Personal Information:
- Born on the 29th of February 1976 in Pontoise (France).
- Married, two children.
- Habilitation defended on the 3rd of December 2012.
The referees were:
and the jury was composed of:
- PhD thesis defended on the 22nd of June 2004 with the mention 'très honorable'. The jury was composed of:
- 2001, Agrégation de mathématiques (option modélisation).
- 1999, Master (DEA), analysis, modelisation and geometry, obtained at the University of Cergy-Pontoise with the mention 'bien'.
- Septembre 2010 - now, Maître de conférences at the Institut of Mathématiques of Bordeaux in the team of Analysis.
- October 2006 - August 2010, assistant professor in the team of Andreas Knauf at the Mathematisches Institut of Erlangen (Germany).
- October 2005 - September 2006, post-doctoral position
(European network Analysis and Quantum), in the team
of Jan Derezinski, at the Departement of Mathematical Methods in Physics in Warsaw (Poland).
- October 2004 - September 2005, post-doctoral position
(Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow), in the team
of Radu Purice, at the Institute of Mathematics "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest (Romania).
- October 2002 - August 2004, assistant professor (ATER) at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France).
- October 2000 - September 2002, assistant professor (Moniteur) at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France).
- September 1999 - September 2002, Allocataire de recherche at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France).
- French - native speaker, English - fluent, Polish - advanced, German - advanced, Romanian - beginner.
- Maple - very good level.
- Python - notions.