighborElements | finalizes arrays to store the orders fo neighbor elements (parallel) |
GetMemorySize | returns the size used by the object in bytes |
SetInputData | modification of the object with an entry of the data file. |
ClearDofs | removes dof numbers from the mesh |
Clear | clears the numbering |
NumberMesh | clears previous numbers and renumbers the mesh |
Element | gives access to the numbering of an element |
GetNbNeighborElt | returns the number of neighboring elements |
GetOrderNeighborElement | returns the order of a neighboring element |
GetTypeNeighborElement | returns the type of a neighboring element |
GetEdgeNeighborElement | returns the face number associated with a neighboring element |
GetLocalEdgeNumberNeighborElement | returns the neighboring element number from the face number |
SetOrderNeighborElement | sets the order of a neighboring element |
SetTypeNeighborElement | sets the type of a neighboring element |
SetEdgeNeighborElement | sets the face number associated with a neighboring element |
GetPeriodicityTypeForDof | returns the type of periodicity (in theta, x, y, z) for a periodic dof |
SetPeriodicityTypeForDof | sets the type of periodicity (in theta, x, y, z) for a periodic dof |
GetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary | returns the type of periodicity (in theta, x, y, z) for a periodic boundary |
SetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary | sets the type of periodicity (in theta, x, y, z) for a periodic boundary |
GetNbPeriodicDof | returns the number of dofs on periodic boundaries |
GetPeriodicDof | returns dof number obtained by a translation of an original dof |
SetPeriodicDof | sets dof number obtained by a translation of an original dof |
GetOriginalPeriodicDof | returns original dof number |
SetOriginalPeriodicDof | sets original dof number |
GetPeriodicBoundary | returns the number of the periodic boundary |
SetPeriodicBoundary | sets the number of the periodic boundary |
SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs | same dof numbers are used (continuous elements) |
SetFormulationForPeriodicCondition | informs how periodic condition is enforced |
GetFormulationForPeriodicCondition | returns how periodic condition is enforced |
UseSameNumberForPeriodicDofs | returns true if same dof numbers are used for periodic condition |
GetOrder | returns the order(s) of approximation associated with the mesh |
GetNbDof | return the number of degrees of freedom in the mesh |
SetNbDof | sets the number of degrees of freedom in the mesh |
GetNbLocalDof | returns the number of degrees of freedom of an element |
GetNbDofPML | returns the number of degrees of freedom in PMLs |
GetDofPML | returns the pml dof number from the dof number |
ReallocateDofPML | sets the number of degrees of freedom in PMLs |
SetDofPML | sets a pml dof number |
SetOrder | sets the order of approximation associated with the mesh |
IsOrderVariable | returns true if the order is variable (different orders used in the mesh) |
SetVariableOrder | sets the strategy used to affect orders |
SetMeshSizeVariableOrder | sets the mesh sizes for each order in the case of variable order |
SetCoefficientVariableOrder | sets a coefficient (for each domain) for the mesh sizes in the case of variable order |
GetOrderElement | returns the order of approximation associated with an element of the mesh |
GetOrderEdge | returns the order of approximation associated with an edge of the mesh |
GetOrderFace | returns the order of approximation associated with a face of the mesh |
GetOrderInside | returns the order of approximation associated with the interior of an element |
SetOrderEdge | sets the order of approximation associated with an edge of the mesh |
SetOrderFace | sets the order of approximation associated with a face of the mesh |
SetOrderInside | sets the order of approximation associated with the interior of an element of the mesh |
GetNbPointsQuadratureBoundary | returns the number of quadrature points on a boundary of the mesh |
InitPeriodicBoundary | initializes periodic boundaries |
GetTranslationPeriodicDof | returns translation vector between two dofs |
SetTranslationPeriodicDof | sets translation vector between two dofs |
GetTranslationPeriodicBoundary | returns translation vector between two boundaries |
ReallocateElements | changes the number of elements stored in the numbering. |
ReallocatePeriodicDof | changes the number of periodic dofs |
ComputeVariableOrder | computes order for each edge and element |
GetOrderQuadrature | returns the order of quadrature formula associated with an edge of the mesh |
SetOrderQuadrature | sets the order of quadrature associated with an edge of the mesh |
GetNbDofElement | returns the number of dofs for an element by using informations of number_map |
GetBoundaryRotation | returns rotation between the two local faces of the elements adjactent to a global face |
CheckMeshNumber | checks dof numbers of the mesh |
ReconstructOffsetDofs | recomputes offsets for dofs on edges, faces, and elements |
ConstructTetrahedralNumbering | returns numbering scheme used for nodes in a tetrahedron |
ConstructPyramidalNumbering | returns numbering scheme used for nodes in a pyramid |
ConstructPrismaticNumbering | returns numbering scheme used for nodes in a wedge |
ConstructHexahedralNumbering | returns numbering scheme used for nodes in a hexahedron |
GetRotationTriangularFace | returns nodes numbers after all possible rotations of a triangle |
GetRotationQuadrilateralFace | returns nodes numbers after all possible rotations of a quadrangle |
GetReferenceQuadrature | returns quadrature points used for the unit interval |
SetOrderElement | sets the order of approximation associated with an element of the mesh |
TreatPeriodicCondition | finds corresponding dofs for periodic/cyclic condition |
GetRotationFace | returns the difference of orientation between two faces |
GetOppositeOrientationFace | returns the opposite orientation between two faces |
GetVertexNumberOfFace | returns the vertex number of a face of the reference element |
GetLocalVertexBoundary | returns the vertex number of a face of the reference element |
GetEdgeNumberOfFace | returns the edge number of a face of the reference element |
Methods from MeshBoundaries<Dimension3>
GetNbReferences | returns the number of references handled in the mesh |
GetCurveType | returns the type of the curve (circle, spline, etc) associated with a reference |
GetBoundaryCondition | returns the boundary condition (Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin, etc) associated with a reference |
GetBodyNumber | returns the body number associated with a reference |
GetCurveParameter | returns the parameters of the curve (for a circle, radius and center) associated with a reference |
GetCurveFunctions1D | returns the basis functions associated with 1-D nodal points |
GetNbPmlAreas | returns the number of PML areas |
ReallocatePmlAreas | reallocates the PML areas |
GetPmlArea | gives access to a PML area |
SetBoundaryCondition | sets the boundary condition (Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin, etc) associated with a reference |
SetCurveType | sets the type of the curve (sphere, cylinder, etc) associated with a reference |
SetBodyNumber | sets the body number associated with a reference |
SetCurveParameter | sets the parameters of the curve (for a sphere, radius and center) associated with a reference |
CopyCurves | curve parameters are copied from another mesh |
CopyInputData | input parameters are copied from another mesh |
GetNewReference | returns an unused reference so that you can create referenced faces with that reference and specify boundary condition or curved boundary. |
ResizeNbReferences | changes the number of references handled in the mesh |
SetNewReference | sets boundary condition and curve type associated with a reference |
GetNbPeriodicReferences | returns the number of periodic boundaries |
GetPeriodicReference | returns the reference of periodic boundaries |
AddPeriodicCondition | adds a pair of references for periodic boundaries |
GetPeriodicAlpha | returns angle of cyclic section (2pi/N) |
SetPeriodicAlpha | sets angle of cyclic section (2pi/N) |
ClearPeriodicCondition | clears informations about periodic conditions |
GetSafetyCoef | returns safety coefficient to use for an element |
AreCurveEqual | returns true if two curves are equal |
GetGeometryOrder | returns the order used to approximate geometry |
GetInterpolate1D | returns value of 1-D shape function used for the approximation of geometry |
GetNodalPointInsideEdge | returns intern points used on the edge [0, 1] for the geometry (should be Gauss-Lobatto points) |
FindEdgeWithExtremities | returns the edge number from its two extremities |
FindEdgeRefWithExtremities | returns the referenced edge number from its two extremities |
ClearCurves | clears informations about curves |
IsBoundaryCurved | returns true if the face i is curved |
GetPointInsideEdge | returns intermediary point on a curved edge |
SetPointInsideEdge | modifies intermediary point on a curved edge |
GetPointInsideFace | returns intermediary point on a curved face |
SetPointInsideFace | modifies intermediary point on a curved face |
GetNbPointsInsideFace | returns the number of intermediary points inside a curved face |
RemoveReference | removes referenced faces with a given reference |
GetSurfaceFiniteElement | returns the nodal finite element used for curved triangles |
GetSurfaceFiniteElement2 | returns the nodal finite element used for curved quadrangles |
SortPeriodicBoundaries | modifies vertex numbers in order to have the same orientations between periodic faces |
SortEdgesRef | modifies referenced edges so that for each edge, the first extremity has a lower number than second extremity |
SortBoundariesRef | modifies referenced faces so that for each face, the first extremity has the lowest number and second extremity the second lowest. |
GetGeometryFaceRotation | returns rotation of nodal points on triangular and quadrilateral faces |
ConstructCrossReferenceBoundaryRef | links referenced faces with global faces |
ConstructCrossReferenceEdgeRef | links referenced edges with global edges |
AddBoundaryFaces | finds faces on the boundary of the domain which are not already in referenced faces, and adds them |
AddBoundaryEdges | finds faces on the boundary of the domain which are not already in referenced faces, and adds them |
ProjectPointsOnCurves | finds parameters of curves, projects points on them, and computes position of internal points on curved boundaries |
RedistributeReferences | modifies references of faces so that each reference is associated with a connected surface. |
GetNeighboringBoundariesAroundVertex | returns all the boundaries around a vertex (the given vertex is an extremity of each boundary) |
CheckCurveParameter | checks that parameters for a given curve are correct |
GetNodalPointsOnFace | returns nodal points of a curved face |
SetStraightEdge | considers the edge as a straight edge |
SetStraightFace | considers the face as a straight face |
GetNodalPointInsideTriangle | returns a nodal point contained in the interior of the reference triangle |
ReadCurveType | sets the type of curve with its name (string coming from the data file) |
ProjectToSphere | projects a point on a sphere |
ProjectToConicCylinder | projects a point on a cone |
ProjectToCylinder | projects a point on a cylinder |
ProjectToCurve | projects a point on a curve |
GetAllPointsOnReference | return all the points (and normales) belonging to referenced faces with the same reference |
GetDistantPointsOnReference | return some points (and normales) belonging to referenced faces with the same reference |
FindParametersPlane | finds coefficients of a plane |
FindParametersSphere | finds coefficients of a sphere |
FindParametersConic | finds coefficients of a cone |
FindParametersCylinder | finds coefficients of an cylinder |
FindParametersCurve | finds parameters of all the curves (for a circle, radius and center) |
GetBoundaryMesh | extracts some referenced boundaries of the current mesh and creates a new mesh with that |
Methods of PmlRegionParameter
GetThicknessPML | returns the thickness of PML |
GetOriginRadialPML | returns the center of radial PML |
GetRadiusPML | returns the radius of radial PML |
SetThicknessPML | sets the thickness of PML |
GetTypeAdditionPML | returns the type of PML to add to the domain |
GetNbLayersPML | returns the number of cells with respect to PML direction |
SetRadiusPML | sets the radius of radial PML |
SetOriginRadialPML | sets the center of radial PML |
SetAdditionPML | sets PML to add to the domain |
SetParameters | sets PML with a line of the data file |
AddPML | adds PML elements to a mesh |
GetAverageLengthOnBoundary | returns the mesh size on the outer boundary |
AddPMLElements | adds PML elements on the outer boundary of the mesh |
GetNbParameters | returns the number of parameters associated with the PML |
FillParameters | fills an array with parameters associated with the PML |
SetRegion | sets the pml with an input array |
Methods from Mesh_Base<Dimension3>
GetNbElt | returns the number of elements in the mesh |
GetNbVertices | returns the number of vertices in the mesh |
GetNbEdges | returns the number of edges in the mesh |
GetOriginalNeighborReference | returns original references of faces shared by two processors |
SetOriginalNeighborReference | sets original references of faces shared by two processors |
GetPathName | returns path name used in method ConstructMesh |
SetPathName | changes path name used in method ConstructMesh |
IsElementAffine | returns true if the considered element is obtained from the reference element by an affine transformation |
ReallocateElements | changes the number of elements stored in the mesh. Previous elements are not kept. |
ResizeElements | changes the number of elements stored in the mesh. Previous elements are kept. |
ClearElements | removes all the elements of the mesh |
Element | gives access to an element of the mesh |
GetTypeElement | returns the hybrid nature of an element (0 for triangle, 1 for quadrangle) |
GetEdge | gives access to an edge of the mesh |
ReallocateEdges | changes the number of edges stored in the mesh. Previous edges are not kept. |
ResizeEdges | changes the number of edges stored in the mesh. Previous edges are kept. |
ReallocateVertices | changes the number of vertices stored in the mesh. Previous vertices are lost. |
ResizeVertices | changes the number of vertices stored in the mesh. Previous vertices are kept. |
ClearVertices | removes all the vertices |
Vertex | gives access to a vertex of the mesh |
GetXmin | returns the minimum of x-coordinate among vertices of the mesh |
GetYmin | returns the minimum of y-coordinate among vertices of the mesh |
GetZmin | returns the minimum of z-coordinate among vertices of the mesh |
GetXmax | returns the maximum of x-coordinate among vertices of the mesh |
GetYmax | returns the maximum of y-coordinate among vertices of the mesh |
GetZmax | returns the maximum of z-coordinate among vertices of the mesh |
FindVertexNumber | returns the number of a vertex from its coordinates |
GetReferenceElement | returns the finite element for the i-th element |
GetVerticesElement | retrieves the vertices coordinates of an element |
GetDofsElement | retrieves the positions of degrees of freedom of an element |
SetInputData | modification of object with an entry of the data file |
PointsOnSameEdge | returns true if two points belong to the same edge |
GetNeighboringElementsAroundVertex | finds all the elements around a given point |
GetNeighboringEdgesAroundVertex | finds all the edges around a given point |
SetVerticesToBeAdded | sets the points that will be added to the mesh in ConstructMesh |
SetVerticesToBeRefined | sets the points that will need a local refinement in ConstructMesh |
CreateReferenceVertices | attributes a reference to each vertex of the mesh |
GetMeshSize | returns an evaluation of the mesh size |
ClearConnectivity | removes all the edges of the mesh (but not referenced edges) |
ClearInput | clears input parameters used in ConstructMesh |
Clear | clears the mesh |
AddOverlapRegion | appends layers of elements to a region of the mesh |
SplitIntoBoxes | splits a mesh into several subdomains by using a regular cartesian grid |
SplitMetis | splits a mesh into several subdomains by using Metis |
SplitScotch | splits a mesh into several subdomains by using Scotch |
SplitConcentric | splits a mesh into several subdomains by using a basic concentric algorithm |
SplitLayered | splits a mesh into several subdomains by using references |
PartMesh | splits a mesh into several subdomains by providing directly epart |
UpdatePeriodicReferenceSplit | updates the splitting of the mesh by taking into account periodic condition |
WriteOrder | writes a mesh in a file, while replacing physical references of element by orders |
FjElemNodal | computes nodal points for an element |
DFjElemNodal | computes jacobian matrix on nodal points for an element |
Fj | computes images of points by transformation Fi |
DFj | computes jacobian matrix for an element |
GetNbPointsNodalElt | returns the number of nodal points of an element |
GetNbPointsNodalBoundary | returns the number of points on a boundary of an element |
GetNodalNumber | returns the node number from the local number on a face |
GetNormale | computes outward normale from jacobian matrix |
GetDistanceToBoundary | returns the distance to the boundary of the reference element |
ProjectPointOnBoundary | projects a point to the boundary of the reference element |
GetBoundingBox | computes a rectangular box bounding an element |
ComputeValuesPhiNodalRef | computation of the shape functions on a given point |
ComputeNodalGradient | computation of the gradient from values on nodal points of an element |
Functions related to meshes in 3-D
TranslateMesh | translates a mesh |
RotateMesh | applies a rotation to a mesh |
ScaleMesh | applies a scaling to a mesh (each coordinate is multiplied by a factor) |
ScaleVariableMesh | applies a variable scaling to a mesh (each coordinate is multiplied by a factor) |
WriteElementMesh | Writes a single element of the mesh in a file |
SendMeshToProcessor | Sends a mesh to another processor |
RecvMeshFromProcessor | Receives a mesh from another processor |
Surfacic meshes
Surface meshes are meshes of a boundary of an initial mesh. It is usually constructed by calling the method GetBoundaryMesh. It consists essentially of a mesh supplemented by the arrays ListeBoundaries, ListeVertices, NumElement and NumLocalBoundary. Below we show an exemple of use
// the "volume" mesh Mesh<Dimension3> mesh_vol; mesh_vol.Read("init.mesh"); // the "surface" mesh SurfacicMesh<Dimension3> mesh_surf; // we want to extract the boundaries of reference 2 and 3 for instance : IVect ref_cond(mesh_vol.GetNbReferences()+1); ref_cond.Zero(); ref_cond(2) = 1; ref_cond(3) = 1; // we call GetBoundaryMesh mesh_vol.GetBoundaryMesh(1, mesh_surf, ref_cond); // in mesh_surf, you have the list of extracted faces : mesh_surf.ListeBoundaries DISP(mesh_surf.ListeBoundaries); // the list of extracted vertices : mesh_surf.ListeVertices DISP(mesh_surf.ListeVertices); // for each extracted face, you know the element number : mesh_surf.NumElement DISP(mesh_surf.NumElement); // and the local position of the extracted face in this element DISP(mesh_surf.NumLocalBoundary);
Init for Edge<Dimension3>
void Init(int n1, int n2) |
void Init(int n1, int n2, int ref) |
You usually initialize the edge by specifying extremity numbers and optionally the reference number of the edge. This method only modifies the extremity numbers (and optionally the reference number), the other fields of the edge are not affected. We advise you to always sort numbers of the edge so that n1 is always lower than n2.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // first, vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(3); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,1); // you canspecify two referenced edges mesh.ReallocateEdgesRef(2); // then you can call Init // the default reference number is 0 mesh.EdgeRef(0).Init(0, 1); // you can also specify a reference mesh.EdgeRef(1).Init(1, 2, 1); // if you recall Init, it will keep previous reference (1 here) mesh.EdgeRef(1).Init(0, 2);
Location :
GetReference for Edge<Dimension3>
int GetReference() const |
This method returns the reference number associated with the edge. This reference number is usually determined in the definition of the geometry of the mesh. If you are using Gmsh, it is the number you specify just after Physical Line.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you loop over referenced edges for (int i = 0: i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) if (mesh.EdgeRef(i).GetReference() == 2) cout << "Edge " << mesh.EdgeRef(i) << endl;
Location :
SetReference for Edge<Dimension3>
void SetReference(int ref) |
This method changes the reference number associated with the edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you loop over referenced edges to change ref 2 to ref 3 for (int i = 0: i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) if (mesh.EdgeRef(i).GetReference() == 2) mesh.BoundaryRef(i).SetReference(3);
Location :
numVertex for Edge<Dimension3>
int numVertex(int j) const |
This method returns the vertex number of an extremity (first or second). You can't change the vertex number, only retrieve it with that method. If you want to change extremities, you have to use Init.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you display extremities of referenced edges for (int i = 0: i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) { cout << "First extremity " << mesh.EdgeRef(i).numVertex(0) << endl; cout << "Second extremity " << mesh.EdgeRef(i).numVertex(1) << endl; }
Location :
GetNbVertices() for Edge<Dimension3>
int GetNbVertices() const |
This method returns 2 since there are two vertices on an edge.
Location :
ClearConnectivity for Edge<Dimension3>
void ClearConnectivity() |
This method removes informations about elements sharing the edge. After that call, there is no elements and no faces associated with the edge. Usually, this low-level method is not used, since you can clear connectivity of all the mesh with method ClearConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we clear the faces and elements shared by an edge ... mesh.EdgeRef(3).ClearConnectivity(); // if you want to clear the connectivity of all the mesh : mesh.ClearConnectivity();
Location :
GetNbFaces for Edge<Dimension3>
int GetNbFaces() const |
This method returns the number of faces (triangles or quadrilaterals) sharing the edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // special treatment for edges that belong to only one face for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdges(); i++) if (mesh.GetEdge(i).GetNbFaces() == 1) cout << "Edge not shared " << i << endl;
Location :
GetNbElements for Edge<Dimension3>
int GetNbElements() const |
This method returns the number of elements (e.g. tetrahedra, hexahedra) sharing the edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // special treatment for edges with only one element for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdges(); i++) if (mesh.GetEdge(i).GetNbElements() == 1) cout << "Edge not shared " << i << endl;
Location :
numFace for Edge<Dimension3>
int numFace(int num) const |
This methods returns the face number of a face adjacent to the edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) { // face number int num_face = mesh.EdgeRef(i).numFace(0); // and local position of the edge on this face int num_loc = mesh.Boundary(num_elem).GetPositionBoundary(i); cout << num_loc << "-th edge of face " << num_face << endl; }
Location :
numElement for Edge<Dimension3>
int numElement(int num) const |
This methods returns the element number of an element adjacent to the edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) { // element number int num_elem = mesh.EdgeRef(i).numElement(0); // and local position of the edge on the element int num_loc = mesh.Element(num_elem).GetPositionEdge(i); cout << num_loc << "-th edge of element " << num_elem << endl; }
Location :
AddFace for Edge<Dimension3>
void AddFace(int i) |
This methods adds a face to the edge. This low level method should be used with caution. The research of adjacent faces for all the edges of the mesh is performed in method FindConnectivity (which is automatically called when reading/creating a mesh).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // first, vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(4); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1,1,1); // you specify two referenced edges mesh.ReallocateEdgesRef(2); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).Init(0, 1, 1); mesh.BoundaryRef(1).Init(1, 2, 1); // then you have faces mesh.ReallocateBoundaries(1); mesh.Boundary(0).InitTriangular(0, 1, 2, 1); // you can specify faces manually (not advised) mesh.EdgeRef(0).AddFace(0); mesh.EdgeRef(1).AddFace(0);
Location :
AddElement for Edge<Dimension3>
void AddElement(int i) |
This methods adds an element to the edge. This low level method should be used with caution. The research of adjacent elements for all the edges of the mesh is performed in method FindConnectivity (which is automatically called when reading/creating a mesh).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // first, vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(4); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1,1,1); // you specify two referenced edges mesh.ReallocateEdgesRef(2); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).Init(0, 1, 1); mesh.BoundaryRef(1).Init(1, 2, 1); // then you have elements mesh.ReallocateElements(1); mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 2, 3, 1); // you can specify elements by hand (not advised) mesh.EdgeRef(0).AddElement(0); mesh.EdgeRef(1).AddElement(0);
Location :
ClearFaces for Edge<Dimension3>
void ClearFaces() |
This method clears the list of faces associated with the edge. This low level method should be used with caution. The research of adjacent elements for all the edges of the mesh is performed in method FindConnectivity (which is automatically called when reading/creating a mesh).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to clear the list of faces of a single edge mesh.EdgeRef(0).ClearFaces();
Location :
IsTriangular for Face<Dimension3>
bool IsTriangular() const |
This method returns true if the face is a triangle, false otherwise.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // specific treatment for triangles for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) if (mesh.Boundary(i).IsTriangular()) cout << "triangular face " << endl;
Location :
IsQuadrangular for Face<Dimension3>
bool IsQuadrangular() const |
This method returns true if the face is a quadrangle, false otherwise.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // specific treatment for quadrangles for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) if (mesh.Boundary(i).IsQuadrangular()) cout << "quadrangular face " << endl;
Location :
GetHybridType for Face<Dimension3>
int GetHybridType() const |
This method returns 0 for a triangle, 1 for a quadrangle.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // specific treatment for triangles/quadrangles for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) switch (mesh.Boundary(i).GetHybridType()) { case 0 : cout << "triangular face " << endl; break; case 1 : cout << "quadrangular face " << endl; break; }
Location :
GetOrientationEdge, GetOrientationBoundary for Face<Dimension3>
bool GetOrientationEdge(int num_loc) const |
int GetOrientationBoundary(int num_loc) const |
This method returns the difference of orientation between local and global edge. It returns true if the orientations are equal, false if the orientations are opposite.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int num_face = 2; for (int num_loc = 0; num_loc < mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetNbEdges(); num_loc++) cout << "Difference of orientation " << mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetOrientationEdge(num_loc);
Location :
numVertex for Face<Dimension3>
int numVertex(int num_loc) const |
This method returns the vertex number of a vertex of the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) { int nb_vertices = mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbVertices(); // storing vertices of the face in an array IVect num(nb_vertices); for (int j = 0; j < nb_vertices; j++) num(j) = mesh.Boundary(i).numVertex(j); }
Location :
numEdge for Face<Dimension3>
int numEdge(int num_loc) const |
This method returns the edge number of an edge of the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) { int nb_edges = mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbEdges(); // storing edges of the face in an array IVect num(nb_edges); for (int j = 0; j < nb_edges; j++) num(j) = mesh.Boundary(i).numEdge(j); }
Location :
GetReference for Face<Dimension3>
int GetReference() const |
This method returns the reference number of the face. Usually this reference number is determined during the construction of the mesh. For example, in Gmsh it is the number just after Physical Surface.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) if (mesh.BoundaryRef(i).GetReference() == 2) cout << "Face with ref 2 " << endl;
Location :
GetNbVertices for Face<Dimension3>
int GetNbVertices() const |
This method returns the number of vertices of the face, e.g. three for a triangle.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) if (mesh.BoundaryRef(i).GetNbVertices() == 3) cout << "Triangular face " << endl;
Location :
GetNbEdges for Face<Dimension3>
int GetNbEdges() const |
This method returns the number of edges of the face, e.g. 3 for a triangle.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) if (mesh.BoundaryRef(i).GetNbEdges() == 3) cout << "Triangular face " << endl;
Location :
SetVertex for Face<Dimension3>
void SetVertex(int num_loc, int num_glob) |
This method sets the global vertex number of a local vertex of the face. Usually, we prefer to specify all the vertices of the face in the same time by calling methods InitTriangular, InitQuadrangular or Init.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to change a global number int old_num = 23; int new_num = 57; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < mesh.BoundaryRef(i).GetNbVertices(); j++) if (mesh.BoundaryRef(i).numVertex(j) == old_num) mesh.BoundaryRef(i).SetVertex(j, new_num);
Location :
SetReference for Face<Dimension3>
void SetReference(int ref) |
This method sets the reference number of the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to change a reference for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) if (mesh.BoundaryRef(i).GetReference() == 2) mesh.BoundaryRef(i).SetReference(3);
Location :
InitTriangular for Face<Dimension3>
void InitTriangular(int n0, int n1, int n2, int ref) |
This method specifies the three vertices of the face (which becomes a triangle) and the associated reference number.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // construction of a basic mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(3); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,1); // creating referenced faces mesh.ReallocateBoundariesRef(1); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).InitTriangular(0, 1, 2, 32);
Location :
InitQuadrangular for Face<Dimension3>
void InitQuadrangular(int n0, int n1, int n2, int n3, int ref) |
This method specifies the four vertices of the face (which becomes a quadrangle) and the associated reference number.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // construction of a basic mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(4); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,1); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(0,1, 1); // creating referenced faces mesh.ReallocateBoundariesRef(1); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).InitQuadrangular(0, 1, 2, 3, 32);
Location :
Init for Face<Dimension3>
void Init(const IVect& num, int ref) |
This method specifies the vertices of the face and the reference number. If the length of the array num is equal to 3, the face will be a triangle, if it is equal to 4, it will be a quadrangle.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // construction of a basic mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(4); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,1); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(0,1,1); // we create referenced faces mesh.ReallocateBoundariesRef(1); IVect num(4); num.Fill(); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).Init(num, 32);
Location :
SetEdge for Face<Dimension3>
void SetEdge(int num_loc, int num_glob) |
This method sets the global number of an edge of the face. This method is low-level, since global edge numbers are attributed when calling FindConnectivity. In regular use, this method should not be called.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.ReadMesh("test.mesh"); // changing first edge number of face 3 (not advised to do that) mesh.BoundaryRef(3).SetEdge(0, 32);
Location :
GetPositionBoundary for Face<Dimension3>
int GetPositionBoundary(int num_glob) const |
This method returns the local position of a global edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) { // face number int num_face = mesh.EdgeRef(i).numFace(0); // usually referenced edges are placed before the other edges int num_edge = i; // local position of the edge on the face int num_loc = mesh.Boundary(num_face).GetPositionBoundary(num_edge); cout << num_loc << "-th edge of face " << num_face << endl; }
Location :
ClearConnectivity for Face<Dimension3>
void ClearConnectivity() |
This method clears the edges and elements which have been found. The edge numbers and element numbers are set to -1 after a call to that function. This low-level method should not be used, you can clear connectivity of all the mesh by calling ClearConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // and after you can clear connectivities of faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) mesh.Boundary(i).ClearConnectivity();
Location :
ClearEdges for Face<Dimension3>
void ClearEdges() |
This method clears the edges which have been found. The edge numbers are set to -1 after a call to that function. This low-level method should not be used, you can clear connectivity of all the mesh by calling ClearConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // and after you clear informations about edges of faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) mesh.Boundary(i).ClearEdges();
Location :
GetMemorySize for Face<Dimension3>
int GetMemorySize() const |
This method returns the size used to store the face in bytes.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) cout << mesh.Boundary(i).GetMemorySize() << endl;
Location :
GetNbElements for Face<Dimension3>
int GetNbElements() const |
This method returns the number of elements sharing the face. If the face is on the boundary, it will return 1 (only one element), otherwise it should return 2.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // special treatment for intern faces ? for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) if (mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbElements() == 2) cout << "Intern face " << i << endl;
Location :
numElement for Face<Dimension3>
int numElement(int num) const |
This methods returns the element number of an element adjacent to the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) { // element number int num_elem = mesh.BoundaryRef(i).numElement(0); // you can get global number of the face int num_face = i; // and local position of the face on the element int num_loc = mesh.Element(num_elem).GetPositionBoundary(num_face); cout << num_loc << "-th face of element " << num_elem << endl; }
Location :
AddElement for Face<Dimension3>
void AddElement(int i) |
This methods adds an element to the face. The number of elements is lower or equal to 2. If you try to add three elements to a face, the third element number will overwrite the second element number. This low level method should be used with caution. The research of adjacent elements for all the faces of the mesh is performed in method FindConnectivity (which is automatically called when reading/creating a mesh).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // first, vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(4); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,1); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1,0,1); // you specify two referenced faces mesh.ReallocateBoundariesRef(2); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).InitTriangular(0, 1, 2, 1); mesh.BoundaryRef(1).InitTriangular(1, 2, 3, 1); // then you have elements mesh.ReallocateElements(1); mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 2, 3, 1); // you can specify elements by hand (not advised) mesh.BoundaryRef(0).AddElement(0); mesh.BoundaryRef(1).AddElement(0);
Location :
SetElement for Face<Dimension3>
void SetElement(int n0, int n1) |
This methods sets the element numbers of adjacent elements to the face. This low level method should be used with caution. The research of adjacent elements for all the faces of the mesh is performed in method FindConnectivity (which is automatically called when reading/creating a mesh).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // first, vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(4); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,1); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1,0,1); // you specify two referenced faces mesh.ReallocateBoundariesRef(2); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).InitTriangular(0, 1, 2, 1); mesh.BoundaryRef(1).InitTriangular(1, 2, 3, 1); // then you have elements mesh.ReallocateElements(1); mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 2, 3, 1); // you can specify elements by hand (not advised) mesh.BoundaryRef(0).AddElement(1); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).AddElement(2); // now if you want to change both element numbers mesh.BoundaryRef(0).SetElement(0, 3);
Location :
GetGeometryReference for Face<Dimension3>
int GetGeometryReference() const |
This method returns the geometry number associated with the face. This geometry number is only defined in .msh files generated by Gmsh, and corresponds to the identification number given to each surface in the .geo file. If you are reading meshes from other formats, the geometric reference will be 0 for every face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you read a mesh generated by Gmsh mesh.Read("test.msh"); // then you loop over referenced faces for (int i = 0: i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) if (mesh.BoundaryRef(i).GetGeometryReference() == 2) cout << "Face " << mesh.BoundaryRef(i) << endl;
Location :
SetGeometryReference for Face<Dimension3>
void SetGeometryReference(int ref) |
This method changes the geometry number associated with the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you read a mesh mesh.Read("test.msh"); // then you loop over referenced faces to change geometry ref 2 to geometry ref 3 for (int i = 0: i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) if (mesh.BoundaryRef(i).GetGeometryReference() == 2) mesh.BoundaryRef(i).SetGeometryReference(3);
Location :
GetMemorySize for Volume
int GetMemorySize() const |
This method returns the size used to store a volume in bytes.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over elements for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) cout << mesh.Element(i).GetMemorySize() << endl;
Location :
GetReference for Volume
int GetReference() const |
This method returns the reference number of the element. Usually this reference number is determined during the construction of the mesh. For example, in Gmsh it is the number just after Physical Volume.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).GetReference() == 2) cout << "Volume with ref 2 " << endl;
Location :
SetReference for Volume
void SetReference(int ref) |
This method sets the reference number of the volume.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to change a reference for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).GetReference() == 2) mesh.Element(i).SetReference(3);
Location :
GetHybridType for Volume
int GetHybridType() const |
This method returns 0 for a tetrahedron, 1 for a pyramid, 2 for a wedge and 3 for an hexahedron.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // specific treatment for the different elements for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) switch (mesh.Element(i).GetHybridType()) { case 0 : cout << "tetrahedral element " << endl; break; case 1 : cout << "pyramidal element " << endl; break; case 2 : cout << "prismatic element " << endl; break; case 3 : cout << "hexahedral element " << endl; break; }
Location :
IsPML for Volume
bool IsPML() const |
This method returns true if the volume is located in a PML area. This status can be modified with methods SetPML() and UnsetPML().
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you can count pml elements for example int nb_elt_pml = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).IsPML()) nb_elt_pml++;
Location :
SetPML for Volume
void SetPML(int num, int type) |
This method informs that the element is in a PML. The first argument num if the PML region number, whereas the second argument type is the type of PML.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // you can mark some elements as pml mesh.Element(23).SetPML(0, 0);
Location :
UnsetPML for Volume
void UnsetPML() |
This method informs that the element is not in a PML.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // you can mark some elements as pml mesh.Element(23).SetPML(0, 0); // and unmark them mesh.Element(23).UnsetPML();
Location :
GetTypePML for Volume
int GetTypePML() const |
This method returns the type of PML associated with the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over PML elements for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).IsPML()) cout << mesh.Element(i).GetTypePML() << endl;
Location :
GetNumberPML for Volume
int GetNumberPML() const |
This method returns the number of PML region associated with the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over PML elements for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).IsPML()) cout << mesh.Element(i).GetNumberPML() << endl;
Location :
IsCurved for Volume
bool IsCurved() const |
This method returns true if the element is considered as a curved element. This status can be modified with methods SetCurved() and UnsetCurved().
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh // if the mesh file is appropriate, there may be curved elements mesh.SetGeometryOrder(4); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you can count curved elements int nb_elt_curved = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).IsCurved()) nb_elt_curved++;
Location :
SetCurved for Volume
void SetCurved() |
This method informs that the element is curved.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(2); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // you can mark some elements as curved mesh.Element(23).SetCurved();
Location :
UnsetCurved for Volume
void UnsetCurved() |
This method informs that the element is not curved.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(2); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // you can mark some elements as curved mesh.Element(23).SetCurved(); // and unmark them mesh.Element(23).UnsetCurved();
Location :
GetNbVertices for Volume
int GetNbVertices() const |
This method returns the number of vertices of the element, 4 for a tetrahedron, 5 for a pyramid, 6 for a wedge and 8 for a hexahedron.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).GetNbVertices() == 4) cout << "Tetrahedral element " << endl;
Location :
GetNbEdges for Volume
int GetNbEdges() const |
This method returns the number of edges of the element, 6 for a tetrahedron, 8 for a pyramid, 9 for a wedge and 12 for a hexahedron.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).GetNbEdges() == 6) cout << "Tetrahedral element " << endl;
Location :
GetNbFaces, GetNbBoundary for Volume
int GetNbFaces() const |
int GetNbBoundary() const |
This method returns the number of faces of the element, 4 for a tetrahedron, 5 for a pyramid or a wedge and 6 for a hexahedron.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).GetNbBoundary() == 4) cout << "Tetrahedral element " << endl;
Location :
numVertex for Volume
int numVertex(int num_loc) const |
This method returns vertex number of a vertex of the volume.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) { int nb_vertices = mesh.Element(i).GetNbVertices(); // storing vertices of the face in an array IVect num(nb_vertices); for (int j = 0; j < nb_vertices; j++) num(j) = mesh.Element(i).numVertex(j); }
Location :
numEdge for Volume
int numEdge(int num_loc) const |
This method returns the edge number of an edge of the volume.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) { int nb_edges = mesh.Element(i).GetNbEdges(); // storing edges of the volume i in an array IVect num(nb_edges); for (int j = 0; j < nb_edges; j++) num(j) = mesh.Element(i).numEdge(j); }
Location :
numFace, numBoundary for Volume
int numFace(int num_loc) const |
int numBoundary(int num_loc) const |
This method returns the face number of a face of the volume.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) { int nb_faces = mesh.Element(i).GetNbFaces(); // storing faces of the volume in an array IVect num(nb_faces); for (int j = 0; j < nb_faces; j++) num(j) = mesh.Element(i).numFace(j); }
Location :
GetOrientationEdge for Volume
bool GetOrientationEdge(int num_loc) const |
This method returns the difference of orientation between local and global edge. It returns true if the orientations are equal, false if the orientations are opposite.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int num_elem = 2; for (int num_loc = 0; num_loc < mesh.Element(num_elem).GetNbEdges(); num_loc++) cout << "Difference of orientation " << mesh.Element(num_elem).GetOrientationEdge(num_loc);
Location :
GetOrientationFace, GetOrientationBoundary for Volume
int GetOrientationFace(int num_loc) const |
int GetOrientationBoundary(int num_loc) const |
This method returns the difference of orientation between local and global face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int num_elem = 2; for (int num_loc = 0; num_loc < mesh.Element(num_elem).GetNbBoundary(); num_loc++) cout << "Difference of orientation " << mesh.Element(num_elem).GetOrientationFace(num_loc);
Location :
SetOrientationFace for Volume
void SetOrientationFace(int num_loc, int rot) |
This method sets the difference of orientation between local and global face. This low-level method should not be called since this orientation is set in other methods (such as reading a mesh, splitting it, etc).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int num_elem = 2; mesh.Element(num_elem).SetOrientationFace(0, 3);
Location :
Init for Volume
void Init(const IVect& num, int ref) |
This method specifies the vertices of the element and the reference number. If the length of the array num is equal to 4, the element will be a tetrahedron, if it is equal to 5, it will be a pyramid, etc.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // construction of a basic mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(4); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(0,1,1); // we create elements mesh.ReallocateElements(1); IVect num(4); num.Fill(); mesh.Element(0).Init(num, 32);
Location :
InitTetrahedral for Volume
void InitTetrahedral(const IVect& num, int ref) |
void InitTetrahedral(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int ref) |
This method inits a tetrahedral element by giving the numbers of the four vertices and the reference. You can also provide the numbers in an array num.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // construction of a basic mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(6); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,1); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(0,1,1); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(5) = R3(0,1,0); // we create elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); IVect num(4); num.Fill(); mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(num, 32); mesh.Element(1).InitTetrahedral(1, 3, 2, 4, 32);
Location :
InitPyramidal for Volume
void InitPyramidal(const IVect& num, int ref) |
void InitPyramidal(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int ref) |
This method inits a pyramidal element by giving the numbers of the five vertices and the reference. You can also provide the numbers in an array num.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // construction of a basic mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(6); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,1); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(0,1,1); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(5) = R3(0,1,0); // we create elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); IVect num(5); num.Fill(); mesh.Element(0).InitPyramidal(num, 32); mesh.Element(1).InitPyramidal(1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 32);
Location :
InitWedge for Volume
void InitWedge(const IVect& num, int ref) |
void InitWedge(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int ref) |
This method inits a prismatic element by giving the numbers of the six vertices and the reference. You can also provide the numbers in an array num.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // construction of a basic mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(6); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,1); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(0,1,1); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(5) = R3(0,1,0); // we create elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); IVect num(6); num.Fill(); mesh.Element(0).InitWedge(num, 32); mesh.Element(1).InitWedge(1, 3, 2, 4, 0, 5, 32);
Location :
InitHexahedral for Volume
void InitHexahedral(const IVect& num, int ref) |
void InitHexahedral(int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4, int n5, int n6, int n7, int n8, int ref) |
This method inits a hexahedral element by giving the numbers of the eight vertices and the reference. You can also provide the numbers in an array num.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // construction of a basic mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(8); mesh.Vertex(0) = R3(0,0,0); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(1,0,1); mesh.Vertex(2) = R3(1,1,0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(0,1,1); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(1,0,0); mesh.Vertex(5) = R3(0,1,0); mesh.Vertex(6) = R3(0,0,1); mesh.Vertex(7) = R3(1,1,1); // we create elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); IVect num(8); num.Fill(); mesh.Element(0).InitHexahedral(num, 32); mesh.Element(1).InitHexahedral(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 32);
Location :
SetEdge for Volume
void SetEdge(int num_loc, int num_glob) |
This method sets the global number of an edge of the volume. This method is a low-level, since global edge numbers are attributed when calling FindConnectivity. In regular use, this method should not be called.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.ReadMesh("test.mesh"); // changing first edge number of element 3 (not advised to do that) mesh.Element(3).SetEdge(0, 32);
Location :
SetFace for Volume
void SetFace(int num_loc, int num_glob) |
void SetFace(int num_loc, int num_glob, int rot) |
This method sets the global number of a face of the volume. This method is a low-level, since global face numbers are attributed when calling FindConnectivity. In regular use, this method should not be called. The optional third argument is the orientation of the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.ReadMesh("test.mesh"); // changing first face number of element 3 (not advised to do that) mesh.Element(3).SetFace(0, 32);
Location :
GetPositionEdge for Volume
int GetPositionEdge(int num_glob) const |
This method returns the local position of a global edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) { // element number int num_elem = mesh.EdgeRef(i).numElement(0); // usually referenced edges are placed before the other edges int num_edge = i; // local position of the edge on the element int num_loc = mesh.Element(num_elem).GetPositionEdge(num_edge); cout << num_loc << "-th edge of element " << num_elem << endl; }
Location :
GetPositionBoundary for Volume
int GetPositionBoundary(int num_glob) const |
This method returns the local position of a global face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) { // element number int num_elem = mesh.BoundaryRef(i).numElement(0); // usually referenced faces are placed before the other faces int num_edge = i; // local position of the face on the element int num_loc = mesh.Element(num_elem).GetPositionBoundary(num_edge); cout << num_loc << "-th face of element " << num_elem << endl; }
Location :
ClearConnectivity for Volume
void ClearConnectivity() |
This method clears the edges and faces which have been found. The edge and face numbers are set to -1 after a call to that function. This low-level method should not be used, you can clear connectivity of all the mesh by calling ClearConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // and after you can clear connectivities of elements only for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) mesh.Element(i).ClearConnectivity();
Location :
ClearEdges for Volume
void ClearEdges() |
This method clears the edges which have been found. The edge numbers are set to -1 after a call to that function. This low-level method should not be used, you can clear connectivity of all the mesh by calling ClearConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // and after you clear informations about edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) mesh.Element(i).ClearEdges();
Location :
ClearFaces for Volume
void ClearFaces() |
This method clears the facees which have been found. The face numbers are set to -1 after a call to that function. This low-level method should not be used, you can clear connectivity of all the mesh by calling ClearConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // and after you clear informations about faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) mesh.Element(i).ClearFaces();
Location :
void TranslateMesh(Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, R3 translat) |
This method translates the 3-D mesh with the vector translat.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // defining the vector of translation R3 translat(2.5, -0.4, 0.8); // the mesh is translated TranslateMesh(mesh, translat);
Location :
void RotateMesh(Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, R3 center, R3 axis, Real_wp teta) |
This method rotates the 3-D mesh around an axis with an angle teta.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // defining a point of the axis of rotation R3 center(2.5, -0.4, 0.8); // then the direction of the axis R3 axis(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // the mesh is rotated by an angle pi/4 around the axis RotateMesh(mesh, center, axis, pi_wp/4);
Location :
void ScaleMesh(Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, R3 scale) |
This method scales the mesh. Each coordinate is multiplied by a given factor.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // defining the scaling factors for each direction R3 scale(2.0, 3.0, 4.0); // the mesh is scaled (here x is multiplied by 2, y by 3, z by 4) ScaleMesh(mesh, scale);
Location :
void WriteElementMesh( | Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, ElementGeomReference<Dimension3>& Fb, |
SetPoints<Dimension3>& PointsElem, string file_name, int num_elem) |
This method writes the element num_elem of the mesh in a file. The element will be subdivided depending on the geometry order. This function is useful to check a curved element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you can read a curved mesh mesh.Read("test.msh"); // writes the element 4 in a new mesh (the element will be subdivided if the geometry order is greater or equal to 2). int num_elem = 4; const ElementGeomReference<Dimension3>& Fb = mesh.GetReferenceElement(num_elem); SetPoints<Dimension3> PointsElem; VectR3 s; mesh.GetVerticesElement(num_elem, s); Fb.FjElemNodal(s, PointsElem, mesh, num_elem); WriteElementMesh(mesh, Fb, PointsElem, "elem.mesh", 4);
Location :
void ScaleVariableMesh(Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, ScalingMeshVirtualFunction3D fct) |
This method scales the mesh in x and y. The factor depends on the variable z and is prescribed by the virtual function EvaluateCoefficient of the object fct.
Example :
// you derive the class ScalingMeshVirtualFunction3D class MyScaling : public ScalingMeshVirtualFunction3D { public : // for a given z, you define the dilatation coefficient in x and y void EvaluateCoefficient(const Real_wp& z, Real_wp& coefx, Real_wp& coefy) { coefx = 1.0/(1.0 + z*z); coefy = 1.0/(1.0 + 2.0*abs(z)); } }; int main() { Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // defining the scaling factor in x/y MyScaling scale; // the mesh is scaled (here x is multiplied by 1/(1+z^2), y by 1/(1+abs(z))) ScaleVariableMesh(mesh, scale); }
Location :
void ReallocateBoundariesRef(int n) |
This low-level routine reallocates the referenced faces of the mesh. The faces are modified with the method BoundaryRef.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.ReallocateBoundariesRef(10); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).InitTriangular(2, 5, 7, 1); mesh.BoundaryRef(1).InitQuadrangular(1, 4, 7, 8, 1); // etc // once you have filled referenced faces, elements and vertices mesh.FindConnectivity();
Location :
void ResizeBoundariesRef(int n) |
This low-level routine resizes the referenced faces of the mesh. Previous referenced faces are conserved (contrary to ReallocateBoundariesRef), and the additional faces are not initialized. The faces are modified with the method BoundaryRef.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int n = mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); // you can add referenced faces mesh.ResizeBoundariesRef(n+10); mesh.BoundaryRef(n).InitTriangular(2, 5, 7, 1); mesh.BoundaryRef(n+1).InitQuadrangular(1, 4, 7, 8, 1); // etc // once you have filled additional referenced faces mesh.FindConnectivity();
Location :
void ReallocateEdgesRef(int n) |
This low-level routine reallocates the referenced edges of the mesh. The edges are modified with the method EdgeRef.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.ReallocateEdgesRef(10); mesh.EdgeRef(0).Init(2, 5, 1); mesh.EdgeRef(1).Init(1, 4, 1); // etc // once you have filled referenced faces, elements and vertices mesh.FindConnectivity();
Location :
void ResizeEdgesRef(int n) |
This low-level routine resizes the referenced edges of the mesh. Previous referenced edges are conserved (contrary to ReallocateEdgesRef), and the additional edges are not initialized. The edges are modified with the method EdgeRef.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int n = mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); // you can add referenced edges mesh.ResizeEdgesRef(n+10); mesh.EdgeRef(n).Init(2, 5, 1); mesh.EdgeRef(n+1).Init(1, 4, 1); // etc // once you have filled additional referenced edges mesh.FindConnectivity();
Location :
void ReallocateFaces(int N) |
This low-level routine reallocates the faces of the mesh. The faces are modified with the method Boundary. This method should be used cautiously since faces are automatically constructed when FindConnectivity is called.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.ReallocateFaces(10); mesh.Boundary(0).InitTriangular(0, 1, 4, 1); // here a call to FindConnectivity will reconstruct the faces (previous faces are erased) mesh.FindConnectivity();
Location :
void ResizeFaces(int N) |
This low-level routine resizes the faces of the mesh. Previous faces are conserved (contrary to ReallocateFaces), and the additional faces are not initialized. The faces are modified with the method Boundary. This method should be used cautiously since faces are automatically constructed when FindConnectivity is called.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int n = mesh.GetNbVertices(); // you can add faces mesh.ResizeFaces(n+10); mesh.Boundary(n).Init(2.1, 5.4, 1.3); mesh.Boundary(n+1).Init(1.9, 4.8, 1.6); // etc // here a call to FindConnectivity will reconstruct the faces (previous faces are erased) mesh.FindConnectivity();
Location :
Edge<Dimension3>& EdgeRef(int i) |
This method gives access to a referenced edge of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int n = mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); // you can display referenced edges for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << " Referenced Edge " << i << " = " << mesh.EdgeRef(i) << endl;
Location :
Face<Dimension3>& BoundaryRef(int i) |
This method gives access to a referenced face of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int n = mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); // you can display referenced faces for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << " Referenced face " << i << " = " << mesh.BoundaryRef(i) << endl;
Location :
Face<Dimension3>& Boundary(int i) |
This method gives access to a face of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int n = mesh.GetNbBoundary(); // you can display all the faces of the mesh (interior faces also) for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) cout << " Face " << i << " = " << mesh.Boundary(i) << endl;
Location :
int GetNbBoundary() const |
This method returns the number of faces of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int n = mesh.GetNbBoundary(); cout << " Number of faces : " << n << endl;
Location :
int GetNbBoundaryRef() const |
This method returns the number of referenced faces of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int n = mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); cout << " Number of referenced faces : " << n << endl;
Location :
int GetGlobalBoundaryNumber(int i) const |
This method returns the global number of the local face i. This method is relevant only in parallel (when each processor owns a part of the mesh).
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); int i = 3; int iglob = mesh.GetGlobalBoundaryNumber(i);
Location :
const TriangleGeomReference& GetTriangleReferenceElement() const |
This method returns the triangular finite element used for curved triangles.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); const TriangleGeomReference& tri = mesh.GetTriangleReferenceElement();
Location :
const QuadrangleGeomReference& GetQuadrilateralReferenceElement() const |
This method returns the quadrangular finite element used for curved quadrilaterals.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); const QuadrangleGeomReference& tri = mesh.GetQuadrilateralReferenceElement();
Location :
void GetReferenceElementSurface(Vector<const ElementGeomReference<Dimension2>* >& elt) const |
This method fills the array elt with the triangular and quadrangular finite element used for curved surfaces.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); Vector<const ElementGeomReference<Dimension2>* > elt mesh.GetReferenceElementSurface(elt);
Location :
void GetReferenceElementVolume(Vector<const ElementGeomReference<Dimension3>* >& elt) const |
This method fills the array elt with the finite element used for each element.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); Vector<const ElementGeomReference<Dimension3>* > elt mesh.GetReferenceElementVolume(elt);
Location :
Vector<int> GetLocalNodalNumber(int type, int num_loc) |
This method returns the nodal numbers of the face num_loc of a tetrahedron (if type is 0) or a pyramid (if type is 1) or a prism (if type is 2) or an hexahedron (if type is 3).
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // number of nodal points for the face 2 of the pyramid int num_loc = 2; IVect num_nodes = mesh.GetLocalNodalNumber(1, num_loc);
Location :
int GetNbTetrahedra() const |
This method computes and returns the number of tetrahedra contained in the mesh. This number is computed by performing a loop over the elements of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // counting the number of tetrahedra int nb_tet = mesh.GetNbTetrahedra();
Location :
int GetNbPyramids() const |
This method computes and returns the number of pyramids contained in the mesh. This number is computed by performing a loop over the elements of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // counting the number of pyramids int nb_pyr = mesh.GetNbPyramids();
Location :
int GetNbWedges() const |
This method computes and returns the number of wedges contained in the mesh. This number is computed by performing a loop over the elements of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // counting the number of wedges int nb_wed = mesh.GetNbWedges();
Location :
int GetNbHexahedra() const |
This method computes and returns the number of hexahedra contained in the mesh. This number is computed by performing a loop over the elements of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // counting the number of hexahedra int nb_hex = mesh.GetNbHexahedra();
Location :
int GetNbTrianglesRef() const |
This method computes and returns the number of referenced triangles contained in the mesh. This number is computed by performing a loop over the referenced faces of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // counting the number of referenced triangles int nb_tri = mesh.GetNbTrianglesRef();
Location :
int GetNbQuadranglesRef() const |
This method computes and returns the number of referenced quadrangles contained in the mesh. This number is computed by performing a loop over the referenced faces of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // counting the number of referenced quadrangles int nb_quad = mesh.GetNbQuadranglesRef();
Location :
int GetNbTriangles() const |
This method computes and returns the number of triangles contained in the mesh. This number is computed by performing a loop over the faces of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // counting the number of triangles int nb_tri = mesh.GetNbTriangles();
Location :
int GetNbQuadrangles() const |
This method computes and returns the number of quadrangles contained in the mesh. This number is computed by performing a loop over the faces of the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // counting the number of quadrangles int nb_quad = mesh.GetNbQuadrangles();
Location :
int GetNbEdgesRef() const |
This method returns the number of referenced edges contained in the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // number of referenced edges int nb_edges = mesh.GetNbEdgesRef();
Location :
int GetNbFaces() const |
This method returns the number of faces contained in the mesh.
Example :
// starting mesh from a file Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetOrderGeometry(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // number of faces int nb_faces = mesh.GetNbFaces();
Location :
void SetGeometryOrder(int r) |
void SetGeometryOrder(int r, bool only_hex) |
This method changes the order of approximation used for the definition of the geometry. It is necessary to call that method before reading the mesh, otherwise the mesh will be converted into a first order mesh, and you will lose the information about curved boundaries contained in the mesh file. Usually in Montjoie codes (except those in the directory src/Program/Mesh), this step is performed when the data file is read (for the field OrderDiscretization). When a mesh is read, it is translated into Montjoie structures, so at the order specified when you have called SetGeometryOrder (the default order is 1). You can change the order of approximation after reading the mesh, in that case it will perform an interpolation to obtain the new nodal points on referenced edges of the mesh or exploit the informations provided for the curves. Of course, if you have decreased the order of approximation, some information is lost, and if you get back to the initial order of approximation, the internal points will not be exactly the same.The second argument is optional, if you put true, only quadrilateral/hexahedral finite element is computed. It is assumed that the mesh only contain hexehadra in that case.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // first you specify which order you wish mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); // you can specify a given curve if you want (you don't need if the input mesh is already curved) mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // if you don't provide parameters with method SetCurveParameters, the // parameters will be automatically found // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // you can decrease the order of approximation if you want mesh.SetGeometryOrder(2);
Related topics :
Location :
bool HybridMesh() const |
This method returns true if the mesh contains a mix of elements. If the mesh contains only tetrahedra or only hexahedra, it will return false.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // it is an hybrid mesh ? if (mesh.HybridMesh()) cout << "The mesh is hybrid " << endl;
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bool IsOnlyTetrahedral() const |
This method returns true if the mesh contains only tetrahedra.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // it is a purely tetrahedral mesh ? if (mesh.IsOnlyTetrahedral()) cout << "The mesh contains only tetrahedra " << endl;
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bool IsOnlyHexahedral() const |
This method returns true if the mesh contains only hexahedra.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // it is a purely hexahedral mesh ? if (mesh.IsOnlyHexahedral()) cout << "The mesh contains only hexahedra " << endl;
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size_t GetMemorySize() const |
This method returns the memory used to store the mesh (in bytes).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); cout << "Memory used to store the mesh = " << mesh.GetMemorySize() << " bytes" << endl;
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int GetUpperBoundNumberOfFaces() const |
This method returns an upper bound for the number of faces. This upper bound is used when the faces are constructed. The actual number of faces is given by GetNbFaces.
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int GetUpperBoundNumberOfEdges() const |
This method returns an upper bound for the number of edges. This upper bound is used when the edges are constructed. The actual number of edges is given by GetNbEdges.
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int GetNodesCurvedMesh(VectR3& PosNodes, Vector<IVect>& Nodle, int rmax) const |
int GetNodesCurvedMesh(VectR3& PosNodes, Vector<IVect>& Nodle, int rmax, bool lobatto) const |
This method computes the positions of each node of the mesh and the array containing node numbers for each element. For first-order meshes, the nodes of the mesh are the vertices, and Nodle will contain the vertex numbers for each element. For high-order meshes, vertices and intern nodes are computed, and nodes numbers are stored for each element. The local numbering of nodes on a tetrahedron is displayed in the method ConstructTriangularNumbering, and on a hexahedron, you can look at the picture of the method ConstructQuadrilateralNumbering. You can require to have nodes for an order rmax lower than the order of approximation of the mesh, but if you ask nodes for order rmax greater, it will give you nodes for the order of approximation of the mesh, and the method will return this order. If you want to avoid this drawback, you can call SetGeometryOrder before. If the last argument is set to true, the nodal points are computed for Gauss-Lobatto points. Otherwise, the nodal points are computed for a regular subdivision.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you want to explicit all the nodes and node numbering VectR3 PosNodes; Vector<IVect> Nodle; // here you will get only third-order mesh (r = 3) int r = mesh.GetNodesCurvedMesh(PosNodes, Nodle, 4); cout << "Actual order of nodes " << r << endl; // printing all the nodes cout << "Position of nodes " << endl; for (int i = 0; i < PosNodes.GetM(); i++) cout << PosNodes(i) << endl; for (int i = 0; i < Nodle.GetM(); i++) cout << "Nodes of element " << i << endl << Nodle(i) << endl;
Related topics :
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void Read(string file_name) |
This method reads a mesh from a file. The mesh format is automatically found with the extension of the file name. If the mesh file is curved, you will have to call SetGeometryOrder before, so that the mesh is converted to an high-order mesh with the order specified by the call of SetGeometryOrder. In Montjoie, we use generally isoparametric elements, the order of approximation is usually the same for the geometry and the finite element space.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh");
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void Write(string file_name) const |
This method writes a mesh in a file. The mesh format is automatically found with the extension of the file name.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // and writing in another format mesh.Write("test.msh");
Related topics :
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void ChangeLocalNumberingMesh() |
This method permutes the local numbering of tetrahedra such that the vertex numbers are sorted in decreasing order. It works only for purely tetrahedral meshes.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you change the local numbering of tetrahedra mesh.ChnageLocalNumberingMesh();
Location :
void ReorientElements() |
This method changes the local numbering of elements, so that the jacobian is positive for all elements. This method is called when a mesh is read from a file so that you probably don't need to call it. For most of the methods (except low-level methods such as Vertex, Element, etc) defined in class Mesh, the orientation of elements is set so that jacobians are always positive.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // if you construct by your-self a mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(4); mesh.Vertex(0).Init(-1.0, -1.0, 2.0); // etc mesh.ReallocateElements(5); mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(4, 2, 5, 8, 1); // etc // you will need to reorient elements such that jacobian is positive mesh.ReorientElements();
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void ReorientElementCartesian(IVect& num, VectR3& s) |
This method permutes the numbers contained in num such that the jacobian matrix is diagonal. It works only for a rectangular element (num and s are arrays of size 8). The second argument s is not modified and contains the vertices of the element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // constructing num and ptE int num_elem = 23; int ref = mesh.Element(num_elem).GetReference(); VectR3 s(8); IVect num(8); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { num(i) = mesh.Element(num_elem).numVertex(i); s(i) = mesh.Vertex(num(i)); } // we compute a permutation of num to provide a diagonal jacobian matrix mesh.ReorientElementCartesian(num, ptE); // we changes the numbers in the mesh mesh.Element(num_elem).Init(num, ref); // if you change the mesh => call to FindConnectivity mesh.FindConnectivity();
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void ReorientFaces(int ref_target, const IVect& ref_cond, const R3& normale) |
This method changes the local numbering of referenced faces such that they are oriented counterclockwise. The operation is performed for all references faces such that ref_cond(ref) = ref_target. normale is the approximative direction of the desired normale for all the referenced faces. It is mainly intended for planar surfaces where an unique normale exists.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("plate.mesh"); // if you want to have the same orientation of faces of reference 2 and 3 int ref_target = 1; IVect ref_cond(mesh.GetNbReferences()+1); ref_cond.Zero(); ref_cond(2) = ref_target; ref_cond(3) = ref_target; mesh.ReorientFaces(ref_target, ref_cond, R3(0, 0, 1.0));
Location :
void FindConnectivity() |
This method finds all the edges and faces of the mesh. Referenced edges (resp. faces) are placed at the first position and then intern edges (resp. faces).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh (here FindConnectivity is called by Read) mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // you can ask to recompute edges dand faces (not needed in this case) mesh.FindConnectivity() // printing the number of edges cout << "Number of edges " << mesh.GetNbEdges() << endl;
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void RemoveDuplicateVertices() |
This method removes from the mesh duplicate vertices, i.e. vertices which are twice in the mesh, so that in the new mesh, each vertex is unique.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we remove duplicate vertices mesh.RemoveDuplicateVertices(); // printing the new number of vertices cout << "Number of vertices " << mesh.GetNbVertices() << endl;
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void ForceCoherenceMesh() |
This method removes from the mesh unused vertices, i.e. vertices which are not belonging to elements. The referenced edges/faces that do not belong to elements are removed.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we remove unused vertices mesh.ForceCoherenceMesh(); // printing the new number of vertices cout << "Number of vertices " << mesh.GetNbVertices() << endl;
Location :
void ClearZeroBoundaryRef() |
This method removes from the mesh referenced faces whose reference is equal to 0.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we remove faces of reference 0 mesh.ClearZeroBoundaryRef(); // printing the new number of referenced faces cout << "Number of reference faces " << mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef() << endl;
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void SymmetrizeMesh(int num_coor, Real_wp d, R3 normale, bool keep_face=false) |
This method symmetrizes a mesh with respect to a plane. The equation of the plane depends on the value of num_coor :
- num_coor = 0 ⇒ x = d
- num_coor = 1 ⇒ y = d
- num_coor = 2 ⇒ z = d
- num_coor = -1 ⇒ a x + b y + c z + d = 0
In the last case (num_coor = -1), the parameters a, b and c are stored in the vector normale. The last argument is optional. If equal to true, the references faces on the symmetry plane are kept. Otherwise these references faces are removed. In the figure below, we show an exemple of symmetrization:
⇒ |
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we symmetrize the mesh with respect to the plane z = 0.5 mesh.SymmetrizeMesh(2, 0.5, R3()); mesh.Read("other.mesh"); // symmetry with respect to plane a x + b y + c z + d = 0 Real_wp a = 1.0, b = 2.0, c = 3.0, d = 4.0; mesh.SymmetrizeMesh(-1, d, R3(a, b, c));
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void SplitIntoHexahedra() |
This method converts a purely tetrahedral mesh to a purely hexahedral mesh by splitting each tetrahedron into four hexahedra. Below, we show an illustration of this functionality (we show the boundary of the mesh and the interior):
⇒ | ||
⇒ |
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read a tetrahedral mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we split tetrahedra into hexahedra mesh.SplitIntoHexahedra();
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void SplitIntoTetrahedra() |
This method converts a mixed mesh (containing hexahedra, tetrahedra, pyramids and/or wedges) to a purely tetrahedral mesh by splitting each element into tetrahedra. Below, we show an illustration of this functionality (we show the boundary of the mesh):
⇒ |
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read an hexahedral-dominant mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we split into tetrahedra mesh.SplitIntoTetrahedra();
Location :
void GetMeshSubdivision | (const VectReal_wp& outside_subdiv, const Vector<VectR3>& points_div, const Vector<VectR2>& points_surf, |
VectR3& PosNodes, Vector<IVect>& Nodle, Vector<IVect>& NodleSurf) const |
This method returns a subdivision of the mesh through arrays PosNodes (nodal points), Nodle (connectivity) and NodleSurf (connectivity of surface). In this method, the user can provide its own points for triangles, quadrangles, tetrahedra, hexahedra, etc. Nodle(i) contains the node numbers for the element i. NodleSurf(i) contains the node numbers for the reference face i.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // defining regular subdivision int order = 3; VectReal_wp step_x(order+1); for (int i = 0; i ≤ order; i++) step_x(i) = Real_wp(i)/order; Vector<VectR2> points_surf(2); points_surf(0).Reallocate((order+1)*(order+2)/2); points_surf(1).Reallocate((order+1)*(order+1)); // regular points on triangles Matrix<int> NumNodes2D, coor; mesh.ConstructTriangularNumbering(order, NumNodes2D, coor); for (int i = 0; i ≤ order; i++) for (int j = 0; j ≤ order-i; j++) points_surf(0)(NumNodes2D(i, j)).Init(step_x(i), step_x(j)); // regular points on quadrangles mesh.ConstructQuadrilateralNumbering(order, NumNodes2D, coor); for (int i = 0; i ≤ order; i++) for (int j = 0; j ≤ order; j++) points_surf(1)(NumNodes2D(i, j)).Init(step_x(i), step_x(j)); Vector<VectR3> points_div(4); points_div(0).Reallocate((order+1)*(order+2)*(order+3)/6); points_div(1).Reallocate((order+1)*(order+2)*(2*order+3)/6); points_div(2).Reallocate((order+1)*(order+2)*(order+1)/2); points_div(3).Reallocate((order+1)*(order+1)*(order+1)); // regular points on tetrahedra Array3D<int> NumNodes3D; MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::ConstructTetrahedralNumbering(order, NumNodes3D, coor); for (int i = 0; i <= order; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= order-i; j++) for (int k = 0; k <= order-i-j; k++) points_div(0)(NumNodes3D(i, j, k)).Init(step_x(i), step_x(j), step_x(k)); // regular points on pyramid MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::ConstructPyramidalNumbering(order, NumNodes3D, coor); for (int k = 0; k <= order; k++) for (int i = 0; i <= order-k; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= order-k; j++) { Real_wp z = step_x(k); Real_wp x(0), y(0); if (k < order) { x = step_x(i)/step_x(order-k); y = step_x(j)/step_x(order-k); } points_div(1)(NumNodes3D(i, j, k)).Init((1.0-z)*(2.0*x-1.0), (1.0-z)*(2.0*y-1.0), z); } // regular points on triangular prism MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::ConstructPrismaticNumbering(order, NumNodes3D, coor); for (int i = 0; i <= order; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= order-i; j++) for (int k = 0; k <= order; k++) points_div(2)(NumNodes3D(i, j, k)).Init(step_x(i), step_x(j), step_x(k)); // regular points on hexahedron MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::ConstructHexahedralNumbering(order, NumNodes3D, coor); for (int i = 0; i <= order; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= order; j++) for (int k = 0; k <= order; k++) points_div(3)(NumNodes3D(i, j, k)).Init(step_x(i), step_x(j), step_x(k)); // we get a subdivision of the mesh VectR3 PosNodes; Vector<IVect> Nodle, NodleSurf; mesh.GetMeshSubdivision(step_x, points_div, points_surf, PosNodes, Nodle, NodleSurf);
Location :
void SubdivideMesh( | const VectReal_wp& outside_subdiv) |
void SubdivideMesh( | const VectReal_wp& outside_subdiv, const Vector<VectR2>& points_surf, Vector<VectR3>& points_div, |
Vector<IVect>& Nodle, Vector<IVect>& NodleSurf) |
This method subdivides a mesh by giving subdivision on the edge [0,1] in array outside_subdiv. You can retrieve the subdivided points of triangle and quadrangle in array points_div, and the new vertex numbers on each element in array Nodle. In the array NodleSurf, the vertex numbers on each referenced face is given.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // defining regular subdivision int order = 3; VectReal_wp step_x(order+1); for (int i = 0; i ≤ order; i++) step_x(i) = Real_wp(i)/order; // subdividing mesh mesh.SubdivideMesh(step_x);
We see below the result obtained on a mesh by this method
⇒ |
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void CreateRegularMesh(R3 ptMin, R3 ptMax, TinyVector<int,3> nbPoints, int ref_domain, TinyVector<int,6> ref_boundary, int type_mesh, R3 ratio) |
This method creates a regular mesh of a rectangular zone defined by the left bottom corner ptMin and the right top corner ptMax. You specify the number of points of the mesh on each direction (x, y and z) in nbPoints, the reference to attribute to each boundary is given in ref_boundary (plane x=xmin in ref_boundary(0), y=ymin in ref_boundary(1), z=zmin in ref_boundary(2), z=zmax in ref_boundary(3), y=ymax in ref_boundary(4), z=zmax in ref_boundary(5)). type_mesh describes the elements to use in order to mesh the rectangular zone. You can choose between
- HEXAHEDRAL_MESH : only hexahedra
- TETRAHEDRAL_MESH : only tetrahedra
- PYRAMID_MESH : only pyramids
- WEDGE_MESH : only wedges
- HYBRID_MESH : pyramids and tetrahedra
- CRUSH_MESH : degenerated hexahedra
The last argument ratio is optional. If present, the positions will follow a geometric progression (ratio(0) is the common ratio for x-coordinate, ratio(1) for y-coordinate, ratio(2) for z-coordinate).
- ptMin (in)
- lower extremity of the rectangular zone to mesh
- ptMax (in)
- upper extremity of the rectangular zone to mesh
- nbPoints (in)
- number of points in x, y and z
- ref_domain (in)
- reference of created elements
- ref_boundary (in)
- reference of boundary faces
- type_mesh (in)
- type of mesh
- ratio (optional)
- geometric progression in x and y
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we construct a regular mesh of the cube [-2, 2]^3 // with 20 points along x, 11 points along y, and 5 points along z, TinyVector<int, 6> ref_boundary; ref_boundary.Fill(3); mesh.CreateRegularMesh(R3(-2, -2, -2), R3(2, 2, 2), 1, TinyVector<int, 3>(20, 11, 5), ref_boundary, mesh.HEXAHEDRAL_MESH);
Related topics :
Location :
void CreateStructuredMesh( | const VectReal_wp& pos_x, const VectReal_wp& pos_y, const VectReal_wp& pos_z, |
const IVect& nb_x, const IVect& nb_y, const IVect& nb_z, | |
const Array3D<int>& ref_domain, TinyVector<int, 6> ref_boundary) |
This method creates a structured mesh made of rectangular zones. Each zone is then meshed with hexahedra. The x-coordinates of the different zones are given in pos_x (similarly y-coordinates and z-coordinates in pos_y and pos_z). The number of cells for each subdivision is given in nb_x, nb_y and nb_z. ref_domain(i, j, k) is the reference of the zone (i, j, k). If ref_domain(i, j, k) is lower or equal to 0, we assume that this zone is a hole (no elements). ref_boundary is the reference for the extern boundaries of the mesh (x=xmin, y=ymin, z=zmin, z=zmax, y=ymax, x=xmax) similarly to the method CreateRegularMesh. The intern boundaries created due to the presence of holes are attributed a new reference. In the figure below, we show an exemple of mesh created with this method.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we construct a regular mesh of the cube [-2, 2]^3 with a hole (cube [-1, 1]^3) TinyVector<int, 6> ref_boundary; ref_boundary.Fill(3); // position of interfaces VectReal_wp pos_x(4), pos_y, pos_z; pos_x(0) = -2.0; pos_x(1) = -1.0; pos_x(2) = 1.0; pos_x(3) = 2.0; pos_y = pos_x; pos_z = pos_x; // number of cells in each part Vector<int> nb_x(3), nb_y, nb_z; nb_x(0) = 5; nb_x(1) = 10; nb_x(2) = 5; nb_y = nb_x; nb_z = nb_x; // references for each zone Array3D<int> ref_domain; ref_domain.Fill(1); ref_domain(1, 1, 1) = 0; mesh.CreateStructuredMesh(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, nb_x, nb_y, nb_z, ref_domain, ref_boundary);
Location :
void CreateSphericalCrown(Real_wp a, Real_wp b, int N, bool intern_sphere, bool extern_sphere, VectReal_wp step_subdiv, bool all_ref) |
This method creates the mesh of a spherical crown (zone between two spheres). There can be several layers. The intern boundary can be a sphere or a cube, and similarly for the extern boundary.
- a
- Radius of intern sphere
- b
- Radius of extern sphere
- N
- Number of points per unit (N = 1/h)
- intern_sphere
- if true, the intern boundary is a sphere, otherwise a cube
- extern_sphere
- if true, the extern boundary is a sphere, otherwise a cube
- step_subdiv
- intermediate positions between a and b. These positions define the interface between spherical layers
- all_ref
- if true, the six faces of the extern cube have a different reference
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // basic case with only one spherical layer VectReal_wp subdiv; mesh.CreateSphericalCrown(1.0, 3.0, 4, true, true, subdiv, false); // if you want that the extern boundary is a cube with different references on the faces of the cube mesh.CreateSphericalCrown(1.0, 3.0, 4, true, false, subdiv, true); // case with two spherical layers subdiv.Reallocate(1); subdiv(0) = 2.0; // first layer : elements such that 1 <= r <= 2 // second layer : elements such that 2 <= r <= 3 mesh.CreateSphericalCrown(1.0, 3.0, 4, true, true, subdiv, false);
Location :
void CreateSphericalBall(Real_wp a, Real_wp b, int N, int ref_inside, bool extern_sphere, int type_mesh, int ref_outside, int Nsphere, int Nline, int ref_extern) |
This method subdivides an initial spherical mesh and adds a spherical layer between the initial mesh and an extern sphere. The extern boundary can be a sphere or a cube.
- a
- Radius of intern sphere
- b
- Radius of extern sphere
- N
- Number of points per unit (N = 1/h)
- ref_inside
- Reference of the intern sphere
- extern_sphere
- if true, the extern boundary is a sphere, otherwise a cube
- type_mesh
- type of elements, you can choose between TETRAHEDRAL_MESH and HEXAHEDRAL_MESH
- ref_outside (optional)
- volume reference of the outside layer ( a ≤ r ≤ b)
- Nsphere (optional)
- if different from 0, the number of subdivisions used to split the initial mesh.
- Nline (optional)
- if different from 0, the number of subdivisions for the interval [a, b].
- ref_extern (optional)
- Reference of the extern sphere
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // first step, you have to create an initial mesh for the spherical ball r<= 1 // here we use a basic pattern with 8 tetrahedra int reference_sphere = 3; mesh.ReallocateVertices(7); mesh.Vertex(0).Init(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); mesh.Vertex(1).Init(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); mesh.Vertex(2).Init(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0); mesh.Vertex(3).Init(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); mesh.Vertex(4).Init(0.0, -1.0, 0.0); mesh.Vertex(5).Init(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); mesh.Vertex(6).Init(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); mesh.ReallocateElements(8); int ref_inside = 2; mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 3, 5, ref_inside); mesh.Element(1).InitTetrahedral(0, 4, 1, 5, ref_inside); mesh.Element(2).InitTetrahedral(0, 4, 6, 1, ref_inside); mesh.Element(3).InitTetrahedral(0, 6, 3, 1, ref_inside); mesh.Element(4).InitTetrahedral(0, 3, 2, 5, ref_inside); mesh.Element(5).InitTetrahedral(0, 2, 4, 5, ref_inside); mesh.Element(6).InitTetrahedral(0, 6, 4, 2, ref_inside); mesh.Element(7).InitTetrahedral(0, 3, 6, 2, ref_inside); mesh.ReallocateBoundariesRef(8); mesh.BoundaryRef(0).InitTriangular(1, 3, 5, reference_sphere); mesh.BoundaryRef(1).InitTriangular(1, 6, 3, reference_sphere); mesh.BoundaryRef(2).InitTriangular(1, 4, 5, reference_sphere); mesh.BoundaryRef(3).InitTriangular(1, 6, 4, reference_sphere); mesh.BoundaryRef(4).InitTriangular(2, 3, 5, reference_sphere); mesh.BoundaryRef(5).InitTriangular(2, 5, 4, reference_sphere); mesh.BoundaryRef(6).InitTriangular(2, 6, 3, reference_sphere); mesh.BoundaryRef(7).InitTriangular(2, 4, 6, reference_sphere); mesh.ReorientElements(); mesh.FindConnectivity(); mesh.ProjectPointsOnCurves(); // second step you call CreateSphericalBall to subdivide the initial mesh and add a spherical layer (1 <= r <= 2) mesh.CreateSphericalBall(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, reference_sphere, true, mesh.HEXAHEDRAL_MESH);
Location :
void ExtrudeCoordinate(int num_coor, int nb_layers, Real_wp pos, Real_wp delta) |
This method adds layers between x= pos and x=pos+delta. If num_coor is equal to 1, is between y=pos and y=pos+delta (and z if num_coor is equal to 2). It is assumed that the initial mesh has a plane boundary at x=pos (or y, z) such that the extrusion is possible.
- num_coor
- coordinate of extrusion (0 for x, 1 for y and 2 for z)
- nb_layers
- number of layers to add to the initial mesh
- pos
- Position of the planar surface to extrude (e.g. x = pos)
- delta
- The region between x=pos and x=pos+delta is meshed. It can be negative if you want to extrude towards the bottom (or left).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // starting from an initial mesh mesh.Read("init.mesh"); // we want to add layers for -3 <= y <= -2 // and we assume the mesh contains a plane surface at y = -2 int nb_layers = 4; mesh.ExtrudeCoordinate(1, nb_layers, -2.0, -1.0);
Location :
void ExtrudeOrigin( | const IVect& nb_interval, const Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, |
const IVect& ref_surf, const IVect& ref_domain, const VectReal_wp& step_subdiv, bool all_ref) |
This method adds spherical layers between the initial mesh and a given extern surface.
- nb_intervals
- number of cells for each spherical layer
- mesh
- mesh defining the extern surface (we assume a matching between vertices of this mesh with vertices of the initial mesh)
- ref_surf
- surface reference for each spherical interface
- ref_domain
- volume reference for each spherical layer
- step_subdiv
- positions of interfaces (between 0 and 1)
- all_ref
- if true, we use the references of the extern surface, otherwise we use ref_surf(N).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // starting from an initial mesh mesh.Read("init.mesh"); // you have to create an extern boundary // such that you want to fill the space between the initial mesh and the boundary // the vertices of this extern boundary must match vertices of the initial mesh // one way is to extract the boundary of the initial mesh : int ref_boundary = 5; Vector<int> ref_cond(mesh.GetNbReferences()+1); ref_cond.Fill(); SurfacicMesh<Dimension3> mesh_extern; mesh.GetBoundaryMesh(ref_boundary, mesh_extern, ref_cond); // we multiply coordinates by two to have a distinct surface for (int i = 0; i < mesh_extern.GetNbVertices(); i++) mesh_extern.Vertex(i) *= 2.0; // we want to add two layers IVect nb_intervals(2), ref_surf(3), ref_domain(2); nb_intervals(0) = 4; nb_intervals(1) = 3; ref_surf(0) = ref_boundary; ref_surf(1) = 6; ref_surf(2) = 7; ref_domain(0) = 3; ref_domain(1) = 4; // interface is located at mid-point => 0.5 VectReal_wp step_subdiv(1); step_subdiv(0) = 0.5; mesh.ExtrudeOrigin(nb_intervals, mesh_extern, ref_surf, ref_domain, step_subdiv, false);
Location :
void ExtrudeSurfaceMesh( | const Mesh<Dimension2>& mesh2d, const IVect& nbCells_layer |
const VectReal_wp& step_subdiv, const Vector<IVect>& ref_surface, const Vector<IVect>& ref_volume, R3 u, R3 v, R3 w) |
This method extrudes a 2-D mesh in a given direction. This method is called when you provide the parameter EXTRUDE in the keyword FileMesh. In the description of this keyword, surface and volume references are explained.
- mesh2d
- 2-D mesh to be extruded
- nbCells_layer
- number of cells for each layer
- step_subdiv
- position of the different layers
- ref_surface
- new references of lateral and top faces for each layer
- ref_volume
- new references of volumes for each layer
- u
- first vector plane
- v
- second vector plane
- w
- direction of extrusion
The vertices of the extruded mesh will be located at x*u + y*v + z*w where the vectors u, v, w have been given as parameters. (x, y) is the initial position of the 2-D mesh, whereas z is the coordinate of extrusion (between step_subdiv(0) and step_subdiv(N)).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension2> mesh2d; // starting from a surface mesh mesh2d.Read("section.mesh"); // two layers IVect nbCells(2); nbCells(0) = 3; nbCells(1) = 5; // extrusion along z, z=0, z=0.4 and z=0.9 are the positions of the interfaces VectReal_wp step(3); step(0) = 0.0; step(1) = 0.4; step(2) = 0.9; // new references (explained in FileMesh Vector<IVect> ref_surf(2), ref_vol(2); ref_surf(0).Reallocate(4); ref_surf(0).Zero(); ref_surf(1).Reallocate(4); ref_surf(1).Zero(); ref_surf(0)(2) = 2; ref_surf(0)(3) = 0; ref_surf(1)(2) = 2; ref_surf(1)(3) = 3; ref_vol(0).Reallocate(2); ref_vol(0).Zero(); ref_vol(0)(1) = 1; ref_vol(1).Reallocate(2); ref_vol(1).Zero(); ref_vol(1)(1) = 2; // creation of the 3-D extruded mesh Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.ExtrudeSurfaceMesh(mesh2d, nbCells, step, ref_surf, ref_vol, R3(1, 0, 0), R3(0, 1, 0), R3(0, 0, 1));
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void AppendMesh(Mesh<Dimension2> mesh, bool elimine = true) |
This method appends a given mesh to the existing mesh. Duplicate vertices can be removed or kept. By default, duplicate vertices are removed.
- mesh
- given mesh to append
- elimine (optional)
- if true, duplicate vertices are removed
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // starting from an initial mesh mesh.Read("init.mesh"); // you can append an another mesh mesh.AppendMesh("suite.mesh");
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void CreateSubmesh(Mesh<Dimension3>& sub_mesh, int nb_vertices, int nb_elt, Vector<bool> vertex_on_subdomain, Vector<bool> element_on_subdomain) |
This method extracts a part of a mesh to create a small sub-mesh.
- sub_mesh
- created sub-mesh
- nb_vertices
- number of vertices to extract
- nb_elt
- number of elements to extract
- vertex_on_subdomain
- if vertex_on_subdomain(i) is true the vertex i must be extracted
- element_on_subdomain
- if element_on_subdomain(i) is true the element i must be extracted
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // for example, we are marking elements with reference equal to 3 int nb_vertices = 0, nb_elt = 0; Vector<bool> vertex_on_subdomain(mesh.GetNbVertices()), element_on_subdomain(mesh.GetNbElt()); vertex_on_subdomain.Fill(false); element_on_subdomain.Fill(false); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).GetReference() == 3) { element_on_subdomain(i) = true; nb_elt++; for (int j = 0; j < mesh.Element(i).GetNbVertices(); j++) { int nv = mesh.Element(i).numVertex(j); if (!vertex_on_subdomain(nv)) { vertex_on_subdomain(nv) = true; nb_vertices++; } } } // and extracting the sub-mesh Mesh<Dimension3> sub_mesh; mesh.CreateSubmesh(sub_mesh, nb_vertices, nb_elt, vertex_on_subdomain, element_on_subdomain);
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void ConstructMesh(int type_mesh, VectString param) |
This method constructs a mesh with parameters given in array param. These parameters are the same as parameters described in field FileMesh. If type_mesh is equal to HEXAHEDRAL_MESH, the mesh will be split into hexahedra if it is containing tetrahedra. If type_mesh is equal to TETRAHEDRAL_MESH, the mesh will be split into tetrahedra if it is containing hexahedra. If type_mesh is equal to HYBRID_MESH, no splitting is performed. The method is summarized in the diagram below :
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; VectString param(1); param(0) = string("cube.mesh"); mesh.ConstructMesh(mesh.HYBRID_MESH, param);
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void RearrangeElements() |
This method changes the ordring of elements, so that the tetrahedra are placed first in the list of elements, then pyramids, prisms and finally hexahedra. The method ConstructMesh calls already this method.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to be sure that tetrahedra are placed first mesh.RearrangeElements(); int N = mesh.GetNbTetrahedra(); int nb_elt = mesh.GetNbElt(); // tetrahedra will be between 0 and N-1, other elements between N and nb_elt-1
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void GetTetaMinMax(R3 center, Real_wp& teta_min, Real_wp& teta_max) |
This method is used to determine the minimal and maximal value of theta (in cylindrical coordinates) of all the vertices of the mesh.
- center (in)
- center of polar coordinates
- teta_min (out)
- minimal value of angle θ
- teta_max (out)
- maximal value of angle θ
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); double teta_min, teta_max; R3 center; mesh.GetTetaMinMax(center, teta_min, teta_max);
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void PeriodizeMeshTeta(const R3& center) |
This method generates a complete cyclic mesh with an initial cell. You specify the center of the cylindrical coordinates, usually (0, 0, 0).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we symmetrize mesh by cyclicity R3 center; mesh.PeriodizeMeshTeta(center);
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void ApplyLocalRefinement(const IVect& num_vertex, const IVect& num_edge, int nb_levels, Real_wp ratio) |
This method performs a local refinement around vertices and edges. Currently it works only with hexahedral meshes and for some configurations.
- num_vertex
- list of vertices to be refined
- num_edges
- list of edges to be refined
- nb_levels
- level of refinement (= number of iterations)
- ratio
- refinement ratio
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we apply a local refinement near vertex 1 and edges 2, 4, 5 IVect num_v(1), num_edge(3); num_v(0) = 1; num_edge(0) = 2; num_edge(1) = 4; num_edge(2) = 5; mesh.ApplyLocalRefinement(num_v, num_edge, 3, 2.0);
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Real_wp GetThicknessPML() const |
This method returns the PML thickness.
Example :
PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml; Real_wp delta = pml.GetThicknessPML();
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R3 GetOriginRadialPML() const |
This method returns the center of PML.
Example :
PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml; R3 center = pml.GetOriginRadialPML();
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Real_wp GetRadiusPML() const |
This method returns the PML radius.
Example :
PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml; Real_wp r = pml.GetRadiusPML();
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void SetThicknessPML(Real_wp delta) |
This method sets PML thickness.
Example :
PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml; pml.SetThicknessPML(2.5);
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int GetTypeAdditionPML(int num_coor) const |
This method returns PML type with respect to x-coordinate (or y-coordinate or z-coordinate).
Example :
PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml; // pml added for x < xmin and/or x > xmax ? int type_add_x = pml.GetTypeAdditionPML(0);
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int GetNbLayersPML() const |
This method returns the numbers of layers in PML.
Example :
PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml; // number of layers ? int n = pml.GetNbLayersPML();
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void SetRadiusPML(Real_wp r) |
This method sets the radius of PML.
Example :
PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml; // radius for PML layers pml.SetRadiusPML(2.0);
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void SetOriginRadialPML(R3 center) |
This method sets the center of PML.
Example :
PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml; // center for PML layers pml.SetOriginRadialPML(R3(1, 0, 0));
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void SetAdditionPML(int add_x, int add_y, int add_z, int nb_layers) |
This method is used to set PML to add. PML are effectively added when you call AddPML. On x-coordinate, you can add PML on negative side (x < xmin), positive side (x > xmax) or both sides. If you set nb_layers to 0, the number of layers will be automatically computed when you call AddPML.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // if you want only one PML region mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); // adding PML for x < xmin, y < ymin and y > ymax, z > zmax int nb_layers = 2; pml.SetAdditionPML(pml.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, pml.PML_BOTH_SIDES, pml.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, nb_layers); pml.SetThicknessPML(1.5); // mesh is modified in order to add those PML pml.AddPML(0, mesh);
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void SetParameters(VectString param) |
This method sets the PML region with a line of the data file. This function is called when the data file is read (keyword AddPML). Outside of a data file, it seems easier to call SetAdditionPML.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // if you want only one PML region mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); // adding PML for x < xmin, y < ymin and y > ymax, z> zmax // here we use the syntax of AddPML keyword Vector<string> param(4); param(0) = "YES"; param(1) = "X-YZ+"; param(2) = to_str(2.0); param(3) = to_str(4); pml.SetParameters(param); // mesh is modified in order to add those PML pml.AddPML(0, mesh);
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void AddPML(int num_region, Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh) |
This method is used to add PML elements to a given mesh. num_region is the number of the PML region.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // if you want only one PML region mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); // number of the region is 0 // adding PML for x < xmin, y < ymin and y > ymax, z > zmax int nb_layers = 2; pml.SetAdditionPML(pml.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, pml.PML_BOTH_SIDES, pml.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, nb_layers); pml.SetThicknessPML(1.5); // mesh is modified in order to add those PML pml.AddPML(0, mesh);
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Real_wp GetAverageLengthOnBoundary(const Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh) const |
This method returns the mesh size for all the edges of the outer boundary of the PML region.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // mesh size on the outer boundary of PML PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); double h = pml.GetAverageLengthOnBoundary(mesh);
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void AddPMLElements(int nb_layers, int num, const Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh) |
This method adds PML layers to a mesh. You need to provide the number of layers. If you want to compute automatically this number (from the mesh size and thickness of PML), the method AddPML should be used.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // if you want only one PML region mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); // number of the region is 0 // adding PML for x < xmin, y < ymin and y > ymax, z > zmax int nb_layers = 2; pml.SetAdditionPML(mesh.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, mesh.PML_BOTH_SIDES, mesh.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, nb_layers); pml.SetThicknessPML(1.5); // mesh is modified in order to add those PML pml.AddPMLElements(nb_layers, 0, mesh);
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int GetNbParameters() const |
This method returns the number of parameters associated with the PML region.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // if you want only one PML region mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); // number of the region is 0 // adding PML for x < xmin, y < ymin and y > ymax, z > zmax int nb_layers = 2; pml.SetAdditionPML(mesh.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, mesh.PML_BOTH_SIDES, mesh.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, nb_layers); pml.SetThicknessPML(1.5); // number of parameters ? int nb_param = pml.GetNbParameters();
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void FillParameters(VectReal_wp& all_param, int& param_num) |
This method appends to the array all_param the parameters associated with the PML region. The values are appended from the index param_num which is incremented.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // if you want only one PML region mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); // number of the region is 0 // adding PML for x < xmin, y < ymin and y > ymax, z > zmax int nb_layers = 2; pml.SetAdditionPML(mesh.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, mesh.PML_BOTH_SIDES, mesh.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, nb_layers); pml.SetThicknessPML(1.5); // storing parameters of the PML VectReal_wp all_param(20); int num_param = 10; pml.FillParameters(all_param, num_param); // all_param(10:10+num_param) will contain parameters of the PML
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void SetRegion(const VectReal_wp& all_param, int& param_num) |
This method sets parameters of the PML region with the array all_param. The values are read from the index param_num which is incremented. This method is the reciprocal of FillParameters.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // if you want only one PML region mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); // number of the region is 0 // adding PML for x < xmin, y < ymin and y > ymax, z > zmax int nb_layers = 2; pml.SetAdditionPML(mesh.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, mesh.PML_BOTH_SIDES, mesh.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, nb_layers); pml.SetThicknessPML(1.5); // storing parameters of the PML VectReal_wp all_param(20); int num_param = 10; pml.FillParameters(all_param, num_param); // all_param(10:10+num_param) will contain parameters of the PML // you can set a region with the stored parameters PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3> pml2; num_param = 10; pml2.SetRegion(all_param, num_param);
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int GetNbReferences() const |
This method returns the number of references (Physical Line for Gmsh) potentially present in the mesh. We take into account only references related to edges. If you want to create a new reference number, use the method GetNewReference so that arrays are resized correctly.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over references of the mesh for (int ref = 0; ref <= mesh.GetNbReferences(); ref++) if (mesh.GetCurveType(ref) > 0) cout << "Type of curve : " << mesh.GetCurveType(ref) << endl;
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int GetCurveType(int ref) const |
This method returns the curve type associated with a reference (e.g. CURVE_SPHERE, CURVE_CYLINDER).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over references of the mesh for (int ref = 0; ref <= mesh.GetNbReferences(); ref++) if (mesh.GetCurveType(ref) > 0) cout << "Type of curve : " << mesh.GetCurveType(ref) << endl;
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int GetBoundaryCondition(int ref) const |
const IVect& GetBoundaryCondition() const |
This method returns the boundary condition associated with a reference (e.g. LINE_DIRICHLET, LINE_NEUMANN).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over references of the mesh for (int ref = 0; ref <= mesh.GetNbReferences(); ref++) if (mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) > 0) cout << "Boundary condition of curve : " << mesh.GetBoundaryCondition(ref) << endl; // you can also retrieve the array containing all the boundary conditions const IVect& Cond_curve = mesh.GetBoundaryCondition();
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int GetBodyNumber(int ref) const |
const IVect& GetBodyNumber() const |
This method returns the body number associated with a reference. Bodies are currently used to specify transparent condition in Montjoie.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // you can get a single body number int n = mesh.GetBodyNumber(4); // you can also retrieve the array containing all the body numbers const IVect& Cond_curve = mesh.GetBodyNumber();
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void GetCurveParameter(int ref, VectReal_wp& param) const |
const VectReal_wp& GetCurveParameter(int ref) const |
This method returns the curve parameters associated with a curve. For example, parameters of sphere consist of the center and radius.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // the parameters of sphere should have been found Vector<double> param = mesh.GetCurveParameter(1); // center of sphere and radius R3 center; Real_wp radius; center.Init(param(0), param(1), param(2)); radius = param(3);
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Globatto<Real_wp>& GetCurveFunctions1D() const |
This method returns the basis functions associated with Gauss-Lobatto points (for curved edges).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.SetOrderGeometry(4); mesh.Read("test.msh"); // if you need basis functions used for curved boundaries Globatto<Real_wp>& lob = mesh.GetCurveFunctions1D(); // you can evaluate basis functions VectReal_wp phi; Real_wp x(0.6); lob.ComputeValuesPhiRef(x, phi); DISP(phi);
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int GetNbPmlAreas() const |
This method returns the number of PML regions in the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you change the number of PML regions mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(); // you can access to a PML region PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml0 = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml1 = mesh.GetPmlArea(1); // sets PML parameters for each region pml0.SetAdditionPML(pml0.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, pml0.PML_NO, pml0.PML_BOTH_SIDES, 3); pml1.SetAdditionPML(pml0.PML_NO, pml0.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, pml0.PML_NO, 4); // if you call ConstructMesh, the PMLs will be automatically added // with the provided parameters Vector<string> param(1); param(0) = "test.mesh"; mesh.ConstructMesh(mesh.HEXAHEDRAL_MESH, param); // you can retrieve the number of PML regions int nb_pml_area = mesh.GetNbPmlAreas()
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void ReallocatePmlAreas(int n) |
This method changes the number of PML regions in the mesh (previous parameters are cleared).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you change the number of PML regions mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(); // you can access to a PML region PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml0 = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml1 = mesh.GetPmlArea(1); // sets PML parameters for each region pml0.SetAdditionPML(pml0.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, pml0.PML_NO, pml0.PML_BOTH_SIDES, 3); pml1.SetAdditionPML(pml0.PML_NO, pml0.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, pml0.PML_NO, 4); // if you call ConstructMesh, the PMLs will be automatically added // with the provided parameters Vector<string> param(1); param(0) = "test.mesh"; mesh.ConstructMesh(mesh.HEXAHEDRAL_MESH, param); // you can retrieve the number of PML regions int nb_pml_area = mesh.GetNbPmlAreas()
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PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& GetPmlArea(int i) const |
This method gives an access to a PML region.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you change the number of PML regions mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(); // you can access to a PML region PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml0 = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml1 = mesh.GetPmlArea(1); // sets PML parameters for each region pml0.SetAdditionPML(pml0.PML_POSITIVE_SIDE, pml0.PML_NO, pml0.PML_BOTH_SIDES, 3); pml1.SetAdditionPML(pml0.PML_NO, pml0.PML_NEGATIVE_SIDE, pml0.PML_NO, 4); // if you call ConstructMesh, the PMLs will be automatically added // with the provided parameters Vector<string> param(1); param(0) = "test.mesh"; mesh.ConstructMesh(mesh.HEXAHEDRAL_MESH, param); // you can retrieve the number of PML regions int nb_pml_area = mesh.GetNbPmlAreas()
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void SetBoundaryCondition(int ref, int cond) |
This method sets the boundary condition associated with a reference (e.g. LINE_DIRICHLET, LINE_NEUMANN). The list of boundary conditions is present in class BoundaryConditionEnum, the following boundary conditions are available :
- LINE_INSIDE : no boundary condition
- LINE_DIRICHLET : Dirichlet boundary condition
- LINE_NEUMANN : Neumann boundary condition
- LINE_ABSORBING : Absorbing boundary condition
- LINE_HIGH_CONDUCTIVITY : High-conductivity boundary condition (for Helmholtz equation only)
- LINE_IMPEDANCE : Impedance boundary condition (Robin)
- LINE_THIN_SLOT : thin-slot boundary condition (for 2-D Helmholtz equation only)
- LINE_NEIGHBOR : boundary shared by two different processors (parallel computation)
- LINE_TRANSMISSION : Transmission boundary condition
- LINE_DTN : Non-local Dirichlet-To-Neumann (not implemented)
- LINE_SUPPORTED : Dirichlet boundary condition on some unknowns (Neumann for other unknowns)
- LINE_TRANSPARENT : Transparent boundary condition
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // setting Dirichlet boundary condition with reference 2 mesh.SetBoundaryCondition(2, mesh.LINE_DIRICHLET);
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void SetCurveType(int ref, int type) |
This method sets the curve type associated with a reference (e.g. CURVE_CIRCLE, CURVE_SPLINE). The following types of curve are available
- NO_CURVE : default type (straight faces)
- CURVE_SPHERE : part of a sphere
- CURVE_CYLINDER : part of a cylinder
- CURVE_CONIC : part of a conical cylinder
- CURVE_FILE : intermediary points defined on the file mesh
For CURVE_FILE, it is automatically managed (you don't need to specify it) when you read a file. For all the curves, it is required to call SetGeometryOrder with the desired order of approximation (for computation of intermediary points).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // setting order of geometry mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); // setting curves before reading mesh mesh.SetCurveType(2, mesh.CURVE_CYLINDER); // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh");
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void SetBodyNumber(int ref, int num) |
This method sets the body number associated with a reference. It may be useful to group several references into a single body. Bodies are currently used to specify transparent condition in Montjoie.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // you can set a body with references 2 4 5 int num = 1; mesh.SetBodyNumber(2, num); mesh.SetBodyNumber(4, num); mesh.SetBodyNumber(5, num);
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void SetCurveParameter(int ref, const VectReal_wp& param) |
This method modifies the parameters associated with a curve. For example, parameters of circles consist of the center and radius. Here the list of 3-D curved surfaces with parameters :
- CURVE_SPHERE : center Ox, Oy, Oz and radius r
- CURVE_CYLINDER : center Ox, Oy, Oz, axis ux, uy, uz and radius r
- CURVE_CONIC : center Ox, Oy, Oz, axis ux, uy, uz and angle teta
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // parameters : center of sphere and radius Vector<double> param(4); param(0) = 0; param(1) = 0; param(2) = 0; param(3) = 2.0; mesh.SetCurveParameter(1, param); mesh.Read("test.mesh");
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void CopyCurves(const Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh) |
This method copies the curves of a mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // parameters : center of sphere and radius Vector<double> param(4); param(0) = 0; param(1) = 0; param(2) = 0; param(3) = 2.0; mesh.SetCurveParameter(1, param); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); Mesh<Dimension3> mesh2; // we copy curves of first mesh mesh2.CopyCurves(mesh);
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void CopyInputData(Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh) |
This method copies the input datas of another mesh. The input datas are the parameters provided in the data file.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // parameters : center of sphere and radius Vector<double> param(4); param(0) = 0; param(1) = 0; param(2) = 0.0; param(3) = 2.0; mesh.SetCurveParameter(1, param); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); Mesh<Dimension3> mesh2; // we copy all input data of the mesh mesh2.CopyInputData(mesh);
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int GetNewReference() |
This method returns an unused reference number.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // new reference number int new_ref = mesh.GetNewReference();
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void ResizeNbReferences(int n) |
This method modifies the number of available references (arrays are resized). If you want to add a new reference, you can call GetNewReference instead.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); mesh.ResizeNbReferences(20);
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void SetNewReference(int ref, int type, int cond) |
This method modifies the curve type and boundary condition associated with a reference.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // new reference number int new_ref = mesh.GetNewReference(); // setting curve type and boundary condition mesh.SetNewReference(new_ref, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE, mesh.LINE_NEUMANN);
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int GetNbPeriodicReferences() const |
This method returns the number of periodic conditions, each time you wrote PERIODICITY, PERIODIC_X, PERIODIC_Y, PERIODIC_Z or CYCLIC in the data file.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // GetNbPeriodicReferences should return 1 here int nb_per = mesh.GetNbPeriodicReferences();
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int GetPeriodicReference(int num, int j) const |
This method returns the first or second reference for the periodic condition num. Indeed, for each boundary condition, the user provides two references (the two curves that face them-selves), which can be accessed through this method.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, int n0 = mesh.GetPeriodicReference(0, 0);PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // GetPeriodicReference to retrieve the numbers given in AddPeriodicCondition int n0 = mesh.GetPeriodicReference(0, 0); int n1 = mesh.GetPeriodicReference(0, 1); // here n0 should be equal to 3 and n1 to 6
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void AddPeriodicCondition(const TinyVector<int, 2>& ref, int type_periodicity) |
This method adds periodic condition to the mesh. You give the two opposite references in the array ref, and the type of periodicity. The following types of periodicity are accepted :
- PERIODIC_CTE : trace of solution is the same on two boundaries
- PERIODIC_THETA : cyclic domain (periodicity with respect to theta)
- PERIODIC_X : periodicity of the mesh with respect to x
- PERIODIC_Y : periodicity of the mesh with respect to y
- PERIODIC_Z : periodicity of the mesh with respect to z
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions for x-coordinate TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_X); // and y-coordinate num(0) = 2; num(1) = 5; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_Y); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) mesh.NumberMesh();
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GetPeriodicAlpha, SetPeriodicAlpha
Real_wp GetPeriodicAlpha() const |
void SetPeriodicAlpha(Real_wp alpha) |
The method GetPeriodicAlpha returns the angle of the section (i.e. 2 Pi/N). The method SetPeriodicAlpha sets this angle. Usually, you don't need to call this method because the angle is automatically computed when the mesh is read (or constructed).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions for a cyclic mesh TinyVector<int, 2> num(2); num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_THETA); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // when the mesh is read, the angle alpha should have been computed double alpha = mesh.GetPeriodicAlpha();
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void ClearPeriodicCondition() |
This method clears informations about periodic conditions associated with the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions for cyclic mesh TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_THETA); // you may want to remove them mesh.ClearPeriodicConditions(); // and adding correct conditions num(0) = 3; num(1) = 5; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh");
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Real_wp GetSafetyCoef(int i) const |
This method returns the safety coefficient used for an element in order to invert transformation Fi. Curved elements are attributed a non-null coefficient so that all the points of the display grid are correctly found.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; cout << "Safety coefficient for element 0 = " << mesh.GetSafetyCoef(0) << endl;
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bool AreCurveEqual(int ref1, int ref2) const |
This method returns true if the curves associated with references ref1 and ref2 are the same.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; int ref1 = 2; int ref2 = 4; mesh.SetCurveType(ref1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); mesh.SetCurveType(ref2, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); if (mesh.AreCurveEqual(ref1, ref2) cout << "Curve equal" << endl;
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int GetGeometryOrder() const |
This method returns the order of approximation r used for the definition of geometry. Each curved edge will then be described by two extremities and r-1 intermediary points (placed at Gauss-Lobatto points).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // should give r = 3 int r = mesh.GetGeometryOrder();
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Real_wp GetInterpolate1D(int i, const Real_wp& x) const |
This method returns an evaluation of Lagrange interpolation functions (based on Gauss-Lobatto points).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // returns phi_0(x) double x = 0.23; double y = mesh.GetInterpolate1D(0, x);
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Real_wp GetNodalPointInsideEdge(int i) const |
This method returns intermediary points used for curved elements. It should be Gauss-Lobatto points.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // intermediary points (on unit interval [0,1]) for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetGeometryOrder()-1; i++) cout << i << "-th intermediary point " << mesh.GetNodalPointInsideEdge(i) << endl;
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FindEdgeRefWithExtremities, FindEdgeWithExtremities
int FindEdgeWithExtremities(int n1, int n2) const |
int FindEdgeRefWithExtremities(int n1, int n2) const |
This method returns the edge number of edge whose extremities are n1 and n2. You can also retrieve the reference edge number (but it is the same as global edge number, except if the edge is not referenced. In that case, the method will return -1). The cost of this method is in constant time, since we are looking all the edges leaving vertex n1 and n2.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // edge between vertex 13 and 18 ? int ne = mesh.FindEdgeWithExtremities(13, 18); if (ne < 0) cout << "Edge not existing " << endl;
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void ClearCurves() |
This method clears informations about predefined curves.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding a predefined curve mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // clearing predefined curves mesh.ClearCurves(); // reading another mesh (without sphere) mesh.Read("test2.mesh");
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bool IsBoundaryCurved(int i) const |
This method returns true if the i-th face is curved.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.msh"); // face 11 is curved ? if (mesh.IsBoundaryCurved(11)) cout << "Face 11 is curved" << endl;
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R3 GetPointInsideEdge(int i, int k) const |
This method returns the k-th intermediary point of edge i.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) for (int k = 0; k < mesh.GetGeometryOrder()-1; k++) { // intermediary point of edge i R3 point = mesh.GetPointInsideEdge(i, k); }
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void SetPointInsideEdge(int i, int k, R3 point) |
This method sets the k-th intermediary point of edge i. This low-level routine should not be used in a regular use since, since these points are already computed when the mesh is constructed (or read from a file).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdgesRef(); i++) { // extremities of the edge R3 ptA = mesh.Vertex(mesh.EdgeRef(i).numVertex(0)); R3 ptB = mesh.Vertex(mesh.EdgeRef(i).numVertex(1)); for (int k = 0; k < mesh.GetGeometryOrder()-1; k++) { // intermediary point of edge i, for example barycenter (straight edge) Real_wp lambda = mesh.GetNodalPointInsideEdge(k); R3 point = (1.0-lambda)*ptA + lambda*ptB; mesh.SetPointInsideEdge(i, k, point); } }
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R3 GetPointInsideFace(int i, int k) const |
VectR3 GetPointInsideFace(int i) const |
This method returns the k-th internal point of face i. It can also return all the internal points of the face. For a third-order approximation, a curved triangle will contain only one internal point (other points are located on the edges), whereas a curved quadrilateral will contain four internal points.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) { for (int k = 0; k < mesh.GetNbPointsInsideFace(i); k++) { // internal point of face i R3 point = mesh.GetPointInsideFace(i, k); } // if you need all the points of the face i : VectR3 all_points = mesh.GetPointInsideFace(i); }
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void SetPointInsideFace(int i, int k, R3 point) |
void SetPointInsideFace(int i, VectR3 point) |
This method sets the k-th intern point of face i. It can also set all the points. This low-level routine should not be used in a regular use since, since these points are already computed when the mesh is constructed (or read from a file).
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int GetNbPointInsideFace(int i) const |
This method returns the number of intern points associated with the curved face i. It should return (r-1)2 for a curved quadrilateral and (r-1)(r-2)/2 for a curved triangle where r stands for the geometry order.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // loop over referenced faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef(); i++) { for (int k = 0; k < mesh.GetNbPointsInsideFace(i); k++) { // internal point of face i R3 point = mesh.GetPointInsideFace(i, k); } }
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void RemoveReference(int ref) |
This method removes all the faces whose reference is ref.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // removing faces of reference 3 mesh.RemoveReference(3);
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GetSurfaceFiniteElement, GetSurfaceFiniteElement2
TriangleGeomReference& GetSurfaceFiniteElement() const |
QuadrangleGeomReference& GetSurfaceFiniteElement2() const |
The method GetSurfaceFiniteElement returns the triangular finite element used for curved triangles. The method GetSurfaceFiniteElement2 returns the quadrangular finite element used for curved quadrilaterals.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.msh"); // we retrieve the triangular finite element TriangleGeomReference& tri = mesh.GetSurfaceFiniteElement(); // we retrieve the quadrangular finite element QuadrangleGeomReference& quad = mesh.GetSurfaceFiniteElement2();
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void SortPeriodicBoundaries() |
This method changes vertex numbers of the mesh so that matching faces (of two opposite boundaries) have the same orientation. This method is automatically called when reading a mesh, so you should not call this method in regular use.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you set a periodic condition after reading TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 5; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // changing vertex numbers because of that periodic condition mesh.SortPeriodicBoundaries(); // then you need to call those two functions mesh.SortEdgesRef(); mesh.SortBoundariesRef(); mesh.FindConnectivity();
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void SortBoundariesRef() |
This method sorts referenced faces so that the first extremity has the lowest number. This method is actually called when reading a mesh, so you don't need to call that method in regular use.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you set a periodic condition after reading TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 5; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // changing vertex numbers because of that periodic condition mesh.SortPeriodicBoundaries(); // then you need to call those two functions mesh.SortEdgesRef(); mesh.SortBoundariesRef(); mesh.FindConnectivity();
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void SortEdgesRef() |
This method sorts referenced edges so that the first extremity has the lowest number. This method is actually called when reading a mesh, so you don't need to call that method in regular use.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you set a periodic condition after reading TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 5; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // changing vertex numbers because of that periodic condition mesh.SortPeriodicBoundaries(); // then you need to call those two functions mesh.SortEdgesRef(); mesh.SortBoundariesRef(); mesh.FindConnectivity();
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void GetGeometryFaceRotation(Matrix<int>& RotationTri, Matrix<int>& RotationQuad) const |
This method fills the arrays RotationTri and RotationTri that contain the rotation of nodal numbers on triangles and quadrangles. The orientations are explained in the method GetRotationFaceDof.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to retrieve node numbers after a rotation of a triangle/quadrangle; Matrix<int> RotationTri, RotationQuad; mesh.GetGeometryFaceRotation(RotationTri, RotationQuad);
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void ConstructCrossReferenceBoundaryRef() |
This method links referenced faces with global faces. This should not be called in regular use. It is already called when the mesh is read/constructed or if you call FindConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // already done, so useless to call it mesh.ConstructCrossReferenceBoundaryRef();
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void ConstructCrossReferenceEdgeRef() |
This method links referenced edges with global edges. This should not be called in regular use. It is already called when the mesh is read/constructed or if you call FindConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // already done, so useless to call it mesh.ConstructCrossReferenceEdgeRef();
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void AddBoundaryFaces() |
void AddBoundaryEdges() |
This method detects isolated faces (located on the boundary) without reference, and gives them a new reference. It is already called when reading a mesh. It can be useful to call this function if you constructed manually a mesh. Actually the function AddBoundaryEdges is equal to the function AddBoundaryFaces, isolated faces are retrieved.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you construct manually a mesh mesh.ReallocateVertices(25); mesh.Vertex(0).Init(1.0, 2.4, 0.8); // ... mesh.ReallocateElements(10); mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 2, 5, 8, 1); // ... // you call FindConnectivity to construct all the faces mesh.FindConnectivity(); // you did not provide boundary faces in the array BoundaryRef // a way to retrieve them is to call AddBoundaryFaces mesh.AddBoundaryFaces();
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void ProjectPointsOnCurves() |
This method projects intern points of edges/faces on predefined curves of the mesh. In regular use, you don't need to call that method.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // SetCurve should have been called before but you call it after mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // in that case, you need to call ProjectPointsOnCurves to project points on the curved surfaces mesh.ProjectPointsOnCurves();
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void RedistributeReferences() |
This method redistribute references for boundary faces. For each isolated curved surface, a different reference is given. This method is useful if you have a mesh without referenced faces, since each boundary will be attributed with a different reference.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // the mesh does not have referenced faces, you call RedistributeReferences // to distinguish the different boundaries/holes of the mesh mesh.RedistributeReferences();
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void GetNeighboringBoundariesAroundVertex(int i, IVect& num) const |
This method returns a list of faces sharing the point i. Only faces such that i is the lowest number are retrieved.
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void CheckCurveParameter(int ref) |
This method checks that the parameters associated with the reference ref are correct. If one parameter is not correct, a message and displayed and the program is aborted.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // setting curve parameters mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // parameters : center of sphere and radius Vector<double> param(4); param(0) = 0; param(1) = 0; param(2) = 0; param(3) = 2.0; mesh.SetCurveParameter(1, param); // you can check that parameters of reference 1 are correct mesh.CheckCurveParameter(1); // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh");
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void GetNodalPointsOnFace(int i, VectR3& PtFace) const |
This method fills the array PtFace with nodal points of the face i. It computes all nodal points of the face i, including vertices and nodal points located on the edges of the face i.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // setting curve parameters mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // parameters : center of sphere and radius Vector<double> param(4); param(0) = 0; param(1) = 0; param(2) = 0; param(3) = 2.0; mesh.SetCurveParameter(1, param); // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to display nodal points of a given face int num_face = 15; VectR3 nodal_points; mesh.GetNodalPointsOnFace(num_face, nodal_points); cout << "Nodal points = " << nodal_points << endl;
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void SetStraightEdge(int i) |
This method overwrites intern points of the edge i such as the edge would be straight (i.e. not curved).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // setting curve parameters mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // parameters : center of sphere and radius Vector<double> param(4); param(0) = 0; param(1) = 0; param(2) = 0; param(3) = 2.0; mesh.SetCurveParameter(1, param); // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to force a straight edge for edge 4 : mesh.SetStraightEdge(4);
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void SetStraightFace(int i) |
This method overwrites intern points of the face i such as the curvature of the faces comes only from curved edges.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // setting curve parameters mesh.SetCurveType(1, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // parameters : center of sphere and radius Vector<double> param(4); param(0) = 0; param(1) = 0; param(2) = 0; param(3) = 2.0; mesh.SetCurveParameter(1, param); // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to force a ruled surface for face 4 : mesh.SetStraightFace(4);
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R2 GetNodalPointInsideTriangle(int i) |
This method returns the i-th intern nodal point of the unit triangle.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // if you want to retrieve the nodal point 2 of the unit triangle R2 pt = mesh.GetNodalPointInsideTriangle(2);
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void ReadCurve(const IVect& ref, string keyword) |
This method sets curve types of all the references in array ref. The curve type is provided through the string keyword. The method SetCurveType should be preferred.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // predefined curves IVect ref(3); ref(0) = 1; ref(1) = 4; ref(2) = 5; mesh.ReadCurveType(ref, string("SPHERE")); // SPHERE, CYLINDER or CONE // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh");
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void ProjectToSphere(R3& ptA, R3 center, Real_wp radius) |
This method projects a point on a sphere.
- ptA
- Point that will be projected
- center
- Center of the sphere
- radius
- radius of the sphere
Example :
R3 pt(0.4, 0.6, 0.9); // you want to project pt on a sphere R3 center(0, 0, 0); Real_wp radius = 1.0; Mesh<Dimension3>::ProjectToSphere(pt, center, radius); cout << "Projected point = " << pt << endl;
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void ProjectToConicCylinder(R3& ptA, R3 center, R3 axis, Real_wp teta) |
This method projects a point on a conical cylinder.
- ptA
- Point that will be projected
- center
- Center of the cone
- axis
- Axis of the cone
- teta
- Angle of the cone
Example :
R3 pt(0.4, 0.6, 0.9); // you want to project pt on a conical cylinder R3 center(0, 0, 0), axis(0, 0, 1); Real_wp teta = pi_wp/6; Mesh<Dimension3>::ProjectToConicCylinder(pt, center, axis, teta); cout << "Projected point = " << pt << endl;
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void ProjectToCylinder(R3& ptA, R3 center, R3 axis, Real_wp radius) |
This method projects a point on a cylinder.
- ptA
- Point that will be projected
- center
- Center of the cylinder
- axis
- Axis of the cylinder
- radius
- Radius of the cylinder
Example :
R3 pt(0.4, 0.6, 0.9); // you want to project pt on a cylinder R3 center(0, 0, 0), axis(0, 0, 1); Real_wp radius = 2.0; Mesh<Dimension3>::ProjectToCylinder(pt, center, axis, radius); cout << "Projected point = " << pt << endl;
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void ProjectToCurve(R3& ptM, int ref) |
This method projects the point ptM to the curved surface whose reference is ref. If this reference is not associated with a predefined curve, the point will not be modified.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // predefined curves mesh.SetCurveType(2, mesh.CURVE_SPHERE); // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you can project a point to the curve 2 (which is a sphere) R3 pt(0.3, 0.5, 0.8); mesh.ProjectToCurve(pt, 2);
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void GetAllPointsOnReference(int ref, VectR3& points, VectR3& normale) |
void GetAllPointsOnReference(int ref_target, const IVect& ref_cond, VectR3& points, VectR3& normale) |
This method retrieves all the points and normales for a curved surface whose reference is ref. In the second syntax, we consider all the references i such that ref_cond(i) is equal to ref_target.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // points and normale of reference 3 VectR3 points, normale; mesh.GetAllPointsOnReference(3, points, normale);
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void GetDistantPointsOnReference(int ref, VectR3& points, VectR3& normale, int nb_points) |
void GetDistantPointsOnReference(int ref_target, const IVect& ref_cond, VectR3& points, VectR3& normale, int nb_points) |
This method retrieves some points and normales for a curved surface whose reference is ref. In the second syntax, we consider all the references i such that ref_cond(i) is equal to ref_target. It tries to find nb_points differents points which are distant enough (possibly non-collinear).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(4); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // 3 distants points and normale of reference 5 VectR3 points, normale; mesh.GetDistantPointsOnReference(5, points, normale, 3);
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void FindParametersPlane(int ref, VectReal_wp& param) |
This method finds coefficients a, b, c, d (equation a x + b y + c z + d = 0) of a plane. We assume that faces with reference equal to ref are on this plane. The coefficients are placed on the output argument param
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(4); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // coefficients a, b, c, d of a planar surface whose reference is 4 VectReal_wp param(4); mesh.FindParametersPlane(4, param);
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void FindParametersSphere(int ref, R3& center, Real_wp& radius) |
This method finds the center and radius of a sphere. We assume that faces with reference equal to ref are on this sphere.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(4); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // center and radius of a sphere (reference = 4) ? R3 center; Real_wp radius; mesh.FindParametersSphere(4, center, radius);
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void FindParametersConic(int ref, R3& center, R3& axis, Real_wp& teta) |
This method finds the center, axis and angle of a cone. We assume that faces with reference equal to ref are on this cone.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(4); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // center, axis and angle of a cone (reference = 4) ? R3 center, axis; Real_wp teta; mesh.FindParametersConic(4, center, axis, teta);
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void FindParametersCylinder(int ref, R3& center, R3& axis, Real_wp& radius) |
This method finds the center, axis and radius of a cylinder. We assume that faces with reference equal to ref are on this cylinder.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(4); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // center, axis and radius of a cylinder (reference = 4) ? R3 center, axis; Real_wp radius; mesh.FindParametersConic(4, center, axis, radius);
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void FindParametersCurve() |
This method finds parameters of all predefined curves of a mesh. It is automatically called when reading a mesh, so you don't need to call it in regular use.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading mesh mesh.SetGeometryOrder(4); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // useless (already called in Read) mesh.FindParametersCurve();
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void GetBoundaryMesh(int ref_target, SurfacicMesh<Dimension3>& mesh, const IVect& ref_cond) |
void GetBoundaryMesh(int ref_target, Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, IVect& ListeFace, IVect& ListeVertex, IVect& NumElement, IVect& NumLocal, const IVect& ref_cond) |
This method extracts all the referenced faces whose reference i satisfies ref_cond(i) = ref_target.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); // extracting reference 2 and 3 IVect ref_cond(mesh.GetNbReferences()+1); ref_cond.Fill(0); ref_cond(2) = 1; ref_cond(3) = 1; SurfacicMesh<Dimension3> surf_mesh; mesh.GetBoundaryMesh(1, surf_mesh, ref_cond); // you can also retrieve a simple 3-D mesh Mesh<Dimension3> sub_mesh; // and you get additional arrays giving vertex numbers, face numbers, // and for each extracted face, the element and local position on the original mesh IVect ListeFace, ListeVertex, NumElem, NumLocalBoundary; mesh.GetBoundaryMesh(1, sub_mesh, ListeFace, ListeVertex, NumElem, NumLocalBoundary, ref_cond);
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This attribute stores the level of messages to be printed. You can set it to -1 for silent mode (nothing will be displayed), to 10 for a very verbose mode, 2 for an intermediate mode.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.print_level = 3;
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GlobElementNumber_Subdomain, GlobFaceNumber_Subdomain, GlobEdgeNumber_Subdomain, GlobVertexNumber_Subdomain
These attributes are used in Montjoie to store the global element number, face number, edge number and vertex number. They are relevant only for parallel computation where each processor stores his part of the mesh, you can access to global numbers with these arrays.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // global number of element 0 ? int num_glob = mesh.GlobElementNumber_Subdomain(0);
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Glob_invSqrtJacobian, Glob_invSqrtJacobianNeighbor, Glob_GradJacobian
These attributes are used in Montjoie to store the inverse of square root of Ji (determinant of DFi). It is used for the Warburton's trick (useful for curved tetrahedra).
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int GetNbElt() const |
This method returns the number of elements in the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we display the number of elements in the mesh cout << "Number of elements " << mesh.GetNbElt();
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int GetNbVertices() const |
This method returns the number of vertices in the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we display the number of vertices in the mesh cout << "Number of vertices " << mesh.GetNbVertices();
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int GetNbEdges() const |
This method returns the number of edges in the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we display the number of edges in the mesh cout << "Number of edges " << mesh.GetNbEdges();
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const IVect& GetOriginalNeighborReference() const |
This method returns the list of original references of the mesh. This method is relevent only in parallel computation when the mesh is split. Because of this splitting, new references are created (for the interface between two processors) that can coincide with previous references. So you can know the original reference number for a given referenced edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we assume the mesh is split // then you can access the original references const IVect& original_ref = mesh.GetOriginalNeighborReference(); // original reference of reference 8 : int ref0 = original_ref(8);
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void SetOriginalNeighborReference(const IVect& ref) |
This method sets the list of original references of the mesh. This method is relevent only in parallel computation when the mesh is split. Because of this splitting, new references are created (for the interface between two processors) that can coincide with previous references. This method is called during the splitting process.
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string GetPathName() const |
This method returns path of the directory where meshes are searched when ConstructMesh is called.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // path ? cout << "Path where meshes are searched " << mesh.GetPathName() << endl;
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void SetPathName(const string& path) |
This method sets the path of the directory where meshes are searched when ConstructMesh is called.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // path ? mesh.SetPathName("MAILLAGES/");
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bool IsElementAffine(int i) |
This method returns true if the element i is affine. An affine element is an element such that the transformation Fi (that transforms the reference element to an element of the mesh) is affine. For example, a parallelogram is affine whereas a trapezoid is not affine. Straight triangles and tetrahedra are affine.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you can see if an element is affine for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.IsElementAffine(i)) cout << "Element " << i << " affine ";
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void ReallocateElements(int n) |
This method changes the number of elements present in the mesh. Previous elements stored will be lost, so you have to construct all the elements (with InitTriangular, InitQuadrangular for instance).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we construct a mesh with two elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); int ref = 1; mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 5, 4, ref); mesh.Element(1).InitTetrahedral(1, 2, 5, 6, ref);
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void ResizeElements(int n) |
This method changes the number of elements present in the mesh. Previous elements stored will be conserved, so that you have to construct only the new elements (if there are more elements than before).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we construct a mesh with two elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); int ref = 1; mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 5, 4, ref); mesh.Element(1).InitTetrahedral(1, 2, 5, 8, ref); // then we add two new elements mesh.ResizeElements(4); IVect num(4); num(0) = 2; num(1) = 4; num(2) = 5; num(3) = 7; mesh.Element(2).Init(num, ref); num(0) = 2; num(1) = 4; num(2) = 3; num(3) = 6; mesh.Element(3).Init(num, ref);
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void ClearElements() |
This method removes all the elements present in the mesh
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we construct a mesh with two elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); int ref = 1; mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 5, 4, ref); mesh.Element(1).InitTetrahedral(1, 2, 5, 3, ref); mesh.ResizeElements(4); IVect num(4); num(0) = 2; num(1) = 4; num(2) = 5; num(3) = 8; mesh.Element(2).Init(num, ref); num(0) = 2; num(1) = 4; num(2) = 3; num(3) = 7; mesh.Element(3).Init(num, ref); // then you clear all those modifications mesh.ClearElements();
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Volume& Element(int i) |
This method gives access to an element of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we construct a mesh with two elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); int ref = 1; mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 5, 4, ref); mesh.Element(1).InitHexahedral(1, 2, 5, 4, 6, 8, 10, 7, ref); // you can also print an element cout << "Second element : " << mesh.Element(1); // retrieve the vertex numbers of an element : int n0 = mesh.Element(1).numVertex(0); int n1 = mesh.Element(1).numVertex(1); // etc
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int GetTypeElement(int i) const |
This method returns the type of the element, i.e. 0 if it is a tetrahedron, 1 for a pyramid, 2 for a triangular prism and 3 for an hexahedron.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we construct a mesh with two elements mesh.ReallocateElements(2); int ref = 1; mesh.Element(0).InitTetrahedral(0, 1, 5, 4, ref); mesh.Element(1).InitHexahedral(1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 9, 8, ref); // you can also print the type of the element cout << "Type of second element : " << mesh.GetTypeElement(1);
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Edge<Dimension3>& GetEdge(int i) |
This method gives access to an edge of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read the mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we count edges on the boundary int nb_edges_bound = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdges(); i++) if (mesh.GetEdge(i).GetNbElements() == 1) nb_edges_bound++;
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void ReallocateEdges(int n) |
This method changes the number of edges stored in the mesh. Previous edges will be removed. Usually, we don't enter directly edge connectivity, but we call FindConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you specify the number of edges mesh.ReallocateEdges(5); // then you can set edges mesh.GetEdge(0).Init(0, 2, 1); mesh.GetEdge(1).Init(1, 12, 1); // ...
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void ResizeEdges(int n) |
This method changes the number of edges stored in the mesh. Previous edges will be kept. Usually, we don't enter directly edge connectivity, but we call FindConnectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you specify the number of edges mesh.ResizeEdges(5); // then you can set edges mesh.GetEdge(0).Init(0, 2, 1); mesh.GetEdge(1).Init(1, 12, 1); // ...
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void ReallocateVertices(int n) |
This low-level method changes the number of vertices stored in the mesh. Previous vertices will be removed and replaced by 0. After, you can modify each vertex with the method Vertex.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you specify the number of vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(5); // then you fill each point mesh.Vertex(0).Init(-1.5, -1.5, 1.4); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(0, -1.5, 1.6); mesh.Vertex(2).Init(1.5, 0, 0.7); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1.5, 1.5, -0.9); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(0, 1.5, -0.3);
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void ResizeVertices(int n) |
This low-level method changes the number of vertices stored in the mesh. Previous vertices will be conserved. After, you have to specify each new vertex with the method Vertex.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you specify the number of vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(5); // then you fill each point mesh.Vertex(0).Init(-1.5, -1.5, 0.9); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(0, -1.5, 0.7); mesh.Vertex(2).Init(1.5, 0); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1.5, 1.5, -0.4); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(0, 1.5, 1.2); // we add a new point mesh.ResizeVertices(6); mesh.Vertex(5).Init(0.2, 0.2, 0.8);
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void ClearVertices(int n) |
This method removes all the vertices of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you specify the number of vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(5); // then you fill each point mesh.Vertex(0).Init(-1.5, -1.5, 0.9); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(0, -1.5, 1.2); mesh.Vertex(2).Init(1.5, 0, -0.7); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1.5, 1.5, -0.4); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(0, 1.5, -2.0); // you can clear all the vertices mesh.ClearVertices();
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R3& Vertex(int i) |
This method gives access to a vertex of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you specify the number of vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(5); // then you fill each point mesh.Vertex(0).Init(-1.5, -1.5, 4.1); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(0, -1.5, -0.6); mesh.Vertex(2).Init(1.5, 0, 1.9); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1.5, 1.5, 2.1); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(0, 1.5, -0.7);
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GetXmin, GetXmax, GetYmin, GetYmax, GetZmin, GetZmax
Real_wp GetXmin() |
Real_wp GetYmin() |
Real_wp GetZmin() |
Real_wp GetXmax() |
Real_wp GetYmax() |
Real_wp GetZmax() |
These methods return the minimum/maximum of x, y or z-coordinate of vertices in the mesh. These values are computed when you read or construct the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); cout << "Mesh is contained in box [" << mesh.GeXmin() << ", " << mesh.GetXmax() << "] x [ " << mesh.GetYmin() << ", " << mesh.GetYmax() << "] x [" << mesh.GetZmin() << ", " << mesh.GetZmax() << "] "; // if you construct the mesh manually mesh.Clear(); // you specify the number of vertices mesh.ReallocateVertices(5); // then you fill each point mesh.Vertex(0).Init(-1.5, -1.5, 0.9); mesh.Vertex(1) = R3(0, -1.5, 1.3); mesh.Vertex(2).Init(1.5, 0, 0.8); mesh.Vertex(3) = R3(1.5, 1.5, -0.2); mesh.Vertex(4) = R3(0, 1.5, -2.0); // the bounding box is updated when you call ReorientElements mesh.ReorientElements(); cout << "Mesh is contained in box [" << mesh.GeXmin() << ", " << mesh.GetXmax() << "] x [ " << mesh.GetYmin() << ", " << mesh.GetYmax() << "] x [" << mesh.GetZmin() << ", " << mesh.GetZmax() << "] ";
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int FindVertexNumber(const R3& pt) |
This method returns the vertex number by knowing only its coordinates. The cost of this method is in linear time, since we are browsing all the vertices of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // vertex number of point -1, 0, 2 ? R3 point(-1, 0, 2); int nv = mesh.FindVertexNumber(point);
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ElementGeomReference<Dimension3> GetReferenceElement(int i) const |
Vector<ElementGeomReference<Dimension3>* > GetReferenceElement() const |
This method returns the finite element used for the i-th element. In the second syntax, you can also retrieve the finite elements for all the elements.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.SetGeometryOrder(3); mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // finite element for element 4 ElementGeomReference<Dimension3> Fb = mesh.GetReferenceElement(4);
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void GetVerticesElement(int i, VectR3& vertices) |
This method retrieves the vertices of an element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // mesh is read on a file mesh.Read("test.mesh"); VectR3 s; // loop over elements for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) { mesh.GetVerticesElement(i, s); // then you can perform operations over vertices s cout << "Second vertex " << s(1) << endl; }
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void GetDofsElement(int i, VectR3& points, const ElementGeomReference<Dimension3>& fem) |
This method retrieves the locations of degrees of freedom on an element. It does not need a numbering of the mesh, but a finite element object fem where points on degrees of freedom are defined. The finite element must be of the same type as the element (e.g. triangular if the element is a triangle).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // mesh is read on a file mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // finite element with dofs HexahedronLobatto hex; hex.ConstructFiniteElement(5); // Gauss-Lobatto points after transformation Fi for a given element i VectR3 points; int i = 10; mesh.GetDofsElement(i, points, hex); DISP(points);
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void SetInputData(const string& keyword, VectString& param) |
This method is used during the reading of the data file. You can look at the section devoted to the data file and see the fields related to the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // some parameters are read on a data file ReadInputFile("test.ini", &mesh);
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bool PointsOnSameEdge(int n1, int n2, int& num_edge) |
This method returns true if vertices n1 and n2 are the extremities of the same edge. On exit, num_edge contains the edge number.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we test if two points share the same edge int n1 = 2, n2 = 5, ne = -1; if (PointsOnSameEdge(n1, n2, ne)) cout << "Points are on the edge " << ne << endl;
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void GetNeighboringElementsAroundVertex(int i, IVect& num) |
This method fills the array num with the numbers of the elements sharing the point i.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we find all the elements around vertex 3 IVect num; mesh.GetNeighboringElementsAroundVertex(3, num); cout << "Elements around vertex 3 : " << num;
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void GetNeighboringEdgesAroundVertex(int i, IVect& num) |
This method fills the array num with the numbers of the edges sharing the point i.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we find all the edges around vertex 3 IVect num; mesh.GetNeighboringEdgesAroundVertex(3, num); cout << "Edges around vertex 3 : " << num;
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void SetVerticesToBeAdded(const VectR3& pts) |
This method sets the points that will be added when ConstructMesh will be called.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you set the vertices to add to the final mesh VectR3 s(2); s(0).Init(-2.0, -0.8, -2.4); s(1).Init(-1.0, -0.5, 2.2); mesh.SetVerticesToBeAdded(s); // then ConstructMesh will add these vertices VectString param(1); param(0) = string("cube.mesh"); mesh.ConstructMesh(mesh.HYBRID_MESH, param);
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void SetVerticesToBeRefined(const VectR3& pts, int lvl, Real_wp ratio) |
This method sets the points that will be refined when ConstructMesh will be called.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // you set the vertices around which the final mesh will be refined // level : refinement level, ratio : refinement ratio int level = 2; Real_wp ratio = 3.0; VectR3 s(2); s(0).Init(-2.0, -0.8, 1.5); s(1).Init(-1.0, -0.5, 0.6); mesh.SetVerticesToBeRefined(s, level, ratio); // then ConstructMesh will refine locally the mesh around these vertices VectString param(1); param(0) = string("cube.mesh"); mesh.ConstructMesh(mesh.HYBRID_MESH, param);
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void CreateReferenceVertices(IVect& ref_vertex) const |
This method attributes a reference for each vertex. The reference is 0 if the vertex does not belong to a referenced face, otherwise the reference is equal to the reference of the face.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); IVect ref_vertex; mesh.CreateReferenceVertices(ref_vertex);
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Real_wp GetMeshSize() const |
This method returns the mesh size, which is evaluated as the average value of edge length.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we return the mesh size cout << "h = " << mesh.GetMeshSize();
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void ClearConnectivity() |
This method clears edge and face numbers for each element, and all the edges and faces. Therefore, the mesh is stored as if you didn't call the method FindConnectivity (which is called when reading a mesh, and lots of other methods). So, it can reduce the storage required by the mesh. Some methods may disfunction when clearing connectivity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you clear arrays containing edges mesh.ClearConnectivity();
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void Clear() |
This method clears the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // then you can clear all the mesh mesh.Clear();
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void ClearInput() |
This method clears the input parameters of the mesh. These parameters can have been set by calling SetInputData for example.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // if you called SetInputData // you can clear input data mesh.ClearInput();
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void AddOverlapRegion(int n, int& nb_vert, int& nb_elt, Vector<bool>& VertexOnSubdomain, Vector<bool>& ElementOnSubdomain) const |
This method adds n layers around a subdomain of the mesh. It is used by the method SplitIntoBoxes, SplitMetis and equivalents if overlapping subdomains are required by the user.
- n (in)
- number of layers to add
- nb_vert (in/out)
- number of vertices in the subdomain (this number is updated)
- nb_elt(in/out)
- number of elements in the subdomain (this number if updated)
- VertexOnSubdomain(in/out)
- if VertexOnSubdomain(i) is true the vertex i lies in the subdomain
- ElementOnSubdomain(in/out)
- if ElementOnSubdomain(i) is true the element i lies in the subdomain
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // for example you consider a single element int nb_elt = 1; int num_elem = 23; Vector<bool> ElementOnSubdomain(mesh.GetNbElt()); ElementOnSubdomain.Fill(false); ElementOnSubdomain(num_elem) = true; // and vertices of this element int nb_vert = mesh.Element(num_elem).GetNbVertices(); Vector<bool> VertexOnSubdomain(mesh.GetNbVertices()); VertexOnSubdomain.Fill(false); for (int i = 0; i < nb_vert; i++) VertexOnSubdomain(mesh.Element(num_elem).numVertex(i)) = true; // then you add 3 layers of elements around this initial element mesh.AddOverlapRegion(3, nb_vert, nb_elt, VertexOnSubdomain, ElementOnSubdomain); // you can create a mesh with the updated informations mesh.CreateSubMesh(sub_mesh, nb_vert, nb_elt, VertexOnSubdomain, ElementOnSubdomain); sub_mesh.Write("subdomain.mesh");
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void SplitIntoBoxes(int nx, int ny, int nz, int& nb_parts, Vector<IVect>& num_elem, Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> >& sub_mesh, int noverlap) const |
This method splits the current mesh within a cartesian grid, with nx cells along x, ny cells along y, and nz cells for z-direction. The number of subdomains is returned in variable nb_parts, and can be different from nx*ny*nz, if there are holes for example. You can define an overlapping level by increasing noverlap, if equal to 0, there will be no overlapping. On exit, num_elem contains the element numbers for each subdomain.
- nx(in)
- number of subdivisions along x
- ny(in)
- number of subdivisions along y
- nz(in)
- number of subdivisions along z
- nb_parts(in/out)
- number of subdomains
- num_elem(out)
- Element numbers for all subdomains
- sub_mesh(out)
- Meshes of the subdomains
- noverlap(in)
- overlapping level
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we split mesh into 2x2x2 grid without overlap int nb_parts = 0; Vector<IVect> num_elt; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > sub_mesh; mesh.SplitIntoBoxes(2, 2, 2, nb_parts, sub_mesh, 0); // then you can write the small meshes for (int i = 0; i < nb_parts; i++) sub_mesh(i).Write(string("subdomain")+to_str(i)+".mesh");
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void SplitMetis(int nb_parts, IVect& weight_elt, Vector<IVect>& num_elem, Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> >& sub_mesh, int noverlap) const |
This method splits the current mesh into nb_parts balanced parts by using Metis routines. weight_elt denotes the weight attributed to each element. You can define an overlapping level by increasing noverlap, if equal to 0, there will be no overlapping. On exit, num_elem contains the element numbers for each subdomain.
- nb_parts(in)
- number of subdomains
- weight_elt(in)
- weight for each element
- num_elem(out)
- Element numbers for all subdomains
- sub_mesh(out)
- Meshes of the subdomains
- noverlap(in)
- overlapping level
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we split mesh into 7 parts with weight equal to 1 IVect weight_elt(mesh.GetNbElt()); weight_elt.Fill(1); Vector<IVect> num_elt; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > sub_mesh; mesh.SplitMetis(7, weight_elt, num_elt, sub_mesh, 0); // then you can write the small meshes for (int i = 0; i < nb_parts; i++) sub_mesh(i).Write(string("subdomain")+to_str(i)+".mesh");
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void SplitScotch(int nb_parts, IVect& weight_elt, Vector<IVect>& num_elem, Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> >& sub_mesh, int noverlap) const |
This method splits the current mesh into nb_parts balanced parts by using Scotch routines. weight_elt denotes the weight attributed to each element. You can define an overlapping level by increasing noverlap, if equal to 0, there will be no overlapping. On exit, num_elem contains the element numbers for each subdomain.
- nb_parts(in)
- number of subdomains
- weight_elt(in)
- weight for each element
- num_elem(out)
- Element numbers for all subdomains
- sub_mesh(out)
- Meshes of the subdomains
- noverlap(in)
- overlapping level
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we split mesh into 7 parts with weight equal to 1 IVect weight_elt(mesh.GetNbElt()); weight_elt.Fill(1); Vector<IVect> num_elt; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > sub_mesh; mesh.SplitScotch(7, weight_elt, num_elt, sub_mesh, 0); // then you can write the small meshes for (int i = 0; i < nb_parts; i++) sub_mesh(i).Write(string("subdomain")+to_str(i)+".mesh");
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void SplitConcentric(int nb_parts, VectReal_wp& radius, Vector<IVect>& num_elem, Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> >& sub_mesh, int noverlap) const |
This method splits the current mesh by using the radii provided by the user. The subdomain 0 will comprise elements such that r ≤ r0 (here r stands for the radius of spherical coordinates), the subdomain 1 will comprise elements such that r0 < r ≤ r1, etc. The last subdomain comprises elements such taht r ≥ rN.
- nb_parts(in)
- number of subdomains
- radius(in)
- list of radii used to distinguish subdomains
- num_elem(out)
- Element numbers for all subdomains
- sub_mesh(out)
- Meshes of the subdomains
- noverlap(in)
- overlapping level
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we split mesh into 3 concentric parts int nb_parts = 3; VectReal_wp radius(2); radius(0) = 0.5; radius(1) = 2.0; Vector<IVect> num_elt; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > sub_mesh; mesh.SplitConcentric(nb_parts, radius, num_elt, sub_mesh, 0); // then you can write the small meshes for (int i = 0; i < nb_parts; i++) sub_mesh(i).Write(string("subdomain")+to_str(i)+".mesh");
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void SplitLayered(int nb_parts, const Vector<IVect>& ref_layer, Vector<IVect>& num_elem, Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> >& sub_mesh, int noverlap) const |
This method splits the current mesh by using the references provided by the user. The subdomain i will comprise elements whose reference is contained in the array ref_layer(i).
- nb_parts(in)
- number of subdomains
- ref_layer(in)
- list of references for each subdomain
- num_elem(out)
- Element numbers for all subdomains
- sub_mesh(out)
- Meshes of the subdomains
- noverlap(in)
- overlapping level
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we split mesh into 3 parts // first part will comprise elements of reference 1, // second part elements of reference 2 and 3 // last part will contain elements of reference 2 int nb_parts = 3; Vector<IVect> ref_layer(3); ref_layer(0).PushBack(1); ref_layer(1).PushBack(3); ref_layer(1).PushBack(4); ref_layer(2).PushBack(2); Vector<IVect> num_elt; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > sub_mesh; mesh.SplitLayered(nb_parts, ref_layer, num_elt, sub_mesh, 0); // then you can write the small meshes for (int i = 0; i < nb_parts; i++) sub_mesh(i).Write(string("subdomain")+to_str(i)+".mesh");
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void PartMesh(int nb_parts, const IVect& epart, Vector<IVect>& num_elem, Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> >& sub_mesh, int noverlap) const |
This method splits the current mesh by using the array epart provided by the user. The subdomain i will comprise elements j such that epart(j) is equal to i.
- nb_parts(in)
- number of subdomains
- epart(in)
- subdomain number for each element of the mesh
- num_elem(out)
- Element numbers for all subdomains
- sub_mesh(out)
- Meshes of the subdomains
- noverlap(in)
- overlapping level
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // the user gives the subdomain number in epart IVect epart; int nb_parts = 4; epart.Read("epart.dat"); Vector<IVect> num_elt; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > sub_mesh; PartMesh(nb_parts, epart, num_elt, sub_mesh, 0); // then you can write the small meshes for (int i = 0; i < nb_parts; i++) sub_mesh(i).Write(string("subdomain")+to_str(i)+".mesh");
Related topics :
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void UpdatePeriodicReferenceSplit(const IVect& epart, const IVect& NumLoc, Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> >& sub_mesh) |
This methods updates references if periodic conditions have been set on the mesh. If the splitting of the mesh has been constructed such that periodic boundaries are separated (one element on a processor, and the opposite element on another processor), a new reference is created for this boundary.
- epart(in)
- subdomain number for each element of the mesh
- NumLoc(in)
- local number of element i in its subdomain
- sub_mesh(in/out)
- Meshes of the subdomains
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // the user gives the subdomain number in epart IVect epart; int nb_parts = 4; epart.Read("epart.dat"); Vector<IVect> num_elt; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > sub_mesh; PartMesh(nb_parts, epart, num_elt, sub_mesh, 0); // numloc(i) is the local element number in the corresponding subdomain IVect numloc(mesh.GetNbElt()); IVect num(nb_parts); num.Zero(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) numloc(i) = num(epart(i))++; // updating periodic references UpdatePeriodicReferenceSplit(epart, numloc, sub_mesh);
Location :
void WriteOrder(const string& file_name, const MeshNumbering<Dimension3>& mesh_num) |
This method writes a mesh in a file, on which references attributed to elements are equal to the order (given by mesh_num). The mesh is not modified when calling this method.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we compute a numbering MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(true); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // then you can see the result mesh.WriteOrder("order.mesh", mesh_num);
Related topics :
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void FjElemNodal(const VectR3& s, SetPoints<Dimension3>& Pts, const Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, int n) const |
This method computes nodal points of an element.
- s (in)
- vertices of the element
- Pts (out)
- computed nodal points
- mesh (in)
- current mesh
- n (in)
- element number
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // nodal points of element 18 int n = 18; VectR3 s; mesh.GetVerticesElement(n, s); SetPoints<Dimension3> Pts; mesh.FjElemNodal(s, Pts, mesh, n); for (int j = 0; j < Pts.GetNbPointsNodal(); j++) cout << "Nodal point " << j << " : " << Pts.GetPointNodal(j) << endl;
Location :
void DFjElemNodal(const VectR3& s, const SetPoints<Dimension3>& Pts, SetMatrices<Dimension3>& Mat, const Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, int n) const |
This method computes jacobian matrices on nodal points of an element.
- s (in)
- vertices of the element
- Pts (in)
- nodal points
- Mat (out)
- computed jacobian matrices
- mesh (in)
- current mesh
- n (in)
- element number
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // nodal points of element 18 int n = 18; VectR3 s; mesh.GetVerticesElement(n, s); SetPoints<Dimension3> Pts; mesh.FjElemNodal(s, Pts, mesh, n); // then jacobian matrices on these nodal points SetMatrices<Dimension3> Pts; mesh.DFjElemNodal(s, Pts, Mat, mesh, n);
Location :
void Fj(const VectR3& s, const SetPoints<Dimension3>& Pts, const R3& pt_loc, R3& pt_glob, const Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, int n) const |
This method computes the image by transformation Fi of a local point placed on the reference element.
- s (in)
- vertices of the element
- Pts (in)
- nodal points
- pt_loc (in)
- local coordinates of point
- pt_glob (out)
- global coordinates of point
- mesh (in)
- current mesh
- n (in)
- element number
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // nodal points of element 18 int n = 18; VectR3 s; mesh.GetVerticesElement(n, s); SetPoints<Dimension3> Pts; mesh.FjElemNodal(s, Pts, mesh, n); // then computation of pt_glob = Fi(pt_loc) R3 pt_loc(0.3, 0.2, 0.4); R3 pt_glob; mesh.Fj(s, Pts, pt_loc, pt_glob, mesh, n);
Location :
void DFj(const VectR3& s, const SetPoints<Dimension3>& Pts, const R3& pt_loc, Matrix3_3& dfj, const Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, int n) const |
This method computes jacobian matrix DFi on a point of the reference element.
- s (in)
- vertices of the element
- Pts (in)
- nodal points
- pt_loc (in)
- local coordinates of point
- dfj (out)
- jacobian matrix
- mesh (in)
- current mesh
- n (in)
- element number
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // nodal points of element 18 int n = 18; VectR3 s; mesh.GetVerticesElement(n, s); SetPoints<Dimension3> Pts; mesh.FjElemNodal(s, Pts, mesh, n); // then computation of dfj = DFi(pt_loc) R3 pt_loc(0.3, 0.4, 0.2); Matrix3_3 dfj; mesh.DFj(s, Pts, pt_loc, dfj, mesh, n);
Location :
int GetNbPointsNodalElt(int i) |
This method returns the number of nodal points associated with the element i.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // number of nodal points of element 18 ? int nb_pts = mesh.GetNbPointsNodalElt(18);
Location :
int GetNbPointsNodalBoundary(int num_elem, int num_loc) |
This method returns the number of nodal points associated with an edge.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // number of nodal points of an edge int nb_pts = mesh.GetNbPointsNodalBoundary(18, 0);
Location :
int GetNodalNumber(int num_elem, int num_loc, int k) |
This method returns the number of the k-th nodal point of the edge num_loc of element num_elem.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // number of a nodal point ? int num_elem = 18, num_loc = 1, k = 2; int num_node = mesh.GetNodalNumber(num_elem, num_loc, k);
Location :
void GetNormale(const Matrix3_3& dfjm1, R3& normale, Real_wp& dsj, int num_elem, int num_loc) |
This method computes the normale and surface element dsi from the inverse of jacobian matrix.
- dfjm1 (in)
- inverse of jacobian matrix
- normale (out)
- outgoing normale to the selected edge
- dsj (out)
- surface element dsi (used for integration)
- num_elem (in)
- element number
- num_loc (in)
- local edge number (in the element)
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // nodal points of element 18 int n = 18; VectR3 s; mesh.GetVerticesElement(n, s); SetPoints<Dimension2> Pts; mesh.FjElemNodal(s, Pts, mesh, n); // then computation of dfj = DFi(pt_loc) R3 pt_loc(1.0, 0.4, 0.3); Matrix3_3 dfjm1; mesh.DFj(s, Pts, pt_loc, dfjm1, mesh, n); GetInverse(dfjm1); // we store dfi^-1 // normale and ds R3 normale; Real_wp ds; int num_loc = 1; // local number of edge mesh.GetNormale(dfjm1, normale, ds, n, num_loc);
Location :
Real_wp GetDistanceToBoundary(const R3& pt_loc, int n) |
This method returns the distance between a point and the boundary on the reference element. If the distance is negative, it means that the point is outside the reference element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); R3 pt_loc(0.1, 0.3, 0.25); int n = 10; Real_wp dist = mesh.GetDistanceToBoundary(pt_loc, n);
Location :
void ProjectPointOnBoundary(R3& pt_loc, int n) |
This method projects a point on the boundary of reference element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); R3 pt_loc(0.01, 1.0, 0.0); // if the point is slightly outside the reference element, you may want to project it on the boundary mesh.ProjectPointOnBoundary(pt_loc, n);
Location :
void GetBoundingBox(const VectR3& s, Real_wp coef, VectR3& box, TinyVector<R3, 2>& enveloppe) const |
void GetBoundingBox(int i, const VectR3& s, const SetPoints<Dimension3>& pts, TinyVector<R3, 2>& enveloppe) const |
This method computes the bounding box containing the element defined by its vertices s. box is a bounding polygon, enveloppe the bounding box, and coef is a safety coefficient (which can be used for curved elements for example). In the second syntax, the user provides the nodal points of the element, such that the computed bounding box is much more accurate.
- i (in)
- element number
- s (in)
- vertices of the element
- Pts (in)
- nodal points
- coef (in)
- safety coefficient (for curved elements)
- box (out)
- polyhedral enveloppe
- enveloppe (out)
- rectangular bounding box
Example :
Mesh<Dimension2> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // bounding box of element 18 ? VectR3 s; int n = 18; mesh.GetVerticesElement(n, s); // estimating the bounding box with a safety coefficient of 10% // put 0 if the element is straight VectR3 box(s.GetM()); TinyVector<R3, 2> enveloppe; mesh.GetBoundingBox(s, 0.1, box, enveloppe); cout << "the element is included in box " << "[" << enveloppe(0)(0) << "," << enveloppe(1)(0) << "] x [" << enveloppe(0)(1) << "," << enveloppe(1)(1) << "] x [" << enveloppe(0)(2) << "," << enveloppe(1)(2) << " ]" << endl; // other approach : compute nodal points SetPoints<Dimension3> Pts; mesh.FjElemNodal(s, Pts, mesh, n); // in that case the bounding box is more accurate mesh.GetBoundingBox(n, s, Pts, enveloppe);
Location :
void ComputeValuesPhiNodalRef(int i, const R3& pt_loc, VectReal_wp& phi) const |
This method computes the nodal shape functions on the local point pt_loc.
- i (in)
- element number
- pt_loc (in)
- local coordinates of point
- phi (out)
- values of shape functions on the given point
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // you can compute the values of shape functions of element 18 on a local point R3 pt_loc(0.6, 0.4, 0.1); // local coordinates on the reference element mesh.ComputeValuesPhiNodalRef(18, pt_loc, phi);
Location :
void ComputeNodalGradient(const SetMatrices<Dimension3>& mat, const Vector& Uloc, Vector& gradU, int i) const |
This method computes the gradient of Uloc on nodal points of the element i.
- mat (in)
- jacobian matrices on nodal points
- Uloc (in)
- values of u on nodal points
- gradU (out)
- gradient of u on nodal points
- i (in)
- element number
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh, mesh2; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // nodal points of element 18 int n = 18; VectR3 s; mesh.GetVerticesElement(n, s); SetPoints<Dimension3> Pts; mesh.FjElemNodal(s, Pts, mesh, n); SetMatrices<Dimension3> Mat; mesh.DFjElemNodal(s, Pts, Mat, mesh, n); // then if you define Uloc on the element int nb_nodes = Pts.GetNbPointsNodal(); Vector<double> Uloc(nb_nodes); double x, y; for (int i = 0; i < nb_nodes; i++) { x = Pts.GetPointNodal(i)(0); y = Pts.GetPointNodal(i)(1); w = Pts.GetPointNodal(i)(2); Uloc(i) = sin(pi_wp*x)*sin(pi_wp*y)*(x+y) + z; } // you can compute the gradient on nodal points of the element VectR3 gradU(nb_nodes); mesh.ComputeNodalGradient(Mat, Uloc, gradU, n);
Location :
This attribute stores the numbering scheme to use, i.e. number of dofs per vertex, edge, triangle, tetrahedron, how the numbers are transformed after rotation of a face. If you want more details, you can look at the methods of class NumberMap.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; // constant order on all the mesh mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // number of dofs per vertex, edge, etc mesh_num.number_map.SetNbDofVertex(order, 1); mesh_num.number_map.SetNbDofEdge(order, order-1); mesh_num.number_map.SetNbDofQuadrangle(order, (order-1)*(order-1)); mesh_num.number_map.SetNbDofTriangle(order, (order-1)*(order-2)/2); mesh_num.number_map.SetNbDofTetrahedron(order, (order-1)*(order-2)*(order-3)/6); // then you can number the mesh mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // and display global numbers for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < mesh_num.Element(i).GetNbDof(); j++) cout << "Global dof number of local dof " << j << " and element " << i << " : " << mesh_num.Element(i).GetNumberDof(j) << endl;
Location :
OffsetDofVertexNumber, OffsetDofEdgeNumber, OffsetDofFaceNumber, OffsetDofElementNumber, OffsetQuadElementNumber
The attribute OffsetDofVertexNumber (continuous elements only) stores offsets used to number dofs on vertices. The attribute OffsetDofEdgeNumber (continuous elements only) stores offset used to number dofs on edges. The attribute OffsetDofFaceNumber (continuous elements only) stores offset used to number dofs on faces. For continuous elements, the attribute OffsetDofElementNumber stores offset used to number interior dofs on elements. Fod discontinuous elements, this attribute stores offset used to number all the dofs (that are only associated with elements. The attribute OffsetDofFaceNumber (HDG formulation only) stores offset used to number boundary unknown λ on edges of the mesh. Finally the attribute OffsetQuadElementNumber stores the offsets for the quadrature points on faces of each element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we consider a 3-D mesh numbering (with continuous elements) MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // if you want to know the first dof associated with a given vertex : int num_vertex = 15; int first_dof = mesh_num.OffsetDofVertexNumber(num_vertex); // if you want to know the first dof associated with a given edge : int num_edge = 21; int first_dof_edge = mesh_num.OffsetDofVertexNumber(num_edge); // if you want to know the first dof associated with a given face : int num_face = 26; int first_dof_face = mesh_num.OffsetDofFaceNumber(num_face); // if you want to know the first dof associated with a given element : int num_elem = 3; int first_dof_elt = mesh_num.OffsetDofElementNumber(num_elem); // offset for quadrature points int offset_quad = mesh_num.OffsetQuadElementNumber(num_elem);
Location :
The attribute GlobDofNumber_Subdomain stores the global dof number (for parallel computation) of a local dof. The attribute GlobDofPML_Subdomain stores the global pml dof numbers of local pml dofs
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we consider a 3-D mesh numbering (with continuous elements) MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // global dof of a local dof (assuming that the mesh has been split and distributed over processors) int num_loc = 42; int glob_dof = mesh_num.GlobDofNumber_Subdomain(num_loc); // and for PMLs : int num_loc_pml = 12; int glob_dof_pml = mesh_num.GlobDofPML_Subdomain(num_loc_pml);
Location :
If the attribute treat_periodic_condition_during_number is true, the periodic conditions will be treated when the mesh is numbered. Otherwise the periodic conditions are not treated. By default this attribute is set to true.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we consider a 3-D mesh numbering (with continuous elements) MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.treat_periodic_condition_during_number = false; // if you do not want to find periodic dofs mesh_num.NumberMesh();
Location :
compute_dof_pml, drop_interface_pml_dof
If the attribute compute_dof_pml is true, degrees of freedom associated with PMLs are numbered when NumberMesh is called. GetDofPML(i) will return the pml dof number of the i-th dof. If the i-th dof is not inside the PML, GetDofPML(i) returns -1. By default this attribute is set to false. If the attribute drop_interface_pml_dof is true, the dofs that are shared by the physical domain and PMLs will not be considered as PML. This approach will reduce the number of PML dofs.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we consider a 3-D mesh numbering (with continuous elements) MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.compute_dof_pml = true; // you want to number dofs of PMLs mesh_num.drop_interface_pml_dof = true; // dofs on the interface are not PML mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // number of dofs in PMLs ? int nb_dof_pml = mesh_num.GetNbDofPML();
Location :
void CopyInputData(MeshNumbering<Dimension3>& mesh_num) |
This method copies the input datas of another mesh numbering. The input datas are the parameters provided in the data file.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); MeshNumberingh<Dimension3> mesh_num2(mesh); // we copy all input data of the numbering mesh_num2.CopyInputData(mesh_num);
Location :
void ReallocateNeighborElements(int N) |
This method allocates the arrays storing informations about neighbor elements.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // if you know the number of neighbor elements (elements on another processor) mesh_num.ReallocateNeighborElements(10); // filling informations : order, edge number, type of element mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(0, 4); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(0, 11); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(0, 0); mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(1, 5); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(1, 27); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(1, 0); // .. // once you filled informations, you call FinalizeNeighborElements() mesh_num.FinalizeNeighborElements(mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef());
Location :
void FinalizeNeighborElements(int N) |
This method finalizes the arrays storing informations about neighbor elements. N is the number of referenced edges.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // if you know the number of neighbor elements (elements on another processor) mesh_num.ReallocateNeighborElements(10); // filling informations : order, edge number, type of element mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(0, 4); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(0, 11); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(0, 0); mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(1, 5); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(1, 27); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(1, 0); // .. // once you filled informations, you call FinalizeNeighborElements() mesh_num.FinalizeNeighborElements(mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef());
Location :
size_t GetMemorySize() const |
This method returns the memory used to store the object in bytes.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // size used to store the numbering ? size_t N = mesh_num.GetMemorySize();
Location :
void SetInputData(const string& keyword, VectString& param) |
This method is used during the reading of the data file. You can look at the section devoted to the data file and see the fields related to the mesh numbering.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // some parameters are read on a data file ReadInputFile("test.ini", &mesh_num);
Related topics :
Location :
void ClearDofs() |
This method clears degrees of freedom present in the mesh. It cancels task performed by method NumberMesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); mesh_num.SetOrder(5); // mesh is numbered mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // then you remove dof numbers mesh_num.ClearDofs();
Related topics :
Location :
void Clear() |
This method clears the mesh numbering.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // we read mesh mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // we number the mesh mesh_num.SetOrder(2); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // then you can clear the mesh numbering mesh_num.Clear();
Location :
void NumberMesh() |
This methods numbers the mesh, by attributing global dof numbers to each element. The number of dofs per vertex, edge, face and element is defined in object number_map. If discontinuous formulation is set in object number_map, we store only the first dof number on each element (since other dof numbers of the element are obtained by incrementing this initial dof number). Local numbers for reference elements are assumed to respect the following order :
- Dofs on vertices of the element
- Dofs on edges of the element
- Dofs on faces of the element
- Dofs inside the element
The Montjoie finite element classes are based on that ordering.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // using classical nodal numbering scheme (one dof per vertex, r dofs per edge, etc) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order); // for specific finite element classes you can use ConstructNumberMap : HexahedronHcurlFirstFamily fe_hcurl; fe_hcurl.ConstructFiniteElement(order); fe_hcurl.ConstructNumberMap(mesh_num.number_map, false); // the mesh is numbered mesh_num.NumberMesh(); cout << "Number of degrees of freedom : " << mesh_num.GetNbDof() << endl;
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ElementNumbering& Element(int i) |
This method gives access to an element of the mesh numbering.
Example :
// mesh is read Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // mesh is numbered MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(r); mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, r); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // you can retrieve dof numbers int i = 15, j = 1; int num_dof = mesh_num.Element(i).GetNumberDof(j);
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int GetNbNeighborElt() const |
This method returns the number of neighbor elements.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // assuming that the mesh has been numbered and distributed int nb_elt_neighbor = mesh_num.GetNbNeighborElt();
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int GetOrderNeighborElement(int i) const |
This method returns the order of the i-th neighbor element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // assuming that the mesh has been numbered and distributed // you can retrieve the order of a neighbor element int order_neighbor = mesh_num.GetOrderNeighborElement(1);
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int GetTypeNeighborElement(int i) const |
This method returns the type of the i-th neighbor element. This type is equal to 0 for a tetrahedron, 1 for a pyramid, 2 for a wedge, 3 for an hexahedron.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // assuming that the mesh has been numbered and distributed // you can retrieve the order of a neighbor element int order_neighbor = mesh_num.GetOrderNeighborElement(1); // and type of this element int type = mesh_num.GetTypeNeighborElement(1);
Location :
int GetEdgeNeighborElement(int i) const |
int GetLocalEdgeNumberNeighborElement(int n) const |
The method GetEdgeNeighborElement returns the face number of the i-th neighbor element. The neighbor element is located on the other side of this face. The method GetLocalEdgeNumberNeighborElement is the reciprocal of method GetEdgeNeighborElement since it returns the neighbor element number i from the face number.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // assuming that the mesh has been numbered and distributed // you can retrieve the order of a neighbor element int order_neighbor = mesh_num.GetOrderNeighborElement(1); // and type of this element int type = mesh_num.GetTypeNeighborElement(1); // and face number where this neighbor element is located int num_face = mesh_num.GetEdgeNeighborElement(1); // should give 1 here int i = mesh_num.GetLocalEdgeNumberNeighborElement(num_edge);
Location :
void SetOrderNeighborElement(int i, int r) |
This method sets the order for the i-th neighbor element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // if you know the number of neighbor elements (elements on another processor) mesh_num.ReallocateNeighborElements(10); // filling informations : order, face number, type of element mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(0, 4); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(0, 11); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(0, 0); mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(1, 5); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(1, 27); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(1, 0); // .. // once you filled informations, you call FinalizeNeighborElements() mesh_num.FinalizeNeighborElements(mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef());
Location :
void SetTypeNeighborElement(int i, int type) |
This method sets the type for the i-th neighbor element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // if you know the number of neighbor elements (elements on another processor) mesh_num.ReallocateNeighborElements(10); // filling informations : order, face number, type of element mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(0, 4); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(0, 11); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(0, 0); mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(1, 5); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(1, 27); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(1, 0); // .. // once you filled informations, you call FinalizeNeighborElements() mesh_num.FinalizeNeighborElements(mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef());
Location :
void SetEdgeNeighborElement(int i, int num) |
This method sets the edge number for the i-th neighbor element.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); // if you know the number of neighbor elements (elements on another processor) mesh_num.ReallocateNeighborElements(10); // filling informations : order, face number, type of element mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(0, 4); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(0, 11); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(0, 0); mesh_num.SetOrderNeighborElement(1, 5); mesh_num.SetEdgeNeighborElement(1, 27); mesh_num.SetTypeNeighborElement(1, 0); // .. // once you filled informations, you call FinalizeNeighborElements() mesh_num.FinalizeNeighborElements(mesh.GetNbBoundaryRef());
Location :
GetPeriodicityTypeForDof, SetPeriodicityTypeForDof
int GetPeriodicityTypeForDof(int i) const |
void SetPeriodicityTypeForDof(int i, int type) |
The method GetPeriodicityTypeForDof returns the type of periodicity associated with the i-th periodic dof. It can be PERIODIC_CTE, PERIODIC_THETA, PERIODIC_X, PERIODIC_Y, PERIODIC_Z and also a combination of those : PERIODIC_XY, PERIODIC_XZ, PERIODIC_YZ, PERIODIC_XYZ, PERIODIC_ZTHETA. The method SetPeriodicityTypeForDof allows the user to change the type of periodicity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num(2); num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_X); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) // if same dof numbers are used, no periodic dof mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(false); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // loop over periodic dofs for (int i = 0; i < mesh_num.GetNbPeriodicDof(); i++) cout << "Type of periodicity for periodic dof " << i << " : " << mesh.GetPeriodicityTypeForDof(i) << endl;
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GetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary, SetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary
int GetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary(int num_edge) const |
void SetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary(int num_edge, int type) |
The method GetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary returns the type of periodicity associated with the i-th face. It can be PERIODIC_CTE, PERIODIC_THETA, PERIODIC_X, PERIODIC_Y, PERIODIC_Z. The method SetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary allows the user to change the type of periodicity.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num(2); num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_X); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) // if same dof numbers are used, no periodic dof mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(false); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // edge 12 is associated with a periodic condition ? int type_per = mesh_num.GetPeriodicityTypeForBoundary(12);
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int GetNbPeriodicDof() const |
This method returns the number of periodic dofs (obtained with a translation/rotation of original dofs).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) // if same dof numbers are used, no periodic dof mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(false); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); cout << "Number of periodic dofs " << mesh_num.GetNbPeriodicDof() << endl;
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GetPeriodicDof, SetPeriodicDof
int GetPeriodicDof(int i) const |
void SetPeriodicDof(int i, int num) |
The method GetPeriodicDof returns the dof number of the i-th periodic dof of the mesh. The method SetPeriodicDof allows the user to change this number.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) // if same dof numbers are used, no periodic dof mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(false); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // display periodic and original dofs for (int i = 0; i < mesh_num.GetNbPeriodicDof(); i++) cout << "Dof " << mesh_num.GetPeriodicDof(i) << "obtained with a translation/rotation from dof " << mesh_num.GetOriginalPeriodicDof(i) << endl;
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GetOriginalPeriodicDof, SetOriginalPeriodicDof
int GetOriginalPeriodicDof(int i) const |
void SetOriginalPeriodicDof(int i, int num) |
The method GetOriginalPeriodicDof returns the original dof number of the i-th periodic dof of the mesh. The method SetOriginalPeriodicDof allows the user to change this number.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) // if same dof numbers are used, no periodic dof mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(false); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // display periodic and original dofs for (int i = 0; i < mesh_num.GetNbPeriodicDof(); i++) cout << "Dof " << mesh_num.GetPeriodicDof(i) << "obtained with a translation/rotation from dof " << mesh_num.GetOriginalPeriodicDof(i) << endl;
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GetPeriodicBoundary, SetPeriodicBoundary
int GetPeriodicBoundary(int num_edge) const |
void SetPeriodicBoundary(int n1, int n2) |
The method GetPeriodicBoundary returns the face number that is periodic with the given face. If the face does not belong to a periodic boundary, it should return -1. The method SetPeriodicBoundary allows the user to change this number.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) // if same dof numbers are used, no periodic dof mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(false); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // opposite face to a given face int num_face = 12; int num_face_opp = mesh_num.GetPeriodicBoundary(num_edge); // if the face num_face has a reference 3, the face num_face_opp will have a reference 6 (ref 3 and 6 are said periodic) // if num_face_opp = -1, it means that the face 12 did not belong to a periodic reference
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void SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(bool same_number) |
By calling this method, you can require (or not) that degrees of freedom located on periodic boundaries are attributed with the same numbers as the original degrees of freedom. If same numbers are attributed, there are no periodic dofs. The periodicity is ensured by construction, however quasi-periodic conditions are currently not implemented with this option. For quasi-periodic conditions (e.g. PERIODIC_X, PERIODIC_THETA), you cannot attribute same numbers.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(true); mesh_num.NumberMesh();
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SetFormulationForPeriodicCondition, GetFormulationForPeriodicCondition
void SetFormulationForPeriodicCondition(int type) |
int GetFormulationForPeriodicCondition() const |
The method SetFormulationForPeriodicCondition sets the formulation that will be used in Montjoie to handle periodic conditions (or quasi-periodic). You can choose between
- SAME_PERIODIC_DOFS : can handle only periodic conditions, periodic dofs have the same number.
- STRONG_PERIODIC : the periodic condition is enforced by adding an equation ui = phase*uj to close the system. Quasi-periodic conditions are handled with this approach. This formulation is not correctly treated for parallel computations.
- WEAK_PERIODIC : the periodic condition is enforced weakly with boundary integrals (such as for Discontinuous Galerkin). It is not implemented for all the equations in Montjoie. It works in parallel and is used by default if Discontinuous Galerkin method is used.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, PERIODIC_X); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) mesh_num.SetFormulationForPeriodicCondition(mesh_num.WEAK_PERIODIC); mesh_num.NumberMesh();
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bool UseSameNumberPeriodicDofs() const |
This method returns true if degrees of freedom located on periodic boundaries are attributed with the same numbers as the original degrees of freedom.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(num); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) cout << "Same number ? : " mesh_num.UseSameNumberForPeriodicDofs() << endl; mesh_num.NumberMesh();
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int GetOrder() const |
void GetOrder(TinyVector<IVect, 4>& order) const |
This method returns the order of approximation. If a variable order is specified, it should return the maximal order of approximation. If you use the second syntax, you will get all the orders present in the mesh : order(0) will contain the orders for tetrahedra, order(1) for pyramids, order(2) for triangular prisms, order(3) for hexahedra.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(3); mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, 3); cout << "Order of approximation : " << mesh_num.GetOrder() << endl; // for variable order, orders are retrieved in arrays TinyVector<IVect, 4> order; mesh_num.GetOrder(order); // orders for tetrahedra in order(0) cout << "Order for tetrahedra " << order(0) << endl; // orders for pyramids in order(1) cout << "Order for pyramids " << order(1) << endl;
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int GetNbDof() const |
This method returns the number of degrees of freedom contained in the mesh. If NumberMesh has not been called before, there will be no degree of freedom.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // using classical nodal numbering scheme (one dof per vertex, r dofs per edge, etc) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); cout << "Number of degrees of freedom : " << mesh_num.GetNbDof() << endl;
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void SetNbDof(int N) |
This method sets the number of degrees of freedom contained in the mesh. In a regular use, this number is set when NumberMesh is called and do not need to be modified.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // using classical nodal numbering scheme (one dof per vertex, r dofs per edge, etc) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); cout << "Number of degrees of freedom : " << mesh_num.GetNbDof() << endl; // if you want to increase this value int N = mesh_num.GetNbDof(); mesh_num.SetNbDof(N+1);
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int GetNbLocalDof(int i) const |
This method returns the number of degrees of freedom within an element of the mesh. If NumberMesh has not been called before, it should return 0.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // using classical nodal numbering scheme (one dof per vertex, r dofs per edge, etc) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) cout << "Element i contains " << mesh_num.GetNbLocalDof(i) << "degrees of freedom " << endl;
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int GetNbDofPML() const |
This method returns the number of degrees of freedom contained in the PMLs. If NumberMesh has not been called before or if there are no pmls in the mesh, it will return 0.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // you can add a PML mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); int nb_layers = 2; Real_wp delta = 0.5; pml.SetAdditionPML(pml.PML_BOTH_SIDES, pml.PML_BOTH_SIDES, pml.PML_BOTH_SIDES, nb_layers); pml.SetThicknessPML(delta); pml.AddPML(0, mesh); // number the mesh MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // using classical nodal numbering scheme (one dof per vertex, r dofs per edge, etc) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order); mesh_num.compute_dof_pml = true; mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // number of degrees of freedom for all the mesh : cout << "Number of degrees of freedom : " << mesh_num.GetNbDof() << endl; // number of degrees of freedom for the PML only : cout << "Number of degrees of freedom in PML : " << mesh_num.GetNbDofPML() << endl;
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int GetDofPML(int i) const |
This method returns the PML dof number of the i-th dof. If the i-th dof is not in a PML, the method will return -1.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // you can add a PML mesh.ReallocatePmlAreas(1); PmlRegionParameter<Dimension3>& pml = mesh.GetPmlArea(0); int nb_layers = 2; Real_wp delta = 0.5; pml.SetAdditionPML(pml.PML_BOTH_SIDES, pml.PML_BOTH_SIDES, pml.PML_BOTH_SIDES, nb_layers); pml.SetThicknessPML(delta); pml.AddPML(0, mesh); // number the mesh MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // using classical nodal numbering scheme (one dof per vertex, r dofs per edge, etc) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order); mesh_num.compute_dof_pml = true; mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // number of degrees of freedom for all the mesh : cout << "Number of degrees of freedom : " << mesh_num.GetNbDof() << endl; // number of degrees of freedom for the PML only : cout << "Number of degrees of freedom in PML : " << mesh_num.GetNbDofPML() << endl; // loop over dofs to check dofs in PML for (int i = 0; i < mesh_num.GetNbDof(); i++) if (mesh_num.GetDofPML(i) >= 0) cout << "Dof " << i << " is inside a PML region" << endl;
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void ReallocateDofPML(int N) |
This method changes the number of degrees of freedom in PML. Usually this number is already computed when the mesh is numbered and does not need to be changed.
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void SetDofPML(int i, int num_pml) |
This method changes the dof PML number of the i-th dof. Usually this number is already computed when the mesh is numbered and does not need to be changed.
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void SetOrder(int r) |
This method sets the order of approximation associated with a mesh numbering. The same order will be set for all the elements of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // setting an uniform order for all elements MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // using classical nodal numbering scheme (one dof per vertex, r dofs per edge, etc) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order); mesh_num.NumberMesh();
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bool IsOrderVariable() const |
This method returns true if a variable order is set for the mesh, false otherwise. Variable order will be present if you have called ComputeVariableOrder or SetOrderElement.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); // setting an uniform order MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // should return false cout << "Mesh with variable order ? " << mesh_num.IsOrderVariable() << endl;
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void SetVariableOrder(int type) |
This method sets the type of algorithm used to attribute order to each edge, face, element of the mesh. Currently, there are two provided algorithms MEAN_EDGE_ORDER, and MAX_EDGE_ORDER. The first one uses the average length value of the edges to determine the size h of an element, whereas the second one takes the maximum edge length. The user can also provide the orders for each edge/face/element, in that case USER_ORDER must be chosen instead of MAX_EDGE_ORDER.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); Vector<double> step(10); step.Fill(0); // setting intervals for each order // if h < 0.05 => first order step(2) = 0.05; // if 0.05 <= h < 0.15 => second order step(3) = 0.15; // if 0.15 <= h < 0.3 => third order step(4) = 0.3; // etc mesh_num.SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(step); // type of variable order // if you choose mesh_num.USER_ORDER, you have to provide the orders for each edge and face of the mesh mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MAX_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(false); // setting the number of dofs for the orders computed TinyVector<IVect, 4> order_used; mesh_num.GetOrder(order_used); for (int i = 0; i < order_used(0).GetM(); i++) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order_used(0)(i)); // and numbering mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // the orders are written on a mesh mesh.WriteOrder("order.mesh", mesh_num);
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void SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(const VectReal_wp& step) |
This method sets the mesh sizes h(r) (given in the parameter step) used to attribute order to each edge. If the length of an edge is between h(r) and h(r+1), the order associated with this edge will be equal to r.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); Vector<double> step(10); step.Fill(0); // setting intervals for each order // if h < 0.05 => first order step(2) = 0.05; // if 0.05 <= h < 0.15 => second order step(3) = 0.15; // if 0.15 <= h < 0.3 => third order step(4) = 0.3; // etc mesh_num.SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(step); // type of variable order mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MAX_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(false); // setting the number of dofs for the orders computed TinyVector<IVect, 4> order_used; mesh_num.GetOrder(order_used); for (int i = 0; i < order_used(0).GetM(); i++) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order_used(0)(i)); // and numbering mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // the orders are written on a mesh mesh.WriteOrder("order.mesh", mesh_num);
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void SetCoefficientSizeVariableOrder(const VectReal_wp& coef) |
This method sets the coefficient attributed to each element in order to determine the order of each edge, face, element of the mesh. If the length of an edge multiplied by this coefficient is between h(r) and h(r+1), the order associated with this edge will be equal to r.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); Vector<double> step(10); step.Fill(0); // setting intervals for each order // if h < 0.05 => first order step(2) = 0.05; // if 0.05 <= h < 0.15 => second order step(3) = 0.15; // if 0.15 <= h < 0.3 => third order step(4) = 0.3; // etc mesh_num.SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(step); // then for each element you can attribute a coefficient // usually we take into account velocities on each physical domain Vector<double> coef(mesh.GetNbElt()); coef.Fill(1); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) if (mesh.Element(i).GetReference() == 2) coef(i) = 2.0; mesh_num.SetCoefficientVariableOrder(coef); // type of variable order mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MEAN_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(false); // setting the number of dofs for the orders computed TinyVector<IVect, 4> order_used; mesh_num.GetOrder(order_used); for (int i = 0; i < order_used(0).GetM(); i++) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order_used(0)(i)); // and numbering mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // the orders are written on a mesh mesh.WriteOrder("order.mesh", mesh_num);
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int GetOrderElement(int i) const |
This method returns the order of approximation for an element of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); Vector<double> step(10); step.Fill(0); // setting intervals for each order // if h < 0.05 => first order step(2) = 0.05; // if 0.05 <= h < 0.15 => second order step(3) = 0.15; // if 0.15 <= h < 0.3 => third order step(4) = 0.3; // etc mesh.SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(step); // type of variable order mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MEAN_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(false); // printing orders of element ? for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) cout << "Order for element " << i << " : " << mesh_num.GetOrderElement(i) << endl;
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int GetOrderEdge(int i) const |
This method returns the order of approximation for an edge of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); Vector<double> step(10); step.Fill(0); // setting intervals for each order // if h < 0.05 => first order step(2) = 0.05; // if 0.05 <= h < 0.15 => second order step(3) = 0.15; // if 0.15 <= h < 0.3 => third order step(4) = 0.3; // etc mesh_num.SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(step); // type of variable order mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MEAN_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(false); // printing orders of edges ? for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdges(); i++) cout << "Order for edge " << i << " : " << mesh_num.GetOrderEdge(i) << endl;
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int GetOrderFace(int i) const |
This method returns the order of approximation for a face of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); Vector<double> step(10); step.Fill(0); // setting intervals for each order // if h < 0.05 => first order step(2) = 0.05; // if 0.05 <= h < 0.15 => second order step(3) = 0.15; // if 0.15 <= h < 0.3 => third order step(4) = 0.3; // etc mesh_num.SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(step); // type of variable order mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MEAN_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(false); // printing orders of faces ? for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) cout << "Order for edge " << i << " : " << mesh_num.GetOrderFace(i) << endl;
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int GetOrderInside(int i) const |
This method returns the order of approximation for the interior of element i of the mesh.
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void SetOrderEdge(int i, int r) |
This method sets the order of approximation for an edge of the mesh. If the mesh was previously specified with a constant order, it will be switched to a variable order, so that you can manually attribute an order to each element, face and edge of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // attributing orders to each element for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) { int r = 3; if (i%2 == 1) r = 4; mesh_num.SetOrderElement(i, r); } // and on edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdges(); i++) { int r = 1; for (int k = 0; k < mesh.GetEdge(i).GetNbElements(); k++) { int ne = mesh.GetEdge(i).numElement(k); r = max(r, mesh.GetOrderElement(ne)); } mesh_num.SetOrderEdge(i, r); } // and on faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) { int r = 1; for (int k = 0; k < mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbElements(); k++) { int ne = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(k); r = max(r, mesh.GetOrderElement(ne)); } mesh_num.SetOrderFace(i, r); } // setting the number of dofs for the orders computed mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, 3); mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, 4); // and numbering mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // the orders are written on a mesh mesh.WriteOrder("order.mesh", mesh_num);
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void SetOrderFace(int i, int r) |
This method sets the order of approximation for a face of the mesh. If the mesh was previously specified with a constant order, it will be switched to a variable order, so that you can manually attribute an order to each element, face and edge of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // attributing orders to each element for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) { int r = 3; if (i%2 == 1) r = 4; mesh_num.SetOrderElement(i, r); } // and on edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdges(); i++) { int r = 1; for (int k = 0; k < mesh.GetEdge(i).GetNbElements(); k++) { int ne = mesh.GetEdge(i).numElement(k); r = max(r, mesh.GetOrderElement(ne)); } mesh_num.SetOrderEdge(i, r); } // and on faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) { int r = 1; for (int k = 0; k < mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbElements(); k++) { int ne = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(k); r = max(r, mesh.GetOrderElement(ne)); } mesh_num.SetOrderFace(i, r); } // setting the number of dofs for the orders computed mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, 3); mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, 4); // and numbering mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // the orders are written on a mesh mesh.WriteOrder("order.mesh", mesh_num);
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void SetOrderInside(int i, int r) |
This method sets the order of approximation for the interior of element i of the mesh.
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int GetNbPointsQuadratureBoundary(int i) const |
This method returns the number of quadrature points used for a face of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // type of variable order mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MEAN_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(true); // and numbering (assuming that mesh_num.number_map has been filled correctly) mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // then you can know the number of quadrature points on each face for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) cout << "Edge " << i << " contains " << mesh_num.GetNbPointsQuadratureBoundary(i) << " quadrature points" << endl;
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void InitPeriodicBoundary() |
This method allocates arrays needed to store periodic boundaries. After calling this methode, you can call the method SetPeriodicBoundary to specify a periodic boundary. In a regular use, this method does not need to be called, since TreatPeriodicCondition fills the arrays for periodic boundaries.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // you did not number the mesh but you want to provide periodic boundaries mesh_num.InitPeriodicBoundary(); mesh_num.SetPeriodicBoundary(3, 7); // etc
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GetTranslationPeriodicDof, SetTranslationPeriodicDof
R3 GetTranslationPeriodicDof(int i) const |
void SetTranslationPeriodicDof(int i, R3 u) |
The method GetTranslationPeriodicDof returns the translation vector between two periodic degrees of freedom. The method SetTranslationPeriodicDof allows the user to change this translation vector.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that number_map is correctly filled) // if same dof numbers are used, no periodic dof mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(false); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // display translation for (int i = 0; i < mesh_num.GetNbPeriodicDof(); i++) cout << "Dof " << mesh_num.GetPeriodicDof(i) << "obtained with a translation of " << mesh_num.GetTranslationPeriodicDof(i) << endl;
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R3 GetTranslationPeriodicBoundary(int i) const |
VectR3& GetTranslationPeriodicBoundary() const |
This method returns the translation vector between two periodic boundaries. With the second syntax, you can retrieve the translation vectors for all the referenced faces.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // adding periodic conditions TinyVector<int, 2> num; num(0) = 3; num(1) = 6; mesh.AddPeriodicCondition(num, BoundaryConditionEnum::PERIODIC_CTE); // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // numbering the mesh (assuming that mesh_num.number_map is correctly filled) // if same dof numbers are used, no periodic dof mesh_num.SetSameNumberPeriodicDofs(false); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // display translation vector between face 0 and its opposite face cout << "Translation = " << mesh.GetTranslationPeriodicBoundary(0) << endl;
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void ReallocateElements(int n) |
This method changes the number of elements present in the mesh numbering. On a regular use, this method should not be called, since NumberMesh will allocate the array correctly.
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void ReallocatePeriodicDof(int n) |
This method changes the number of periodic dofs in the mesh numbering. On a regular use, this method should not be called, since NumberMesh will compute this number automatically (and allocate the arrays related to periodic degrees of freedom).
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void ComputeVariableOrder(int dg_formulation) |
This method attributes an order of approximation to each edge, face and element of the mesh in the case where the order is variable. This should be called before NumberMesh so that numbering of the mesh is correctly performed. In 3-D, we attribute an order re to each edge e of the mesh with the following rule :
where he is the length of the edge e, steps λ are specified by method SetMeshSizeVariableOrder, and c_e is a coefficient controlled by method SetCoefficientVariableOrder. When orders have been attributed to the edges, we then attribute an order to each element of the mesh. If MEAN_EDGE_ORDER algorithm has been selected, the order for each element will be equal to
If MAX_EDGE_ORDER algorithm has been selected, the order for each element will be equal to
The orders for the faces are attributed with the following rule :
If dg_formulation is set to DISCONTINUOUS or HDG, the order of faces will then be modified to be the maximal value of orders of neighboring elements, so that quadrature formulas on faces of the mesh are always accurate enough. This is important for Discontinuous Galerkin formulation where boundary integrals defined on internal faces are present.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // defining the values for h (in step) Vector<double> step(10); step.Fill(0); // setting intervals for each order // if h < 0.05 => first order step(2) = 0.05; // if 0.05 <= h < 0.15 => second order step(3) = 0.15; // if 0.15 <= h < 0.3 => third order step(4) = 0.3; // etc mesh_num.SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(step); // type of variable order mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MEAN_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element // choose between CONTINUOUS, DISCONTINUOUS or HDG for the parameter mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(ElementReference_Base::DISCONTINUOUS); // and numbering (assuming that mesh_num.number_map is already filled) mesh_num.NumberMesh();
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int GetOrderQuadrature(int i) const |
void GetOrderQuadrature(TinyVector<IVect, 4>& order) const |
This method returns the order of quadrature formula for a face of the mesh. It is usually set as the maximum order of the two adjoining elements so that boundary integrals are exactly evaluated.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); Vector<double> step(10); step.Fill(0); // setting intervals for each order // if h < 0.05 => first order step(2) = 0.05; // if 0.05 <= h < 0.15 => second order step(3) = 0.15; // if 0.15 <= h < 0.3 => third order step(4) = 0.3; // etc mesh_num.SetMeshSizeVariableOrder(step); // type of variable order mesh_num.SetVariableOrder(mesh_num.MEAN_EDGE_ORDER); // then computation of order for each edge, face, element mesh_num.ComputeVariableOrder(false); // printing orders of quadrature ? for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) cout << "Order of quadrature for face " << i << " : " << mesh.GetOrderQuadrature(i) << endl; // if you want to know all the orders present in the mesh TinyVector<IVect, 4> order_used; mesh_num.GetOrderQuadrature(order_used); cout << "Orders of quadrature present : " << order_used << endl;
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void SetOrderQuadrature(int i, int r) |
This method sets the order of quadrature for a face of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // attributing orders to each element for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) { int r = 3; if (i%2 == 1) r = 4; mesh_num.SetOrderElement(i, r); } // and quadrature on faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) { int r = 1; for (int k = 0; k < mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbElements(); k++) { int ne = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(k); r = max(r, mesh.GetOrderElement(ne)); } mesh_num.SetOrderQuadrature(i, r); }
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int GetNbDofElement(int i, Face<Dimension3> edge) |
int GetNbDofElement(int i, Volume elt) |
This method is used by NumberMesh to know the expected number of degrees of freedom for an element (or a face). If the mesh is already numbered, you should call GetNbLocalDof if you want to know the number of degrees of freedom for an element of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); int order = 3; mesh_num.SetOrder(order); // using classical nodal numbering scheme (one dof per vertex, r dofs per edge, etc) mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, order); // for specific finite element classes you can use ConstructNumberMap : HexahedronHcurlFirstFamily fe_hcurl; fe_hcurl.ConstructFiniteElement(order); fe_hcurl.ConstructNumberMap(mesh_num.number_map, false); // the mesh is numbered mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // number of dofs on a face of the mesh : int num_face = 42; int nb_dof_face = mesh_num.GetNbDofElement(num_face, mesh.Boundary(num_face)); // number of dofs on an element int num_elt = 31; int nb_dof_elt = mesh_num.GetNbDofElement(num_elt, mesh.Element(num_elt)); // for this last case, GetNbLocalDof is fastest : nb_dof_elt = mesh_num.GetNbLocalDof(num_elt);
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int GetBoundaryRotation(int f, int e1, int e2, int pos1, int& pos2, int& rot) const |
When a face f is shared by two elements e1 and e2, and we know that the local position of edge f is pos, this method finds the local position on the face for the second element (pos2), and the difference of orientation of the face between the two elements (rot). When the face is located on a periodic boundary, it returns the face number of the corresponding boundary.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension2> mesh_num(mesh); int num_face = 10; int num_elem1 = mesh.Boundary(num_face).numElement(0); int num_elem2 = mesh.Boundary(num_face).numElement(1); int pos1 = mesh.Element(num_elem1).GetPositionBoundary(num_face); int pos2, rot; mesh_num.GetBoundaryRotation(num_edge, num_elem1, num_elem2, pos1, pos2, rot);
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void CheckMeshNumber() |
The mesh numbering is checked (mainly offsets for edges and faces).
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension2> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.SetOrder(4); mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, 4); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // checking that the mesh numbering is corrrect mesh_num.CheckMeshNumber();
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void ReconstructOffsetDofs() |
This method reconstructs the arrays OffsetDofFaceNumber, OffsetDofEdgeNumber, OffsetDofElementNumber, OffsetDofVertexNumber. On a regular use, this method does not need to be called, since NumberMesh will call it automatically. However, if you modified dof numbers manually, it may be needed to call this method.
Example :
// assuming that you constructed a mesh numbering MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // you modify dofs manually mesh_num.Element(1).SetNumberDof(10, 51); // etc // you need to reconstruct offset arrays mesh_num.ReconstructOffsetDofs();
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void ConstructTetrahedralNumbering(int r, Array3D<int>& NumNodes, Matrix<int>& CoordinateNodes) |
For a standard nodal tetrahedral finite element, this method gives you local numbers of the tetrahedron as they should be ordered :
- Dofs on vertices of the element
- Dofs on edges of the element
- Dofs on faces of the element
- Dofs inside the element
NumNodes and CoordinatesNodes allows you to switch from a 3-index notation (i1, i2, i3) to a 1-index notation i, as shown in the example below :
Example :
int r = 4; Array3D<int> NumNodes; Matrix<int> CoordinateNodes; MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::ConstructTetrahedralNumbering(r, NumNodes, CoordinateNodes); // you may want to loop over x-coordinate, y-coordinate and z-coordinate for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= r; i1++) for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= r-i1; i2++) for (int i3 = 0; i3 <= r-i1-i2; i3++) { // then retrieve the number associated with position (i1, i2, i3) int node = NumNodes(i1, i2, i3); } // you may want to loop over nodes for (int i = 0; i < (r+1)*(r+2)*(r+3)/6; i++) { // and retrieve x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate of this node int i1 = CoordinateNodes(i, 0); int i2 = CoordinateNodes(i, 1); int i3 = CoordinateNodes(i, 2); }
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void ConstructPyramidalNumbering(int r, Array3D<int>& NumNodes, Matrix<int>& CoordinateNodes) |
For a standard nodal pyramidal finite element, this method gives you local numbers of the pyramid as they should be ordered :
- Dofs on vertices of the element
- Dofs on edges of the element
- Dofs on faces of the element
- Dofs inside the element
NumNodes and CoordinatesNodes allows you to switch from a 3-index notation (i1, i2, i3) to a 1-index notation i, as shown in the example below :
Example :
int r = 4; Array3D<int> NumNodes; Matrix<int> CoordinateNodes; MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::ConstructPyramidalNumbering(r, NumNodes, CoordinateNodes); // you may want to loop over x-coordinate, y-coordinate and z-coordinate for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= r; i1++) for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= r; i2++) for (int i3 = 0; i3 <= r-max(i1, i2); i3++) { // then retrieve the number associated with position (i1, i2, i3) int node = NumNodes(i1, i2, i3); } // you may want to loop over nodes for (int i = 0; i < (r+1)*(r+2)*(2*r+3)/6; i++) { // and retrieve x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate of this node int i1 = CoordinateNodes(i, 0); int i2 = CoordinateNodes(i, 1); int i3 = CoordinateNodes(i, 2); }
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void ConstructPrismaticNumbering(int r, Array3D<int>& NumNodes, Matrix<int>& CoordinateNodes) |
For a standard nodal prismatic finite element, this method gives you local numbers of the prism as they should be ordered :
- Dofs on vertices of the element
- Dofs on edges of the element
- Dofs on faces of the element
- Dofs inside the element
NumNodes and CoordinatesNodes allows you to switch from a 3-index notation (i1, i2, i3) to a 1-index notation i, as shown in the example below :
Example :
int r = 4; Array3D<int> NumNodes; Matrix<int> CoordinateNodes; MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::ConstructPrismaticNumbering(r, NumNodes, CoordinateNodes); // you may want to loop over x-coordinate, y-coordinate and z-coordinate for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= r; i1++) for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= r-i1; i2++) for (int i3 = 0; i3 <= r; i3++) { // then retrieve the number associated with position (i1, i2, i3) int node = NumNodes(i1, i2, i3); } // you may want to loop over nodes for (int i = 0; i < (r+1)*(r+2)*(r+1)/2; i++) { // and retrieve x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate of this node int i1 = CoordinateNodes(i, 0); int i2 = CoordinateNodes(i, 1); int i3 = CoordinateNodes(i, 2); }
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void ConstructHexahedralNumbering(int r, Array3D<int>& NumNodes, Matrix<int>& CoordinateNodes) |
For a standard nodal hexahedral finite element, this method gives you local numbers of the prism as they should be ordered :
- Dofs on vertices of the element
- Dofs on edges of the element
- Dofs on faces of the element
- Dofs inside the element
NumNodes and CoordinatesNodes allows you to switch from a 3-index notation (i1, i2, i3) to a 1-index notation i, as shown in the example below :
Example :
int r = 4; Array3D<int> NumNodes; Matrix<int> CoordinateNodes; MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::ConstructHexahedralNumbering(r, NumNodes, CoordinateNodes); // you may want to loop over x-coordinate, y-coordinate and z-coordinate for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= r; i1++) for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= r; i2++) for (int i3 = 0; i3 <= r; i3++) { // then retrieve the number associated with position (i1, i2, i3) int node = NumNodes(i1, i2, i3); } // you may want to loop over nodes for (int i = 0; i < (r+1)*(r+1)*(r+1); i++) { // and retrieve x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate of this node int i1 = CoordinateNodes(i, 0); int i2 = CoordinateNodes(i, 1); int i3 = CoordinateNodes(i, 2); }
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void GetRotationTriangularFace(const Matrix<int>& NumNodes, Matrix<int>& RotationNodes) |
void GetRotationTriangularFace(const VectR2& Points, Matrix<int>& RotationNodes) |
This method computes the nodal numbers on a triangular face after rotation/symmetry of this face. The six different transformations are given in the explanation of the method GetRotationFaceDof. In the first syntax, the nodal numbers are computed from the tensorial numbering (i1, i2). In the second syntax, the nodal numbers are computed from the position of the points on the unit triangle. Of course, we assume that these points are symmetric, such that the set of points remains unchanged when the triangle is symmetrized and/or rotated, only the numbering changes.
Example :
// we define points on the unit triangle VectR2 points(6); points(0).Init(0, 0); points(1).Init(1, 0); points(2).Init(0, 1); points(3).Init(0.5, 0); points(4).Init(0, 0.5); points(5).Init(0.5, 0.5); // we want to know the numbering of these points after rotation and/or symmetry of the triangle // for example the point 1 becomes the point 2 with a symmetry Matrix<int> FaceRot; MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::GetRotationTriangularFace(points, FaceRot); IVect col; GetCol(FaceRot, 1, col); cout << "New numbers of points after rotation 1 = " << col << endl; IVect col; GetCol(FaceRot, 2, col); cout << "New numbers of points after rotation 2 = " << col << endl;
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void GetRotationQuadrilateralFace(const Matrix<int>& NumNodes, Matrix<int>& RotationNodes) |
void GetRotationQuadrilateralFace(const VectR2& Points, Matrix<int>& RotationNodes) |
This method computes the nodal numbers on a quadrangular face after rotation/symmetry of this face. The eight different transformations are given in the explanation of the method GetRotationFaceDof. In the first syntax, the nodal numbers are computed from the tensorial numbering (i1, i2). In the second syntax, the nodal numbers are computed from the position of the points on the unit square. Of course, we assume that these points are symmetric/invariant by rotation, such that the set of points remains unchanged when the quadrangle is symmetrized and/or rotated, only the numbering changes.
Example :
// we define points on the unit square VectR2 points(9); points(0).Init(0, 0); points(1).Init(1, 0); points(2).Init(0, 1); points(3).Init(1, 1); points(4).Init(0.5, 0); points(5).Init(0, 0.5); points(6).Init(0.5, 0.5); points(7).Init(1.0, 0.5); points(8).Init(0.5, 1.0); // we want to know the numbering of these points after rotation and/or symmetry of the quadrangle Matrix<int> FaceRot; MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::GetRotationQuadrilateralFace(points, FaceRot); IVect col; GetCol(FaceRot, 1, col); cout << "New numbers of points after rotation 1 = " << col << endl; IVect col; GetCol(FaceRot, 2, col); cout << "New numbers of points after rotation 2 = " << col << endl;
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const VectR2& GetReferenceQuadrature(int type, int order) |
This method returns the quadrature points to use for the unit triangle or unit square.
- type
- type of element (0: triangle, 1: quadrangle)
- order
- order of approximation
Example :
// assuming that you constructed a mesh numbering MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // you can retrieve the quadrature points for the unit triangle int order = 3; // order present in the mesh VectR2 pts_tri = mesh_num.GetReferenceQuadrature(0, order); // and unit square VectR2 points = mesh_num.GetReferenceQuadrature(1, order);
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void SetOrderElement(int i, int r) |
This method sets the order of approximation for an element of the mesh. If the mesh was previously specified with a constant order, it will be switched to a variable order, so that you can manually attribute an order to each element of the mesh.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("toto.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // attributing orders to each element for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) { int r = 3; if (i%2 == 1) r = 4; mesh_num.SetOrderElement(i, r); } // and on edges for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbEdges(); i++) { int r = 1; for (int k = 0; k < mesh.GetEdge(i).GetNbElements(); k++) { int ne = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(k); r = max(r, mesh.GetOrderElement(ne)); } mesh_num.SetOrderEdge(i, r); } // and on faces for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) { int r = 1; for (int k = 0; k < mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbElements(); k++) { int ne = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(k); r = max(r, mesh.GetOrderElement(ne)); } mesh_num.SetOrderFace(i, r); } // setting the number of dofs for the orders computed mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, 3); mesh_num.number_map.SetOrder(mesh, 4); // and numbering mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // the orders are written on a mesh mesh.WriteOrder("order.mesh", mesh_num);
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void TreatPeriodicCondition() |
This method finds periodic dofs, it is called in method NumberMesh, so you should not call that method in regular use.
Example :
Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; // reading the mesh mesh.Read("exemple.mesh"); MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); // if you want to treat periodic condition apart mesh_num.treat_periodic_condition_during_number = false; mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // then you compute the periodic dofs mesh_num.TreatPeriodicCondition();
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int GetRotationFace(int way1, int way2, int nv) |
This method will return 0 if way1 and way2 are equal (faces with same orientation), and a rotation number if the orientation differ (see GetRotationFaceDof for the different numbers).
- way1
- orientation of first edge
- way2
- orientation of second edge
- nv
- number of vertices (unused)
Example :
MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) if (mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbElements() == 2) { int n1 = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(0); int n2 = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(1); int pos1 = mesh.Element(n1).GetPositionBoundary(i); int pos2 = mesh.Element(n2).GetPositionBoundary(i); int way1 = mesh.Element(n1).GetOrientationBoundary(pos1); int way2 = mesh.Element(n2).GetOrientationBoundary(pos2); int rot = mesh_num.GetRotationFace(way1, way2, mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbVertices()); }
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int GetOppositeRotationFace(int rot, Face<Dimension3>& f) |
This method will return the reciprocal rotation of the rotation rot. It gives the rotation number that transforms f2 to f1, knowing that f1 is transformed into f2 with rotation rot.
Example :
MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbBoundary(); i++) if (mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbElements() == 2) { int n1 = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(0); int n2 = mesh.Boundary(i).numElement(1); int pos1 = mesh.Element(n1).GetPositionBoundary(i); int pos2 = mesh.Element(n2).GetPositionBoundary(i); int way1 = mesh.Element(n1).GetOrientationBoundary(pos1); int way2 = mesh.Element(n2).GetOrientationBoundary(pos2); int rot = mesh.GetRotationFace(way1, way2, mesh.Boundary(i).GetNbVertices()); // opposite orientation int rot2 = mesh_num.GetOppositeOrientationFace(rot, mesh.Boundary(i)); }
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GetLocalVertexBoundary, GetVertexNumberOfFace
int GetLocalVertexBoundary(int type, int num_loc, int num_loc_vertex) |
int GetVertexNumberOfFace(int type, int num_loc, int num_loc_vertex) |
These two methods are identic and return the vertex number (in the reference element) of a vertex of a face.
- type
- type of element (0: tetra, 1: pyramid, 2: prism, 3: hexa)
- num_loc
- local face number
- num_loc_vertex
- local number of the vertex in the face (0, 1, 2 or 3)
Example :
// for example, you want to know the first vertex of the third face of the unit cube int num = MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::GetLocalVertexBoundary(3, 2, 0);
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int GetEdgeNumberOfFace(int type, int num_loc, int num_edge_loc) |
This method returns the edge number (in the reference element) of an edge of a face.
- type
- type of element (0: tetra, 1: pyramid, 2: prism, 3: hexa)
- num_loc
- local face number
- num_edge_loc
- local number of the edge in the face (0, 1, 2 or 3)
Example :
// for example, you want to know the first edge of the third face of the unit cube int num = MeshNumbering<Dimension3>::GetEdgeNumberOfFace(3, 2, 0);
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void SendMeshToProcessor | (Mesh<Dimension3>& glob_mesh, MeshNumbering<Dimension3>& glob_mesh_num, |
IVect& NumElement, IVect& Epart, IVect& NumLoc, Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, | |
int proc, MPI_Comm comm, ParamParallelMesh<Dimension3>& param, int tag) |
This method sends a mesh (and its numbering) to another processor. It is intended for parallel computation where an initial global mesh is split into sub-meshes (each sub-mesh being treated on a processor).
- glob_mesh (in)
- global mesh
- glob_mesh_num (in)
- global mesh numbering
- NumElement (in)
- extracted element numbers
- Epart (in)
- Epart(i) stores the processor number for the element i
- NumLoc (in)
- NumLoc(i) stores the local element number for the element i
- mesh (in)
- extracted mesh to send
- proc (in)
- processor number
- comm (in)
- MPI communicator
- param (inout)
- additional parameters
- tag (optional)
- tag number used in MPI communications
Example :
int nb_proc = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size(); Vector<IVect> NeighboringConnectivity, SharedDofs; IVect ProcSharedDofs; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) { // root processors constructs a global mesh Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // the initial mesh is split, for example with Metis IVect weight_elt(mesh.GetNbElt()); weight_elt.Fill(1); Vector<IVect> NumElement_Subdomain; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > mesh_subdomain; mesh.SplitMetis(nb_proc, weight_elt, NumElement_Subdomain, mesh_subdomain, 0, false); // filling arrays Epart and NumLoc IVect Epart(mesh.GetNbElt()); IVect NumLoc(mesh.GetNbElt()); for (int i = 0; i < NumElement_Subdomain.GetM(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < NumElement_Subdomain(i).GetM(); j++) { int ne = NumElement_Subdomain(i)(j); Epart(ne) = i; NumLoc(ne) = j; } // assuming that you constructed a global mesh numbering MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // periodic references are updated (if present) mesh.UpdatePeriodicReferenceSplit(Epart, NumLoc, mesh_subdomain); // broadcasting the global number of dofs int nodl_mesh = mesh_num.GetNbDof(); MPI_Bcast(&nodl_mesh, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // class storing various parameters ParamParallelMesh<Dimension3> param; IVect& MinimalProc = param.MinimalProc; param.dg_form = ElementReference_Base::CONTINUOUS; param.nodl_mesh = nodl_mesh; // MinimalProc(i) is the minimal proc number of the dof i MinimalProc.Reallocate(nodl_mesh); MinimalProc.Fill(nb_proc+1); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < mesh_num.Element(i).GetNbDof(); j++) { int num_dof = mesh_num.Element(i).GetNumberDof(j); if (num_dof >= 0) MinimalProc(num_dof) = min(MinimalProc(num_dof), Epart(i)+1); } // for the root processor, the mesh is initialized Mesh<Dimension3> mesh_root, sub_mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_root_num(mesh_root); mesh_root.CopyInputData(mesh); mesh_root_num.SetOrder(mesh_num.GetOrder()); mesh_root_num.compute_dof_pml = mesh_num.compute_dof_pml; // loop over sub-meshes for (int i = 0; i < nb_proc; i++) { SendMeshToProcessor(mesh, mesh_num, NumElement_Subdomain(i), Epart, NumLoc, mesh_subdomain(i), i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, param); if (i == 0) { mesh_root_num.number_map = mesh_num.number_map; RecvMeshFromProcessor(mesh_root, mesh_root_num, NeighboringConnectivity, ProcSharedDofs, SharedDofs, param, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } // you can clear the global mesh mesh.Clear(); mesh_num.Clear(); // for the root processor, we copy mesh_root mesh = mesh_root; mesh_num = mesh_root_num; } else { // retrieving the global number of dofs int nodl_mesh; MPI_Bcast(&nodl_mesh, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); ParamParallelMesh<Dimension3> param; param.nodl_mesh = nodl_mesh; param.dg_form = ElementReference_Base::CONTINUOUS;; // receiving the mesh associated with the processor mesh.ClearPeriodicCondition(); RecvMeshFromProcessor(mesh, mesh_num, NeighboringConnectivity, ProcSharedDofs, SharedDofs, param, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); }
Location :
void RecvMeshToProcessor | (Mesh<Dimension3>& mesh, MeshNumbering<Dimension3>& mesh_num, |
Vector<IVect>& ConnecEdge, IVect& ProcSharedDofs, Vector<IVect>& SharedDofs, | |
ParamParallelMesh<Dimension3>& param, int proc, MPI_Comm comm,int tag) |
This method receives a mesh (and its numbering) from another processor. It is intended for parallel computation where an initial global mesh is split into sub-meshes (each sub-mesh being treated on a processor). ConnecEdge stores various informations about neighboring elements (located on another processor). ProcSharedDofs lists all processors that share degrees of freedom with the current processor. SharedDofs(i) is the list of degrees of freedom that are shared with the processor ProcSharedDofs(i). These arrays are useful if you want to assemble a distributed matrix.
- mesh (out)
- received mesh
- mesh_num (out)
- received mesh numbering
- ConnecEdge (out)
- informations about neighbor elements
- ProcSharedDofs (out)
- processors that share dofs with current processor
- SharedDofs (out)
- list of degrees of freedom shared with the processor ProcSharedDofs(i)
- param (out)
- class storing arrays used for MPI communications
- proc (in)
- processor number
- comm (in)
- MPI communicator
Example :
int nb_proc = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size(); Vector<IVect> NeighboringConnectivity, SharedDofs; IVect ProcSharedDofs; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) { // root processors constructs a global mesh Mesh<Dimension3> mesh; mesh.Read("test.mesh"); // the initial mesh is split, for example with Metis IVect weight_elt(mesh.GetNbElt()); weight_elt.Fill(1); Vector<IVect> NumElement_Subdomain; Vector<Mesh<Dimension3> > mesh_subdomain; mesh.SplitMetis(nb_proc, weight_elt, NumElement_Subdomain, mesh_subdomain, 0, false); // filling arrays Epart and NumLoc IVect Epart(mesh.GetNbElt()); IVect NumLoc(mesh.GetNbElt()); for (int i = 0; i < NumElement_Subdomain.GetM(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < NumElement_Subdomain(i).GetM(); j++) { int ne = NumElement_Subdomain(i)(j); Epart(ne) = i; NumLoc(ne) = j; } // assuming that you constructed a global mesh numbering MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_num(mesh); mesh_num.NumberMesh(); // periodic references are updated (if present) mesh.UpdatePeriodicReferenceSplit(Epart, NumLoc, mesh_subdomain); // broadcasting the global number of dofs int nodl_mesh = mesh_num.GetNbDof(); MPI_Bcast(&nodl_mesh, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // class storing various parameters ParamParallelMesh<Dimension3> param; IVect& MinimalProc = param.MinimalProc; param.dg_form = ElementReference_Base::CONTINUOUS; param.nodl_mesh = nodl_mesh; // MinimalProc(i) is the minimal proc number of the dof i MinimalProc.Reallocate(nodl_mesh); MinimalProc.Fill(nb_proc+1); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNbElt(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < mesh_num.Element(i).GetNbDof(); j++) { int num_dof = mesh_num.Element(i).GetNumberDof(j); if (num_dof >= 0) MinimalProc(num_dof) = min(MinimalProc(num_dof), Epart(i)+1); } // for the root processor, the mesh is initialized Mesh<Dimension3> mesh_root, sub_mesh; MeshNumbering<Dimension3> mesh_root_num(mesh_root); mesh_root.CopyInputData(mesh); mesh_root_num.SetOrder(mesh_num.GetOrder()); mesh_root_num.compute_dof_pml = mesh_num.compute_dof_pml; // loop over sub-meshes for (int i = 0; i < nb_proc; i++) { SendMeshToProcessor(mesh, mesh_num, NumElement_Subdomain(i), Epart, NumLoc, mesh_subdomain(i), i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, param); if (i == 0) { mesh_root_num.number_map = mesh_num.number_map; RecvMeshFromProcessor(mesh_root, mesh_root_num, NeighboringConnectivity, ProcSharedDofs, SharedDofs, param, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } // you can clear the global mesh mesh.Clear(); mesh_num.Clear(); // for the root processor, we copy mesh_root mesh = mesh_root; mesh_num = mesh_root_num; } else { // retrieving the global number of dofs int nodl_mesh; MPI_Bcast(&nodl_mesh, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); ParamParallelMesh3<Dimension> param; param.nodl_mesh = nodl_mesh; param.dg_form = ElementReference_Base::CONTINUOUS;; // receiving the mesh associated with the processor mesh.ClearPeriodicCondition(); RecvMeshFromProcessor(mesh, mesh_num, NeighboringConnectivity, ProcSharedDofs, SharedDofs, param, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); }