PhD Students
2023- , co-supervision of Alexis Cas, CEA, Development of models and numerical methods for the degradation of a pyrolysable material
2021-12/12/2024, co-supervision of Michele Romanelli, ONERA chaire PROVE, Deep learning-based wall models for aerdynamic simulations
2020-19/12/2023, co-supervision of Florent Nauleau, CEA, "Immersed boundary method applied to large eddy simulations of hypersonic reentry vehicles", Florent is a research engineer at CEA
2020-15/12/2023, co-supervision of Tiffanie Carlier, Bordeaux University, "Modeling of the unsteady Stefan Problem using the Shifted Boundary Method :
Application to de-icing systems", Tiffanie works in the Startup CLHYNN, France
2019-20/03/2023, co-supervision of Benjamin Constant, ONERA,"An improved immersed boundary method for the simulation of compressible turbulent flows
around complex geometries", Benjamin is a research engineer at ONERA
2018-28/03/2022, co-supervision of Elie Solaï, EXOES project, "Numerical Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification for Immersion Cooling of Lithium-Ion Batteries", Elie is a post-doc at Ensam, Paris
2013-2016, co-supervision of Léo Nouveau, STORM project, "Adaptative residual
based schemes for solving the penalized Navier Stokes equations with moving bodies. Application to ice shedding trajectories",
Léo was assistant professor at INSA Rennes now in detachment
2013-2016, co-supervision of Quentin Viville, LABEX CPU, "Construction d'une méthode hp-Adaptativepour les schémas
aux résidus distribués", Quentin is an engineer at Alstom Transport
2007-2010, co-supervision of Christelle Wervaecke, INRIA and DESGIVRE project, "Simulation d'écoulements turbulents compressibles paur une méthode
d'éléments finis stabilisés", Christelle is a research engineer at ONERA
2007-2010, co-supervision of Romain Chassagne, ANR PROTIDAL, "Modélisation des processus biogéochimiques dans les sédiments
variablement saturés soumis au forçage de la marée", Romain was a research associate at the Petroleum Institute, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom and is now a research associate at BRGM, France
International PhD Students
2018-28/03/2024, co-supervision of Kevin Ignatowicz,
ETS Montreal, Canada, numerical simulation of inflight deicing
2016-20/01/2021, co-supervision of Gitsuzo de Brito Siqueira Tagawa,
EST Montreal Canada, "CFD Investigation of Iced-Wing Performance Degradation Using DDES with the Spalart-Allmaras Extension to Consider Roughness Effects", Gitsuzo is an engineer at DevOps,
Post-doctoral students, research engineers
- 2022-2023, post-doc, Sourabh Bhat, EuroHPC eFlows4HPC project, Coupling Mesh Adaptation and Reduced Order Models
- 2018-2021, post-doc, Luca Cirrottola, ExaQUte project, Parallel remeshing with MMG, Luca is a research engineer at Inria
- 2018-2020, engineer, Benjamin Lux, INRIA, Developments in the AEROSOL Library to include research work of the CARDAMOM team
- 2019, post-doc, Gentien Marois, CEA, Continuation of his thesis work on the implementation of advanced models for the simulation of
interaction of fluid particles in the presence of a shock, Gentien Marois is a research engineer at CEA Cadarache
- 2012-2013, post-doc, Hubert Alcin, INRIA, Penalization methods fou unstructured adapted meshes,
Hubert Alcin is engineer at Capgemini
- 2011-2012, post-doc, Ramesh Yapalparvi, ANR CARPEiNTER, Reduced Order Models for ice shedding trajectories,
Ramesh Yalparpavi is engineer at ANSYS Inc.
- 2010-2011, post-doc, Sophie Laurens, ANR CARPEiNTER, Penalization and VIC schemes for bodies in motion,
Sophie Laurens is a research engineer at CERFACS