Andrew Obus/Stefan Wewers (Max Plank Institut/Leibniz Univ. Hannover): Cyclic extensions and the local lifting problem.
Matthieu Romagny (IMJ, Paris): Reduction of the group scheme of p-power roots of unity and its torsors.
Jakob Stix (Univ. Heidelberg): Arithmetic of fundamental groups.
Philippe Cassou-Noguès (IMB, Bordeaux): Cohomological invariants of quadratic forms.
Lars Halvard Halle (Univ. Oslo): The Néron component series of a degenerating family of abelian varieties.
Yuichiro Hoshi (RIMS, Kyoto): Conditional results on the birational section conjecture over small number fields.
Robin de Jong (Univ. Leiden): Local canonical heights for Galois covers of the projective line.
Emmanuel Lepage (IMJ, Paris): Resolution of non-singularities for Mumford curves.
Andrew Obus (Max Planck Institut, Bonn): Stable (and good) reduction of three-point covers.
Frans Oort (Univ. Utrecht): CM Jacobians. (abstract and more details.)
Florian Pop (Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadephia): Minimalistic birational p-adic section conjecture for varieties.
Florian Pop (second talk): The Oort conjecture on lifting covers of curves.
Akio Tamagawa (RIMS, Kyoto): Variation of fundamental groups of curves in positive characteristic.
Michael Temkin (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem): Stable modification of relative curves.
Kirsten Wickelgren (Harvard Univ., Cambridge): Massey products in Galois cohomology via rational points.
Olivier Wittenberg (ENS Ulm, Paris): Abelian birational sections.