Research Interests
Computational Fluid Dynamics
High order numerical scheme with compact stencil
Unstructured meshes and mesh adaptation to improve accuracy
Immersed Boundary Method : penalization using a level-set description of the geometries; Direct forcing using ghost cells; Shifted Boundary Method
High Performance Computing
Multi-scale and Multi-physics simulations; Fluid Solid Interactions
Uncertainty Quantification; Data-driven calibration
Porous media: variably satured porous media with or without tidal forcing; Finite elements method; Richards equation; Seepage face; Obstacle-type of model;
Water table ground interaction; coupling with advection-diffusion-reaction equations; Comparison with experimental data from the Truc-Vert beach
Inflight icing/deicing: Penalization; Vortex In Cell schemes; Stabilized Finite elements method; Residual Distribution Schemes; Shifted Boundary Methods;
Turbulence modeling (RANS, DDES, LES); Wall model; Modeling of phase change (Stefan problem); Shed ice trajectories; Complex industrial geometries
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches: "Contributions à la simulation numérique des
écoulements fluides : exemples en milieu poreux et en aéronautique", Université
de Bordeaux, 2016
Ph. D. Thesis: "A PDE-based 3D Approach to In-Flight Ice Accretion", McGill University, Montreal, Canada,
ESM2 Engineering school now École Centrale, Marseille, 1995-1998
Academic experience
2023- : Professor, Institut Polytechnique de
2023- : Professor, IMB UMR 5251, Bordeaux University
2009-2023: Associate Professor, Institut Polytechnique de
2004-2023: Associate Professor, IMB UMR 5251, Bordeaux University
2003-2004: Post-doctoral position at CERMICS, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussée, Paris
2000-2003: PhD McGill University, Montreal, Canada
1999-2000: Research Engineer at Newmerical Technology NTI Int., Montreal, Canada
2021-2024: European project EuroHPC eFlows4HPC
2019- : Collaboration with ONERA , PROVE Research Chair since 2022
2019- : Collaboration with CAE Cesta
2018-2021: European project H2020 ExaQUte
2018-2021: Projet région with EXOES
2013-2017: European project FP7 STORM
2009-2012: ANR CARPEiNTER
2008-2011: DESGIVRE, Industrial contract with Airbus France
2006-2009: ANR PROTIDAL
2006-2009: ANR COBORD
2006-2010: GdR MOMAS
2003-2004: ARC DYNAS
Scientific and collective responsibilities
In charge of the Bordeaux Work Package of STORM European project 2013-2017
Creation and responsability of the High Performance Computing specialty at ENSEIRB-MATMECA,
compatible with the master of research in mathematics, University of Bordeaux, since 2014
Member of the scientific committee of IMB, since 2022
Elected member of the board of the doctoral school of mathematics and computer science, Bordeaux University, since 2022
Member of the Inria committee for PhD and Post-doctoral scholarships, since 2019
- Organization of the INRIA hpcschool , 4-8 November 2019
- In charge of the participation of ENSEIRB-MATMECA to the HPC Hackathon organized by GENCI, December 2018
Elected member of the board school of Bordeaux INP 2017-2021
Visiting lecturer, course on parallel computing at École de Technologie Supérieure de Montréal, Canada in 2016
Elected member of the ENSEIRB-MATMECA research committee 2015-2021
Member of the Inria committee for technological developments since 2015
Member of the PLAFRIM (Parallel cluster) working group since 2014
Elected member of the UFR mathematics and informatics 2008-2012, University of Bordeaux
Editorial responsability: Reviewer for IJNMF, IJMSE, JCP, CAF, IJCFD, FINEL, Journal of Aircraft, AIAA Journal, Journal of Hydraulic Research
Reviewer for the ANR since 2010
December 2024, PhD jury, Thomas Vigier, CEA Cesta, Bordeaux University
December 2024, PhD jury,PhD reviewer, Ludovic Taguema, ONERA, ISAE Toulouse
December 2024, PhD jury,PhD reviewer, Lucas Ménez, ENSMA Poitiers
December 2024, PhD jury,jury chair, Alexis Dorange, ONERA Chatillon, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
November 2024, PhD jury,jury chair, Benoit Cossart, CEA Cesta, Bordeaux University
October 2024, PhD jury,PhD reviewer, claire Roche, CEA DAM, Paris-Saclay University
December 2023, PhD jury,PhD reviewer, Maxime Stuck, ONERA/CEA Cesta, ISAE-SUPAERO Toulouse
December 2023, HDR jury, Emmanuel Radenac, ONERA, Toulouse
July 2023, PhD jury, PhD reviewer, Pierre Bénez, CORIA, INSA de Rouen Normandie
December 2022, PhD jury, PhD reviewer, Rémi Harry, ONERA, ISAE-SUPAERO Toulouse
November 2022, PhD jury, Agnès Chan, CEA Cesta, Bordeaux University
September 2022, PhD jury, PhD reviewer,Francesac Basile, Sorbonne University
December 2021, PhD jury, PhD reviewer,Yann Marchenay, ONERA/CEA, ISAE-SUPAERO Toulouse
November 2021, PhD jury, Lucas Manueco, ONERA Meudon, Sorbonne University
September 2020, PhD jury, PhD reviewer,Lucie Quibel, IRMA, Strasbourg University
January 2020, PhD jury, PhD reviewer, Ali Al-Kebsi, ICUBE, Strasbourg University
December 2019, PhD jury, Guillaume Jeanmasson , IMB, ONERA Châtillon, Paris
November 2019, PhD jury, PhD reviewer, Quentin Carmouze, Côte d'Azur University
September 2019, HDR jury, Pierre Trontin, ONERA Toulouse
June 2019, PhD jury, Iñigo Bidaguren, BCAM, Bilbao, Espagne
December 2018, PhD reviewer, François Delassaux, CNAM, Paris
December 2018, HDR jury, Lisl Weynans, IMB, Bordeaux
October 2018, PhD jury, Baptiste Lambert, IMB, Bordeaux
March 2018, PhD jury, Imanol Garcia de Beristain, BCAM, Bilbao, Espagne
January 2018, PhD reviewer, Ilias Petropoulos, ENSAM ONERA Paris
December 2017, PhD reviewer, Charlotte Bayeux, ONERA Toulouse
November 2017, PhD jury, Simon Peluchon, CEA Cesta IMB, Bordeaux
November 2017, PhD reviewer, Emmanuelle Itam, Université de Montpellier
May 2016, PhD jury, Dorian Péna, Université de Strasbourg
Juky 2015, PhD jury, Chloé Mimeau, LJK Grenoble
December 2015, PhD jury, Rémi Chauvin, ONERA, ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse
Scientific collaborations