MPI functions
In this page, the interface with MPI is detailed. This interface has been written in order to call the same functions for transferring a vector of integers, doubles, complex doubles, or multiple precision numbers.
GetMpiDataType | returns the MPI type of the data |
GetRatioMpiDataType | returns the ratio to use to transfer the data |
MpiIsend | calls MPI_Isend (non-blocking transfer) |
MpiIrecv | calls MPI_Irecv (non-blocking transfer) |
MpiCompleteIrecv | completes a transfer after MPI_Irecv and MPI_Wait |
MpiSsend | calls MPI_Ssend (synchronous transfer) |
MpiSend | calls MPI_Send (asynchronous transfer) |
MpiGather | calls MPI_Gather |
MpiAllreduce | calls MPI_Allreduce |
MpiReduce | calls MPI_Reduce |
MpiRecv | calls MPI_Recv |
MpiBcast | calls MPI_Bcast |
MPI_Bcast_string | casts a string to other processors |
Syntax :
MPI_Datatype GetMpiDataType(Vector<T>&) MPI_Datatype GetMpiDataType(T&)
This function returns the MPI data type associated with the class T (eg. MPI_DOUBLE for T=double, MPI_INTEGER for T=int). The implemented types are bool, int, float, double, long double, __float128, complex<float>, complex<double<, complex<long double> and complex<__float128>. Usually this function should not be used since MpiSend, MpiRecv, etc are already handling any type T thanks to this function GetMpiDataType.
Example :
// data to send Vector<complex<double> > x; // this function can be used if you want to overload a MPI routine // in MpiSend, we call it : int target = 2, tag = 33; MPI_Send(x.GetData(), x.GetM()*GetRatioMpiDataType(x), GetMpiDataType(x), target, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Location :
Syntax :
int GetRatioMpiDataType(Vector<T>&) int GetRatioMpiDataType(T&)
This function returns the number of elements of the type returned by GetMpiDataType that compose the type T. This function is used to handle transfer with complex numbers. A complex number is made of two real numbers, GetMpiDataType for T=complex<double> will return MPI_DOUBLE and GetRatioMpiDataType will return 2. Usually this function should not be used since MpiSend, MpiRecv, etc are already handling any type T thanks to this function GetRatioMpiDataType.
Example :
// data to send Vector<complex<double> > x; // this function can be used if you want to overload a MPI routine // sending 10 complex values is equivalent to send 20 real values // x.GetM() is multiplied by GetRatioMpiDataType // in MpiSend, we call it : int target = 2, tag = 33; MPI_Send(x.GetData(), x.GetM()*GetRatioMpiDataType(x), GetMpiDataType(x), target, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Location :
Syntax :
MPI_Request MpiIsend(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag); MPI_Request MpiIsend(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag);
This function sends the data x (n is the number of values to send) to the processor proc. This operation is performed by calling MPI_Isend, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers. The function returns a MPI request.
Example :
// data to send from proc 0 to proc 2 Vector<complex<double> > x(10); // we want to send x to processor 2 Vector<int64_t> xtmp; MPI_Request request; int tag = 23; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) request = MpiIsend(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 2, tag); else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) request = MpiIrecv(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 0, tag); // transfer is completed MPI_Status status; MPI_Wait(&request, &status); // for multiple precision number MpiCompleteIrecv is mandatory // it is useless for other types if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) MpiCompleteIrecv(x, xtmp, x.GetM());
Location :
Syntax :
MPI_Request MpiIrecv(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag); MPI_Request MpiIrecv(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag);
This function receives the data x (n is the number of values to receive) to the processor proc. This operation is performed by calling MPI_Isend, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers. The vector x must be allocated with a size sufficiently large to store the received values. The function returns a MPI request.
Example :
// data to send from proc 0 to proc 2 Vector<complex<double> > x(10); // we want to send x to processor 2 Vector<int64_t> xtmp; MPI_Request request; int tag = 23; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) request = MpiIsend(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 2, tag); else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) request = MpiIrecv(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 0, tag); // transfer is completed MPI_Status status; MPI_Wait(&request, &status); // for multiple precision number MpiCompleteIrecv is mandatory // it is useless for other types if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) MpiCompleteIrecv(x, xtmp, x.GetM());
Location :
Syntax :
void MpiCompleteIrecv(T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n); void MpiCompleteIrecv(Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n);
This function completes the receiving operation (initiated with MpiIrecv). n is the number of values to receive, x the received data. xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers. This function is actually only needed for transfer of multiple precision numbers.
Example :
// data to send from proc 0 to proc 2 Vector<Complex_wp> x(10); // we want to send x to processor 2 Vector<int64_t> xtmp; MPI_Request request; int tag = 23; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) request = MpiIsend(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 2, tag); else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) request = MpiIrecv(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 0, tag); // transfer is completed MPI_Status status; MPI_Wait(&request, &status); // for multiple precision number MpiCompleteIrecv is mandatory // it is useless for other types if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) MpiCompleteIrecv(x, xtmp, x.GetM());
Location :
Syntax :
void MpiSsend(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag); void MpiSsend(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag);
This function sends the data x (n is the number of values to send) to the processor proc. This operation is performed by calling MPI_Ssend, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers.
Example :
// data to send from proc 0 to proc 2 Vector<complex<double> > x(10); // we want to send x to processor 2 Vector<int64_t> xtmp; int tag = 23; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) MpiSsend(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 2, tag); else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) MpiRecv(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 0, tag);
Location :
Syntax :
void MpiSend(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag); void MpiSend(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag);
This function sends the data x (n is the number of values to send) to the processor proc. This operation is performed by calling MPI_Send, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers.
Example :
// data to send from proc 0 to proc 2 Vector<complex<double> > x(10); // we want to send x to processor 2 Vector<int64_t> xtmp; int tag = 23; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) MpiSend(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 2, tag); else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) MpiRecv(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 0, tag);
Location :
Syntax :
void MpiRecv(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag, MPI::Status&); void MpiRecv(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc, int tag, MPI::Status&);
This function receives the data x (n is the number of values to receive) from the processor proc. This operation is performed by calling MPI_Recv, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers. x must be allocated with a size large enough to contain received values.
Example :
// data to send from proc 0 to proc 2 Vector<complex<double> > x(10); // we want to send x to processor 2 Vector<int64_t> xtmp; int tag = 23; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) MpiSsend(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 2, tag); else if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) MpiRecv(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 0, tag);
Location :
Syntax :
void MpiGather(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, T* y, int n, int proc); void MpiGather(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, Vector<T>& y, int n, int proc);
This function gathers the data contained in x (n is the number of values of x to be sent), the result is placed on y for the processor proc. This operation is performed by calling MPI_Gather, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers. y must be allocated on the processor proc with a size large enough to contain received values.
Example :
// data to gather Vector<complex<double> > x(10); Vector<complex<double> > y; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) y.Reallocate(10*MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size()); // we want to gather the vectors x (for each processor) in the vector y for processor 2 Vector<int64_t> xtmp; MpiGather(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, y, x.GetM(), 2); // you can display the result y = (x0, x1, x2, ..., x_{N-1}) where N is the number of processors in the communicator if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) DISP(y);
Location :
Syntax :
void MpiReduce(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, T* y, int n, MPI_Op, int proc); void MpiReduce(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, Vector<T>& y, int n, MPI_Op, int proc);
This function reduces the data contained in x (n is the number of values of x to be reduced), the result is placed on y for the processor proc. This operation is performed by calling MPI_Reduce, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers. y must be allocated on the processor proc with a size large enough to contain received values.
Example :
// data to reduce Vector<complex<double> > x(10); Vector<complex<double> > y; if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) y.Reallocate(10); // we want to reduce the vectors x (for each processor) in the vector y for processor 2 Vector<int64_t> xtmp; MpiReduce(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, y, x.GetM(), MPI_SUM, 2); // you can display the result y = x0 + x1 + x2+ ... + x_{N-1}) // where N is the number of processors in the communicator // here we have a sum since MPI::SUM has been selected as the reduction operator if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) DISP(y);
Location :
Syntax :
void MpiAllreduce(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, T* y, int n, MPI_Op); void MpiAllreduce(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, Vector<T>& y, int n, MPI_Op);
This function reduces the data contained in x (n is the number of values of x to be reduced) and broadcasts the result in y for all processors of the communicator. This operation is performed by calling MPI_Allreduce, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers. y must be allocated with a size large enough to contain received values.
Example :
// data to reduce Vector<complex<double> > x(10); Vector<complex<double> > y(10); // we want to reduce the vectors x (for each processor) in the vector y Vector<int64_t> xtmp; MpiAllreduce(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, y, x.GetM(), MPI_SUM); // you can display the result y = x0 + x1 + x2+ ... + x_{N-1}) // where N is the number of processors in the communicator // here we have a sum since MPI::SUM has been selected as the reduction operator DISP(y);
Location :
Syntax :
void MpiBcast(MPI_Comm, T* x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc); void MpiBcast(MPI_Comm, Vector<T>& x, Vector<int64_t>& xtmp, int n, int proc);
This function broadcasts the data contained in x (n is the number of values of x to be broadcasted). This operation is performed by calling MPI_Bcast, xtmp is needed for multiple precision numbers. x must be allocated on all the processors of the communicator with a size large enough to contain received values.
Example :
// data to broadcast Vector<complex<double> > x(10); if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 2) x.FillRand(); // we want to broadcast the vector x to all the processors Vector<int64_t> xtmp; MpiBcast(MPI_COMM_WORLD, x, xtmp, x.GetM(), 2);
Location :
Syntax :
void MPI_Bcast_string(string& s, int root, const MPI_Comm& comm);
This function broadcasts the string s from the root processor to all processors of the communicator comm.
Example :
string s; // s is constructed only on a given processor if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0) s = "toto"; // then s can be broadcasted to other processors of the communicator MPI_Bcast_string(s, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);