Dernière mise à jour
29 septembre 2007
O. Alvarez, P. Cardaliaguet, R. Monneau. Existence and
uniqueness for dislocation dynamics with nonnegative
velocity. Interfaces Free Bound.7 (2005), no. 4, pp.
N. Anantharaman. Entropy and the localization of
eigenfunctions, Annals of Math. A paraître 2007.
N. Anantharaman, S. Zelditch. Patterson--Sullivan
distributions and quantum ergodicity, Ann. I.H.P.
N. Anantharaman, R. Iturriaga, P. Padilla, H. Sanche.
Physical solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation,
Disc. Cont. Dyn. Syst. B 5 no. 3, 513-528.
N. Anantharaman. On the zero-temperature or vanishing
viscosity limit for Markov processes arising from
Lagrangian dynamics, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 6 no. 2, 207-276.
A. Baraviera, A. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen. A large deviation
principle for equilibrium states of Hölder potentials :
the zero temperature case. Stochastics and Dynamics,
Vol. 6 (2006), pp. 77-96.
N. Anantharaman. Counting geodesics which are optimal
in homology, Ergodic Theory Dyn. Syst., 23 no. 2, 353-388.
M.-C. Arnaud. Approximation des ensembles omega-limites
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M.-C. Arnaud, C. Bonatti et S. Crovisier. Dynamiques
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M.-C. Arnaud. Convergence of the semi-group of Lax-Oleinik:
a geometric point of view, Nonlinearity 18 (2005),
M.-C. Arnaud. Type des orbites périodiques des
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M.-C. Arnaud. Hyperbolic periodic orbits and Mather
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G. Barles, S. Biton. A Geometrical Approach to the Study
of Unbounded Solutions of Quasilinear Parabolic Equations.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 162:4 (2002), 287-325.
G. Barles, J.M. Roquejoffre. Large time behaviour of
fronts governed by eikonal equations. Interfaces
Free Boundaries, 5, no. 1, 83--102.
G. Barles, F. Da Lio. On the Boundary Ergodic Problem
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G. Barles, O. Ley. Nonlocal first-order Hamilton-Jacobi
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Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 31 (2006),
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G. Barles, J.M. Roquejoffre. Ergodic type problems
and large time behavior of solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi
Equations in an unbounded framework. Comm. Partial
Differential Equations 31, no. 7-9, 1209--1225.
G. Barles. Some Homogenization Results for Non-Coercive
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. A paraître dans Calculus of
Variations and Partial Differential Equations (2007).
P. Bernard. Hamiltonian systems: stability and
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P.Bernard, B. Buffoni. Optimal mass transportation
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P. Bernard. Symplectic aspects of Mather theory,
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P. Bernard, B. Buffoni.The Monge problem for
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P. Bernard. The asymptotic behaviour of solutions of
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T. Bousch, J.Mairesse. Asymptotic height optimization
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T. Bousch. Un lemme de Mané bilatéral, CRAS Paris Ser. I,
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T. Bousch, O.Jenkinson. Cohomology classes of dynamically
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L. Caffarelli, J.-M. Roquejoffre. Uniform Holder estimates
in singularly perturbed elliptic systems and applications
to models for diffusion flames. A paraître dans
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2007).
P. Cannarsa, P. Cardaliaguet. Perimeter estimates for
reachable sets of control systems. J. Convex Anal.
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P. Cardaliaguet, O. Ley. On some flows in shape
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A. Chenciner, A. Venturelli. Minima de l'intégrale
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A. Chenciner. Action minimizing periodic orbits in the
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A. Chenciner. Action minimizing solutions of the n-body
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A. Chenciner. Perverse solutions of the planar
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A. Chenciner, J. Féjoz, R. Montgomery, Rotating
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A. Chencincer, J. Féjoz , L' équation
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A. Chenciner, J. Féjoz. The flow of the equal-mass
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Y. Chitour, F. Jean, E. Trélat. Genericity results
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G. Contreras , A. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen. Lyapunov minimizing
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Erg. Th. Dyn. Sys., Vol. 21 (2001), pp. 1379-1409.
D. Cordero-Erausquin, B. Nazaret, C. Villani. A new approach
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Adv. Math. 182, 2 (2004), 307--332.
J.-M. Coron, E. Trélat. Global steady-state
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L. Desvillettes, C. Villani. On the trend to global
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the Boltzmann equation. Invent. Math. 159, 2
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J. Droniou, C. Imbert. Fractal first order partial
differential equations, Archive for Rational
Mechanics and Analysis, Vol 182, (2006), pp. 299-331
J. Droniou, C. Imbert, J. Vovelle. An error estimate
for the parabolic approximation of multidimensional
scalar conservation laws with boundary conditions,
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré - Analyse non
linéaire, Vol 21, (2004), pp. 689-714
A. Fathi, A. Siconolfi. Existence of C1 critical
subsolutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Invent.
Math, 155 (2004), pp. 363-388.
A. Fathi, A. Siconolfi. PDE aspects of Aubry-Mather
theory for quasiconvex Hamiltonians, Calc. Var.
Partial Differential Equations, 22 (2005) pp. 185-228.
A. Fathi. Weak KAM Theorem in Lagrangian Dynamics,
livre à paraître, Cambridge University Press
A. Fathi. Sard, Whitney, Assouad and Mather,
Oberwolfach Reports, 2 (2005) p.p. 1766-17667.
A. Fathi, E. Maderna. Weak KAM theorem on non compact
manifolds, à paraître NoDEA
J. Féjoz. Démonstration du "théorème
d'Arnold" sur la stabilité du système
planétaire (d'après M. Herman),
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 24:5 (2004) 1521-1582.
J. Féjoz. Global secular dynamics in the planar
three-body problem, Celest. Mech. and Dynam.
Astronom. 84 (2002), 159-195.
A. Figalli, C. Villani. Strong displacement convexity
on Riemannian manifolds, à paraître Math. Z.
E. Garibaldi et A. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen. On separating
sub-actions, 15 pages, soumis.
F. Hamel, R. Monneau, J.-M. Roquejoffre. Stability of
travelling waves in a model for conical flames in two
space dimensions. Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. 4:3, 469--506.
F. Hamel, R. Monneau, J.-M. Roquejoffre. Asymptotic
properties and classification of bistable fronts with
Lipschitz level sets. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 14 no.
1, 75--92.
C. Imbert, R. Monneau. Homogenization of first order
equations with u/epsilon-periodic Hamiltonians.
Part I: local equations, à paraître
Communications in
Partial Differential Equations.
C. Imbert. Convexity of solutions and C1,1 estimates
for fully nonlinear elliptic equations,, Journal de
Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées,
Vol 85, (2006), pp. 791-807
C. Imbert, J. Vovelle, A kinetic formulation for
multidimensional scalar conservation laws with boundary
conditions and applications, SIAM - Mathematical
Analysis, Vol 36, Issue 1 (2004), pp. 214-232
O. Ley. Lower-bound gradient estimates for first-order
Hamilton-Jacobi equations and applications to the
regularity of propagating fronts. Adv. Differential
Equations, 6:5 (2001), 547-576.
F. Da Lio, O. Ley. Uniqueness Results for Second Order
Bellman-Isaacs Equations under Quadratic Growth
Assumptions and Applications.SIAM J. Control Optim.,
45: (2006) : 74-106.
A. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen. Sub-actions for Anosov
diffeomorphisms, Proc. Geometric Methods in Dynamics,
Ed. W. de Melo, M. Viana, Astérisque et J.C.
Yoccoz, 287 (2003), pp. 115-146.
A. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen. Sub-actions for flows,
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical System, Vol. 25 (2005),
pp. 605-628
A. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen. Mather measures and the
Bowen-Series transformations, Ann. Inst.
Henri Poincaré, Analyse non linéaire, 23
(2006), 663—682.
A. Lopes, Ph. Thieullen. Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian and
eigenfunctions of the associated
Ruelle operator, 21 pages, soumis.
J. Lott, C. Villani. Ricci curvature for metric-measure
spaces via optimal transport, à paraître
Ann. of Math.
E. Maderna, A. Venturelli. Globally minimizing parabolic
motions in the Newtonian N-body Problem, (2007).
D. Massart. Normes stables des surfaces, C.R A.S. t. 324,
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D. Massart. Stable norms of surfaces: local structure of
the unit ball of rational directions Geom. Funct.
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D. Massart. On Aubry sets and Mather's action functional
Israel Journal of Mathematics 134, (2003) 157-171.
D. Massart. Subsolutions of time-periodic Hamilton-Jacobi
equations, à paraître à Ergodic
Theory and Dynamical systems 2007
D. Massart. Vertices of Mather's beta function, II
preprint 2007
L. Rifford, E. Trélat. Morse-Sard type results in
sub-Riemannian geometry, Math. Ann. 332, 1 (2005), 145–159.
L. Rifford. A propos des sphères sous-riemanniennes,
Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 13 (2006), 521-526.
L. Rifford. On the existence of local smooth repulsive
stabilizing feedbacks in dimension three, J.
Differential Equations 226 (2006), 429-500.
L. Rifford. Stratified semiconcave control-Lyapunov
functions and the stabilization problem, Ann. Inst.
H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire 22 (2005), no. 3, 343-384.
L. Rifford. A Morse-Sard theorem for the distance
function on Riemannian manifolds, Manuscripta Math.
113 (2004), 251-265.
S. Terracini, A. Venturelli. Symmetric trajectories for
the 2N-body problem with equal masses, à
paraître dans Archive for Rational Mechanics
and Analysis (2007).
E. Trélat. Global subanalytic solutions of
Hamilton-Jacobi type equations, Ann. Inst. H.
Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 23, 3 (2006),
E. Trélat. Contrôle optimal : théorie et
applications, Vuibert, Collection "Mathématiques
Concrètes" (2005), 246 pages. ISBN 2 7117 7175 X.
A. Venturelli. Une caractérisation variationnelle
des solutions de Lagrange du Problème plan des
trois corps, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 332,
Sèrie I, pp. 641-644, (2001).
A. Venturelli. A Variational proof of the existence of
Von Schubart orbit, soumis à Discrete and Continuous
Dynamical Systems, (2006).
C. Villani. Topics in Optimal Transportation, Graduate
Studies in Mathematics 58, American Mathematical Society,
Providence (2003).